Feds and Militias stand off over cattle seizures.

I find it amusing, well sad, what happened to the south, it is a cesspit these days.

I am proud of my ancestors who fought British tyranny and helped found our nation. I also support those that wish to carry on their legacy like the Bundy Family and their supporters out there do today.

A cesspit? Been down here recently? I am living quite a good life. In fact, it seems that more and more people are moving here from up north.

Some people live a good life in South Africa as well, doesn't mean I want to go there. I say that as someone whose family is originally from North Carolina, before it was part of the United States.

Look, if I want to go to a place like Alabama, I will go to Africa, at least I can go on a safari there.

Good idea. I think you might find your limited intellect challenged in many places in Alabama. And they would have little patience with your wanting to go on safari.

But if you want to live your life believing stereotypes, feel free. I prefer reality.
Before Nevada Cattle Rancher Standoff, BLM Killed Off Hundreds of Endangered Tortoises

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Endangered tortoise used as justification to assault Nevada rancher’s property rights

Adan Salazar
April 9, 2014

Months before the heated contention between the Bureau of Land Management and Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy, purportedly over protecting an endangered species of desert tortoise, the BLM was euthanizing the tortoises in droves.

700 - 840 sick tortoises may be euthanized "because that’s the sensible thing to do."

700 – 840 endangered tortoises face BLM euthanization “because that’s the sensible thing to do.”
On Saturday, the BLM, with the help of helicopters, low-flying aircraft and hired cowboys, began rounding up Bundy’s cattle, and forbade him from interfering with the operation, as Bundy announced he was prepared to weather a full-on assault.

“My forefathers have been up and down the Virgin Valley ever since 1877. All these rights I claim have been created through pre-emptive rights and beneficial use of the forage and water. I have been here longer. My rights are before the BLM even existed,” Bundy said.

The BLM says they’re moving in, not to encroach on the man’s property rights, but because Bundy didn’t pay “grazing fees,” which the Bureau has imposed on land developers “who disturb tortoise habitat on public land,” according to the Associated Press.

Throughout the housing boom in the 2000s, the Bureau was earning enough to fund the Desert Tortoise Conservation Center (DTCC) in southern Las Vegas, a habitat “created in 1991 to house wild desert tortoises removed from the path of development and to use those tortoises to aid recovery of the species.” Its operating budget was about $1 million per year.

But the recession that followed dwindled the number of developers, and in turn funds for the DTCC.

So, facing the prospect of shutting their doors, the DTCC began releasing healthier turtles into the wild, and euthanizing some of the sick ones.

From the AP, August 25, 2013:

Back at the conservation center, a large refrigerator labeled “carcass freezer” hummed in the desert sun as scientists examined the facility’s 1,400 inhabitants to find those hearty enough to release into the wild. Officials expect to euthanize more than half the animals in the coming months in preparation for closure at the end of 2014.

“It’s the lesser of two evils, but it’s still evil,” Roy Averill-Murray, tortoise recovery coordinator with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service desert, told the AP.

Averill-Murray estimated 50 to 60 percent of the facility’s 1,400 tortoises were stricken with disease and could not be housed near healthy tortoises. Others were “too feeble to survive,” according to the AP, and could not be adopted out.

“The ones that don’t get better and that are sick and suffering will probably be euthanized because that’s the sensible thing to do,” Allyson Walsh, associate director for the San Diego Zoo’s Institute for Conservation Research, said.

News that the tortoises were going to be set free or killed spurred people around the world to contact the refuge in attempts to adopt death row tortoises, and donations began flowing in hopes to keep the DTCC afloat, but the BLM estimated it wouldn’t be enough to sustain it overall.

“Although it’s wonderful that people want to give money, it won’t change the outcome for the Desert Conservation Center,” BLM Communications Chief Erica Haspiel-Szlosek stated. “There just isn’t money to keep it going, nor is it really the best use of conservation funds.”

The tortoises’ average 100-year life span also doesn’t exactly make them the most ideal pets.

Despite the imminent closing of the DTCC’s doors due to lack of funding, the BLM has gone on to round up about 234 of rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle at gunpoint claiming they’re helping protect the tortoise and also claiming he owes them over $1 million in grazing fees.

At the same time, seizing and impounding all 908 of Bundy’s cattle would cost the government an estimated $3 million, a figure that would keep the DTCC thriving for another three years.

Interestingly, the BLM is also facing a lawsuit from various environmental groups suing on the grounds that the bureau “has failed to track the effects of a wide range of human activities in the California desert on the tortoise..”

All of this illustrates how the BLM’s dispute with Mr. Bundy has nothing to do with saving or protecting tortoises (most of which were given to the facility by people who owned them as pets, and which the BLM is either killing or releasing into the wild – animals raised in captivity don’t usually fare well in the wild) as they claim, and everything to do with making an example out of Mr. Bundy for having the gall to stand up for his property, bullying him into submission by brute force.

Damn folks , ever heard of Google??

yea i have heard of it but the person making the statement is the one who is supposed to back up what he says....thats how these forums are supposed to work.....but thanks for doing Eagles job for him....:thup:
He NOT own the land. As for the kicking, I know one of the protestors kicked a police dog. That shows a level of animosity that should NOT be tolerated.

Yes, You should not tolerate the protestor that kicked the dog.

Why treat everyone else harshly? Is it due to being perceived as weak? That it may encourage other acts against the Feds? That the agents are being perceived as losing control of the situation.

Now there are armed militia on the ranch. The situation has spiraled out of control thanks to the Feds handling of a kicked dog.
Conservatives didn't have any problem with police brutality during any of the Occupy rallies, or during Vietnam, or during any marijuana raid.

Also, your "militia" can be wiped out with a cruise missile.

so then your saying.....just be submissive and do what they want you to do?......for instance .....if they said they will go door to door and take your guns or whatever.....you are just supposed to curl up in a fetal position and let them?...no fighting back?....no resistance to tyranny?.....
Yes, You should not tolerate the protestor that kicked the dog.

Why treat everyone else harshly? Is it due to being perceived as weak? That it may encourage other acts against the Feds? That the agents are being perceived as losing control of the situation.

Now there are armed militia on the ranch. The situation has spiraled out of control thanks to the Feds handling of a kicked dog.
Conservatives didn't have any problem with police brutality during any of the Occupy rallies, or during Vietnam, or during any marijuana raid.

Also, your "militia" can be wiped out with a cruise missile.

so then your saying.....just be submissive and do what they want you to do?......for instance .....if they said they will go door to door and take your guns or whatever.....you are just supposed to curl up in a fetal position and let them?...no fighting back?....no resistance to tyranny?.....

I don't think you have to curl up in a fetal position if they come to take one's guns, any more than if they repossess one's car, house or sofa. As for dukeing it out with the police or military I think I'll pass. You can do the resistance to tyranny bit and good luck in the doing.
It was a test by the government to see how far they would be allowed to overreach.

Not very far we see.

What tells this story is this: This is what the militia groups and Bundy have been standing on for 20years in this fight and again today in their news conference:
Bundy "The Constitution didn't provide for anything like the Federal government owning this land"
The freeloader that he is.
The Constitution specifically states " The Congress shall have the power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory belonging to The United States".
This guy has been freeloading off of the taxpayers for over 20 years with court order after court order to stop. So what does he do? He expands his cattle grazing onto Federal recreational property also.
No conservative ever defends a freeloader.
Was a great show to see the toothless meth head militia leader from South Dakota show up and give his news conference. Tatted up to the max skin head could hardly complete a full sentence.
This case is similar to the Trayvon Martin case.
Media enters, distorts and twists the facts and partisan hack ideologues be they whatever party eat it up like hogs on slop.
Yes, You should not tolerate the protestor that kicked the dog.

Why treat everyone else harshly? Is it due to being perceived as weak? That it may encourage other acts against the Feds? That the agents are being perceived as losing control of the situation.

Now there are armed militia on the ranch. The situation has spiraled out of control thanks to the Feds handling of a kicked dog.
Conservatives didn't have any problem with police brutality during any of the Occupy rallies, or during Vietnam, or during any marijuana raid.

Also, your "militia" can be wiped out with a cruise missile.

so then your saying.....just be submissive and do what they want you to do?......for instance .....if they said they will go door to door and take your guns or whatever.....you are just supposed to curl up in a fetal position and let them?...no fighting back?....no resistance to tyranny?.....

See how it works. His type would prefer killing other us citizens because of their beliefs. If the federal govt did the same to occupy I'd be fighting like hell against the govt...no matter who was in office.
No one is taking anyone's guns away, unless Federal agents pick them up off of the corpses of the so-called "militia" of brainless yokels fighting to defend a rich man's greed. And if the stand-off has been thwarted then all of the posturing is irrelevant and this discussion is pointless.
No one is taking anyone's guns away, unless Federal agents pick them up off of the corpses of the so-called "militia" of brainless yokels fighting to defend a rich man's greed. And if the stand-off has been thwarted then all of the posturing is irrelevant and this discussion is pointless.

I thought this was about cattle.

Am I in the wrong thread?

No one is taking anyone's guns away, unless Federal agents pick them up off of the corpses of the so-called "militia" of brainless yokels fighting to defend a rich man's greed. And if the stand-off has been thwarted then all of the posturing is irrelevant and this discussion is pointless.
I thought this was about cattle.

Am I in the wrong thread?

Yokels are bringing guns out to defend a rich man's "right" to use public land for private cattle without paying taxes, so if the situation were to escalate to a firefight, the Federal agents would win and then collect the firearms of the deceased "militia".

But to answer your question, yes, you are in the wrong thread because the situation is apparently resolved and this discussion is no longer necessary.
That's right, the Government has sent armed thugs to seize cattle in Nevada, and the currently unfolding standoff is the only barrier to further wildly arbitrary and unreasonable seizure of the remaining cattle.

Militias head to Nevada rancher's standoff with feds: We're not 'afraid to shoot' - Washington Times

government over grazing rights has heated to the point where militia groups have joined in and taken up spots against the feds who’ve circled his land — and talk is, they’re not afraid to open fire.

A spokesman for the one of the militia groups said as much to local 8 News Now: I’m not “afraid to shoot,” he said.

Read more: Militias head to Nevada rancher's standoff with feds: We're not 'afraid to shoot' - Washington Times
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Check your ammo stores and supplies and ensure your weapon is well regulated and in working order, because this could be the start of a very long and bloody episode in American history.

53 other ranchers have been driven out or into bankruptcy , the Bundy's are the last family standing.

I read the BLM has already run 50 other cattle ranchers out of business in that area. It looks like this is about way more than grazing fees. Follow the money. I bet the money leads to a handful of corporations and the elected people they paid off. This is government theft and it will not go unanswered , this is the government the second amendment was written to address.
[MENTION=19484]The T[/MENTION] [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION]

Yup, government is damn serious about going after those who break federal laws, except when it comes to illegal immigration, Black Panthers intimidating voters or the administration trampling on the rights of citizens by spying on everyone and forcing us to participate in commerce with a revenue raising bill that did not pass the House.
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So you would condone civil war for what?? The turtles, simply to make a point?? Just how cheap are those human lives to you?? I mean just because they do no believe as you do you would kill them?? Hitler wold be proud of the whole lot of you...

Son, you pay your fees in your graze your cattle on We the People land.

Bundy lost, the cows are seized, and he has been told that he cannot graze cattle on federal lands. LEO now will simply wait on him to screw up.
Same shit you said in your first post, we all read it, no one commented .... move along.
Funny how you had no intelligent response for any of my questions.

You have no intelligent questions.

The land is of We the People, not Bundy.

Bundy did not pay his fees for umpteen years; in other words, he was a welfare cheat.

450 of his cattle are gone forever; the fed will get the other 450.

Big defeat for the far right reactionaries and militias.
So you would condone civil war for what?? The turtles, simply to make a point?? Just how cheap are those human lives to you?? I mean just because they do no believe as you do you would kill them?? Hitler wold be proud of the whole lot of you...
Those "humans" who are stupid enough to fight against the American government to preserve a rich man's right to get rich off of public land? The whole fucking issue is that this rich prick was using public land to feed his private livestock and wasn't paying the appropriate taxes. So now brainless rednecks pull up in trucks with shotguns to defend the rich man who is using their public land to make more money for himself?

Fuck that "militia".

If stupidity ensured death then the black race would be doomed ...

Your compassion id duly noted and admirable ... NOT

OK, you are pegged: just another one of the far right reactionaries doomed to be forgotten in 20 years.
Who said, "follow the money"?

Bundy vs. BLM: Interest in cattle dispute widens | Las Vegas Review-Journal

Almost 600,000 acres of public land has been temporarily closed to the public as more than 900 cattle are rounded up from a vast swath of mountains and desert where Bundy has left his livestock to roam even though he hasn’t paid federal grazing fees since 1993.

The BLM’s Lueders said the seizure of cattle on federal land was being done as a “last resort,” and there is only one person to blame for the situation.

“Mr. Bundy is breaking the law, and he has been breaking the law for 20 years,” she said. “He owes the taxpayers of the United States over $1 million.”

This isn't about civil rights or whatever, it's just a criminal who refuses to pay his taxes.
Who said, "follow the money"?

Bundy vs. BLM: Interest in cattle dispute widens | Las Vegas Review-Journal

Almost 600,000 acres of public land has been temporarily closed to the public as more than 900 cattle are rounded up from a vast swath of mountains and desert where Bundy has left his livestock to roam even though he hasn’t paid federal grazing fees since 1993.

The BLM’s Lueders said the seizure of cattle on federal land was being done as a “last resort,” and there is only one person to blame for the situation.

“Mr. Bundy is breaking the law, and he has been breaking the law for 20 years,” she said. “He owes the taxpayers of the United States over $1 million.”

This isn't about civil rights or whatever, it's just a criminal who refuses to pay his taxes.

Actually it is about Kelo v. City of New London.

Tension growing between ranchers, mustang backers - Washington Times

Wild-horse protection advocates say the government is rounding up too many mustangs while allowing livestock to feed at taxpayer expense on the same rangeland scientists say is being overgrazed.

Ranchers say the government refuses to gather enough horses in the herds that double in size every five years while moving to confiscate cattle on lands where their ancestors have operated for more than a century.

In other words, the bureau of Land Management is in the middle of two groups, both accusing the government of being wrong but this idiot rancher is clearly wrong as he owes massive taxes and won't pay.
Sound like this is more an overgrazing issue than anything else but, to compound the issues, the right wing gun nuts are talking about trying to murder government officials.
Frankly, any of that lot turning up should be arrested and dumped in prison for 20 years.
Any that open fire are fair game and I have no sympathy if graves have to be dug.
Who said, "follow the money"?

Bundy vs. BLM: Interest in cattle dispute widens | Las Vegas Review-Journal

Almost 600,000 acres of public land has been temporarily closed to the public as more than 900 cattle are rounded up from a vast swath of mountains and desert where Bundy has left his livestock to roam even though he hasn’t paid federal grazing fees since 1993.

The BLM’s Lueders said the seizure of cattle on federal land was being done as a “last resort,” and there is only one person to blame for the situation.

“Mr. Bundy is breaking the law, and he has been breaking the law for 20 years,” she said. “He owes the taxpayers of the United States over $1 million.”

This isn't about civil rights or whatever, it's just a criminal who refuses to pay his taxes.

Actually it is about Kelo v. City of New London.


This is public land, not private, and that was years after this idiot started refusing to pay taxes.

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