CDZ Fellow Conservatives, let's discuss Ted Cruz together.

I'm not discussing Ted Cruz with lefties.

Of course you won't discuss Cruz with lefties.

If you did, all the lies and half truths that you bought would come tumbling down.

When he fails to win, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, because the preemptive :lalala: means his supporters deliberately blocked any information from the opposition that might have helped guide his campaign.

Then they'll just blame "the MSM."
Since this is in the CDZ, I won't say exactly what I want to here about the lefties who post.

Instead I'll try to help you people since you seem to be clueless.

None of you are going to vote for Cruz. It's the PRIMARY! Why would I or anyone in the GOP care what you think now? If Cruz wins the Primary then we can talk about him from both sides.

It's the primary, NO ONE CARES what lefties think now.

Do you understand? Am I getting through the fog?

Now, go away.
None of you are going to vote for Cruz. It's the PRIMARY! Why would I or anyone in the GOP care what you think now? If Cruz wins the Primary then we can talk about him from both sides.

It's the primary, NO ONE CARES what lefties think now.

Are you in a position to speak for every Republican voter? Probably not. If you only wanted an "Amen!" from those who were already planning to vote for Cruz, you wouldn't have needed to start a thread in a forum that not only includes non-Republicans, but Republican supporters of other candidates, e.g., Trump.

In the eventuality that you actually wanted to know why potential voters would or would not support Cruz, you'd want differing opinions in order to make your candidate more appealing.

Your "Go away" attitude does not help your candidate.
None of you are going to vote for Cruz. It's the PRIMARY! Why would I or anyone in the GOP care what you think now? If Cruz wins the Primary then we can talk about him from both sides.

It's the primary, NO ONE CARES what lefties think now.

Are you in a position to speak for every Republican voter? Probably not. If you only wanted an "Amen!" from those who were already planning to vote for Cruz, you wouldn't have needed to start a thread in a forum that not only includes non-Republicans, but Republican supporters of other candidates, e.g., Trump.

In the eventuality that you actually wanted to know why potential voters would or would not support Cruz, you'd want differing opinions in order to make your candidate more appealing.

Your "Go away" attitude does not help your candidate.

Do you know what a "Primary Election" is? Think about it, then re read what I posted. I'll not bother to respond to you further.
None of you are going to vote for Cruz. It's the PRIMARY! Why would I or anyone in the GOP care what you think now? If Cruz wins the Primary then we can talk about him from both sides.

It's the primary, NO ONE CARES what lefties think now.

Are you in a position to speak for every Republican voter? Probably not. If you only wanted an "Amen!" from those who were already planning to vote for Cruz, you wouldn't have needed to start a thread in a forum that not only includes non-Republicans, but Republican supporters of other candidates, e.g., Trump.

In the eventuality that you actually wanted to know why potential voters would or would not support Cruz, you'd want differing opinions in order to make your candidate more appealing.

Your "Go away" attitude does not help your candidate.

Do you know what a "Primary Election" is?

Yes. Do you know that some states have open primaries? Do you understand what that means?

Think about it, then re read what I posted.

Will you reread what I posted?

I'll not bother to respond to you further.

At the outset you announced this thread was to be for conservatives only. Why is this any different?

For the benefit of any Cruz supporters whose minds aren't completely closed, I'll reiterate: You are a reflection of your candidate.

As it turns out, in this thread, an accurate one.
Calling Ted Cruz a Conservative is offensive to true Conservatives.
Cruz is nothing more than a self-serving religious zealot of a grandstander who simply makes noise to further his standing with the radical right of the GOP ( let's not confuse today's GOP with Conservatism).
1. He loves America. He loves himself more, or he would act as a public servant and work to get things accomplished rather than proposing a steady stream of proposals he knows have no chance of passing, and only serve to get his name in the headlines.

2. He knows and respects the Constitution. No. He does not even understand the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, preferring to spew views that run counter to the Constitution and our core values just to pander to the fearful and promote his brand.

3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind. He speaks his mind when it serves his best interest, yet when Trump spews outrageous nonsense that runs counter to our values and constitution, Cruz goes silent.

4. He's a moral man. Moral men put their country before themselves. Cruz does just the opposite. He lies through his teeth like a snake oil salesman at every campaign stop. Not conservative, not moral.

5. He's a true conservative. He is a blatantly fake Conservative - again, let's not confuse the far Right of today's GOP with with Conservatives.
They are far too often a faction of fearmongering, racist, religious zealots who are by and large clueless about true Conservative values and the core fundamentals of our Republic. Cruz is their ringleader, pandering to their fears and phobias at every opportunity in his ultimate pursuit of promoting his brand ahead of the best interests of our country.

Call him whatever you want, EXCEPT a Conservative.
Calling Ted Cruz a Conservative is offensive to true Conservatives.
Cruz is nothing more than a self-serving religious zealot of a grandstander who simply makes noise to further his standing with the radical right of the GOP ( let's not confuse today's GOP with Conservatism).
1. He loves America. He loves himself more, or he would act as a public servant and work to get things accomplished rather than proposing a steady stream of proposals he knows have no chance of passing, and only serve to get his name in the headlines.

2. He knows and respects the Constitution. No. He does not even understand the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, preferring to spew views that run counter to the Constitution and our core values just to pander to the fearful and promote his brand.

3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind. He speaks his mind when it serves his best interest, yet when Trump spews outrageous nonsense that runs counter to our values and constitution, Cruz goes silent.

4. He's a moral man. Moral men put their country before themselves. Cruz does just the opposite. He lies through his teeth like a snake oil salesman at every campaign stop. Not conservative, not moral.

5. He's a true conservative. He is a blatantly fake Conservative - again, let's not confuse the far Right of today's GOP with with Conservatives.
They are far too often a faction of fearmongering, racist, religious zealots who are by and large clueless about true Conservative values and the core fundamentals of our Republic. Cruz is their ringleader, pandering to their fears and phobias at every opportunity in his ultimate pursuit of promoting his brand ahead of the best interests of our country.

Call him whatever you want, EXCEPT a Conservative.

I couldn't disagree with you more.

1. He proposes these things not because he thinks they will pass, but because they are the right things to do. He loves his country.

2. Name one thing he has done that runs counter to our values.

3. He is t afraid to speak his mind at all. He has done so in many occasions. Trump has nothing to do with it.

4. Cruz puts his country first, like a moral public servant does. He hasn't lied at all.

5. You are dead wrong. He is a true conservative. You just define conservatism incorrectly.
Calling Ted Cruz a Conservative is offensive to true Conservatives.
Cruz is nothing more than a self-serving religious zealot of a grandstander who simply makes noise to further his standing with the radical right of the GOP ( let's not confuse today's GOP with Conservatism).
1. He loves America. He loves himself more, or he would act as a public servant and work to get things accomplished rather than proposing a steady stream of proposals he knows have no chance of passing, and only serve to get his name in the headlines.

2. He knows and respects the Constitution. No. He does not even understand the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, preferring to spew views that run counter to the Constitution and our core values just to pander to the fearful and promote his brand.

3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind. He speaks his mind when it serves his best interest, yet when Trump spews outrageous nonsense that runs counter to our values and constitution, Cruz goes silent.

4. He's a moral man. Moral men put their country before themselves. Cruz does just the opposite. He lies through his teeth like a snake oil salesman at every campaign stop. Not conservative, not moral.

5. He's a true conservative. He is a blatantly fake Conservative - again, let's not confuse the far Right of today's GOP with with Conservatives.
They are far too often a faction of fearmongering, racist, religious zealots who are by and large clueless about true Conservative values and the core fundamentals of our Republic. Cruz is their ringleader, pandering to their fears and phobias at every opportunity in his ultimate pursuit of promoting his brand ahead of the best interests of our country.

Call him whatever you want, EXCEPT a Conservative.

I couldn't disagree with you more.

1. He proposes these things not because he thinks they will pass, but because they are the right things to do. He loves his country.
That's a smokescreen he puts up (again think snake oil salesman). Do some research on the man. See what colleagues have to say about him. The term "False Prophet" and similar comes up often. He's a good actor, but his priorities are self first, while pretending that the country is.

2. Name one thing he has done that runs counter to our values.
Just one? :) His Religious Zealotry drives him to rail against basic freedoms that the law grants to every citizen. Gay Marriage is just the latest. Anyone who loves and understands the Constitution does not try to bend it to match their religious beliefs. Again, a false prophet - self first, country second.

3. He is t afraid to speak his mind at all. He has done so in many occasions. Trump has nothing to do with it.
His failure to speak his mind against the hateful unAmerican rhetoric spewing from Trumps mouth speaks to a man who is absolutely afraid to speak his mind at all times.

4. Cruz puts his country first, like a moral public servant does. He hasn't lied at all.
What??? Google "Ted Cruz lies" and you'll find hundreds of them. His constant lying is largely held to be his biggest liability. The man is flat out dishonest on the campaign trail, but his followers don't call him on it because he's telling them what they want to hear.

5. You are dead wrong. He is a true conservative. You just define conservatism incorrectly.
With all due respect, you don't understand the definition of conservatism. You've confused conservatism with what the GOP has become since they sold out to the Religious Right, something that's really sad for true conservatives. A true conservative would be mindful of the constitution and the laws of our country while doing their best to pass legislation that betters us as a people regardless of race, creed, or color. Instead, Cruz grandstands with extreme exclusionary views engineered to appeal to his base knowing full well his motives are self-serving. The guy is a fraud, albeit a really smart one. But then again, the best snake oil salesmen always have been. Worse than that, America is looking at frauds like Cruz and saying "that's not us, that's not who we are" and he's damaging the GOP in the process.

Calling Ted Cruz a Conservative is offensive to true Conservatives.
Cruz is nothing more than a self-serving religious zealot of a grandstander who simply makes noise to further his standing with the radical right of the GOP ( let's not confuse today's GOP with Conservatism).
1. He loves America. He loves himself more, or he would act as a public servant and work to get things accomplished rather than proposing a steady stream of proposals he knows have no chance of passing, and only serve to get his name in the headlines.

2. He knows and respects the Constitution. No. He does not even understand the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, preferring to spew views that run counter to the Constitution and our core values just to pander to the fearful and promote his brand.

3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind. He speaks his mind when it serves his best interest, yet when Trump spews outrageous nonsense that runs counter to our values and constitution, Cruz goes silent.

4. He's a moral man. Moral men put their country before themselves. Cruz does just the opposite. He lies through his teeth like a snake oil salesman at every campaign stop. Not conservative, not moral.

5. He's a true conservative. He is a blatantly fake Conservative - again, let's not confuse the far Right of today's GOP with with Conservatives.
They are far too often a faction of fearmongering, racist, religious zealots who are by and large clueless about true Conservative values and the core fundamentals of our Republic. Cruz is their ringleader, pandering to their fears and phobias at every opportunity in his ultimate pursuit of promoting his brand ahead of the best interests of our country.

Call him whatever you want, EXCEPT a Conservative.

I couldn't disagree with you more.

1. He proposes these things not because he thinks they will pass, but because they are the right things to do. He loves his country.
That's a smokescreen he puts up (again think snake oil salesman). Do some research on the man. See what colleagues have to say about him. The term "False Prophet" and similar comes up often. He's a good actor, but his priorities are self first, while pretending that the country is.

2. Name one thing he has done that runs counter to our values.
Just one? :) His Religious Zealotry drives him to rail against basic freedoms that the law grants to every citizen. Gay Marriage is just the latest. Anyone who loves and understands the Constitution does not try to bend it to match their religious beliefs. Again, a false prophet - self first, country second.

3. He is t afraid to speak his mind at all. He has done so in many occasions. Trump has nothing to do with it.
His failure to speak his mind against the hateful unAmerican rhetoric spewing from Trumps mouth speaks to a man who is absolutely afraid to speak his mind at all times.

4. Cruz puts his country first, like a moral public servant does. He hasn't lied at all.
What??? Google "Ted Cruz lies" and you'll find hundreds of them. His constant lying is largely held to be his biggest liability. The man is flat out dishonest on the campaign trail, but his followers don't call him on it because he's telling them what they want to hear.

5. You are dead wrong. He is a true conservative. You just define conservatism incorrectly.
With all due respect, you don't understand the definition of conservatism. You've confused conservatism with what the GOP has become since they sold out to the Religious Right, something that's really sad for true conservatives. A true conservative would be mindful of the constitution and the laws of our country while doing their best to pass legislation that betters us as a people regardless of race, creed, or color. Instead, Cruz grandstands with extreme exclusionary views engineered to appeal to his base knowing full well his motives are self-serving. The guy is a fraud, albeit a really smart one. But then again, the best snake oil salesmen always have been. Worse than that, America is looking at frauds like Cruz and saying "that's not us, that's not who we are" and he's damaging the GOP in the process.

You keep posting your opinions as fact. They are not facts. Not any where near. Cruz IS mindful of the constitution and no conservative is under any obligation to pass legislation to "better" us as a people. That is a progressive notion and anathema to conservatism. I get it, you don't like Cruz but you are way off base here and I'm voting for him.
Calling Ted Cruz a Conservative is offensive to true Conservatives.
Cruz is nothing more than a self-serving religious zealot of a grandstander who simply makes noise to further his standing with the radical right of the GOP ( let's not confuse today's GOP with Conservatism).
1. He loves America. He loves himself more, or he would act as a public servant and work to get things accomplished rather than proposing a steady stream of proposals he knows have no chance of passing, and only serve to get his name in the headlines.

2. He knows and respects the Constitution. No. He does not even understand the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, preferring to spew views that run counter to the Constitution and our core values just to pander to the fearful and promote his brand.

3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind. He speaks his mind when it serves his best interest, yet when Trump spews outrageous nonsense that runs counter to our values and constitution, Cruz goes silent.

4. He's a moral man. Moral men put their country before themselves. Cruz does just the opposite. He lies through his teeth like a snake oil salesman at every campaign stop. Not conservative, not moral.

5. He's a true conservative. He is a blatantly fake Conservative - again, let's not confuse the far Right of today's GOP with with Conservatives.
They are far too often a faction of fearmongering, racist, religious zealots who are by and large clueless about true Conservative values and the core fundamentals of our Republic. Cruz is their ringleader, pandering to their fears and phobias at every opportunity in his ultimate pursuit of promoting his brand ahead of the best interests of our country.

Call him whatever you want, EXCEPT a Conservative.

I couldn't disagree with you more.

1. He proposes these things not because he thinks they will pass, but because they are the right things to do. He loves his country.
That's a smokescreen he puts up (again think snake oil salesman). Do some research on the man. See what colleagues have to say about him. The term "False Prophet" and similar comes up often. He's a good actor, but his priorities are self first, while pretending that the country is.

2. Name one thing he has done that runs counter to our values.
Just one? :) His Religious Zealotry drives him to rail against basic freedoms that the law grants to every citizen. Gay Marriage is just the latest. Anyone who loves and understands the Constitution does not try to bend it to match their religious beliefs. Again, a false prophet - self first, country second.

3. He is t afraid to speak his mind at all. He has done so in many occasions. Trump has nothing to do with it.
His failure to speak his mind against the hateful unAmerican rhetoric spewing from Trumps mouth speaks to a man who is absolutely afraid to speak his mind at all times.

4. Cruz puts his country first, like a moral public servant does. He hasn't lied at all.
What??? Google "Ted Cruz lies" and you'll find hundreds of them. His constant lying is largely held to be his biggest liability. The man is flat out dishonest on the campaign trail, but his followers don't call him on it because he's telling them what they want to hear.

5. You are dead wrong. He is a true conservative. You just define conservatism incorrectly.
With all due respect, you don't understand the definition of conservatism. You've confused conservatism with what the GOP has become since they sold out to the Religious Right, something that's really sad for true conservatives. A true conservative would be mindful of the constitution and the laws of our country while doing their best to pass legislation that betters us as a people regardless of race, creed, or color. Instead, Cruz grandstands with extreme exclusionary views engineered to appeal to his base knowing full well his motives are self-serving. The guy is a fraud, albeit a really smart one. But then again, the best snake oil salesmen always have been. Worse than that, America is looking at frauds like Cruz and saying "that's not us, that's not who we are" and he's damaging the GOP in the process.

You keep posting your opinions as fact. They are not facts. Not any where near. Cruz IS mindful of the constitution and no conservative is under any obligation to pass legislation to "better" us as a people. That is a progressive notion and anathema to conservatism. I get it, you don't like Cruz but you are way off base here and I'm voting for him.

Most of what I posted IS verifiable fact.
Cruz lies often - verifiable fact.
Cruz refuses to condemn Trump's anti-american rhetoric - verifiable fact
Cruz is called a fraud, and a false prophet by his Republican colleagues - verifiable fact
Cruz's religious zealotry goes against the basic tenants of our constitution - verifiable fact
As far as conservatism, are you saying that conservatives don't want to better us as a people by passing legislation that creates jobs, strengthens our economy, enhances our security, and adheres to the core values of equality of race, creed, and color? Cruz's religious zealotry is an anathema to conservative and core American values, and up until the Religious Right co-opted the GOP, we had progressive conservatives like Eisenhower and Reagan who understood what core conservative values truly meant.
I mean no offense, but you might want to take a more objective and deeper look at Cruz. He's not who he might appear to be on the surface. It's not a matter of not liking the guy. I've seen him interviewed and he seems like a likable guy, it's just his politics that are dangerous.
Last edited:
Calling Ted Cruz a Conservative is offensive to true Conservatives.
Cruz is nothing more than a self-serving religious zealot of a grandstander who simply makes noise to further his standing with the radical right of the GOP ( let's not confuse today's GOP with Conservatism).
1. He loves America. He loves himself more, or he would act as a public servant and work to get things accomplished rather than proposing a steady stream of proposals he knows have no chance of passing, and only serve to get his name in the headlines.

2. He knows and respects the Constitution. No. He does not even understand the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, preferring to spew views that run counter to the Constitution and our core values just to pander to the fearful and promote his brand.

3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind. He speaks his mind when it serves his best interest, yet when Trump spews outrageous nonsense that runs counter to our values and constitution, Cruz goes silent.

4. He's a moral man. Moral men put their country before themselves. Cruz does just the opposite. He lies through his teeth like a snake oil salesman at every campaign stop. Not conservative, not moral.

5. He's a true conservative. He is a blatantly fake Conservative - again, let's not confuse the far Right of today's GOP with with Conservatives.
They are far too often a faction of fearmongering, racist, religious zealots who are by and large clueless about true Conservative values and the core fundamentals of our Republic. Cruz is their ringleader, pandering to their fears and phobias at every opportunity in his ultimate pursuit of promoting his brand ahead of the best interests of our country.

Call him whatever you want, EXCEPT a Conservative.

I couldn't disagree with you more.

1. He proposes these things not because he thinks they will pass, but because they are the right things to do. He loves his country.
That's a smokescreen he puts up (again think snake oil salesman). Do some research on the man. See what colleagues have to say about him. The term "False Prophet" and similar comes up often. He's a good actor, but his priorities are self first, while pretending that the country is.

2. Name one thing he has done that runs counter to our values.
Just one? :) His Religious Zealotry drives him to rail against basic freedoms that the law grants to every citizen. Gay Marriage is just the latest. Anyone who loves and understands the Constitution does not try to bend it to match their religious beliefs. Again, a false prophet - self first, country second.

3. He is t afraid to speak his mind at all. He has done so in many occasions. Trump has nothing to do with it.
His failure to speak his mind against the hateful unAmerican rhetoric spewing from Trumps mouth speaks to a man who is absolutely afraid to speak his mind at all times.

4. Cruz puts his country first, like a moral public servant does. He hasn't lied at all.
What??? Google "Ted Cruz lies" and you'll find hundreds of them. His constant lying is largely held to be his biggest liability. The man is flat out dishonest on the campaign trail, but his followers don't call him on it because he's telling them what they want to hear.

5. You are dead wrong. He is a true conservative. You just define conservatism incorrectly.
With all due respect, you don't understand the definition of conservatism. You've confused conservatism with what the GOP has become since they sold out to the Religious Right, something that's really sad for true conservatives. A true conservative would be mindful of the constitution and the laws of our country while doing their best to pass legislation that betters us as a people regardless of race, creed, or color. Instead, Cruz grandstands with extreme exclusionary views engineered to appeal to his base knowing full well his motives are self-serving. The guy is a fraud, albeit a really smart one. But then again, the best snake oil salesmen always have been. Worse than that, America is looking at frauds like Cruz and saying "that's not us, that's not who we are" and he's damaging the GOP in the process.

You keep posting your opinions as fact. They are not facts. Not any where near. Cruz IS mindful of the constitution and no conservative is under any obligation to pass legislation to "better" us as a people. That is a progressive notion and anathema to conservatism. I get it, you don't like Cruz but you are way off base here and I'm voting for him.

Most of what I posted IS verifiable fact.
Cruz lies often - verifiable fact.
Cruz refuses to condemn Trump's anti-american rhetoric - verifiable fact
Cruz is called a fraud, and a false prophet by his Republican colleagues - verifiable fact
Cruz's religious zealotry goes against the basic tenants of our constitution - verifiable fact
As far as conservatism, are you saying that conservatives don't want to better us as a people by passing legislation that creates jobs, strengthens our economy, enhances our security, and adheres to the core values of equality of race, creed, and color? Cruz's religious zealotry is an anathema to conservative and core American values, and up until the Religious Right co-opted the GOP, we had progressive conservatives like Eisenhower and Reagan who understood what core conservative values truly meant.
I mean no offense, but you might want to take a more objective and deeper look at Cruz. He's not who he might appear to be on the surface. It's not a matter of not liking the guy. I've seen him interviewed and he seems like a likable guy, it's just his politics that are dangerous.

You cannot simply say "It's a verifialble fact" and suddenly it is. Sorry, you post no facts at all. Your problem is that you do not understand what a conservative is.

I get it, you don't like Cruz. I do. I'm voting for him.
Calling Ted Cruz a Conservative is offensive to true Conservatives.
Cruz is nothing more than a self-serving religious zealot of a grandstander who simply makes noise to further his standing with the radical right of the GOP ( let's not confuse today's GOP with Conservatism).
1. He loves America. He loves himself more, or he would act as a public servant and work to get things accomplished rather than proposing a steady stream of proposals he knows have no chance of passing, and only serve to get his name in the headlines.

2. He knows and respects the Constitution. No. He does not even understand the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, preferring to spew views that run counter to the Constitution and our core values just to pander to the fearful and promote his brand.

3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind. He speaks his mind when it serves his best interest, yet when Trump spews outrageous nonsense that runs counter to our values and constitution, Cruz goes silent.

4. He's a moral man. Moral men put their country before themselves. Cruz does just the opposite. He lies through his teeth like a snake oil salesman at every campaign stop. Not conservative, not moral.

5. He's a true conservative. He is a blatantly fake Conservative - again, let's not confuse the far Right of today's GOP with with Conservatives.
They are far too often a faction of fearmongering, racist, religious zealots who are by and large clueless about true Conservative values and the core fundamentals of our Republic. Cruz is their ringleader, pandering to their fears and phobias at every opportunity in his ultimate pursuit of promoting his brand ahead of the best interests of our country.

Call him whatever you want, EXCEPT a Conservative.

I couldn't disagree with you more.

1. He proposes these things not because he thinks they will pass, but because they are the right things to do. He loves his country.
That's a smokescreen he puts up (again think snake oil salesman). Do some research on the man. See what colleagues have to say about him. The term "False Prophet" and similar comes up often. He's a good actor, but his priorities are self first, while pretending that the country is.

2. Name one thing he has done that runs counter to our values.
Just one? :) His Religious Zealotry drives him to rail against basic freedoms that the law grants to every citizen. Gay Marriage is just the latest. Anyone who loves and understands the Constitution does not try to bend it to match their religious beliefs. Again, a false prophet - self first, country second.

3. He is t afraid to speak his mind at all. He has done so in many occasions. Trump has nothing to do with it.
His failure to speak his mind against the hateful unAmerican rhetoric spewing from Trumps mouth speaks to a man who is absolutely afraid to speak his mind at all times.

4. Cruz puts his country first, like a moral public servant does. He hasn't lied at all.
What??? Google "Ted Cruz lies" and you'll find hundreds of them. His constant lying is largely held to be his biggest liability. The man is flat out dishonest on the campaign trail, but his followers don't call him on it because he's telling them what they want to hear.

5. You are dead wrong. He is a true conservative. You just define conservatism incorrectly.
With all due respect, you don't understand the definition of conservatism. You've confused conservatism with what the GOP has become since they sold out to the Religious Right, something that's really sad for true conservatives. A true conservative would be mindful of the constitution and the laws of our country while doing their best to pass legislation that betters us as a people regardless of race, creed, or color. Instead, Cruz grandstands with extreme exclusionary views engineered to appeal to his base knowing full well his motives are self-serving. The guy is a fraud, albeit a really smart one. But then again, the best snake oil salesmen always have been. Worse than that, America is looking at frauds like Cruz and saying "that's not us, that's not who we are" and he's damaging the GOP in the process.

You keep posting your opinions as fact. They are not facts. Not any where near. Cruz IS mindful of the constitution and no conservative is under any obligation to pass legislation to "better" us as a people. That is a progressive notion and anathema to conservatism. I get it, you don't like Cruz but you are way off base here and I'm voting for him.

Most of what I posted IS verifiable fact.
Cruz lies often - verifiable fact.
Cruz refuses to condemn Trump's anti-american rhetoric - verifiable fact
Cruz is called a fraud, and a false prophet by his Republican colleagues - verifiable fact
Cruz's religious zealotry goes against the basic tenants of our constitution - verifiable fact
As far as conservatism, are you saying that conservatives don't want to better us as a people by passing legislation that creates jobs, strengthens our economy, enhances our security, and adheres to the core values of equality of race, creed, and color? Cruz's religious zealotry is an anathema to conservative and core American values, and up until the Religious Right co-opted the GOP, we had progressive conservatives like Eisenhower and Reagan who understood what core conservative values truly meant.
I mean no offense, but you might want to take a more objective and deeper look at Cruz. He's not who he might appear to be on the surface. It's not a matter of not liking the guy. I've seen him interviewed and he seems like a likable guy, it's just his politics that are dangerous.

You cannot simply say "It's a verifialble fact" and suddenly it is. Sorry, you post no facts at all. Your problem is that you do not understand what a conservative is.

I get it, you don't like Cruz. I do. I'm voting for him.

LOL. I'm not just *saying* they are verifiable facts. Those ARE easily verifiable facts. That's the problem with so many of today's so called Conservatives, they think facts are open to interpretation. They are not. Like I said, google "Ted Cruz lies" and you'll find all the documentation you need about his pathological lying on the campaign trail. Google "Ted Cruz fraud" same thing. Google "Ted Cruz False Prophet". Google "Ted Cruz silent on Trump". Facts are not debatable!!!
Geez, you have no idea who it is you are voting for, and that's scary. And even scarier, is that you don't *want* to know.
I couldn't disagree with you more.

1. He proposes these things not because he thinks they will pass, but because they are the right things to do. He loves his country.
That's a smokescreen he puts up (again think snake oil salesman). Do some research on the man. See what colleagues have to say about him. The term "False Prophet" and similar comes up often. He's a good actor, but his priorities are self first, while pretending that the country is.

2. Name one thing he has done that runs counter to our values.
Just one? :) His Religious Zealotry drives him to rail against basic freedoms that the law grants to every citizen. Gay Marriage is just the latest. Anyone who loves and understands the Constitution does not try to bend it to match their religious beliefs. Again, a false prophet - self first, country second.

3. He is t afraid to speak his mind at all. He has done so in many occasions. Trump has nothing to do with it.
His failure to speak his mind against the hateful unAmerican rhetoric spewing from Trumps mouth speaks to a man who is absolutely afraid to speak his mind at all times.

4. Cruz puts his country first, like a moral public servant does. He hasn't lied at all.
What??? Google "Ted Cruz lies" and you'll find hundreds of them. His constant lying is largely held to be his biggest liability. The man is flat out dishonest on the campaign trail, but his followers don't call him on it because he's telling them what they want to hear.

5. You are dead wrong. He is a true conservative. You just define conservatism incorrectly.
With all due respect, you don't understand the definition of conservatism. You've confused conservatism with what the GOP has become since they sold out to the Religious Right, something that's really sad for true conservatives. A true conservative would be mindful of the constitution and the laws of our country while doing their best to pass legislation that betters us as a people regardless of race, creed, or color. Instead, Cruz grandstands with extreme exclusionary views engineered to appeal to his base knowing full well his motives are self-serving. The guy is a fraud, albeit a really smart one. But then again, the best snake oil salesmen always have been. Worse than that, America is looking at frauds like Cruz and saying "that's not us, that's not who we are" and he's damaging the GOP in the process.

You keep posting your opinions as fact. They are not facts. Not any where near. Cruz IS mindful of the constitution and no conservative is under any obligation to pass legislation to "better" us as a people. That is a progressive notion and anathema to conservatism. I get it, you don't like Cruz but you are way off base here and I'm voting for him.

Most of what I posted IS verifiable fact.
Cruz lies often - verifiable fact.
Cruz refuses to condemn Trump's anti-american rhetoric - verifiable fact
Cruz is called a fraud, and a false prophet by his Republican colleagues - verifiable fact
Cruz's religious zealotry goes against the basic tenants of our constitution - verifiable fact
As far as conservatism, are you saying that conservatives don't want to better us as a people by passing legislation that creates jobs, strengthens our economy, enhances our security, and adheres to the core values of equality of race, creed, and color? Cruz's religious zealotry is an anathema to conservative and core American values, and up until the Religious Right co-opted the GOP, we had progressive conservatives like Eisenhower and Reagan who understood what core conservative values truly meant.
I mean no offense, but you might want to take a more objective and deeper look at Cruz. He's not who he might appear to be on the surface. It's not a matter of not liking the guy. I've seen him interviewed and he seems like a likable guy, it's just his politics that are dangerous.

You cannot simply say "It's a verifialble fact" and suddenly it is. Sorry, you post no facts at all. Your problem is that you do not understand what a conservative is.

I get it, you don't like Cruz. I do. I'm voting for him.

LOL. I'm not just *saying* they are verifiable facts. Those ARE easily verifiable facts. That's the problem with so many of today's so called Conservatives, they think facts are open to interpretation. They are not. Like I said, google "Ted Cruz lies" and you'll find all the documentation you need about his pathological lying on the campaign trail. Google "Ted Cruz fraud" same thing. Google "Ted Cruz False Prophet". Google "Ted Cruz silent on Trump". Facts are not debatable!!!
Geez, you have no idea who it is you are voting for, and that's scary. And even scarier, is that you don't *want* to know.

If you want to prove a point, you should provide the data.
^^Oh please, I'm not going to spoon feed easily searchable facts to the lazy and ignorant. All that does is invite debate over minutia, rather than having people research and think for themselves. I already supplied the search terms. Figure it out. Dear God, these people act like this isn't common knowledge. "Prove to me that Ted Cruz lies". LMAO!!!
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^^Oh please, I'm not going to spoon feed easily searchable facts to the lazy and ignorant. All that does is invite debate over minutia, rather than having people research and think for themselves. I already supplied the search terms. Figure it out. Dear God, you people act like this isn't common knowledge. "Prove to me that Ted Cruz lies". LMAO!!!

Try one of the more salient ones. The already-convinced-of-their-own-righteousness won't be moved, but others who prefer facts to hype might be persuaded.
And let us ignore the left completely. They have nothing at all to add.

If I could push a button that would make a person POTUS, skipping the primaries and the general altogether, I would push it for Ted Cruz. he is clearly the smartest person in Washington right now. Here are the qualities he has that would make him a great POTUS:

1. He loves America.
2. He knows and respects the Constitution
3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind.
4. He's a moral man.
5. He's a true conservative.

I like his views on economics, and foreign affairs. I think he's smart enough to understand multiple situations in multiple areas. If he surrounds himself with smart people, there would be no one else who could solve the major problems facing our country as well as he could.

My only knock on him is that the average American Voter is an idiot, and if you don't look good or sound good, you can't get anywhere. We've made our elections into a pageant. We're just stupid that way.

As of now, Ted Cruz in #1 on my list. What do my fellow conservatives think?
And let us ignore the left completely. They have nothing at all to add.

If I could push a button that would make a person POTUS, skipping the primaries and the general altogether, I would push it for Ted Cruz. he is clearly the smartest person in Washington right now. Here are the qualities he has that would make him a great POTUS:

1. He loves America.
2. He knows and respects the Constitution
3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind.
4. He's a moral man.
5. He's a true conservative.

I like his views on economics, and foreign affairs. I think he's smart enough to understand multiple situations in multiple areas. If he surrounds himself with smart people, there would be no one else who could solve the major problems facing our country as well as he could.

My only knock on him is that the average American Voter is an idiot, and if you don't look good or sound good, you can't get anywhere. We've made our elections into a pageant. We're just stupid that way.

As of now, Ted Cruz in #1 on my list. What do my fellow conservatives think?

I haven't seen much on Ted Cruz, but I like what I have seen so far.
The question is "will the GOP nominate him for president"?
Cruz will have lots of competition fighting for that nomination.
I guess we'll find out next Summer after the conventions.
I'm a registered Republican...

I I need one question answered about the "Brilliant" Ted Cruz who supposedly knows everything.
He recently reversed his position on Business Visas...
Cruz wants the new law to be that they must have a Master's Degree and the Americans they are replacing cannot be fired immediately.
That's all well and except for one thing...THAT'S THE CURRENT LAW!

Is Ted Cruz a panderer or is there something the Albert Einstein of Politics doesn't know and won't admit he doesn't know?
And if so, how do we know how extensive his knowledge is of any other field of law?
Ted Cruz is too radical in his belief that everyone should be a Christian. I don't want to see a theocracy in the US, which is why I won't vote for Cruz.

And, you're right Indeependent, Cruz is a pandering mess. I wonder if he would be in favor of shutting down the government if he's elected?

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