FBI Director says no evidence ANTIFA was at Capitol riot

So....just shut up with the lies about anyone other than trump cult members attacking the Capitol on January 6th. The trump mob is still out there gauging when they can cause more destruction.

This is old news.

The FBI came out and said this in January.

I understand the need, the trump people keep repeating that lie so it has to be countered by the truth.
It may be old news but it needs to be repeated; dishonest conservatives are still lying about it.
You wanna bet that if FOX reports this it will be buried in some out of sight place.


So Wray says the capital riot could incite foregn terrorists

but he denies that the year lonb liberal riots across American did not incite the capital counter riot

Wray is a fool
I have not accused ANTIFA of staging or spearheading the storming of the capital

Buffalo Man is not linked to ANTIFA and neither was the white woman who was shot and killed by the black guy

so I concede that it was probably a wacko right event

but I have said that the year long attacks on American cities by ANTIFA and Black Lies Matter raised the blood pressure of their counterparts on the right and directly led to the violence in the capital
The people didn't raid the capital because of BLM riots. There were there for a very clear reason. To Stop the Steal. They were invited there by Trump, they attended a rally where they were riled up with the same propaganda and lies that they had been fed for months. A child could see what was going to unfold after that rally. I called my family as Trump was speaking and told them shit was about to go down at the Capital and Trump just put a target on Pence. It was soooooo clear and obvious what Trump was doing. Are you stupid or just playing dumb?

He did not say that the riot was in response to the antifa and blm riots, but that the antifa and blm riots has raised the level of anger among the people.

That you feel you have to lie about what he said, to refute it, should be a red flag to you.
I really don't give a shit if people got mad over riots. That is a completely separate issue. I laid out what what inspired that riot at the capital and it was not BLM it was Trump and Stop the Steal. This little game you are playing trying to blame the summer riots is laughable. You don't honestly think you are making a good point do you?
If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
This is the same FBI that used the discredited Steele Dossier to get a warrant from a federal judge?

View attachment 463359
No, this one is different, it is lead by a director that Trump appointed. Why don't you trust their intel and whose intel to you trust more?

Because the vast majority of the career FBI is teh same. And they have demonstrated repeatedly that they cannot be trusted.
So who do you trust more??

So....just shut up with the lies about anyone other than trump cult members attacking the Capitol on January 6th. The trump mob is still out there gauging when they can cause more destruction.
Word play antifa as an org vs antifa individuals who act on their behalf, might even be perjury on his part by his false words, because early on they arrested an antifa member and those militias he spoke about are anti gov't non political party, often cross over ties including white supremacists formerly skinheads of Portland integrated into northwest anti globalists (antifa). Where do you think all those mohawk and skinheads went when they became feminized as a means to survive the streets?
At minimum the left set a standard whereby antifa is at least guilty of incitement by teaching people how to smash windows break in and riot.
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If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.
Since when do we take cover up artists explanations as the gospel truth? Wray's breath smells like Don Lemon's anchor chair. He's pretty far up the liberal anus.
Trump appointed him and had years to replace him if what you are saying is true. Why didn't that happen?

So....just shut up with the lies about anyone other than trump cult members attacking the Capitol on January 6th. The trump mob is still out there gauging when they can cause more destruction.
I have not accused ANTIFA of staging or spearheading the storming of the capital

Buffalo Man is not linked to ANTIFA and neither was the white woman who was shot and killed by the black guy

so I concede that it was probably a wacko right event

but I have said that the year long attacks on American cities by ANTIFA and Black Lies Matter raised the blood pressure of their counterparts on the right and directly led to the violence in the capital
The people didn't raid the capital because of BLM riots. There were there for a very clear reason. To Stop the Steal. They were invited there by Trump, they attended a rally where they were riled up with the same propaganda and lies that they had been fed for months. A child could see what was going to unfold after that rally. I called my family as Trump was speaking and told them shit was about to go down at the Capital and Trump just put a target on Pence. It was soooooo clear and obvious what Trump was doing. Are you stupid or just playing dumb?

He did not say that the riot was in response to the antifa and blm riots, but that the antifa and blm riots has raised the level of anger among the people.

That you feel you have to lie about what he said, to refute it, should be a red flag to you.
I really don't give a shit if people got mad over riots. That is a completely separate issue. I laid out what what inspired that riot at the capital and it was not BLM it was Trump and Stop the Steal. This little game you are playing trying to blame the summer riots is laughable. You don't honestly think you are making a good point do you?

YOu start a period of civil unrest and then are surprised that your enemies start playing by the new rules you made normal?

That makes you look like a sissy willing to fight dirty, but run crying to mommy when people give it back to you.

This is NOT denying the violence of 1/6, just putting it is it's proper context.

So....just shut up with the lies about anyone other than trump cult members attacking the Capitol on January 6th. The trump mob is still out there gauging when they can cause more destruction.
I thought aoc was there ?
The Biden regime said that Antifa was an idea, and that they don't exist as an entitiy.
You think the head of the FBI is going to contradict his boss.

The FBI said that when Trump was president.. The facts aren't partisan.

Seriously?... FBI Director Chris Wray Testifies There Is No Evidence of "Fake Trump Supporters" at US Capitol During Riot (thegatewaypundit.com)
If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.

I did not see it coming. Generally conservatives are pretty mild. I expected the demonstration to just stand there and make some noise and be forgotten.

I was surprised when the riot broke out.
I have not accused ANTIFA of staging or spearheading the storming of the capital

Buffalo Man is not linked to ANTIFA and neither was the white woman who was shot and killed by the black guy

so I concede that it was probably a wacko right event

but I have said that the year long attacks on American cities by ANTIFA and Black Lies Matter raised the blood pressure of their counterparts on the right and directly led to the violence in the capital
The people didn't raid the capital because of BLM riots. There were there for a very clear reason. To Stop the Steal. They were invited there by Trump, they attended a rally where they were riled up with the same propaganda and lies that they had been fed for months. A child could see what was going to unfold after that rally. I called my family as Trump was speaking and told them shit was about to go down at the Capital and Trump just put a target on Pence. It was soooooo clear and obvious what Trump was doing. Are you stupid or just playing dumb?

He did not say that the riot was in response to the antifa and blm riots, but that the antifa and blm riots has raised the level of anger among the people.

That you feel you have to lie about what he said, to refute it, should be a red flag to you.
I really don't give a shit if people got mad over riots. That is a completely separate issue. I laid out what what inspired that riot at the capital and it was not BLM it was Trump and Stop the Steal. This little game you are playing trying to blame the summer riots is laughable. You don't honestly think you are making a good point do you?

YOu start a period of civil unrest and then are surprised that your enemies start playing by the new rules you made normal?

That makes you look like a sissy willing to fight dirty, but run crying to mommy when people give it back to you.

This is NOT denying the violence of 1/6, just putting it is it's proper context.
I don't think there was anything ok about the violence this summer. I believe in law and order. Do you? Because right now you seem to be making an excuse for violence from your people because the other people did it first. Are you in grade school?
If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.
The election WAS stolen.
Trump told people to protest peacefully.. It was 99% peaceful.
Blame lies at the feet of those who refused to hold a full audit.
This would have been solved everything in 2 days and there would not have been an "insurrection" (sic).
If my country had a fraudulent election to the scale of November 2020, and the Nation's Intel agencyy refused to investigate, and the media ignored it, and people who peacefull protested were censored and attacked....
I'd see it as a coup and would probably be attacking my Parliament as well
Exactly, it was foreseeable, which makes Trump and his puppets lies about the election fraud so much worse. It wasn't political hyperbole, it was incitement to violence which is what it lead to. He made false claims many of which can be directly disproven and the others he was never able to verify, yet he keeps saying them, his idiot followers believe them, and the nutters are acting on them.

I did not see it coming. Generally conservatives are pretty mild. I expected the demonstration to just stand there and make some noise and be forgotten.

I was surprised when the riot broke out.
I wasn't... I literally called my family while Trump was giving his speech and told them to tune in because shit was about to go down. I told them Trump just threw Pence under the bus and there is a mob of angry people that are about to go mess things up. It was clear and obvious what Trump was doing and what was about to happen. If you couldn't see that then you have blinders on. But you support Trump so I guess the blinders are a given

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