Female employee of Robert De Niro files lawsuit alleging abuse


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Hope she wins.

Robert De Niro subjected female employee to creepy and abusive behavior: lawsuit

Robert De Niro routinely subjected his longtime employee to creepy and abusive behavior, including leaving her voicemails threatening “you’re f—ing history” and calling her a “bitch” and a “brat,” an explosive new lawsuit charges.

Graham Chase Robinson says for years she was the victim of “gratuitous unwanted physical contact” from the Oscar winner, who also hurled “sexually-charged comments to her” when she worked at his production company, Canal Productions Inc.

Robinson’s allegations against the “Taxi Driver” star are levied in a $12 million lawsuit filed Thursday in Manhattan federal court for gender discrimination and wage violations.

She said she began working for Canal Productions in 2008 as an executive assistant and “forced to resign” in April after rising to the position of vice president of production and finance.

Hope she wins.

Robert De Niro subjected female employee to creepy and abusive behavior: lawsuit

Robert De Niro routinely subjected his longtime employee to creepy and abusive behavior, including leaving her voicemails threatening “you’re f—ing history” and calling her a “bitch” and a “brat,” an explosive new lawsuit charges.

Graham Chase Robinson says for years she was the victim of “gratuitous unwanted physical contact” from the Oscar winner, who also hurled “sexually-charged comments to her” when she worked at his production company, Canal Productions Inc.

Robinson’s allegations against the “Taxi Driver” star are levied in a $12 million lawsuit filed Thursday in Manhattan federal court for gender discrimination and wage violations.

She said she began working for Canal Productions in 2008 as an executive assistant and “forced to resign” in April after rising to the position of vice president of production and finance.


It would sure serve that santamonious asshole right.
It would be awesome if she filed criminal charges......but of course that would probably be harder for her to prove........
"Long time employee"? Wassup? She can't quit him? :biggrin:
De Niro is the reason no one should see The Joker.

Ahh shit !
He's in it ?!


Looks like I'll be changing my plans Friday night.

LOL Agreed. No more DeNiro movies for me. Plus I don't want my memory of Heath Ledger's version ruined. I'm sure Joaquin Phoenix does a nice job, but no one could ever match Heath Ledger in that role.
Jimmy The Gent would never treat a woman that way.
He's no gent. He's a drug fueled, raging asshole who treats women with contempt and little regard. Robert de Niro threatened his on-off lover in bid to force her to abort his secret 'daughter' | Daily Mail Online

His televised rants about Donald Trump reveal what an angry idiot he is and his acting seems less impressive when one finds out what a bullying asshole he is. There's a reason why he was drawn to portraying wife beating fighters, gangsters and mentally diminished characters all these years. His characters were so accessible and near his own surface.

Since you won't call your posts about him satire I'll assume you are just an uninformed star gazing dimwit.
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Jimmy The Gent would never treat a woman that way.
He's no gent. He's a drug fueled, raging asshole who treats women with contempt and little regard. Robert de Niro threatened his on-off lover in bid to force her to abort his secret 'daughter' | Daily Mail Online

His televised rants about Donald Trump reveal what an angry idiot he is and his acting seems less impressive when one finds out what a bullying asshole he is. There's a reason why he was drawn to portraying wife beating fighters, gangsters and mentally diminished characters all these years. His characters were so accessible and near his own surface.

Since you won't call your posts about him satire I'll assume you are just an uninformed star gazing dimwit.

Up until 4 or so years ago......most of us did consider many actors as legends, favorites for their movie role choices and many other things. But the last election cycle and those actors voicing their political stances have changed much of the publics views on the actors themselves. As evidenced by several members in this thread...….we now choose the movies we see based on the main characters political and not what they bring to the role they play. Honestly that sucks, but it is difficult to get around.
Most of the most vocal celebrities attacking Trump are on the down side of a career or attacking Trump has become their de facto career (Alec Baldwin, i.e.).
I think it's a case of misplaced anger from bitter has beens or never weres.

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