Federal judge rules in favor of Abrams to delay state certification, protect provisional ballots

The idea that mixing the invalidated ballots back in was unintentional is ludicrous. That is why the entire process in Fla is completely invalid. As for Georgia feds have no constitutional standing to extend a states deadline. The rules for voting are constitutionally left to the states.
A criminal Head of Elections in a Country can NOT, however, deviate from the Rules / Break laws in the middle of a recount / election.

Snipes has been found GUILTY of breaking election laws SEVERAL times over the last few years. It's time to put her ass in prison and / or take her ability to vote, as she has forfeited hers by attempting to rend thousands of voters' legal votes pointless / moot.
The idea that mixing the invalidated ballots back in was unintentional is ludicrous. That is why the entire process in Fla is completely invalid. As for Georgia feds have no constitutional standing to extend a states deadline. The rules for voting are constitutionally left to the states.
A criminal Head of Elections in a Country can NOT, however, deviate from the Rules / Break laws in the middle of a recount / election.

Snipes has been found GUILTY of breaking election laws SEVERAL times over the last few years. It's time to put her ass in prison and / or take her ability to vote, as she has forfeited hers by attempting to rend thousands of voters' legal votes pointless / moot.

I know of one time in 2016, can you please provide a list of the rest?

I know of one time in 2016, can you please provide a list of the rest? Thanks
Nothing personal, but don't be lazy this literally took 5 seconds on Google with many more articles and reports:

A look at Broward elections chief Brenda Snipes' long history of trouble

"For 15 years, Snipes has served as Broward County’s elections chief, with mixed results. Long lines and vote counts that continued long after polls closed marred elections in 2002, 2004, 2006, 2012, 2016 and, of course, this year.

-- A court
ruled she had broken election law when she destroyed ballots from the 2016 election 12 months after it, instead of the 22 months required by federal law.

-- A medical marijuana amendment was
left off some ballots in 2016.

-- Election results in the 2016 primary were
posted on the elections office’s website before polls closed, another violation of election law.

-- In 2012, almost 1,000 uncounted ballots were discovered a week after the election

-- In 2004,
some 58,000 mail-in ballots were not delivered to voters, leaving election officials to scramble to send new ones.

And now, after days passed in which Snipes could not or would not say how many ballots remained to be counted, and failed to give regular updates to the state every 45 minutes as required by law, she was hit with a lawsuit by Scott’s
Senate campaign and the National Republican Senate Committee demanding she inform the public how many votes remained to be counted."

This is not 'incompetence'! This is 1 crooked, criminal Leftist Bitch who has spent the last 15 years committing Election Fraud and Violating Election Crimes to steal / illegally alter election results.

Abrams inches closer to victory in Georgia.

Abrams' campaign plans on judge's favorable ruling in lawsuit, says Kemp's lead has narrowed

Meanwhile, the Head of Elections in Georgi is another Democrat, Mary Carole Cooney. Appointed to office by a Democrat in 2003, Her financial records reveal many contributions to the campaigns of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. In addition, there have been numerous past conflicts with voting results under her tenure. in 2014 the Elections board under her leadership was sued for elections fraud.

Fulton County reverses controversial changes to polling sites

Apparently, as the elections results come in during election day, teams of "elections adjusters" work in the back ground to supply the necessary Provisional Ballots to ensure a victory for democrats. Using every trick in the book, Democrats delay the process using any means necessary, in order for get more time to either change ballots (sometimes allowed by law, but severely abused by Democrats), or secure ghost ballots overwhelmingly with Democrats selected. Often, these same people who head these Democrat stronghold voting boards, have had a history of corruption or questionable if not proven mis deeds. Yet they seem to be Teflon coated and remain in power for decades.

Additionally, as with Brenda Snipes of Broward County, another Democrat strong hold where predicted winners in major political races have seen their decisive leads slowly disappear in the days following the elections amidst dubious circumstances and "mishandling" of provisional ballots.

And then there was Arizona where a democrat again won the election to the Senate after initial results were in favor of the Republican candidate. Again, a clear pattern of delay and again, a Democrat in charge, Adrian Fontes, Democrat and Head of Maricopa County Elections Board..

Putting aside Political Correctness, one need not be a member of Mensa to clearly see what's going on here. But equally baffling is that no one ever seems to be held accountable. As if the bigger system, The Justice Dept, is turning a blind eye to it all.

Democrats consistently respond by claiming it is the republicans who are cheating....but then why is it Republicans are consistently on the losing end of all these questionable events if that's the case?

The question is, is stealing election now an acceptable way for Democrats to take power? They seem to have perfected the technique.
And so far, there seems to be no way to stop the practice.
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The idea that mixing the invalidated ballots back in was unintentional is ludicrous. That is why the entire process in Fla is completely invalid. As for Georgia feds have no constitutional standing to extend a states deadline. The rules for voting are constitutionally left to the states.
A criminal Head of Elections in a Country can NOT, however, deviate from the Rules / Break laws in the middle of a recount / election.

Snipes has been found GUILTY of breaking election laws SEVERAL times over the last few years. It's time to put her ass in prison and / or take her ability to vote, as she has forfeited hers by attempting to rend thousands of voters' legal votes pointless / moot.

"Election Fraud Expert: Brenda Snipes Allowed Illegal Aliens and Felons to Vote; Illegally Destroyed Ballots
... supervisor of elections has a history of losing ballots and breaking laws by allowing illegal immigrants and felons to vote, as well as illegally destroying ballots.

In 2017, Dr. Snipes admitted in court that her office had allowed non-citizens and felons to vote and was particularly vulnerable ahead of major elections.

Snipes also presided over a “phantom voting district” of 2000 voters who were using illegal addresses, many of them at a UPS Store, claimed as their places of residence."
Election Fraud Expert: Brenda Snipes Allowed Illegal Aliens and Felons to Vote; Illegally Destroyed Ballots | Breitbart
Yes, and yet in Arizona, Georgia, Florida (and certainly in ALL Blue states), nothing seems to be done and these people who obviously bungled (if not corrupted) these elections remain in place and in power over decades sometimes.

Why hasn't the Justice Department stepped in?

If Republicans are so corrupt (as the dems scream)...why are the Dems always the beneficiaries to these questionable elections?
Yes, and yet in Arizona, Georgia, Florida (and certainly in ALL Blue states), nothing seems to be done and these people who obviously bungled (if not corrupted) these elections remain in place and in power over decades sometimes.

Why hasn't the Justice Department stepped in?

If Republicans are so corrupt (as the dems scream)...why are the Dems always the beneficiaries to these questionable elections?

Because, outside of Trump, the GOP is populated with Casper Milquetoast pantywaists.
Because, outside of Trump, the GOP is populated with Casper Milquetoast pantywaists.

The Founding Fathers all but predicted these days would come.....hence certain amendments.

I think the proverbial "nail in the coffin" is the absolute refusal of the Right wing to demand justice.
Instead, they seem more than willing to sit back and watch the nation railroaded until we're another Venezuela.

WHERE are the protests? WHERE is the Rightwing push back? <<<< crickets >>>>

Most rightwingers won't even step up and stop using the Left wing platforms such as FB and Google. No one on the Right is capable of creating competing platforms? Really???

I can understand why Dems feel elections are theirs for the taking....literally.
These timelines were created when they had near half the voters they do now.... wonder why the Florida Republican gvt, never revised the timeline to accommodate all of their voters?

why? Because the fewer legally cast votes that are counted, the better the chance Republicans win.... the more votes counted that were cast legally, the lesser chance of Repubs winning, I suppose...?

In 2000's recount all the judges laughed at the rules and the timelines, recount was going on a near month later.... missing timelines is NOT FRAUD.... it's making certain all votes are counted....

I sure as hell would not want my vote to be thrown out because a supervisor was overwhelmed and could not call in a vote count every 45 minutes or report a total 30 minutes after a poll closed....

that is utterly ridiculous and harmful to our democracy.

btw...in 2000 the SCOTUS Justices didn't laugh. They stopped it.
They found that there was a violation of the Equal Protection clause,
because different counties were counting "dimples" or not counting
"dimples." They then ruled that because there wasn't time to start
over and complete by the deadline...The recount must end.
Yes, the SC essentially stop it because in their opinion time ran out..... it was a bad decision and rebuked by all scholars....

The problem is Florida never corrected it..... every county has its their own different voting apparatus..... Republican counties got good machines, the democratic got no money to upgrade theirs....

Snipes requested the money for an upgrade of voting apparatus and money for more workers in Browsed twice, last time 3 years ago and governor Scott turned her down.... Is what was on the news.

Calling in counts was NOT for the integrity of the vote, but for the media to report on it....

A 7-2 decision and you expect me to believe that ALL scholars rebuked it? I found in my readings, what ever side of the political spectrum the scholar was on, that determined the error or correctness of the decision.
Scribbling Prostitutes

Americans are given a choice of the best opinions money can buy.
What is with all of the delays being allowed? Is she expecting to find a couple of trucks of votes in her favor? You guys voted last Tuesday, I mean, they don't even know how many votes are outstanding.

Federal judge rules in favor of Abrams to delay state certification, protect provisional ballots

Yup that election will end up in the surreal court. DNC needs their house negro to win.
Voodoo Electioneering

So do all the Floridians from Haiti. We better let their Mambo Mama win if we don't want them to stick pins in dolls that look like us.
What is with all of the delays being allowed? Is she expecting to find a couple of trucks of votes in her favor? You guys voted last Tuesday, I mean, they don't even know how many votes are outstanding.

Federal judge rules in favor of Abrams to delay state certification, protect provisional ballots

Yup that election will end up in the surreal court. DNC needs their house negro to win.
Voodoo Electioneering

So do all the Floridians from Haiti. We better let their Mambo Mama win if we don't want them to stick pins in dolls that look like us.

They already do.
These timelines were created when they had near half the voters they do now.... wonder why the Florida Republican gvt, never revised the timeline to accommodate all of their voters?

why? Because the fewer legally cast votes that are counted, the better the chance Republicans win.... the more votes counted that were cast legally, the lesser chance of Repubs winning, I suppose...?

In 2000's recount all the judges laughed at the rules and the timelines, recount was going on a near month later.... missing timelines is NOT FRAUD.... it's making certain all votes are counted....

I sure as hell would not want my vote to be thrown out because a supervisor was overwhelmed and could not call in a vote count every 45 minutes or report a total 30 minutes after a poll closed....

that is utterly ridiculous and harmful to our democracy.

btw...in 2000 the SCOTUS Justices didn't laugh. They stopped it.
They found that there was a violation of the Equal Protection clause,
because different counties were counting "dimples" or not counting
"dimples." They then ruled that because there wasn't time to start
over and complete by the deadline...The recount must end.
Yes, the SC essentially stop it because in their opinion time ran out..... it was a bad decision and rebuked by all scholars....

The problem is Florida never corrected it..... every county has their own different voting apparatus..... Republican counties got good machines, the democratic got no money to upgrade theirs....

Snipes requested the money for an upgrade of voting apparatus and money for more workers in Browsed twice, last time 3 years ago and governor Scott turned her down.... Is what was on the news.

Calling in counts was NOT for the integrity of the vote, but for the media to report on it....

A 7-2 decision and you expect me to believe that ALL scholars rebuked it? I found in my readings, what ever side of the political spectrum the scholar was on, that determined the error or correctness of the decision.
What was a 7 to 2 decision?

Bush v gore was a 5 to 4 decision... 5 Republican appointed Justices to 4 Democratic appointed Justices.

Do your homework.
Opinion | The Bush v. Gore vote that mattered was 7-2, not 5-4
These timelines were created when they had near half the voters they do now.... wonder why the Florida Republican gvt, never revised the timeline to accommodate all of their voters?

why? Because the fewer legally cast votes that are counted, the better the chance Republicans win.... the more votes counted that were cast legally, the lesser chance of Repubs winning, I suppose...?

In 2000's recount all the judges laughed at the rules and the timelines, recount was going on a near month later.... missing timelines is NOT FRAUD.... it's making certain all votes are counted....

I sure as hell would not want my vote to be thrown out because a supervisor was overwhelmed and could not call in a vote count every 45 minutes or report a total 30 minutes after a poll closed....

that is utterly ridiculous and harmful to our democracy.

btw...in 2000 the SCOTUS Justices didn't laugh. They stopped it.
They found that there was a violation of the Equal Protection clause,
because different counties were counting "dimples" or not counting
"dimples." They then ruled that because there wasn't time to start
over and complete by the deadline...The recount must end.
Yes, the SC essentially stop it because in their opinion time ran out..... it was a bad decision and rebuked by all scholars....

The problem is Florida never corrected it..... every county has their own different voting apparatus..... Republican counties got good machines, the democratic got no money to upgrade theirs....

Snipes requested the money for an upgrade of voting apparatus and money for more workers in Browsed twice, last time 3 years ago and governor Scott turned her down.... Is what was on the news.

Calling in counts was NOT for the integrity of the vote, but for the media to report on it....

A 7-2 decision and you expect me to believe that ALL scholars rebuked it? I found in my readings, what ever side of the political spectrum the scholar was on, that determined the error or correctness of the decision.
What was a 7 to 2 decision?

Bush v gore was a 5 to 4 decision... 5 Republican appointed Justices to 4 Democratic appointed Justices.

There were 2 decisions handed down by the SCOTUS.

The first decision was 7-2 that the recount cannot continue. The 5-4
decision was the one that said there was no alternative recount available
to complete before the deadline passed.

The most important decision was the 7-2 vote. "The recount cannot continue."
These timelines were created when they had near half the voters they do now.... wonder why the Florida Republican gvt, never revised the timeline to accommodate all of their voters?

why? Because the fewer legally cast votes that are counted, the better the chance Republicans win.... the more votes counted that were cast legally, the lesser chance of Repubs winning, I suppose...?

In 2000's recount all the judges laughed at the rules and the timelines, recount was going on a near month later.... missing timelines is NOT FRAUD.... it's making certain all votes are counted....

I sure as hell would not want my vote to be thrown out because a supervisor was overwhelmed and could not call in a vote count every 45 minutes or report a total 30 minutes after a poll closed....

that is utterly ridiculous and harmful to our democracy.

btw...in 2000 the SCOTUS Justices didn't laugh. They stopped it.
They found that there was a violation of the Equal Protection clause,
because different counties were counting "dimples" or not counting
"dimples." They then ruled that because there wasn't time to start
over and complete by the deadline...The recount must end.
Yes, the SC essentially stop it because in their opinion time ran out..... it was a bad decision and rebuked by all scholars....

The problem is Florida never corrected it..... every county has their own different voting apparatus..... Republican counties got good machines, the democratic got no money to upgrade theirs....

Snipes requested the money for an upgrade of voting apparatus and money for more workers in Browsed twice, last time 3 years ago and governor Scott turned her down.... Is what was on the news.

Calling in counts was NOT for the integrity of the vote, but for the media to report on it....

A 7-2 decision and you expect me to believe that ALL scholars rebuked it? I found in my readings, what ever side of the political spectrum the scholar was on, that determined the error or correctness of the decision.
What was a 7 to 2 decision?

Bush v gore was a 5 to 4 decision... 5 Republican appointed Justices to 4 Democratic appointed Justices.

The 7-2 was the overturning to the Florida Supreme Court ruling of Equal Protection. CNN.com - U.S. Supreme Court rules manual vote recounts unconstitutional - December 13, 2000
What is with all of the delays being allowed? Is she expecting to find a couple of trucks of votes in her favor? You guys voted last Tuesday, I mean, they don't even know how many votes are outstanding.

Federal judge rules in favor of Abrams to delay state certification, protect provisional ballots

Yup that election will end up in the surreal court. DNC needs their house negro to win.
Voodoo Electioneering

So do all the Floridians from Haiti. We better let their Mambo Mama win if we don't want them to stick pins in dolls that look like us.

They already do.
Preppies' Pet Pit Bulls

The whole ruling class let those Caribbean Cretins in. Anyone who blames only the Liberals or Democrats is a gutless bootlicking sucker.
More totalitarian judge make up laws! Why do these people get to vote?!
May’s order was limited to restoring and counting absentee ballots rejected because of an incorrect or missing birth year to those in Gwinnett County. Gwinnett was the only county named as a defendant in the lawsuit before her.

Both cases named Kemp—who was secretary of state until last Thursday—as a defendant, and both sought court orders involving thousands of rejected absentee ballots in Georgia’s 159 counties. Kemp stepped down as secretary of state after declaring himself the governor-elect, but ballots are still being counted, Abrams has not conceded, and media outlets have deemed the contest still too close to call.

Jones’ order prohibits acting Secretary of State Robyn Crittenden from certifying the midterm results until she confirms the returns from the counties include absentee ballots where the birth date was omitted or incorrect.

Jones declines Democrats and Abrams request to count provisional ballots that voters cast in the wrong county.

Federal Judge in Georgia Orders Tally of Rejected Absentee Ballots
Donald Trump was not kidding when he said the Democratic Party is now the party of lawlessness. There are deadlines for ballot counting and ballot-count submissions for a reason. If you don't want to risk having your vote not counted, move to a different county where the elections officials are not incompetent. You don't get to just keep extending legal deadlines because some county's election cronies are idiots.
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What is with all of the delays being allowed? Is she expecting to find a couple of trucks of votes in her favor? You guys voted last Tuesday, I mean, they don't even know how many votes are outstanding.

Federal judge rules in favor of Abrams to delay state certification, protect provisional ballots
It will happen.

It is required by law to already have the number of ballots collected reported and the number of ballots checked reported. There should not be one 'new' ballot.

BTW, the order to preserve ballots is the same order the Broward Country Election Official violated when caught destroying ballots....
Were you in Russia or diapers during the 2000 recount? :p

Every ruling from the Florida courts ruled in favor of the citizen's vote being counted and through out every objection brought to court regarding legal timelines being missed, the courts REJECTED the arbitrary timelines, until the US Supreme court came in and stopped the vote count to hand on a gold platter, GWB the win.

The lawsuit of Scott's this past week on timelines, was rejected by the judge yesterday.

So, the judge, who is a conservative Judge, ruled against Scott, and is taking the same stance and following legal precedence.... the citizen's vote, is more important than some arbitrary timeline....
The Florida courts were infested with Democrats. End of story.

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