Federal Judge Blocks Colorado Town’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban in Wake of SCOTUS Ruling

Federal Judge Blocks Colorado Town’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban​

Man, it just plum sucks every which way these days for Lefties! Not only are they paying out the ass now in gas, housing, rent, food and inflation due to their own mega-TDS, but even with their stuttering shrew in the WH now, they are still losing every which way: in foreign relations, abortion, human rights and even guns!

And the crap hasn't even hit the fan yet, just wait until after the Midterms when Biden can't pass a bill to change a light bulb in the WH lavatory! Then the hearings come, the investigations, the questions and charges into what Hunter and Joe have been deep sixing into their own back pockets for years.

Then, the worst of all possible fates: the year after, TRUMP is back in Washington for another term thart will make his first one look like a barn dance! :laughing0301:

Oh, the humanity!
I think fascists are in for a real shock, the odds are very high that the NFA is vacated by a federal court in the next month or two, along with the GCA68, and the Hughes amendment. Based upon the crystal clear majority opinion in Bruen, virtually all state & federal gun control is illegal, they can only manage to infringe at certain governmental offices(court houses), the ballot box, and in the case of a violent or mentally ill individual.

In fact, the provision in GCA68 summarily stripping a citizen permanently of their rights to keep and bear arms due to a felony is totally illegal, and well it should be, once a man or women has paid their debt, and are not a violent individual(used a firearm in their crime)then their rights must be fully restored, there is no historical analog supporting such an infringing action at any level of government back to 1791!
I think fascists are in for a real shock, the odds are very high that the NFA is vacated by a federal court in the next month or two, along with the GCA68, and the Hughes amendment. Based upon the crystal clear majority opinion in Bruen, virtually all state & federal gun control is illegal, they can only manage to infringe at certain governmental offices(court houses), the ballot box, and in the case of a violent or mentally ill individual.

In fact, the provision in GCA68 summarily stripping a citizen permanently of their rights to keep and bear arms due to a felony is totally illegal, and well it should be, once a man or women has paid their debt, and are not a violent individual(used a firearm in their crime)then their rights must be fully restored, there is no historical analog supporting such an infringing action at any level of government back to 1791!
The ban on felons first came with the Federal Firearms Act in 1938. Though it is often said that GCA 1968 repealed FFA 1938, I cannot find any such reference in law at least up through the original version passed into law of GCA. Maybe a later change to GCA actually used the words to repeal FFA.

Nowhere in GCA does it mention FFA. The word repeal is only used in conjunction with two sections of the Internal Revenue code of 1954. The Internal Revenue Code of 1954 does not implement FFA - no mention of rape or murder or felons.

So, though my research certainly isn't exhaustive, it's not clear to me that repeal of GCA doesn't cause a fall back to FFA and violent felons still restricted. In all likelihood, both have to be repealed, along with FOPA, NFA, and every other law that infringes on the right to keep and bear arms.

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