Federal Government Sues Dallas, TX Accusing Them Of Racial Segregation


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
The City of Dallas is being accused of violating Civil Rights Laws and developing condos for rich white people downtown. HUD is saying they needed to use money to continue to desegregate the city, i.e., stick subsidized housing in white neighborhoods, so blacks could have their projects in nice neighborhoods.

Damn, I hate forced integration! Don't you?

Dallas States Its Case on Federal Racial Segregation Charges
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The City of Dallas is being accused of violating Civil Rights Laws and developing condos for rich white people downtown. HUD is saying they needed to use money to continue to desegregate the city, i.e., stick subsidized housing in white neighborhoods, so blacks could have their projects in nice neighborhoods.

Damn, I hate forced integration! Don't you?

Dallas States Its Case on Federal Racial Segregation Charges

I have a problem with the basic CIVIL RIGHTs , that is to say racial desegregation. I am all for affordable housing for ALL. But not just for segments of the population. I don't want the government to go over and point to the black couple and say "YOU" but not you to the Red headed woman and the Hispanic man. That is bullshit.

I'm all for giving people a break who don't have a down payment but have good jobs and decent credit ratings. I don't care if they are purple or orange.

If a couple have paid off their student loans and just got their promotions get them in there even if they are, gasp, white! Or the black couple that are starting their own business and need that break while their credit has been stellar, their income may be weak at this point.

I want a country that forgets about race. I want to look at character first.

That being said, look at the fine print on those loans you take out developers, you could be in trouble. It was your job to follow the rules. Get your money from somewhere else of you weren't going to play the game.
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