Favorite (White) Football Players This Year

Nah, I’m an adult who offers a service with a purpose.

As a Conservative, I know work is a good thing. It provides means to independence, and maintains work ethic and mental health.

Leftists nowadays view jobs as some sort of slavery or bad things.. but those same people often lack purpose in life, are conflicted emotionally/mentally, etc.

They are the products of being spoiled in the greatest first world paradise in human history, and have the want to do as little as possible but yet be given things for free.
There are a lot of conservatives in rural areas who would feel suffocated doing what you do. I like what the one guy on mountain man said. He was building a bridge, by himself. A lot of work no pay. He said "If I wanted money I'd get a job".

Depends on the job you have. Sounds like you like your job. Me too. But I know a lot of people don't. A LOT. Even people who make a lot.

The NBA did this back in the 2000’s/2010’s with some famous actress who was dating Tony Parker. The spurs would score off a good Tony Parker play and sure enough.. they show her
wasn't tony roma going with , they all look alijke, oh yea simpson. jessica. every cowboy play reqayured a reaction shot.

actual "dating" is not necessary. if no wife or girl friend is available the cheerleaders get more air time.

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