FDA will delay Moderna shot for adolescents as it studies potential adverse heart reaction

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Just the News ^ | October 16, 2021

Nordic countries have already issued directives to withhold specific vax from younger patients.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration this week announced that it would delay the authorization of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents while it studies reports of an adverse heart reaction to the drug in younger patients.

Sources told the Wall Street Journal that “the FDA has been taking another look at the risk of the condition, known as myocarditis, among younger men who took Moderna’s vaccine,” especially compared to those who received other brands of the vaccine.”

The investigation comes shortly after the Nordic countries announced their own restrictions on administering the vaccination to younger patients, citing the potential risk of myocarditis.

The FDA’s delay here “could be several weeks, but the timing is unclear,” the Journal reported.



So they are studying whether MODERNA shot causes adverse heart reaction. Why are they not studying PFIZER as well. Are they saying that the Pfizer shot does not have the same problem?
Just the News ^ | October 16, 2021

Nordic countries have already issued directives to withhold specific vax from younger patients.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration this week announced that it would delay the authorization of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents while it studies reports of an adverse heart reaction to the drug in younger patients.

Sources told the Wall Street Journal that “the FDA has been taking another look at the risk of the condition, known as myocarditis, among younger men who took Moderna’s vaccine,” especially compared to those who received other brands of the vaccine.”

The investigation comes shortly after the Nordic countries announced their own restrictions on administering the vaccination to younger patients, citing the potential risk of myocarditis.

The FDA’s delay here “could be several weeks, but the timing is unclear,” the Journal reported.



So they are studying whether MODERNA shot causes adverse heart reaction. Why are they not studying PFIZER as well. Are they saying that the Pfizer shot does not have the same problem?
I am not sure why an adolescent's heart might react more negatively to a Moderna vaccine than my 67-year-old heart, but maybe it's a thing?
I am not sure why an adolescent's heart might react more negatively to a Moderna vaccine than my 67-year-old heart, but maybe it's a thing?

`They keep running out of excuses so they had to make up something new. :uhoh3:

FDA will delay Moderna shot for adolescents as it studies potential adverse heart reaction​

Don't be silly. They're trying to kill people, remember? They would never delay this because it's dangerous.
I am not sure why an adolescent's heart might react more negatively to a Moderna vaccine than my 67-year-old heart, but maybe it's a thing?

This is how informed the pro-vaccine crowd is. "Maybe" is what they have. MAYBE

Just the News ^ | October 16, 2021

Nordic countries have already issued directives to withhold specific vax from younger patients.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration this week announced that it would delay the authorization of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents while it studies reports of an adverse heart reaction to the drug in younger patients.

Sources told the Wall Street Journal that “the FDA has been taking another look at the risk of the condition, known as myocarditis, among younger men who took Moderna’s vaccine,” especially compared to those who received other brands of the vaccine.”

The investigation comes shortly after the Nordic countries announced their own restrictions on administering the vaccination to younger patients, citing the potential risk of myocarditis.

The FDA’s delay here “could be several weeks, but the timing is unclear,” the Journal reported.



So they are studying whether MODERNA shot causes adverse heart reaction. Why are they not studying PFIZER as well. Are they saying that the Pfizer shot does not have the same problem?

The mandates SUCK but I wish the Nuremberg code would not be invoked because it is not US law. People cite it and it is "yeah, that's nice" but gets us nothing.
This is how informed the pro-vaccine crowd is. "Maybe" is what they have. MAYB

Maybe as a qualifier means that antivaxers are more right than wrong. Every time I hear what sounds like a solid reason it turns into a phantom. So they move to the next new thing. Here is where we are today.

Coxsackie virus links to the myocarditis coming through the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. That is why there are mRNA vaccines (USA/UK/Israel/Germany, etc.) and there are adenovirus-based vaccines (Russia, China): coxsackie virus and adenovirus use the same receptor, CAR (coxsackie adenovirus receptor). You look there to find answers to your questions.
I am not sure why an adolescent's heart might react more negatively to a Moderna vaccine than my 67-year-old heart, but maybe it's a thing?

The mRNA vaccines are infinitely smaller than a virus, so can travel anywhere.
It the vaccine travels to the heart or brain before being discovered by the immune system antibodies, then you die.

But the impression they are giving, that the vaccine has a higher death rate for younger people than older people is incorrect.
The vaccine is not worse for younger people than older people.
The reality is that the vaccine is worse for younger people than the virus is.
Fewer than 400 of the 700,000 dead from covid are under 18.
Younger people are essentially immune, and therefore should NOT be getting the vaccine.
The vaccine is a lot more deadly than the virus, for younger people.
Don't be silly. They're trying to kill people, remember? They would never delay this because it's dangerous.

No, they know they are going to be found out eventually, so want acceptable deniability so they don't get sued.
They know its not safe, but they want to pretend to look like they are being cautious.
The mRNA vaccines are infinitely smaller than a virus, so can travel anywhere.
It the vaccine travels to the heart or brain before being discovered by the immune system antibodies, then you die.

But the impression they are giving, that the vaccine has a higher death rate for younger people than older people is incorrect.
The vaccine is not worse for younger people than older people.
The reality is that the vaccine is worse for younger people than the virus is.
Fewer than 400 of the 700,000 dead from covid are under 18.
Younger people are essentially immune, and therefore should NOT be getting the vaccine.
The vaccine is a lot more deadly than the virus, for younger people.
The daughter of my son's significant other caught Covid. She's 6 years old. Grand nephew caught it. He is 15. They lacked your essential immunity. I personnaly saw a unvaccinated (there was no vaccine at the time) 31 year old die on the ground in front of me My granddaughter is 14 and fully vaccinated with no problem whatsoever. You assertions do not fit the reality I have seen, first hand.
The mandates SUCK but I wish the Nuremberg code would not be invoked because it is not US law. People cite it and it is "yeah, that's nice" but gets us nothing.

Established ethical standards are EXACTLY what law is.
Legislation then is only supposed to be implemented after the legal principle is well established, and it does not take legislation in order to prosecute.
Rights are infinite, so it is impossible to write enough legislation to protect them all explicitly.
The Nuremberg principle already is medical ethics, and therefore law.
"Do No Harm".
The Hippocratic Oath is an oath of ethics historically taken by physicians. It is one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts. In its original form, it requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing gods, to uphold specific ethical standards. The oath is the earliest expression of medical ethics in the Western world, establishing several principles of medical ethics which remain of paramount significance today. These include the principles of medical confidentiality and non-maleficence. As the seminal articulation of certain principles that continue to guide and inform medical practice, the ancient text is of more than historic and symbolic value. Swearing a modified form of the oath remains a rite of passage for medical graduates in many countries, and is a requirement enshrined in legal statutes of various jurisdictions, such that violations of the oath may carry criminal or other liability beyond the oath's symbolic nature.
The daughter of my son's significant other caught Covid. She's 6 years old. Grand nephew caught it. He is 15. They lacked your essential immunity. I personnaly saw a unvaccinated (there was no vaccine at the time) 31 year old die on the ground in front of me My granddaughter is 14 and fully vaccinated with no problem whatsoever. You assertions do not fit the reality I have seen, first hand.


First of all, immunity NEVER means you do not get infected.
The immune system does not even start to work until you have been infected for about 6 days, and dying cells finally send out exosomes calling for help.

Immunity just means an efficient immune system so that you do not die.

And of course a few still do also die, but that is generally due to an anomaly in their immune system, very much like an allergic reaction.
But no one should be dying.
All the deaths are caused by an over active immune response, which is very treatable.
There are dozens of immuno-suppressants that should prevent death.
And death itself with the over active immune response, is asphyxiation due to the lungs filling with lymphatic fluids.
The problem there is the use of ventilators.
Ventilators can not possibly work.
When the lungs are filled with fluid, no amount of pressure can possibly force oxygen into them.
The lungs would explode first.
So instead of inducing a chemical coma so they can intubate a ventilator, what they should be doing instead is to keep the patient wake and constantly rotating, so that the lungs can drain.
There are additional methods that can be used.
But intubation is literally murder.

First of all, immunity NEVER means you do not get infected.
The immune system does not even start to work until you have been infected for about 6 days, and dying cells finally send out exosomes calling for help.

Immunity just means an efficient immune system so that you do not die.

And of course a few still do also die, but that is generally due to an anomaly in their immune system, very much like an allergic reaction.
But no one should be dying.
All the deaths are caused by an over active immune response, which is very treatable.
There are dozens of immuno-suppressants that should prevent death.
And death itself with the over active immune response, is asphyxiation due to the lungs filling with lymphatic fluids.
The problem there is the use of ventilators.
Ventilators can not possibly work.
When the lungs are filled with fluid, no amount of pressure can possibly force oxygen into them.
The lungs would explode first.
So instead of inducing a chemical coma so they can intubate a ventilator, what they should be doing instead is to keep the patient wake and constantly rotating, so that the lungs can drain.
There are additional methods that can be used.
But intubation is literally murder.
Last I saw, we had 746,415 that did not naturally have an immune system up to the task and medical science did not know how to successfully treat the anomalous attack and overreaction of their immune systems. I knew a few of them. My son is an ER nurse (he had it too), and says the people that are being admitted from the ER are primarily unvaccinated, usually older, but some younger. A child died here within the last two weeks. My son is saying he is seeing greater numbers of younger people coming into the ER with covid now, than earlier in the years.
Your chances very well may be better with the vaccine than without, if you want to have a lighter, more controllable case, with a greater likelihood of a better outcome.

There are two types of vaccine holdouts left, those that feel inherently that they are above the threat, and those that don't want the vaccine because they are being told to take it, and it insults their person freedom. One group is stupid in their superiority complex. The other is making a political decision. I guess we will keep watching and hearing the deathbed admissions, they were wrong and mistaken in their thinking. Good luck to ya, dude, but I really don't give a rat's ass what happens to anti-vaxxers.
Clues to heart inflammation are at the endosomes and vesicles where the virus has triggered gene pathways and where it enters the cells. Aberrantly placed megakaryocytes in the heart begins when the vaccine needle hits the bone, the marrow being thre locaation for their synthesis.

The USDA has a report that shows what mutations of coxsackie B virus cause myocarditis, though you’ll have to pay to see it.

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