Fentanyl deaths in America: Do we deserve to surivive as a sovereign country?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
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As Fentanyl deaths continue to mount among the young in my city and yours, it is becoming evident that something very evil is going on. In my city many of these drug deaths go unreported because they are bad press for the red-faced no-necks that run the local economies dependent on the politics of getting rid of Donald Trump. Trump’s platform exposed Washington as infested with career politicians on both sides of the political spectrum that have enriched themselves by selling out America to globalist interlopers bent on taking out America as the last vestige of capitalist democracy on the planet.

Oddly, it seems that the parents of many of the millennials dying from these toxic drugs are completely on board with the untimely deaths of their children because it serves some greater good in their propagandized minds that in order to remove Trump one of their children had to go. As open borders operate as replacement centers for “new” citizens, lethal chemicals flow freely bringing great wealth to the drug cartels that poison the youth of the country. As these parents watch their children drop dead, some just walk away shrugging their shoulders and saying, “well at least Trump is gone, and Trump is bad, the government said so.” “My kid died so Trump could be gone and that’s a good thing.”

Obviously, this is a very sick development in our society, and it shows the extreme fanaticism embedded into the minds of the media indoctrinated. When Americans let their own children be attacked and poisoned by bad government policy just to get in line with a corrupted, sinister Washington status quo, we are in trouble as a nation. If this continues without a solution, maybe we do not deserve to survive as a sovereign country.

As Fentanyl deaths continue to mount among the young in my city and yours, it is becoming evident that something very evil is going on. In my city many of these drug deaths go unreported because they are bad press for the red-faced no-necks that run the local economies dependent on the politics of getting rid of Donald Trump. Trump’s platform exposed Washington as infested with career politicians on both sides of the political spectrum that have enriched themselves by selling out America to globalist interlopers bent on taking out America as the last vestige of capitalist democracy on the planet.

Oddly, it seems that the parents of many of the millennials dying from these toxic drugs are completely on board with the untimely deaths of their children because it serves some greater good in their propagandized minds that in order to remove Trump one of their children had to go. As open borders operate as replacement centers for “new” citizens, lethal chemicals flow freely bringing great wealth to the drug cartels that poison the youth of the country. As these parents watch their children drop dead, some just walk away shrugging their shoulders and saying, “well at least Trump is gone, and Trump is bad, the government said so.” “My kid died so Trump could be gone and that’s a good thing.”

Obviously, this is a very sick development in our society, and it shows the extreme fanaticism embedded into the minds of the media indoctrinated. When Americans let their own children be attacked and poisoned by bad government policy just to get in line with a corrupted, sinister Washington status quo, we are in trouble as a nation. If this continues without a solution, maybe we do not deserve to survive as a sovereign country.

DAMN! We need to get the reeducation camps built!
You should have learned by now that Americans like drugs and will have them no matter to what extremes of fascism the drug warriors resort to. More cops kicking down more doors and dragging more people off to prison will not help a bit.
You should have learned by now that Americans like drugs and will have them no matter to what extremes of fascism the drug warriors resort to. More cops kicking down more doors and dragging more people off to prison will not help a bit.
So those who are sick of seeing children dying of overdose are now fascists.

Got it.

Welcome to America.

Oh, wait! What was I thinking? This bot is one that loves the killing of the unborn, so why should I expect any empathy for the postborn. Just keep slaughtering those kids.
You should have learned by now that Americans like drugs and will have them no matter to what extremes of fascism the drug warriors resort to. More cops kicking down more doors and dragging more people off to prison will not help a bit.
There's only two choices.....Continue as things are now and accept it as "normal".

Or.....On the spot execution of those transporting/dealing it. I'd really prefer the impaling them along the border as a example but the smell would be right much.

The "reset" we need is not one for the faint of heart.
So those who are sick of seeing children dying of overdose are now fascists.

Got it.

Welcome to America.

Oh, wait! What was I thinking? This bot is one that loves the killing of the unborn, so why should I expect any empathy for the postborn. Just keep slaughtering those kids.
What we are doing now is not working. In spite of filling up our prisons you can still get any kind of drug you want in every city and town in America. The drug war is a failure and it's high time we come up with something that actually works.
Your over obsessed condition as a Trump fanatic cult member has really taken control of your mental functions seek help and stay away from fentanyl.
is it fascism to ban drugs?
Yes it is, at least the way we are doing it. Getting into prison is remarkably easy. Getting into rehab is hard and expensive. We run around busting users and street level dealers pretending we are doing something about drugs. By the time the drugs reach the streets the battle is lost.
Yes it is, at least the way we are doing it. Getting into prison is remarkably easy. Getting into rehab is hard and expensive. We run around busting users and street level dealers pretending we are doing something about drugs. By the time the drugs reach the streets the battle is lost.
interesting….not disagreeing but interesting how it’s fascist to ban drugs not not fascist to ban guns
As Fentanyl deaths continue to mount among the young in my city and yours, it is becoming evident that something very evil is going on. In my city many of these drug deaths go unreported because they are bad press for the red-faced no-necks that run the local economies dependent on the politics of getting rid of Donald Trump. Trump’s platform exposed Washington as infested with career politicians on both sides of the political spectrum that have enriched themselves by selling out America to globalist interlopers bent on taking out America as the last vestige of capitalist democracy on the planet.

Oddly, it seems that the parents of many of the millennials dying from these toxic drugs are completely on board with the untimely deaths of their children because it serves some greater good in their propagandized minds that in order to remove Trump one of their children had to go. As open borders operate as replacement centers for “new” citizens, lethal chemicals flow freely bringing great wealth to the drug cartels that poison the youth of the country. As these parents watch their children drop dead, some just walk away shrugging their shoulders and saying, “well at least Trump is gone, and Trump is bad, the government said so.” “My kid died so Trump could be gone and that’s a good thing.”

Obviously, this is a very sick development in our society, and it shows the extreme fanaticism embedded into the minds of the media indoctrinated. When Americans let their own children be attacked and poisoned by bad government policy just to get in line with a corrupted, sinister Washington status quo, we are in trouble as a nation. If this continues without a solution, maybe we do not deserve to survive as a sovereign country.

Solution? It's a solution you want?

I'll give you a solution. Here it is.

Do you know what heroin (fentanyl) is, and what it does?

It's the best drug on the planet. It makes the whole world go away. No matter what troubles you're having, a little bump of fen-fen and it'll all be a-okay. You won't have to deal with any unpleasant feelings, just nod away in Dreamland and then wake up and do it all over again. You can stay there as long as you want, as long as you have the drug.

So... the REASON people might want to do this, should be self evident. If the world gets bad enough, you want to escape it. And, you'll probably be willing to take risks to get there.

The SOLUTION is, not to make life in this country so unbearable that people think they have to escape it

Heroin is not a party drug, it's not like booze or weed. The first time you do fentanyl you'll probably get sick as a dog, it won't be very pleasant. It takes a week of continuous use before you start to appreciate it. And by that time it's way too late, you're hooked.

Most people get into it from speedballs, because it takes the edge off coke. Very few people use heroin to party, except as an adjunct to stimulants. But once you're in it, it's almost impossible to get off. Most people need medical attention, a rehab with at least 30 days of methadone and maybe some atavan or something. Heroin withdrawal is... like the perfect torture. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, not even leftards.

The strange thing is, rich people don't do heroin. Only the poor homeless kids do heroin. Heroin is a misery drug, you only find it where there's misery.

The solution? Get rid of the misery.

It's very simple, in principle
The illegals Biden and Dems are allowing to pour into our country with enough Fentanyl to kill us all 30 times over are just looking for the American dream right, NOT! Did you know these illegal KILLERS are lacing pot with Fentanyl to turn pot into an addictive drug?

Thanks to Biden and Dems a young woman who just started college smoked a joint and BAM dropped dead as a doornail due to Fentanyl overdose. Why aren't Biden and Dems in prison??
The stresses and rushed lifestyles take their toll on people. Rush to work. Hurry up while working. Drained here deadline there. Pressure is on. Rush home. No time to sit and have dinner. And we wonder why people do drugs and drink? They need a break now and then.
Drugs are bad, mkay. So is Donald Trump, mkay.
Fentanyl IS bad. It kills.

And besides, it's wanna-be heroin. If you're going to go down that road, why not just do the real thing?

Heroin users are disappointed with fentanyl, it doesn't have the same nod. They can tell the difference
Yes it is, at least the way we are doing it. Getting into prison is remarkably easy. Getting into rehab is hard and expensive. We run around busting users and street level dealers pretending we are doing something about drugs. By the time the drugs reach the streets the battle is lost.
True....We should go to a real shooting war with the cartels. Hit them where they live, even in the US. No arrests, on the spot executions.

Sure it might get out of hand a bit but the juice is well worth the squeeze.

Anything else is a half-measure.....If the countries involved take offence at air/ground operations on their soil just toss them a billion and they will be fine.

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