Fighting Back Against the Violent Left


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
When are Democrats going to disavow the violence by Antifa rioters?


Jack Kerwick - Fighting Back Against the Violent Left

The Antifa is comprised of self-avowed “antifascists,” largely young, mostly (but not solely) white millennials who dress in black and cover their faces with masks and bandannas. These anti-Americans are the latest species of leftist political violence.

They are also domestic terrorists. Along with Black Lives Matter, La Raza, CAIR and other ethnic supremacist organizations, these anti-Americans constitute the Democrat Party’s strong arm wing.

Less militant or mainstream leftists in the Democrat Party’s unofficial Propaganda Ministry—the Fake News media—spare no occasion to make explicit, if not create from their fevered imaginations, links between Trump and Republicans, on the one hand, and, on the other, “extremists” who may (or may not) have made favorable remarks about them.

Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and everyone and anyone associated with the Democrat Party should be made at every available opportunity to expressly, unequivocally, and loudly disavow this radical terrorist organization known as “Antifa.”

Jack Kerwick - Fighting Back Against the Violent Left
All the propaganda parrots are using this "violent leftists" fake talking point today. Orders came down from on high to use it.

They're in full panic mode. They understand what a disaster the last few days have been for the violent racist thugs of the right. They're trying to do damage control, but nobody is paying any attention.

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