Ferguson to Palestine

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
A cooperation that builds power of both groups. This has been building over common interests.

Pallie children are legally allowed to throw stones? Which law says that?
Does that mean Israelis are legally allowed the throw stones back?
Because we know stones never hurt anyone.
Never mind Muslims stoning Muslim women to death around the Middle East.
So Palestinians teach love, brotherhood, and respect for all in their schools?
Yeah right!
Isis isn't the only one making slick videos. If you are not plugged in to current events, a low information voter, or care about the facts and the truth, this kind of video has an effect. Pure propaganda.
Pallie children are legally allowed to throw stones? Which law says that?
Does that mean Israelis are legally allowed the throw stones back?
Because we know stones never hurt anyone.
Never mind Muslims stoning Muslim women to death around the Middle East.

Actually throwing stones is a hostile act that under the Geneva conventions forfeits all rights as a protected person and allows Israel to legally deport the offenders.

These aren't refugees, they are combatants. deport them

All of them.
The irony is jewish groups generally support the anti-white groups financially, academically, and in the MSM, in the USA.
A cooperation that builds power of both groups. This has been building over common interests.

When I see Them; I see us. The Fogel family that were murdered in Cold Blood, those Israeli boys who were kidnapped and killed , a mother that was gunned down with all of her Children among Starters !! I also see nobody commenting on BLACKS on BLACK CRIME or the percentage of Black Crime on Whites vs. the reverse .
So Palestinians teach love, brotherhood, and respect for all in their schools?
Yeah right!
Isis isn't the only one making slick videos. If you are not plugged in to current events, a low information voter, or care about the facts and the truth, this kind of video has an effect. Pure propaganda.

What do you expect from a Palestinian?
So Palestinians teach love, brotherhood, and respect for all in their schools?
Yeah right!
Isis isn't the only one making slick videos. If you are not plugged in to current events, a low information voter, or care about the facts and the truth, this kind of video has an effect. Pure propaganda.

What do you expect from a Palestinian?
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is one of those self-righteous people that desperately wants to make an association or connection with what they perceive to be a heroic movement. When I was young, it was nothing to see an anti-war rally of 5000 people march through the street. There were so many people who did nothing but want to pretend they were doing something for the sake of humanity. Back then --- it was opposition to the US involvement in Vietnam; and had some of the same characteristics as the anti-Israeli movement of today. And just like back then, the anti-Israeli movement seems to have some of the same types and kind of people were associated with it; educators and academicians, the clergy and the righteous bible pounders, journalist and writers, but always and ever present were the naive and impressionable young people that were susceptible to the rhetoric of the intelligentsia and civil rights activist.

Screen Shot 2016-01-28 at 5.09.13 AM.png

I always enjoyed listening to these pocket philosophers that dawn the little black Che Guevara beret, in anti-War T-Shirts. It is not unlike the sincere lecture rendered by Dr Rania Masri (Lebanese-based human rights activist and professor at the University of Balamand in Lebanon) where she attempts to craftily and skillfully blend America's imperfect system with that of the Arab Palestinian.

Frontpage Magazine said:
In an era where public debate is replete with Big Lies, we are routinely treated to examples of shallow, insipid journalism dedicated to propping up the most nonsensical fictions imaginable. A case in point is a piece that appeared in the far-left periodical Mother Jones, titled “Exactly How Often Do Police Shoot Unarmed Black Men?” Purporting to explain the root causes of the racial unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, the article's author, Mother Jones editorial coordinator Jaeah Lee, presents a smattering of statistics—utterly devoid of context or analysis—as evidence that “the killing of Michael Brown by police … was no anomaly.”

Exactly How Often Do Police Shoot Unarmed Black Men?
The killing in Ferguson was one of many such cases. Here's what the data reveals.

—By Jaeah Lee
| Fri Aug. 15, 2014
SOURCE:What the statistics really say.
December 9, 2014
John Perazzo

A cooperation that builds power of both groups. This has been building over common interests.

I noticed that Dr Masri mentioned the events pertaining to Michael Brown and Eric Garner. I think that she did a very similar that the Mother Jones people did. And this is when you really begin to understand that this is a propaganda war in which there are people like Dr Masri, that earn a living painting portraits of misinformation into works of art.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is one of those self-righteous people that desperately wants to make an association or connection with what they perceive to be a heroic movement. When I was young, it was nothing to see an anti-war rally of 5000 people march through the street. There were so many people who did nothing but want to pretend they were doing something for the sake of humanity. Back then --- it was opposition to the US involvement in Vietnam; and had some of the same characteristics as the anti-Israeli movement of today. And just like back then, the anti-Israeli movement seems to have some of the same types and kind of people were associated with it; educators and academicians, the clergy and the righteous bible pounders, journalist and writers, but always and ever present were the naive and impressionable young people that were susceptible to the rhetoric of the intelligentsia and civil rights activist.

I always enjoyed listening to these pocket philosophers that dawn the little black Che Guevara beret, in anti-War T-Shirts. It is not unlike the sincere lecture rendered by Dr Rania Masri (Lebanese-based human rights activist and professor at the University of Balamand in Lebanon) where she attempts to craftily and skillfully blend America's imperfect system with that of the Arab Palestinian.

Frontpage Magazine said:
In an era where public debate is replete with Big Lies, we are routinely treated to examples of shallow, insipid journalism dedicated to propping up the most nonsensical fictions imaginable. A case in point is a piece that appeared in the far-left periodical Mother Jones, titled “Exactly How Often Do Police Shoot Unarmed Black Men?” Purporting to explain the root causes of the racial unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, the article's author, Mother Jones editorial coordinator Jaeah Lee, presents a smattering of statistics—utterly devoid of context or analysis—as evidence that “the killing of Michael Brown by police … was no anomaly.”

Exactly How Often Do Police Shoot Unarmed Black Men?
The killing in Ferguson was one of many such cases. Here's what the data reveals.

—By Jaeah Lee
| Fri Aug. 15, 2014
SOURCE:What the statistics really say.
December 9, 2014
John Perazzo

A cooperation that builds power of both groups. This has been building over common interests.

I noticed that Dr Masri mentioned the events pertaining to Michael Brown and Eric Garner. I think that she did a very similar that the Mother Jones people did. And this is when you really begin to understand that this is a propaganda war in which there are people like Dr Masri, that earn a living painting portraits of misinformation into works of art.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco,these so called "Pocket Philosophers in Black Che Guevara Berets" with the help of China of course,allowed Nixon to withdraw from Vietnam,althought beaten,with a little pride,plus the end of the Americans deaths in this unwinnable War...I think you should be more appreciative towards those people.....Talk about UNGRATEFUL.with Respect Rocco.....steve

theliq, et al,

I am one of those that believed the protest movement did more harm than good. And for every Arab Palestinian that is killed or injured --- following bad legal advise, then the blood is on their head and on their hands.

Rocco,these so called "Pocket Philosophers in Black Che Guevara Berets" with the help of China of course,allowed Nixon to withdraw from Vietnam,althought beaten,with a little pride,plus the end of the Americans deaths in this unwinnable War...I think you should be more appreciative towards those people.....Talk about UNGRATEFUL.with Respect Rocco.....steve

In the US, everyone is allowed to protect anything for the toilet paper in the men's room --- to --- tax code. The non-violent anti-War demonstrations are as just as lawful as anything else. And as long as they remain non-violent and within the parameters of the law, American's are perfectly empowered to have such demonstrations. I didn't particularly care for them, but I can't obstruct them. As long as the demonstrators do not incite to violence; most off it is perfectly legal.

This is much different from the incitement to violence when Hostile Arab Palestinians to use any and all means to oppose the Israelis. Dr Masri was completely wrong when she suggested and encourage throwing rock as legal.

Most Respectfully,
Bingo Rocco

What these people are supporting is terrorism and the way its being pitched is through revisionist history.

The lies and distortions made by the Whacko's who support the terrorists are obvious to anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of history.

But try and discuss the actual history with them and wow. Its the definition of cognitive dissonance.

I see no comparison with Ferguson. Just terrorists desperate to justify their racism and bigotry
I can sure see the appeal.

You have a bunch of shiftless criminals who thinks their race gives them carte blanche to do whatever they want reaching out to another group of shiftless criminals who see their made-up identity as giving them carte blanche to do whatever they want

theliq, et al,

I am one of those that believed the protest movement did more harm than good. And for every Arab Palestinian that is killed or injured --- following bad legal advise, then the blood is on their head and on their hands.

Rocco,these so called "Pocket Philosophers in Black Che Guevara Berets" with the help of China of course,allowed Nixon to withdraw from Vietnam,althought beaten,with a little pride,plus the end of the Americans deaths in this unwinnable War...I think you should be more appreciative towards those people.....Talk about UNGRATEFUL.with Respect Rocco.....steve

In the US, everyone is allowed to protect anything for the toilet paper in the men's room --- to --- tax code. The non-violent anti-War demonstrations are as just as lawful as anything else. And as long as they remain non-violent and within the parameters of the law, American's are perfectly empowered to have such demonstrations. I didn't particularly care for them, but I can't obstruct them. As long as the demonstrators do not incite to violence; most off it is perfectly legal.

This is much different from the incitement to violence when Hostile Arab Palestinians to use any and all means to oppose the Israelis. Dr Masri was completely wrong when she suggested and encourage throwing rock as legal.

Most Respectfully,
It is not illegal to shoot foreign troops. Why would it be illegal to throw rocks at them?

BTW, attacks on foreign troops is not terrorism as Israeli propaganda suggests.

theliq, et al,

I am one of those that believed the protest movement did more harm than good. And for every Arab Palestinian that is killed or injured --- following bad legal advise, then the blood is on their head and on their hands.

Rocco,these so called "Pocket Philosophers in Black Che Guevara Berets" with the help of China of course,allowed Nixon to withdraw from Vietnam,althought beaten,with a little pride,plus the end of the Americans deaths in this unwinnable War...I think you should be more appreciative towards those people.....Talk about UNGRATEFUL.with Respect Rocco.....steve

In the US, everyone is allowed to protect anything for the toilet paper in the men's room --- to --- tax code. The non-violent anti-War demonstrations are as just as lawful as anything else. And as long as they remain non-violent and within the parameters of the law, American's are perfectly empowered to have such demonstrations. I didn't particularly care for them, but I can't obstruct them. As long as the demonstrators do not incite to violence; most off it is perfectly legal.

This is much different from the incitement to violence when Hostile Arab Palestinians to use any and all means to oppose the Israelis. Dr Masri was completely wrong when she suggested and encourage throwing rock as legal.

Most Respectfully,
The populace should always be allowed to protest....THE TRUTH,your US politicians lie BAREFACED to you and you accept that,I'm FCUKED if you think I am going to stand on Capitol Hill and allow your corrupt lying Politicians TO PISS IN MY MOUTH.......Grow a back bone Rocco and " Get Up,Stand Up,Stand Up For Your Rights" By the way,the US Government tried to Assinate "Rodert Nesta Marley in the early 1970's......THEY FAILED, THANK GOD

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