Ferguson Citizens Prepare for G.J. Decision with “Rules of Engagement” for Police

St. Louis Cop Talk, a forum for regional cops, has been active with chatter, opinions and advice about the predicted unrest in Ferguson. Under the name “A Concerned Cop,” one person shared a warning:

“If you do not have a gun, get one and get one soon. We will not be able to protect you or your family. It will be your responsibility to protect them. Our gutless commanders and politicians have neutered us. I’m serious, get a gun, get more than one, and keep one with you at all times.”

Other posts on the forum echo that sentiment, going so far as to label the protesters and activists in Ferguson as “terrorists”.

I understand the message the officer is trying to communicate but to me it goes unsaid. Whenever seconds count LEO is minutes away.
Screw "rules of engagement"........they need to simply order martial law in that city!! The gay rules of engagement get soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan all the time.

Anyway......Im giddy about the prospect of a few of those Neanderthal black panthers getting waxed on live TV!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::rock:
Thanks to the Katrina gun confiscation & looting, Missouri passed tough new laws to prevent gun confiscation even if a state of emergency is declared. Looters & rioters can & will be shot & there ain't a damn thing the Feds or State can do about it.

Missouri Governor Blunt said: "I am very pleased to sign legislation approved by Missouri's legislature to ensure that every single Missourian can keep their firearm during times of emergency. This important legislation guarantees that law-abiding citizens' freedom to bear arms will not be taken away, especially during an emergency. I applaud the Senate and House, and the bill’s sponsor, Senator Engler, for passing this important legislation."

Missouri SB 257 bill received overwhelming, bi-partisan support, passing 34-0 in the Senate and 150-2 in the House.

Missouri SB 257 law gives fundamental protection against gun confiscation during declared states of emergencies. This law is a vital common sense measure that ensures that law-abiding Missourians will be able to defend themselves and their loved ones during an emergency. When there is a breakdown in emergency services or law enforcement is involved in vital search and rescue missions, law-abiding people now have an effective means of self-defense from looters and other criminals.
U.N. Dismisses Michael Brown Case: “We Will Not Be Intervening In The Matter”

“The sense of entitlement these people displayed is reprehensible” said chair member, Dr. Amancio Dominguez, in an interview with National Report. “We deal with legitimate and widespread instances of human rights violations, and frankly the issues presented to us here are not even a blip on our radar. It is in our opinion after reviewing all the evidence that the officer in question committed absolutely no wrong doing.”

He continued, “While I feel for the loss endured by these two individuals, I believe they are blinded by grief, and this is simply not the forum which to project those feelings. My colleagues and I went over the surveillance footage, as well as other documents in the case, and we believe that Michael Brown is indeed guilty of the acts of which he is charged.”

Another member of the UN committee told CNN this morning, “We have much more important things to do than involve ourselves in county level legal proceedings. This was an absolute waste of our time. Compared to human rights violations that are prevalent in such 3rd world countries as North Korea and Brazil, America’s plight simply does not compare. While instances of police brutality certainly do exist, we have found that this was no such a case, and we will not be intervening in the matter.”
it gets better --LOL

No Justice, No Peace! – Take 2… #Ferguson Protest Leader Has House Looted

Alexis Templeton has been on the front lines of the Ferguson protest movement since its inception.
KCUR reported:

Twenty-year-old Alexis Templeton has been on the front lines of protests since she arrived in Ferguson, five days after Brown was shot.

“I was in Phoenix, Arizona, when Michael Brown was shot and killed. When I got back, I immediately hit the ground, standing at the front of riot lines, being face to face with the police,” she said. “That was me for the last 89 days. Tomorrow, it will be three months, the days start to blend together.”

She is a member of Millennial Activists United, a group that was founded in the aftermath of Brown’s death to unify younger Ferguson residents who are fighting to make their voices heard. She says her fellow protesters have become her new family. Trying to create change in her community has become her everyday life.

Templeton, a prominent protester, was recently tapped to help with one of the city’s proposed reforms to its police department: a civilian review board.

Alexis Templeton often leads chants at protests. She lost her voice for a while from screaming. Her yells can be heard on many of the livestreams.

Yesterday while protesting her home got burglarized.

The Gateway Pundit Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

The negro race is a failing race world wide. Always has been always will be.
During times of national prosperity many people were willing to lend yet another helping hand to the 'Special Needs' race.
Now as the economic vice is squeezing every 'Makers' balls the thought of flushing more trillions of dollars down the toilet is the last thing on their minds.
Even your 'White Quilt' soccer mom who used to have a few credit cards is now down to one. She's thinking she did her bit and now it's time to make sure the fucking power stays on.
The Tree Dwellers are waiting to pounce in Ferguson. MSNBC is geared up. Sharpton is ready. The NBP's are ready.
Be careful what you LIB cocksuckers 'axe' for.
it gets better --LOL

No Justice, No Peace! – Take 2… #Ferguson Protest Leader Has House Looted

Alexis Templeton has been on the front lines of the Ferguson protest movement since its inception.
KCUR reported:

Twenty-year-old Alexis Templeton has been on the front lines of protests since she arrived in Ferguson, five days after Brown was shot.

“I was in Phoenix, Arizona, when Michael Brown was shot and killed. When I got back, I immediately hit the ground, standing at the front of riot lines, being face to face with the police,” she said. “That was me for the last 89 days. Tomorrow, it will be three months, the days start to blend together.”

She is a member of Millennial Activists United, a group that was founded in the aftermath of Brown’s death to unify younger Ferguson residents who are fighting to make their voices heard. She says her fellow protesters have become her new family. Trying to create change in her community has become her everyday life.

Templeton, a prominent protester, was recently tapped to help with one of the city’s proposed reforms to its police department: a civilian review board.

Alexis Templeton often leads chants at protests. She lost her voice for a while from screaming. Her yells can be heard on many of the livestreams.

Yesterday while protesting her home got burglarized.

The Gateway Pundit Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback
I bet a million bucks the subhumans who broke into her house were negroes. HAAAAA HAAAAA!
Ferguson Citizens Prepare for G.J. Decision with “Rules of Engagement” for Police; Tolerate Thrown Items at Them

Rules of Engagement:


The "Rules of Engagement" include, tolerate small items thrown at them, do not wear protective riot gear, do not use tear gas or rubber bullets among 15 other rules for police officers in the case of protesting or riots.

When do the Police propose their "Rules of Engagement," such as no pipes used on police, no looting, no fires, etc?

The rules of engagement are simple.

Use overwhelming force to stamp out violence as quickly as possible.

THAT is how you save as many lives and as much property as you can.

I guarantee if 3 or 4 of these assholes end up dead due to their own stupidity and the mass reaction was "meh, you deserved it" these animals would go home.
That worked so well at Kent State.
The negro race is a failing race world wide. Always has been always will be.
During times of national prosperity many people were willing to lend yet another helping hand to the 'Special Needs' race.
Now as the economic vice is squeezing every 'Makers' balls the thought of flushing more trillions of dollars down the toilet is the last thing on their minds.
Even your 'White Quilt' soccer mom who used to have a few credit cards is now down to one. She's thinking she did her bit and now it's time to make sure the fucking power stays on.
The Tree Dwellers are waiting to pounce in Ferguson. MSNBC is geared up. Sharpton is ready. The NBP's are ready.
Be careful what you LIB cocksuckers 'axe' for.
I have no idea why people tag Rightwingers as racist.
The negro race is a failing race world wide. Always has been always will be.
During times of national prosperity many people were willing to lend yet another helping hand to the 'Special Needs' race.
Now as the economic vice is squeezing every 'Makers' balls the thought of flushing more trillions of dollars down the toilet is the last thing on their minds.
Even your 'White Quilt' soccer mom who used to have a few credit cards is now down to one. She's thinking she did her bit and now it's time to make sure the fucking power stays on.
The Tree Dwellers are waiting to pounce in Ferguson. MSNBC is geared up. Sharpton is ready. The NBP's are ready.
Be careful what you LIB cocksuckers 'axe' for.
I have no idea why people tag Rightwingers as racist.

say something bad about Bozo your tagged
The negro race is a failing race world wide. Always has been always will be.
During times of national prosperity many people were willing to lend yet another helping hand to the 'Special Needs' race.
Now as the economic vice is squeezing every 'Makers' balls the thought of flushing more trillions of dollars down the toilet is the last thing on their minds.
Even your 'White Quilt' soccer mom who used to have a few credit cards is now down to one. She's thinking she did her bit and now it's time to make sure the fucking power stays on.
The Tree Dwellers are waiting to pounce in Ferguson. MSNBC is geared up. Sharpton is ready. The NBP's are ready.
Be careful what you LIB cocksuckers 'axe' for.
I have no idea why people tag Rightwingers as racist.

I make no apology for speaking truth.
Your 'racist' charge is welcome. I am a racist.
If another 'race' on the planet was so genetically inferior and obviously will never be able to survive without other races helping them out I'd be "racist" towards them too.
US Navy Aircraft Carrier is coming up the Mississippi towards Ferguson. A no-fly zone is now in force over Ferguson, MO.

News link?


It was posted on #ferguson

It's not there now. I should have known it was wrong, because STL airport is close by where the Air National Guard was stationed, plus Scott Air-force Base is nearby also. There is no need for carrier air support. The no-fly-zone over Ferguson, MO is real & has been widely reported.

OMIGOD! People fell for that? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The negro race is a failing race world wide. Always has been always will be.
During times of national prosperity many people were willing to lend yet another helping hand to the 'Special Needs' race.
Now as the economic vice is squeezing every 'Makers' balls the thought of flushing more trillions of dollars down the toilet is the last thing on their minds.
Even your 'White Quilt' soccer mom who used to have a few credit cards is now down to one. She's thinking she did her bit and now it's time to make sure the fucking power stays on.
The Tree Dwellers are waiting to pounce in Ferguson. MSNBC is geared up. Sharpton is ready. The NBP's are ready.
Be careful what you LIB cocksuckers 'axe' for.
I have no idea why people tag Rightwingers as racist.

I had to laugh at that.

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