FBI authorized the use of deadly force at Mar-a-Lago

What makes you think we can trust the FBI as to their location when they carried in folders, inserted documents and spread them on the very ornate carpet to show they were not secured, when in fact they put them there for the photo?
Doesn't matter if you trust them or not. Sorry.

And no, you didn't read a blog and outsmart the courts and the DOJ. Trust me.
What due process or equal protection are you claiming Trump has been denied
Both Hillary, Pence, and Biden were not prosecuted for worse crimes than Trump is even accused of committing. That is selective prosecution in all its glory.

It is like you and I both rob a bank. You do it with a gun and kill people during the robbery. Meanwhile, I use computer hacking to take the money. You get probation and I get life in prison.
The audio will be out within 72 hours. It will show these “agents” giggling like little girls over a confrontation
Both Hillary, Pence, and Biden were not prosecuted for worse crimes than Trump is even accused of committing. That is selective prosecution in all its glory.

It is like you and I both rob a bank. You do it with a gun and kill people during the robbery. Meanwhile, I use computer hacking to take the money. You get probation and I get life in prison.

Cool story however it does not answer what due process or equal protections you feel Trump was denied. Trump is not the first person to be charged with improper handling of classified information
Cool story however it does not answer what due process or equal protections you feel Trump was denied. Trump is not the first person to be charged with improper handling of classified information
The others were not prosecuted of higher-level crimes! Don't you get that? You cannot single Trump out for prosecution while letting others off Scot free! That is what equal protection means!
The others were not prosecuted of higher-level crimes! Don't you get that? You cannot single Trump out for prosecution while letting others off Scot free! That is what equal protection means!
That’s not how it works. That’s just you whining. Trump has been given his due process and has been treated equally. What you are arguing is different cases with different circumstances/. I hope you are not poising young minds with that toxic misinformation.
A reminder, according to Trump - being heard by the Supreme Court - the President is completely immune and could have Trump stripped, hanged, drawn, and quarter on live TV.
That’s not how it works. That’s just you whining. Trump has been given his due process and has been treated equally. What you are arguing is different cases with different circumstances/. I hope you are not poising young minds with that toxic misinformation.
How are they different and what are the different circumstance? That is what the Amendment was written for! It was to prevent a two-tiered justice system where former slaves could be judged differently than whites for the same crimes. I have a BA in History, a master's in education and taught this topic for 21 years. What are your qualifications?
A reminder, according to Trump - being heard by the Supreme Court - the President is completely immune and could have Trump stripped, hanged, drawn, and quarter on live TV.
Where did you get that stupid idea? What it from the little liberal devil that you let out at night to run rampant through your brain. That is not what Trump's argument was in any way shape or form. They are talking about his official acts. You know those things subject to impeachment while he was in office. If he was not impeached and removed, he would then be considered and tried and found not guilty.

Using your convoluted logic, we should be able to prosecute Obama for his murder of an American citizen when he droned that terrorist leader Awlaki.
Well, we saw the paramilitary team live at MAL when this illicit raid was underway.

Folks, Biden and his junta did this, not Donald Trump.

Trump isn't a threat to our freedoms, Biden and the Democrats are.

Now you know why Jack Smith et al. are fighting to keep this stuff under seal.

They are allowed to use Deadly Force anywhere they go.
Show me a link. You have a tendency to exaggerate.

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