FBI Evidence Tampering


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
LOL. Then the "evidence" should have been released to the public the very DAY Trump did the perp walk to the helicopter on his way out of the White House.
That would have been his just and righteous revenge and his play for you people to take down the evil "Deep State". It would have been a sea change for this country.

I wonder why that didn't happen? I wonder why he stashed all those boxes at his personal residence? And then refused to give them up..even when he was asked nicely? :auiqs.jpg:
Maybe because,

1) He was going to sell the information in them.
2) He was going to use the information for political favors and extortion (both here and abroad).

If EITHER of these things are even remotely true, he's done.
Oh yeah, and there's no such thing as a DEEP STATE...except in the minds of Alt-Right Nation.
I know, right. I mean Donald Trump carefully took all the evidence he gathered over the four years he was in office that completely uncovered the "Deep State" and brilliantly hid it in plain sight on the stage of a ballroom at Mar-a-lago. And in the shower, another brilliant hiding place.

Trusting no one, I mean they call it the "Deep State" for a reason, Trump has been busy over the last several years diligently building a case. With his well known discipline, and ability to keep his mouth shut, he hasn't let out as much as a peep to anyone that he was quietly constructing the death blow against the terrible Deep State, and QAnon, and the vast pedophile, infant sacrificing, blood drinking cult whose members occupy the highest offices in the land.

But alas, he was snookered by the damn FBI, and the AG, countless judges, and a handful of grand juries. Damn the tenacles of the deep state run deep. They call it "Deep State" for a reason. Now they are attempting to throw this great man, with his beautiful mind, and his unparallel ability to build a legal case, in jail just to silence him.

I mean he could have had it all. Every other president since the beginning of time has bowed down to the great Deep State. Every one of them has participated in the infant sacrifices, drank blood from the chalice of Christ that has been in the possession of these demons since recovered by the Knights Templar and hidden in Minnesota. But not Trump, there has never been another human being with stronger morals and ethics. A true patriot who has always put the country before himself.

He will fight the good fight to the very end. I mean he is wicked smart. You can bet he has stored all those documents electronically on a top-secret hidden Xbox with an expanded hard drive. A document dump that will make Wikileaks look like a trinkle is coming, probably before Tuesday afternoon. The Deep State, OAnon, and all those pedophile, child sacrificing, blood drinking zealots are going to be exposed. And a grateful nation will trash the Constitution that allowed such a travesty to almost prevail and establish Donald Trump to his rightful place as King for life.
Yes, but the power goes to the government and that's in control of a D president.

The rule of law in America is powerless to stand against the party that controls politics.

In fact, Trump made it that way and so now he and the R's need to depend on the power of the people.

But can they enlist the support of the people? Or has Trump lost that ability forever now?

Many American intellectuals are beginning to look long and hard at the parliamentary system in which the people are empowered to be able to bring about change. The American system is flawed and unable to do that.
LOL. Then the "evidence" should have been released to the public the very DAY Trump did the perp walk to the helicopter on his way out of the White House.

I have to agree with you, Jack! If there was critical evidence there, why was it left sitting around for two years in boxes without being copied or given to anyone? Just what was Trump waiting for? Was his life threatened if he went public with the real truth behind Hillary, Obumma, and whoever else was behind Crossfire Hurricane?
The day that Trump (who will have been already convicted) is defeated in November 2024, the President of the USA will declare January 20 every year a National Holiday to celebrate the Republic and the defeat of the Traitor Trump.
Donald Trump admits on tape he didn’t declassify ‘secret information’

I believe he removed the classified documents and large numbers of presidential documents from the Whitehouse because he was told not to remove them and he believed they were his, regardless of the law.. This is why he would not return them when asked by the National Archivist in February after Biden took office. Letters and phone calls in the following months failed to get results. Only on threat of legal action did he return some of the documents and kept the rest. After a year, the archivist turned the matter over to the DOJ. Trump lied and complained but did nothing. Even when the documents were subpoenaed, he still held back documents and lied saying he returned them all.

Trump does this because he sees this all as a game to be won, to prove himself. He could have returned these documents at any time up till the time he did not comply with the subpoena and there would have been no investigation and indictment. However once, he violated a court order by keeping classified documents, and lying to the FBI, an indictment was pretty much a done deal.
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I have to agree with you, Jack! If there was critical evidence there, why was it left sitting around for two years in boxes without being copied or given to anyone? Just what was Trump waiting for? Was his life threatened if he went public with the real truth behind Hillary, Obumma, and whoever else was behind Crossfire Hurricane?
Has anyone actually seen those documents?
LOL. Then the "evidence" should have been released to the public the very DAY Trump did the perp walk to the helicopter on his way out of the White House.
That would have been his just and righteous revenge and his play for you people to take down the evil "Deep State". It would have been a sea change for this country.

I wonder why that didn't happen? I wonder why he stashed all those boxes at his personal residence? And then refused to give them up..even when he was asked nicely? :auiqs.jpg:
Maybe because,

1) He was going to sell the information in them.
2) He was going to use the information for political favors and extortion (both here and abroad).

If EITHER of these things are even remotely true, he's done.
Oh yeah, and there's no such thing as a DEEP STATE...except in the minds of Alt-Right Nation.
It was not a perp walk, pipsqueak.
That evidence will now have to be delivered to court. If they don't supply evidence, then there's no evidence against Trump. For the the plaintiff to prosecute the defendant, they normally have to show the defendant the evidence.. that's what happens in the UK.
Yes in a court trial it's called 'discovery.'
Thank you for the terminology.
My wife used to do transcription for a PI who provided discovery in cases. There were reams and reams of discovery in almost every case. It was typical for lawyers to carry boxes of binders at trial.

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