Ferguson Citizens Prepare for G.J. Decision with “Rules of Engagement” for Police

Ferguson & St Louis County residence & business are prepared. Meetings have been going on all month on how to prepare for total lawlessness where police are unable to respond. We have prepared for massive fires, looters, utilities & communications to be cut-off with no help coming from outside. We are stocked up on water, food, gas, generators, alternative heat source, port-o-toilet bucket & of course armed to the teeth.

The only good rioter or looters are the dead ones. If the N!ggers riot & one of them attacks my home, I have the legal right to shoot & kill everyone I see in the street until the threat is neutralized, because they conspired to riot so the entire mob is guilty.
Heavy armored vehicles, riot gear & air support are rolling into Ferguson & St Louis area. Thugs will be killed if any looting or rioting breaks out. Citizens will hit the rioting thugs far harder than police. Everyone I know here is armed.

In the LA riots 63 looters were shot to death, only 10 of those were shot by police. If the Ferguson mobs think the police were hard on them, just wait until the pissed off residence & business start in on them. Were are all now tired of this shit county wide. St Louis county prosecutor Bob McCulloch who refuses to charge officer Darren Wilson was just this week overwhelmingly reelected to 4 more years by 96% of the vote. All you in & out of town thugs planning to cause problems in the St. Louis area will be swiftly dealt with by the very pissed off residents.
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The police aren't going to abide by rules of engagement handed out by protesters. They will do whatever they have to do.
I agree with you guys on this in general.

I've had enough of the gall and antics, to the point where I'm fed up.

Been keeping tabs on this story since it began, and deep down I'm certain these bastards are looking for every opportunity they can to cause this situation to boil over. They want this. They want this violence, anger, and hatred, so they can then turn around and blame the evil white devil for their own actions.
US Navy Aircraft Carrier is coming up the Mississippi towards Ferguson. A no-fly zone is now in force over Ferguson, MO.
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I hope they burn the town, their homes, and themselves up.

sick of hearing about them and their antics.
US Navy Aircraft Carrier is coming up the Mississippi towards Ferguson. A no-fly zone is now in force over Ferguson, MO.

News link?


It was posted on #ferguson

It's not there now. I should have known it was wrong, because STL airport is close by where the Air National Guard was stationed, plus Scott Air-force Base is nearby also. There is no need for carrier air support. The no-fly-zone over Ferguson, MO is real & has been widely reported.
Hmmmm...here are possible rules of engagement for honest citizens caught up in the upcoming riots...

1) you may only shoot if your life is in imminent danger of great bodily harm or death....once the a******s cross that line...you are weapons free....

2) property is no reason to kill someone over....so please don't....the a******s will give you real reasons to kill them.....see 1) above....

any more suggestions....
Hmmmm...here are possible rules of engagement for honest citizens caught up in the upcoming riots...

1) you may only shoot if your life is in imminent danger of great bodily harm or death....once the a******s cross that line...you are weapons free....

2) property is no reason to kill someone over....so please don't....the a******s will give you real reasons to kill them.....see 1) above....

any more suggestions....

I dont know about Missouri law but here in Texas you can damn sure shoot em down to protect your property.
They are endangering your lively hood which feeds you and your family.
I'd fill em so full of lead you could use their dick as a pencil.
Hmmmm...here are possible rules of engagement for honest citizens caught up in the upcoming riots...

1) you may only shoot if your life is in imminent danger of great bodily harm or death....once the a******s cross that line...you are weapons free....

2) property is no reason to kill someone over....so please don't....the a******s will give you real reasons to kill them.....see 1) above....

any more suggestions....

Here in Missouri we have stand your ground & castle doctrine among other laws. If my home, auto or any person are attacked by a group, lethal force can be used against any or all of the group until the threat is neutralized. This is even legal in a place like liberal NYC where they don't have any of these laws. Look at the video below from NYC where one biker in the group around the SUV attacks it so the SUV's driver floors it running over all the bikers in front of him. The SUV driver is not charged, but many of the bikers are arrested, charged & jailed. You are conspiring with the others if you are in a group that attacks someone or their property.

Hmmmm...here are possible rules of engagement for honest citizens caught up in the upcoming riots...

1) you may only shoot if your life is in imminent danger of great bodily harm or death....once the a******s cross that line...you are weapons free....

2) property is no reason to kill someone over....so please don't....the a******s will give you real reasons to kill them.....see 1) above....

any more suggestions....

I dont know about Missouri law but here in Texas you can damn sure shoot em down to protect your property.
They are endangering your lively hood which feeds you and your family.
I'd fill em so full of lead you could use their dick as a pencil.
Missouri also, called the castle law.
Watching this video right now:

To Hell with their rules of engagement. Spray them down with bullets if they dare cross that line.
Bring in the National Guard (including a couple of M60 tanks, with plenty of canister shot), and their instructions should be very simple: looters will be shot on sight.

There is no M60 tank. M60 is the designation for a heavy machine gun, and talk about overkill.

Bringing an M1 Abrahms into Ferguson would cause more damage than the looters themselves cause.

Stick with wheeled vehicles. I would actually use firetrucks and just hose the fuckers down, and have some up armored Humvees ready to roll in case that didn't get their attentions.
Bring in the National Guard (including a couple of M60 tanks, with plenty of canister shot), and their instructions should be very simple: looters will be shot on sight.

There is no M60 tank. M60 is the designation for a heavy machine gun, and talk about overkill.

Bringing an M1 Abrahms into Ferguson would cause more damage than the looters themselves cause.

Stick with wheeled vehicles. I would actually use firetrucks and just hose the fuckers down, and have some up armored Humvees ready to roll in case that didn't get their attentions.
There are M60 Tanks just not in US service any more. Until the Guard was upgraded to M1's that is what they used. The M60 was developed in the late 50's i think and there were 5 upgrades as I recall.

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