FBI Contradicts Fauci on Man-Made COVID Origins, Which Fauci Attacked as “Complete Distortion of Reality.” But Was it Deliberate?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Ok so it was man-made. Anyone paying attention has known that for years, and Fauci helped it along with "gain-of-function." The question is, was it a weapon of war? That puts Fauci in a whole different kind of hot water.

"FBI Director Christopher Wray has joined the chorus of scientists and high US officials who say whatever the truth is about COVID being the result of lab tinkering in China, to even suggest it is hardly a “complete distortion of reality,” as Anthony Fauci has vociferously maintained while attacking anyone who said so as a “conspiracy theorist.”

Wray now echoes the US Department of Energy’s hedged assessment that COVID was made in a lab in China.

For years Fauci has been furiously trying to quash even the most passing consideration of the idea that COVID was man-made, calling it “molecularly impossible” in fierce battles with Senator Rand Paul in Senate committee hearings. Fauci has been on the hotseat explaining his own role in funding Gain-of-function research in communist China, a kind of research which makes dangerous coronaviruses even more dangerous by tinkering with them in the lab.

Now apparently scientists doing their own assessments in the US intelligence community disagree.

Fauci told Rachel Maddow in August 2022:

“What we are dealing with now is a distortion of reality, conspiracy theories which don’t make any sense at all.”

Fauci agreed with Rachel Maddow in the below interview in particular that people entertaining such views were “dangerous.”

Was It Deliberate?​

Left unaddressed now are the contentions of some that not only was COVID man-made in a Chinese Communist Party lab, but also deliberately released or strategically ignored, not a just “lab leak.” Defense industry consultant and former British Army Officer Nicholas Drummond says China benefited vastly from the economic damage inflicted on the rest of the globe.

In an interview with the UK Express Drummond said:

“One of the things about the pandemic is that it will reset our relationship with China – it will reset the world’s relationship with them.”

“It’s becoming increasingly apparent that the pandemic started long before December last year, it was actually getting going in September or October.”

“By November, they knew they had a serious problem on their hands, yet they chose not to tell us until January 22.”

Senior CCP intellectual Prof. Ping Chen boasted in 2021 that China had won a “biological warfare” against the United States (video below.)

Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said in 2021:

“…the Chinese military ordered scientists at the Wuhan lab to experiment with coronaviruses as early as 2017…some of those viruses were 96.2% similar to the current coronavirus.”

US State Department documents show that Chinese scientists investigated weaponizing coronaviruses five years before the Covid-19 pandemic. Telegraph India in “China probed weaponising coronavirus in 2015” writes:

Chinese scientists described SARS coronaviruses of which Covid is one example as presenting a new era of genetic weapons. The PLA papers referenced seem to fantasize that a bioweapon attack could cause the “enemy’s medical system to collapse”.”

The most direct accusation comes from exiled Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who maintains to this day that the COVID virus was released by China as a weapon in a new kind of war.


Retired US Army Col., Dr. Lawrence Sellin wrote in May of 2021, for Gateway Pundit:

“The creation of the COVID-19 virus was entirely under the command and control of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), led by presumed head of China’s biowarfare program, Major General Wei Chen, while under the day-to-day supervision of key members of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences.”

Dr. Sellin wrote of the Chinese research:

“In 2013, Shibo Jiang and Shuwen Liu, published the methods for artificially inserting a furin polybasic cleavage site similar to that found in the COVID-19 virus.”

“The innocuous title of that scientific article “Simultaneous Expression of Displayed and Secreted Antibodies for Antibody Screen,” belied its true nature.”

“That study was supported by a grant to Shibo Jiang from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (#81173098), which was entirely devoted to viral entry via a membrane fusion process, known to be facilitated by furin polybasic cleavage sites and enhancing viral infectivity and pathogenicity.”

“At the same time Shibo Jiang was conducting those experiments, he was also being funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)….”

“During that time, he developed an extensive network of collaborative research with other major U.S. virus research laboratories and received more than $17 million in U.S. research grants, the vast majority coming from Fauci’s NIAID.”"

Chinese Military Coronavirus Researcher General Ningyl Jin, PhD (source)


Was It Deliberate?​

Xi seeding the world with the virus with international flights out of Wuhan definitely was, whether the release of the virus was accidental or not.....A defacto act of biological warfare against the entire world.

Both Xi and Fauxi are war criminals.
The only thing we know for sure is that Fraudci is a lying sack of shit.

A bureaucratic weasel who'll go any way the wind blows as long as it makes him look good and sound smart.
Ok so it was man-made. Anyone paying attention has known that for years, and Fauci helped it along with "gain-of-function." The question is, was it a weapon of war? That puts Fauci in a whole different kind of hot water.

"FBI Director Christopher Wray has joined the chorus of scientists and high US officials who say whatever the truth is about COVID being the result of lab tinkering in China, to even suggest it is hardly a “complete distortion of reality,” as Anthony Fauci has vociferously maintained while attacking anyone who said so as a “conspiracy theorist.”

Wray now echoes the US Department of Energy’s hedged assessment that COVID was made in a lab in China.

For years Fauci has been furiously trying to quash even the most passing consideration of the idea that COVID was man-made, calling it “molecularly impossible” in fierce battles with Senator Rand Paul in Senate committee hearings. Fauci has been on the hotseat explaining his own role in funding Gain-of-function research in communist China, a kind of research which makes dangerous coronaviruses even more dangerous by tinkering with them in the lab.

Now apparently scientists doing their own assessments in the US intelligence community disagree.

Fauci told Rachel Maddow in August 2022:

“What we are dealing with now is a distortion of reality, conspiracy theories which don’t make any sense at all.”

Fauci agreed with Rachel Maddow in the below interview in particular that people entertaining such views were “dangerous.”

Was It Deliberate?​

Left unaddressed now are the contentions of some that not only was COVID man-made in a Chinese Communist Party lab, but also deliberately released or strategically ignored, not a just “lab leak.” Defense industry consultant and former British Army Officer Nicholas Drummond says China benefited vastly from the economic damage inflicted on the rest of the globe.

In an interview with the UK Express Drummond said:

“One of the things about the pandemic is that it will reset our relationship with China – it will reset the world’s relationship with them.”

“It’s becoming increasingly apparent that the pandemic started long before December last year, it was actually getting going in September or October.”

“By November, they knew they had a serious problem on their hands, yet they chose not to tell us until January 22.”

Senior CCP intellectual Prof. Ping Chen boasted in 2021 that China had won a “biological warfare” against the United States (video below.)

Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said in 2021:

“…the Chinese military ordered scientists at the Wuhan lab to experiment with coronaviruses as early as 2017…some of those viruses were 96.2% similar to the current coronavirus.”

US State Department documents show that Chinese scientists investigated weaponizing coronaviruses five years before the Covid-19 pandemic. Telegraph India in “China probed weaponising coronavirus in 2015” writes:

Chinese scientists described SARS coronaviruses of which Covid is one example as presenting a new era of genetic weapons. The PLA papers referenced seem to fantasize that a bioweapon attack could cause the “enemy’s medical system to collapse”.”

The most direct accusation comes from exiled Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who maintains to this day that the COVID virus was released by China as a weapon in a new kind of war.


Retired US Army Col., Dr. Lawrence Sellin wrote in May of 2021, for Gateway Pundit:

“The creation of the COVID-19 virus was entirely under the command and control of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), led by presumed head of China’s biowarfare program, Major General Wei Chen, while under the day-to-day supervision of key members of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences.”

Dr. Sellin wrote of the Chinese research:

“In 2013, Shibo Jiang and Shuwen Liu, published the methods for artificially inserting a furin polybasic cleavage site similar to that found in the COVID-19 virus.”

“The innocuous title of that scientific article “Simultaneous Expression of Displayed and Secreted Antibodies for Antibody Screen,” belied its true nature.”

“That study was supported by a grant to Shibo Jiang from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (#81173098), which was entirely devoted to viral entry via a membrane fusion process, known to be facilitated by furin polybasic cleavage sites and enhancing viral infectivity and pathogenicity.”

“At the same time Shibo Jiang was conducting those experiments, he was also being funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)….”

“During that time, he developed an extensive network of collaborative research with other major U.S. virus research laboratories and received more than $17 million in U.S. research grants, the vast majority coming from Fauci’s NIAID.”"

Chinese Military Coronavirus Researcher General Ningyl Jin, PhD (source)


He's quoting a wordpress blog.

Was It Deliberate?​

Xi seeding the world with the virus with international flights out of Wuhan definitely was, whether the release of the virus was accidental or not.....A defacto act of biological warfare against the entire world.

Both Xi and Fauxi are war criminals.

Another fun fact, SinoVac the CCP vaccine is not mRNA just a regular old killed virus vax.
Again for the retards:

What are you trying to do, confuse the brainless leftards even more?

WHO gives a fuck what government agencies think?

Dumbass fucking leftard, can't you do your own research and think for yourself?

Why not?

Damn. You fuckers really are stupid.

I'll bet you believed all that bullshit from the Chinese too, about pangolins and all that other crap.

Which, if you knew anything about anything, you could have identified as lying propaganda right out of the starting gate.

No one cares what our ignorant.lying government has to say about anything. Or if you do, you're just as dumb as they are.
It's time to dismantle the leftard quackery.

This has been a good day for me, making leftards look stupid and then showing them clearly how stupid they are.

We the United States of America can not afford such stupidity. We either need to crush it or send it elsewhere.
It's good to see the FBI being the ojective leader the West needs. I don't think Americans appreciate how important the F.B.i and C.I.A are to Americas success. As someone who hss seen dishonest policing,.believe me it greatly matters. They need to always be dilligent, honest and remain absolutely loyal to the fscts. Concepts some career government officials and politicians did not adhere to, especially during the stsrt of covid.
It's good to see the FBI being the ojective leader the West needs.

I assume you're being sarcastic.

I don't think Americans appreciate how important the F.B.i and C.I.A are to Americas success.

Success? A little late for that.

As someone who hss seen dishonest policing,.believe me it greatly matters.

Yeah. Dishonesty usually matters. That's why people do it

They need to always be dilligent, honest and remain absolutely loyal to the fscts.

Good luck with that. Their computers just got hacked. How diligent is that?

Concepts some career government officials and politicians did not adhere to, especially during the stsrt of covid.

Sigh. Human nature. Checks and balances. Separation of powers.

Human nature hasn't changed in ten thousand years, and it won't change in the next ten thousand either.
The only thing we know for sure is that Fraudci is a lying sack of shit.

A bureaucratic weasel who'll go any way the wind blows as long as it makes him look good and sound smart.
prove he is.
What are you trying to do, confuse the brainless leftards even more?

WHO gives a fuck what government agencies think?

Dumbass fucking leftard, can't you do your own research and think for yourself?

Why not?

Damn. You fuckers really are stupid.

I'll bet you believed all that bullshit from the Chinese too, about pangolins and all that other crap.

Which, if you knew anything about anything, you could have identified as lying propaganda right out of the starting gate.

No one cares what our ignorant.lying government has to say about anything. Or if you do, you're just as dumb as they are.
OK, let's see just how intelligent you really are.

Two academic studies, both all but confirming Covid was the result of two separate zoonotic events, Overwhelming evidence includes,

Of the initial 41 people hospitalized with unknown pneumonia by 2 January 2020, 27 (66%) had direct exposure to the Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market (hereafter, “Huanan market”)

. We find that repeated substitutions at sites 8782, 18060, and 28144,are common among closely related sarbecoviruses (Fig. S1113). In contrast, 29095 is strongly conserved among these sarbecoviruses but highly polymorphic in humans (Fig. S14). Absent from the recCA are two mutations, C2416T and C23929T), previously suggested to have been present in the immediate ancestor of SARS-CoV-2 (18); these mutations occur on the branch to the related bat sarbecovirus RaTG13 (Fig. S8-10)(20)

You go ahead and go through those studies and find something, anything, that points to a possible lab creation of the virus. Of course, you are going to have to look up zoonotic first. And let me break down that second quote for you. The virus variant 29095 is stable in bats, but it mutates in humans frequently. They found that variant in samples taken from the cages in the Wuhan seafood market before it was sanitized in January. All mutations occured in human with that bat virus being the foundation.

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