Fetterman vs. Dr. Oz debate tonight at 8pm Eastern (link)

It will be interesting to see how they make accomodations for Fetterman, who cannot understand the spoken word since his stroke.
Fetterman will be fed answers from his handlers. Absolutely absurd to allow a mentally incapacitated dolt to let others answer for him.
Fetterman not doing well. Botched the fracking question hard.

So bad.

I’m not crazy about the format. It’s just rapid fire questions to see where they stand on every issue.

Fetterman is going with all of the typical liberal responses and Oz is going with all of the typical conservative responses. That doesn’t tell us much - we already know that.

Give them more time. Let them air out their positions in greater depth with more rebuttals. Fewer topics and let them elaborate.
This debate seems to be having a disastrous effect on the Fetterman campaign. Just moved 20 points (net) in the betting markets...


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I watched a bit of it and even I felt embarrassed for Uncle Festerman.....Talk about him being overmatched.

Jeez, same old tired dem talking points from Festerman with no basis in current reality where Oz was at least trying to say what he would do for the people of PA but the format sucked ass and really didn't allow for it all that much.....The mod seemed more interested in focusing on the got-ya stuff rather than anything of real substance.

Blah, I could really understand if all involved said No Mas to any future debates (in all races) if that's the best that can be came up with.....Sadly it seems that is the norm now and it's a great disservice to the public.

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