FBI's McCabe 'drag net' plot to secretely record Trump for incriminating talk to oust from office


VIP Member
Mar 2, 2018
Who's watching the 'watchers'? It certainly seems like the holdovers in the FBI & DOJ have some manifestly partisan 'strategery' going on from the rotten head on down...

The Hill:
Don’t tell former FBI general counsel James Baker that those now-infamous discussions about secretly recording President Donald Trump and using the tapes to remove him from office were a joke.

He apparently doesn’t believe it. And he held quite the vantage point — he was on the inside of the bureau’s leadership in May 2017, when the discussions occurred.

Baker told Congress last week that his boss — then-Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe — was dead serious about the idea of surreptitiously recording the 45th president and using the evidence to make the case that Trump should be removed from office, according to my sources.

Laura Ingraham: Former FBI lawyer: Plot to record, remove Trump not a joke
They are so fucked.

This shit is going to be fun to watch unravel.

I don’t know how long it will take, but the pieces are falling into place and when the dominoes get some momentum, it’s going to be epic.

They know what they did, and they NEVER thought Trump would last this long.

Panic is setting in for those who tried to set up Trump.

Trump is stupid, huh? Keep underestimating him.

Why won’t Glen Simpson testify?

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