Fighting Back! Trump Admin Blocks Ambassador From Appearing At House Impeachment Deposition


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
This is a good move. This is PDJT forcing the House to have a vote on a formal impeachment inquiry. They can not vote on contempt charges against the Ambassador without a formal subpoena, which they did not issue because they haven’t opened a formal inquiry. Can't wait to see Schiffs response.

Trump administration blocks ambassador from testifying in House impeachment deposition

Breaking... State Department Orders EU Ambassador NOT to Testify Before House Judiciary Committee
There just isn't a requirement to hold such a vote. Not in the House rules, not in the constitution.

This is stonewalling. Something innocent people need not do.
This is a good move. This is PDJT forcing the House to have a vote on a formal impeachment inquiry. They can not vote on contempt charges against the Ambassador without a formal subpoena, which they did not issue because they haven’t opened a formal inquiry. Can't wait to see Schiffs response.

Trump administration blocks ambassador from testifying in House impeachment deposition

Breaking... State Department Orders EU Ambassador NOT to Testify Before House Judiciary Committee
Schiff's response will be simple..that this action constitutes another impeachable element..that of Obstruction--and the beat will go on.

Gordon Sondland impeachment inquiry - Bing

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) said the decision to block Sondland’s appearance is “strong evidence” of obstruction of Congress, potentially another article of impeachment against Trump.

Speaking to reporters, Schiff said that the State Department not only blocked Sondland’s appearance but is preventing him from turning over text messages relevant to the impeachment inquiry.

“The failure to produce this witness, the failure to produce these documents we consider yet additional strong evidence of obstruction of the constitutional functions of Congress, a coequal branch of government,” Schiff said. “The president and secretary of state are taking actions that prevent us from getting the facts needed to protect the nation’s security.”

Schiff did not take questions from reporters."

Trump explains blocking the Ambassador testifying:

“I would love to send Ambassador Sondland, a really good man and great American, to testify, but unfortunately he would be testifying before a totally compromised kangaroo court, where Republican’s rights have been taken away, and true facts are not allowed out for the public to see,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday morning.

Trump defends blocking witness before 'kangaroo court'
This is a good move. This is PDJT forcing the House to have a vote on a formal impeachment inquiry. They can not vote on contempt charges against the Ambassador without a formal subpoena, which they did not issue because they haven’t opened a formal inquiry. Can't wait to see Schiffs response.

Trump administration blocks ambassador from testifying in House impeachment deposition

Breaking... State Department Orders EU Ambassador NOT to Testify Before House Judiciary Committee
Will this be the new normal? The result may be no more hearings like Benghazi or Hillary's emails. The result may also be that every President is automatically impeached on the day after their inauguration.
The man of Lawlessness, walks among us, and his name is Donald trump...

The President, believes he is King... and no laws, no investigations and no oversight can be done to any President, any part of the admin, and any of his relatives, and any person the president has spoken to prior to becoming president king, by their coequal branch of government.

Good-bye constitution and good-bye to our democratic republic! :eek:
Blocking the ambassador was the best thing to happen. It brings the unfairness of the Dem party's tactics into focus and forces a discussion about that unfairness so the American people can see it. Great move, Mr. President. Keep it up.
Good-bye constitution and good-bye to our democratic republic!
You're a little late on that. The Constitution was compromised in 2008 when Obama became POTUS. The Democrat/Communist Party has been pissing on in ever since. This is what's called "resisting tyranny". I know you lefties want absolute power to do whatever you want but we're not gonna just roll over for you. We didn't fight two world wars to stop tyrants only to submit to tyranny that has infiltrated our own government. Did you think we wouldn't fight back?
Good-bye constitution and good-bye to our democratic republic!
You're a little late on that. The Constitution was compromised in 2008 when Obama became POTUS. The Democrat/Communist Party has been pissing on in ever since. This is what's called "resisting tyranny". I know you lefties want absolute power to do whatever you want but we're not gonna just roll over for you. We didn't fight two world wars to stop tyrants only to submit to tyranny that has infiltrated our own government. Did you think we wouldn't fight back?
True! Obama usurped the Constitution due to being a non-natural born Citizen. Pelosi helped him.
There’s a name for this


What’s Trump afraid of...

Trump explains blocking the Ambassador testifying:

“I would love to send Ambassador Sondland, a really good man and great American, to testify, but unfortunately he would be testifying before a totally compromised kangaroo court, where Republican’s rights have been taken away, and true facts are not allowed out for the public to see,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday morning.

Trump defends blocking witness before 'kangaroo court'

Explain all you want if you're innocent you do not block people from testifying.
There’s a name for this


What’s Trump afraid of...
What are the Democrats afraid of? Why don't they want the American people to see these hearings? Why do they cherry pick the statements and selectively leak them? Why don't they want to hold a public vote on impeachment?

What are the republicans afraid of?
This is a good move. This is PDJT forcing the House to have a vote on a formal impeachment inquiry. They can not vote on contempt charges against the Ambassador without a formal subpoena, which they did not issue because they haven’t opened a formal inquiry. Can't wait to see Schiffs response.

Trump administration blocks ambassador from testifying in House impeachment deposition

Breaking... State Department Orders EU Ambassador NOT to Testify Before House Judiciary Committee
The best way to avoid the clowns is don’t go to the circus.
There’s a name for this


What’s Trump afraid of...
What are the Democrats afraid of? Why don't they want the American people to see these hearings? Why do they cherry pick the statements and selectively leak them? Why don't they want to hold a public vote on impeachment?

What are the republicans afraid of?
The dems are afraid of the public seeing this joke. It’s why they want it behind closed doors.
There’s a name for this


What’s Trump afraid of...
What are the Democrats afraid of? Why don't they want the American people to see these hearings? Why do they cherry pick the statements and selectively leak them? Why don't they want to hold a public vote on impeachment?

What are the republicans afraid of?
The dems are afraid of the public seeing this joke. It’s why they want it behind closed doors.

So the republicans block everyone from testifying and the dems are afraid, seems they have something to hide repugs that is. If you're innocent of a crime you would certainly want people to come forward and testify on your behalf.
There’s a name for this


What’s Trump afraid of...
What are the Democrats afraid of? Why don't they want the American people to see these hearings? Why do they cherry pick the statements and selectively leak them? Why don't they want to hold a public vote on impeachment?

What are the republicans afraid of?
The dems are afraid of the public seeing this joke. It’s why they want it behind closed doors.

So the republicans block everyone from testifying and the dems are afraid, seems they have something to hide repugs that is. If you're innocent of a crime you would certainly want people to come forward and testify on your behalf.
But imo the dems have got about all they're going to get … unless someone wants to out Trump over something else. Hopefully at least 60% understand it is NOT ok for a potus to tell a for country "investigate my foe or no aid for you" and it's only marginally less bad to say "investigate my foe if you want to be my friend."

But impeaching a potus over this unless there's a clear pattern of quid pro quo offers? I don't see that as really happening. And personally I'd prefer to see Trump run over by a bus than have a good day, but …. the good thing is every week seems to bring another episode of Trump behaving badly, so maybe the dems should move on. They've won on background checks and this. Add that up to their wins on educ and healthcare and keep marching to a progressive message that Trump followed in 16, but reneged on, and hope Warren doesn't promise prosperity for all based upon the needs of the many and means of a few.

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