FDA eases restrictions of homosexuals donating blood

Yup, make sure your health proxy says "No blood products from the Red Cross."

It's not about physical disease. It's about MORAL corruption, which cannot be tested for.

If you're ever hospitalized, make sure to interrogate all of the medical staff to make sure none of them are gay. Or divorced. Or unwed mothers like Bristol Palin.

Someone like you just can't be too careful.

Or like over 70% of black mothers many of whom rely on white people to support their bastard children.
I don't need to clarify a damn thing because you aren't interested in the truth.

Ah, so you're the mind-reader, and you thought I was encroaching on your territory. I see.

Conservative65 said:
I've had major surgery twice in the last 4 years. Don't think that a health proxy wasn't on file.

Did it specify "hetero Caucasian blood only"?

I know for a fact you haven't encroached on MY territory. That you respond is the only proof I need.
I don't need to clarify a damn thing because you aren't interested in the truth.

Ah, so you're the mind-reader, and you thought I was encroaching on your territory. I see.

Conservative65 said:
I've had major surgery twice in the last 4 years. Don't think that a health proxy wasn't on file.

Did it specify "hetero Caucasian blood only"?

I know for a fact you haven't encroached on MY territory. That you respond is the only proof I need.

You're entitled to consider yourself a gifted mind-reader, all evidence to the contrary. Your territory is safe.

"The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?"
FDA eases restrictions on blood donations from gay men

Great. Now you might die without blood from a donor,or you might die afterwords from AIDS. Oh and yes I know they "screen" the blood but with the incompetence of the affirmative action crew who knows what can happen.
You are more dangerous to the blood supply than gay women.

My blood isn't tainted like that of fags and lesbians.

Kindly present your data showing that homosexuals, male or female, have congenitally "tainted" blood.
I'm sure whoever was here before your people arrived felt the same about them. Same as it ever was.

Most of them were exterminated. The vsst majority if the survivors are held in interment camps we call reservations for their own safety.


Exactly what they should have done. Unfortunately they, like the Irish and Scots were mire interested in bickering among themselves than fighting their common enemies.

Why didn't the Romans invade Scotland?.... Check out the story of the Lost Legion..... 1000 Roman soldiers who walked into Scotland and never came back alive.

Exactly what they should have done. Unfortunately they, like the Irish and Scots were mire interested in bickering among themselves than fighting their common enemies.

Why didn't the Romans invade Scotland?.... Check out the story of the Lost Legion..... 1000 Roman soldiers who walked into Scotland and never came back alive.

We're all tribal. Those of us who forget (or simply don't know) are the ones who are eternally puzzled by world events and looking for easy answers. ;)
We're all tribal. Those of us who forget (or simply don't know) are the ones who are eternally puzzled by world events and looking for easy answers. ;)

Not really anymore. Unless you consider Nationalism to be the same as Tribalism. Nationalism and Isolationism are the best option for America to regain its Morals and Values before we fall apart completely.
We're all tribal. Those of us who forget (or simply don't know) are the ones who are eternally puzzled by world events and looking for easy answers. ;)

Not really anymore. Unless you consider Nationalism to be the same as Tribalism. Nationalism and Isolationism are the best option for America to regain its Morals and Values before we fall apart completely.

That's been the lament since the country was founded, and we haven't "fallen apart" yet. Give us a little more credit, huh?
That's been the lament since the country was founded, and we haven't "fallen apart" yet. Give us a little more credit, huh?

I would suggedt thst we've fallen IMMENSELY since the late 18th Cebtury in terms of Morals and Values in this nation. Increased Technology but decreased Morality.

Whereas it seems to me that the advanced technology - i.e., the Internet - just makes us more aware of percentage of low-life haters there are around us. In one sense that's disheartening; in another it shows us where the work needs to be done.
I wish some would get some white blood in them and a work ethic along with it.

Are you implying only white people have a work ethic? What about skin color determines work ethic? Can you explain that to me?

It's not genetics but environment. There are blacks that have an excellent worth ethic. However, there is a difference between blacks and ******* just like there is a difference between hard working whites and white trash.
I don't need to clarify a damn thing because you aren't interested in the truth.

Ah, so you're the mind-reader, and you thought I was encroaching on your territory. I see.

Conservative65 said:
I've had major surgery twice in the last 4 years. Don't think that a health proxy wasn't on file.

Did it specify "hetero Caucasian blood only"?

I know for a fact you haven't encroached on MY territory. That you respond is the only proof I need.

You're entitled to consider yourself a gifted mind-reader, all evidence to the contrary. Your territory is safe.

"The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?"

It's not mind reading to know you haven't encroached on my territory. That you're able to respond is all the proof I need.

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