Fellowship of Christians and Jews, (taking money from Christians for Jews


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
and to make the founder a millionaire, of which he gets over a million a year for his non profit scam. Channel checking there was a whole 1/2 hours info commercial of showing poor holocaust survivors in the Soviet Union, I mean talk about tearing at the heart strings, you know like those animal commercials that make me want to change channels, or the ST Judes ones (which I will send money to), but this is unbelievable especially when I read up on it. CHRISTIANS you do not owe a thing to jews or Israel. Christianity is a Roman Religion. Rabbi Eckstein is using Christians to get rich and give money to jews, lets jews take care of their own, isn't there enough poverty in the US and around the world to help, the US gives over 3 billion a year to Israel, and well Hagee gives millions more. Sheldon Adelson and his peers also give money to Israel. You have Jewish organizations here that make money off of Christians to build more illegal settlements in Israel. They laught all the way to the bank at " you devoted Christians" whom seem to "worship the ground they walk on"

In 1983, he established the Holyland Fellowship of Christians and Jews to promote Jewish-Christian cooperation on projects for improving the safety and security of Jews in Israel and around the world.[2]

The Fellowship collects over $100 million dollars a year in donations for Israel, half of which are spent in Israel itself, supporting soup kitchens, absorption centers and bomb shelter renovations. $25 million a year is spent on Jewish aid programs

Isaiah 58 provides food packages, hot “meals-on-wheels,” medicine, in-home care, housing, heating fuel, clothing, and other basic essentials to more than 200,000 destitute elderly Soviet Jews, and gives Jewish orphans and vulnerable street children in the former Soviet Union the care they need to survive and prepare for a brighter future




Real about Rabbi Eckstein, making millions a year from Christians.
I support Israel.

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