Federal judge allows Trump to withhold grants to California as part of sanctuary city crackdown

Good. Never should have been in question. Now arrest those politicians in these sanctuary cities for aiding and abetting criminals and we'll be on our way to fixing this illegal alien crap.

Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders meets the Constitutional definition of treason, which is a capital crime, punishable by death.

A few high-profile executions of corrupt, traitors politicians should be enough to put a solid end to this nonsense.
All Politicians who create 'Sanctuary Cities' should be held accountable for all crimes committed by Illegals. Period, end of story.

All Politicians who create "Laws Protecting Gun Manufacturers" should be held accountable for all crimes committed by guns. Period, end of story.

Guns don't commit crimes, you mute donkey.
Trump administration sues California over 'sanctuary' policies

  • The Justice Department sued the state of California over so-called "sanctuary" policies that try to protect illegal immigrants against deportation.
  • Three state laws were passed that the Justice Department claims violates the U.S. Constitution.
  • California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said law enforcement in the state is focused on public safety, not deportation.

WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department sued the state of California over so-called "sanctuary" policies that try to protect illegal immigrants against deportation, ramping up a confrontation over whether local police should enforce federal law.

The lawsuit, filed late Tuesday in federal court in Sacramento, the California state capital, takes aim at three state laws passed last year that the Justice Department contends violate the U.S. Constitution.

The issue of illegal immigrants has become increasingly heated since Donald Trump became president last year and signaled that he planned to target a wider swath of people for deportation.

Trump's attorney general, Jeff Sessions, has made combating illegal immigration one of his top priorities since taking over the helm of the Justice Department in February 2017. A key part of that effort involves a crackdown on primarily Democrat-governed cities and states that Sessions claims are "sanctuaries" that protect illegal immigrants from deportation.

Sessions is expected to discuss the lawsuit during a speech on Wednesday morning in Sacramento. The Justice Department lawsuit cites a provision of the U.S. Constitution known as the "Supremacy Clause," under which federal laws trump state laws...
What’s sad is that you have to do this to try and get a state to obey federal law.

There is a federal law that states must enforce federal law? Perhaps you can cite said statute.

It's called sticks and carrots, they want the carrot they have to play the game. They don't have to apply for the grants and the feds are not obligated to approve them if they do.

What’s sad is that you have to do this to try and get a state to obey federal law.

There is a federal law that states must enforce federal law? Perhaps you can cite said statute.

It's called sticks and carrots, they want the carrot they have to play the game. They don't have to apply for the grants and the feds are not obligated to approve them if they do.


I have no problem with a state declining federal money. In fact, I encourage that. But Blackhawk seem to think that San Francisco cops should be required to perform federal law enforcement. I guess that i would not mind that, either, if federal law enforcement would start paroling San Francisco for speeders.
All Politicians who create 'Sanctuary Cities' should be held accountable for all crimes committed by Illegals. Period, end of story.

Absolutely. I mean, if my brother committed a murder and the cops were looking for him, and I hid him in my house. I would end up facing charges for harboring and abetting a criminal. Yet when Commiefornia does the same thing, they want a pass.

You mean the cops wouldn't worry about breaking up your brother's family if they incarcerated him? heart breaking!
Federal judge allows Trump to withhold grants to California as part of sanctuary city crackdown

A federal judge in Northern California has declined a request from California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to block the Trump administration’s decision to withhold a law enforcement grant to the state as part of its crackdown on states and jurisdictions that protect illegal immigrants.

Becerra asked for a preliminary injunction against the Trump administration's decision, but Judge William Orrick of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California ruled against taking that step.

“The injury threatened is not irreparable,” Orrick wrote. “The amount of money at stake is small compared to the state’s budget. Payment is delayed, for the moment. The DOJ appears to be using its regular administrative process to decide whether it will follow its initial inclinations.”

The judge said at some point in the future, the case “may help define the contours of the state’s broad constitutional police powers under the Tenth Amendment and the federal government’s ‘broad, undoubted power over the subject of immigration and the status of aliens.’”

The Trump administration has been cracking down on cities and jurisdictions that offer protections for people in the U.S. illegally.

In July, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that cities and states would only be eligible to receive specific grants from the Justice Department if they follow specific requirements, including certifying compliance with federal immigration law.

To be eligible for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants, or JAG grants, cities have to adhere to three criteria. They include giving 48-hour notice to the federal government before releasing anyone ICE wants the state to keep detained, and giving Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents access to detention facilities.

State and local officials must also provide personal information and release dates of illegal immigrants detained across the state...

Great news. As a Californian, I support this.
Of course you do. Cut your nose to spite your face
What’s sad is that you have to do this to try and get a state to obey federal law.

There is a federal law that states must enforce federal law? Perhaps you can cite said statute.

It's called sticks and carrots, they want the carrot they have to play the game. They don't have to apply for the grants and the feds are not obligated to approve them if they do.


I have no problem with a state declining federal money. In fact, I encourage that. But Blackhawk seem to think that San Francisco cops should be required to perform federal law enforcement. I guess that i would not mind that, either, if federal law enforcement would start paroling San Francisco for speeders.

The courts have ruled that the cooperation the feds are asking for does not meet the definition of commandeering local law enforcement and is perfectly legal. They want the grant money, they have to cooperate. CA wants it both ways, they need to step into reality once in a while.

You right wingers are reading this WRONG.:auiqs.jpg: The intent of this Judge is well noted in his statement.

“The injury threatened is not irreparable,” Orrick wrote. “The amount of money at stake is small compared to the state’s budget. So the judge is stating here, he wants this issue settled in court once and for all, and if the grant was more and did financial injury to the state he would have blocked it.

next the judge states this:
The judge said at some point in the future, the case “may help define the contours of the state’s broad constitutional police powers under the Tenth Amendment and the federal government’s ‘broad, undoubted power over the subject of immigration and the status of aliens.’” This is not an optimistic statement for you to get excited about, in fact quite the contrary.

Seatlte Washington launched a lawsuit against Trump over the last threat over Sanctuary cities.

Seattle filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration Wednesday, charging that President Donald Trump’s executive order threatening funding for “sanctuary cities” is “unconstitutional and ambiguous,” and violates the 10th Amendment of the Constitution.
Seattle sues Trump over 'sanctuary cities'

The ambiguous part in that statement:

1. Immigration in this country is the sol responsibility of the Federal Government.
2. Sanctuary Cities has not been legally defined by congress via legislation, that is approved and signed into law. IOW without that legally approved and written definition, there is no way to determine which cities are sanctuary and which ones aren't.
3. After defined congress would have to write laws regarding sanctuary cities.

You've been DUPED again.

Federal judge allows Trump to withhold grants to California as part of sanctuary city crackdown

A federal judge in Northern California has declined a request from California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to block the Trump administration’s decision to withhold a law enforcement grant to the state as part of its crackdown on states and jurisdictions that protect illegal immigrants.

Becerra asked for a preliminary injunction against the Trump administration's decision, but Judge William Orrick of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California ruled against taking that step.

“The injury threatened is not irreparable,” Orrick wrote. “The amount of money at stake is small compared to the state’s budget. Payment is delayed, for the moment. The DOJ appears to be using its regular administrative process to decide whether it will follow its initial inclinations.”

The judge said at some point in the future, the case “may help define the contours of the state’s broad constitutional police powers under the Tenth Amendment and the federal government’s ‘broad, undoubted power over the subject of immigration and the status of aliens.’”

The Trump administration has been cracking down on cities and jurisdictions that offer protections for people in the U.S. illegally.

In July, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that cities and states would only be eligible to receive specific grants from the Justice Department if they follow specific requirements, including certifying compliance with federal immigration law.

To be eligible for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants, or JAG grants, cities have to adhere to three criteria. They include giving 48-hour notice to the federal government before releasing anyone ICE wants the state to keep detained, and giving Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents access to detention facilities.

State and local officials must also provide personal information and release dates of illegal immigrants detained across the state...

Great news. As a Californian, I support this.
Cal's Quesadilla Caliphate

As a former Californian, I support the 1845 patriots who overthrew a Mexican government there.

As a Texan I support the ouster of and ass kicking that we laid on Santa Anna in 1836.

Remember the Alamo MFers!!!!
Did you know that in WWII Mexico was working with the Nazis on a plan to invade America?

These SOBS are no friends of ours.

The only thing that stopped this was that we intercepted communications between The Mexican Government, and Nazi Germany, and we then threatened to Nuke Mexico City if Mexico tried it.
Do you have links to that? Mexico declared war on Nazi Germany in May of 1942.

Mexico declared war on the Axis Powers in support of the Allies on May 22, 1942, following losses of oil ships in the Gulf, most notably the Potrero del Llano and the Faja de Oro, to German submarine attacks.

The Unsung Ally: Mexico in World War II

Manuel Ávila Camacho and Support for the USA
In 1940, Mexico elected conservative PRI (Revolutionary Party) candidate Manuel Ávila Camacho. From the start of his term, he decided to stick with the United States. Many of his fellow Mexicans disapproved of his support for their traditional foe to the north and at first, they railed against Ávila, but when Germany invaded Russia, many Mexican communists began supporting the president.

In December of 1941, when Pearl Harbor was attacked, Mexico was one of the first countries to pledge support and aid, and they severed all diplomatic ties with the Axis powers. At a conference in Rio de Janeiro of Latin American foreign ministers in January of 1942, the Mexican delegation convinced many other countries to follow suit and break ties with the Axis powers.

Mexico saw immediate rewards for its support. US capital flowed into Mexico, building factories for wartime needs. The US purchased Mexican oil and sent technicians to quickly build up Mexican mining operations for much-needed metals like mercury, zinc, copper and more. The Mexican armed forces were built up with US weapons and training. Loans were made to stabilize and boost industry and security.
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Federal judge allows Trump to withhold grants to California as part of sanctuary city crackdown

A federal judge in Northern California has declined a request from California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to block the Trump administration’s decision to withhold a law enforcement grant to the state as part of its crackdown on states and jurisdictions that protect illegal immigrants.

Becerra asked for a preliminary injunction against the Trump administration's decision, but Judge William Orrick of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California ruled against taking that step.

“The injury threatened is not irreparable,” Orrick wrote. “The amount of money at stake is small compared to the state’s budget. Payment is delayed, for the moment. The DOJ appears to be using its regular administrative process to decide whether it will follow its initial inclinations.”

The judge said at some point in the future, the case “may help define the contours of the state’s broad constitutional police powers under the Tenth Amendment and the federal government’s ‘broad, undoubted power over the subject of immigration and the status of aliens.’”

The Trump administration has been cracking down on cities and jurisdictions that offer protections for people in the U.S. illegally.

In July, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that cities and states would only be eligible to receive specific grants from the Justice Department if they follow specific requirements, including certifying compliance with federal immigration law.

To be eligible for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants, or JAG grants, cities have to adhere to three criteria. They include giving 48-hour notice to the federal government before releasing anyone ICE wants the state to keep detained, and giving Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents access to detention facilities.

State and local officials must also provide personal information and release dates of illegal immigrants detained across the state...

Great news. As a Californian, I support this.
Cal's Quesadilla Caliphate

As a former Californian, I support the 1845 patriots who overthrew a Mexican government there.

As a Texan I support the ouster of and ass kicking that we laid on Santa Anna in 1836.

Remember the Alamo MFers!!!!
Did you know that in WWII Mexico was working with the Nazis on a plan to invade America?

These SOBS are no friends of ours.

The only thing that stopped this was that we intercepted communications between The Mexican Government, and Nazi Germany, and we then threatened to Nuke Mexico City if Mexico tried it.

I've never heard that.
Although mexico declared war on Germany (laughable) in 42 for sinking two oil tankers in the Gulf of Mexico bound for the US.

It's been swept under the rug....because Mexico eventually came to their senses and declared war on Nazi Germany. Mexico denied this, and simply stated that this was all due to the actions of a rogue government official and Nazi Sympathizer.
Mexico was siding with the US since before Pearl Harbor.
Only an earthquake can cure California disease.

A very big earthquake.
I wouldn't wish that on even a shithole state like California. A lot of good, decent people live there. What they need to do in California is get rid of the liberalism that has turned the state into a shithole.
I think we Californians should just with hold same amount of money from the federal gov instead of paying it.
You already get more federal funds than any other state in the union....over 100BILLION more than 2nd place Texas. You get back 99 cents for every dollar you pay in.

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