Fellow Conservatives: Why this isn't a big deal. And why we'll win ANYWAY!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Conservatives: This is not a big deal. We've already won this battle because this bill is weak, and in fact, pours money into the insurance industry. Are our taxes gonna go up a bit for the sake of paying healthcare to illegals and poor people? Yeah, a bit. It's the price we pay for George W. Bush. His backlash enabled this. And it's OK. We were attacked, and had to make very tough political choices, like war and torture, to defend our people. The libs took advantage of that for their own purposes. Thats fine. WE did the right thing then, despite paying the political price now.

BUT....theres no public option. AND the liberals have had their Haleys Comet, once-in-72 years moment. They went all in, and got ONE thing, which was drastically more moderate than what they wanted (Single payer). BUT, as a price, their finished politically. Reps, and more important, Conservatives, will dominate fall elections. The liberals will NEVER see amnesty for illegals, gay marriage, or cap and trade. Their liberal dreams have ended with this ONE bill.

AND why do I say WE will win anyway? Because we always have. Conservatives are a people that have certain traits: Honor, integrity, discipline, ingenuity, resourcefulness, sefl-reliance. Those traits are why people like us were better at winning ALL things: Sports, women, business deals, etc. Liberals are the loser types who are DEPENDENT on everyone but themselves. We made fun of liberals in high school. You guys remember those times. They were never disciplined enough to win at sports. Never smart enough to win at business. Never independent enough to attract a good woman.

This bill sucks, but of course as we always have, conservatives will find the loopholes, find the ways to win anyway, find ways to rise above the liberals and leeches of our society time and time again. Its why things such as Air America FAIL, while things such as Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh succeed. Because the right is full of winners, the left is full of whiners. They envy our success and ability to adapt. The salivate at ways to legislate the taking of our fruits to be distributed amongst their losing class. And like now, when that occassionally happens, rather than crying that they stole our fruit, we'll find a way to grow a whole new tree.

So, be thankful. To use a final analogy, would you rather be the Shark, or the little parasite fish that desperately tries to latch on to the Shark. Happy hunting in the new economy boys. I know WE will get past this minor speed bump easily.
This Democrat debacle will not cut Health Care costs in fact it will actually increase them in the end. More importantly though,this Bill is probably Unconstitutional. Forcing Citizens to buy Health Insurance or be subject to fine or imprisonment just seems so Un-American and Unconstitutional to me. Most people don't understand what the Democrats have done. Most are just sadly uninformed. They'll understand a bit better when the Government informs them that they will be receiving a hefty fine for not having Health Insurance. They'll understand then but by then it will be too late. I think it will be a big deal to them when this happens. Repealing parts if not all of this Legislation should be a top priority for the Republicans in the future. I fully support that. So maybe it will be a Win at some point. I guess we'll see.
Some of that backlash against Bush was artificially generated by the far left. They play that same communist game of poor against the rich, black against white, illegals against legals, and etc etc. They create so much passion for their side by pitting groups against one another.
Nice try..

Conservatives got what they deserved. They gambled and lost BIG TIME. They had an opportunity to get in on the ground floor and influence this important legislation. But the big time republican strategists decided "we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994."

Instead......it has become the Republicans Waterloo

They rolled the dice and came up FAIL
The GOP followed the most radical voices in the party and the movement, and they led them to abject and irreversible defeat.

There were leaders who knew better, who would have liked to deal. But they were trapped. Conservative talkers on Fox and talk radio had whipped the Republican voting base into such a frenzy that deal-making was rendered impossible. How do you negotiate with somebody who wants to murder your grandmother? Or – more exactly – with somebody whom your voters have been persuaded to believe wants to murder their grandmother
It's the people's Waterloo.

The Obama administration’s chief actuary at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) notified Republican leaders Saturday that the “very tight time frame” and “complexity” of the Democrats’ health spending bill would prevent them from fully analyzing the costs and efficacy of the bill before the House voted on the legislation. The letter was in response to a request from House and Senate Republicans.

The Chief Actuary, Richard S. Foster, wrote: “In your letter, you requested that we provide the updated actuarial estimates in time for your review prior to the expected House debate and vote on this legislation on March 21,2010. I regret that my staff and I will not be able to prepare our analysis within this very tight time frame, due to the complexity of the legislation.”

Foster and his staff analyzed the Senate-passed bill and determined that it bent the cost curve up, estimating in a January 8 report that national health expenditures would increase by an estimated total of $222 billion, and that the additional demand for health services “could be difficult to meet” and “could lead to price increases, cost-shifting, and/or changes in providers’ willingness to treat patients with low-reimbursement health coverage.” Foster, in his letter today, expects the new health spending bill to be “generally similar.”

Republican.Senate.Gov - Blogs
Yes it's all in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' A good "Community Organizer" must create dissension and bitterness if there is none. This President and the Democrats obey Alinsky's rules with absolute obedience. Pitting American against American is the Marxist way. It is very sad but it is what it is.
Republicans anticipating some moral victory in the polls come November will be sadly disappointed. Come November, the public will have long realized that the gloom and doom predicted by the GOP never happened. They will also find some aspects of the bill that they like....pre-existing condition coverage, children covered under parents policy until 26, insurance pools

Republicans will have to run on revoking all those gains and it won't be too popular.

Come November there will be on dominant issue: Jobs

With the economy growing stronger each quarter, the Democrats are going to make a strong case that their policies had a positive impact on the economy
Republicans anticipating some moral victory in the polls come November will be sadly disappointed. Come November, the public will have long realized that the gloom and doom predicted by the GOP never happened. They will also find some aspects of the bill that they like....pre-existing condition coverage, children covered under parents policy until 26, insurance pools

Republicans will have to run on revoking all those gains and it won't be too popular.

Come November there will be on dominant issue: Jobs

With the economy growing stronger each quarter, the Democrats are going to make a strong case that their policies had a positive impact on the economy

Ignorance is truly bliss.
Moral Victory will not be enough. I agree there. If the Republicans can take some power back eventually,maybe they can repeal parts if not all of this Dem debacle. Repealing this Dem debacle will be the only real victory as far as i'm concerned. I guess we'll see.
The Democrats went all in on this one. They bribed, fucked sucked and cajoled every rep they could to get this passed. And even then it manages to piss off everyone in some way.
This was teh best they could do with close to a super-majority.

Yes, they will suffer terribly in Nov. Obama's own White House is predicting unemployment to remain between 9 and 10% for the foreseeable future. After hearing clips of Obama's interview in Fox anyone would wonder what happened to that forthright and well spoken man who ran on teh Democratic ticket for president a year+ ago. Here we have someone as shifty as Nixon and as evasive as Clinton.
In fact, every election where Obama has shown up to help the incumbent has resulted in loss. Dems are fooling themselves thinking people will like this health care bill. They know what's in it and they don't like and no poll has shown anything different.

But the GOP could easily screw up. They are the party of conscience. They will get in and change House and Senate rules to prevent this kind of crap from happening again. And they will have hamstrung themselves in the process because they are too gentlemanly to take advantage of the same procedural crap the Dums had no problem using. And they are shamed by charges of hypocrisy, unlike the Dums, who have proven themselves the biggest hypocrites to walk the planet.
No, we need to pressure the next GOP Congress to repeal TARP, repeal Obamacare and make sure this stuff never happens again.
The Democrats went all in on this one. They bribed, fucked sucked and cajoled every rep they could to get this passed. And even then it manages to piss off everyone in some way.
This was teh best they could do with close to a super-majority.

Yes, they will suffer terribly in Nov. Obama's own White House is predicting unemployment to remain between 9 and 10% for the foreseeable future. After hearing clips of Obama's interview in Fox anyone would wonder what happened to that forthright and well spoken man who ran on teh Democratic ticket for president a year+ ago. Here we have someone as shifty as Nixon and as evasive as Clinton.
In fact, every election where Obama has shown up to help the incumbent has resulted in loss. Dems are fooling themselves thinking people will like this health care bill. They know what's in it and they don't like and no poll has shown anything different.

But the GOP could easily screw up. They are the party of conscience. They will get in and change House and Senate rules to prevent this kind of crap from happening again. And they will have hamstrung themselves in the process because they are too gentlemanly to take advantage of the same procedural crap the Dums had no problem using. And they are shamed by charges of hypocrisy, unlike the Dums, who have proven themselves the biggest hypocrites to walk the planet.
No, we need to pressure the next GOP Congress to repeal TARP, repeal Obamacare and make sure this stuff never happens again.

A good start would be to stop voting in these Marxist idealogues and Republican "moderates".
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Like he said, it's going to the Pvt HC Companies.. So that's a Plus.. Another plus? No Public Option and Nobody denied coverage for Pre Existing Conditions..

The Bill isn't perfect, never was, never will.

We survived far worse bills and presidents.. it ain't the end of the world.
Conservatives: This is not a big deal. We've already won this battle because this bill is weak, and in fact, pours money into the insurance industry. Are our taxes gonna go up a bit for the sake of paying healthcare to illegals and poor people? Yeah, a bit. It's the price we pay for George W. Bush. His backlash enabled this. And it's OK. We were attacked, and had to make very tough political choices, like war and torture, to defend our people. The libs took advantage of that for their own purposes. Thats fine. WE did the right thing then, despite paying the political price now.

BUT....theres no public option. AND the liberals have had their Haleys Comet, once-in-72 years moment. They went all in, and got ONE thing, which was drastically more moderate than what they wanted (Single payer). BUT, as a price, their finished politically. Reps, and more important, Conservatives, will dominate fall elections. The liberals will NEVER see amnesty for illegals, gay marriage, or cap and trade. Their liberal dreams have ended with this ONE bill.

AND why do I say WE will win anyway? Because we always have. Conservatives are a people that have certain traits: Honor, integrity, discipline, ingenuity, resourcefulness, sefl-reliance. Those traits are why people like us were better at winning ALL things: Sports, women, business deals, etc. Liberals are the loser types who are DEPENDENT on everyone but themselves. We made fun of liberals in high school. You guys remember those times. They were never disciplined enough to win at sports. Never smart enough to win at business. Never independent enough to attract a good woman.

This bill sucks, but of course as we always have, conservatives will find the loopholes, find the ways to win anyway, find ways to rise above the liberals and leeches of our society time and time again. Its why things such as Air America FAIL, while things such as Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh succeed. Because the right is full of winners, the left is full of whiners. They envy our success and ability to adapt. The salivate at ways to legislate the taking of our fruits to be distributed amongst their losing class. And like now, when that occassionally happens, rather than crying that they stole our fruit, we'll find a way to grow a whole new tree.

So, be thankful. To use a final analogy, would you rather be the Shark, or the little parasite fish that desperately tries to latch on to the Shark. Happy hunting in the new economy boys. I know WE will get past this minor speed bump easily.

So, are you now calling John Boehner a LIAR?
Conservatives: This is not a big deal. We've already won this battle because this bill is weak, and in fact, pours money into the insurance industry. Are our taxes gonna go up a bit for the sake of paying healthcare to illegals and poor people? Yeah, a bit. It's the price we pay for George W. Bush. His backlash enabled this. And it's OK. We were attacked, and had to make very tough political choices, like war and torture, to defend our people. The libs took advantage of that for their own purposes. Thats fine. WE did the right thing then, despite paying the political price now.

BUT....theres no public option. AND the liberals have had their Haleys Comet, once-in-72 years moment. They went all in, and got ONE thing, which was drastically more moderate than what they wanted (Single payer). BUT, as a price, their finished politically. Reps, and more important, Conservatives, will dominate fall elections. The liberals will NEVER see amnesty for illegals, gay marriage, or cap and trade. Their liberal dreams have ended with this ONE bill.

AND why do I say WE will win anyway? Because we always have. Conservatives are a people that have certain traits: Honor, integrity, discipline, ingenuity, resourcefulness, sefl-reliance. Those traits are why people like us were better at winning ALL things: Sports, women, business deals, etc. Liberals are the loser types who are DEPENDENT on everyone but themselves. We made fun of liberals in high school. You guys remember those times. They were never disciplined enough to win at sports. Never smart enough to win at business. Never independent enough to attract a good woman.

This bill sucks, but of course as we always have, conservatives will find the loopholes, find the ways to win anyway, find ways to rise above the liberals and leeches of our society time and time again. Its why things such as Air America FAIL, while things such as Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh succeed. Because the right is full of winners, the left is full of whiners. They envy our success and ability to adapt. The salivate at ways to legislate the taking of our fruits to be distributed amongst their losing class. And like now, when that occassionally happens, rather than crying that they stole our fruit, we'll find a way to grow a whole new tree.

So, be thankful. To use a final analogy, would you rather be the Shark, or the little parasite fish that desperately tries to latch on to the Shark. Happy hunting in the new economy boys. I know WE will get past this minor speed bump easily.

So, you mean the wingnuts have been lied to all along? You mean there was zero chance of this ushering in an era of communism or socialism? You mean you all got the the wingnuts all in a lather just to make the Dems look bad?
Conservatives: This is not a big deal. We've already won this battle because this bill is weak, and in fact, pours money into the insurance industry. Are our taxes gonna go up a bit for the sake of paying healthcare to illegals and poor people? Yeah, a bit. It's the price we pay for George W. Bush. His backlash enabled this. And it's OK. We were attacked, and had to make very tough political choices, like war and torture, to defend our people. The libs took advantage of that for their own purposes. Thats fine. WE did the right thing then, despite paying the political price now.

BUT....theres no public option. AND the liberals have had their Haleys Comet, once-in-72 years moment. They went all in, and got ONE thing, which was drastically more moderate than what they wanted (Single payer). BUT, as a price, their finished politically. Reps, and more important, Conservatives, will dominate fall elections. The liberals will NEVER see amnesty for illegals, gay marriage, or cap and trade. Their liberal dreams have ended with this ONE bill.

AND why do I say WE will win anyway? Because we always have. Conservatives are a people that have certain traits: Honor, integrity, discipline, ingenuity, resourcefulness, sefl-reliance. Those traits are why people like us were better at winning ALL things: Sports, women, business deals, etc. Liberals are the loser types who are DEPENDENT on everyone but themselves. We made fun of liberals in high school. You guys remember those times. They were never disciplined enough to win at sports. Never smart enough to win at business. Never independent enough to attract a good woman.

This bill sucks, but of course as we always have, conservatives will find the loopholes, find the ways to win anyway, find ways to rise above the liberals and leeches of our society time and time again. Its why things such as Air America FAIL, while things such as Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh succeed. Because the right is full of winners, the left is full of whiners. They envy our success and ability to adapt. The salivate at ways to legislate the taking of our fruits to be distributed amongst their losing class. And like now, when that occassionally happens, rather than crying that they stole our fruit, we'll find a way to grow a whole new tree.

So, be thankful. To use a final analogy, would you rather be the Shark, or the little parasite fish that desperately tries to latch on to the Shark. Happy hunting in the new economy boys. I know WE will get past this minor speed bump easily.

So, you mean the wingnuts have been lied to all along? You mean there was zero chance of this ushering in an era of communism or socialism? You mean you all got the the wingnuts all in a lather just to make the Dems look bad?

What on earth will the Tea Baggers rail against now? Well, I mean BESIDES gays and ******* and such....
I figured the 'it's no big deal' talking point wouldn't be long in coming.

Kind of like all the wingnuts who claimed losing in 2006 was actually a good thing.

lol, how'd that work out for you?
Fining and imprisoning our Citizens for not buying Health Insurance? Wait till average Citizens start getting harassed by the IRS to pay their fines. That's when the real backlash against this debacle will begin. Unfortunately most Americans really are pretty ignorant and uninformed. Most have no idea what the Democrats just did. Well they're gonna find out i guess. This Bill has no redeeming qualities. It's just plain bad for this country in the end.
Fining and imprisoning our Citizens for not buying Health Insurance? Wait till average Citizens start getting harassed by the IRS to pay their fines. That's when the real backlash against this debacle will begin. Unfortunately most Americans really are pretty ignorant and uninformed. Most have no idea what the Democrats just did. Well they're gonna find out i guess. This Bill has no redeeming qualities. It's just plain bad for this country in the end.

Pot? Kettle.

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