Fauci Blasts Rand Paul on US funded Bat Virus Claims.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

This appears to be a different story from those threads already posted. Maybe a discussion will lead to some facts on what Rand Paul is trying to pull off this time??

This appears to be a different story from those threads already posted. Maybe a discussion will lead to some facts on what Rand Paul is trying to pull off this time??
Rand Paul was Not " Pulling off " Anything when Fauci was under oath before
Congress.Nor is Rand Paul pulling anything now.
Be precise and explain what you meant by " on what Rand Paul is trying to
pull off this time. "

This appears to be a different story from those threads already posted. Maybe a discussion will lead to some facts on what Rand Paul is trying to pull off this time??

Rand Paul is trying to get Fauci to stop lying. It's a waste of time, lying is the entire logical basis of the Democrats party and leftists in general. Even you know yourself no one wants that unless you lie to them. So you just keep lying and lying and lying.

Leftist strategy.

Name something you want to happen.

Name something you want to do.

Claim what you will do will accomplish what you want to happen even though it clearly won't.



Repeat ...
Rand Paul was Not " Pulling off " Anything when Fauci was under oath before
Congress.Nor is Rand Paul pulling anything now.
Be precise and explain what you meant by " on what Rand Paul is trying to
pull off this time. "
The link provided tells us what Rand Paul is trying to pull off. And of course the interesting thing about it this time is that it runs counter to the 'China laboratory' origin of the Covid virus.

Don't forget, I'm only the messenger.
I said 'pull off' because Rand Paul has turned renegade against the Trumper narrative!
Fauci has proven himself as a liar in front of Congress, is anything else to say?
Fauci obvioulsy is cocksure to the nth degree as far as Any Culpabilty
of anything said,pleaded-to or in the affirmative as to his person.
However even given that,he'll never be able survive the drastic and
Extreme horrorific news as to his being compliant in funding extreme
cruelty to Puppy beagles in the news.The details are virtually sickening.
Unbeliavable.Worse than the most hellbound of pathetic Horror schlock
Rand Paul is trying to get Fauci to stop lying. It's a waste of time, lying is the entire logical basis of the Democrats party and leftists in general. Even you know yourself no one wants that unless you lie to them. So you just keep lying and lying and lying.

Leftist strategy.

Name something you want to happen.

Name something you want to do.

Claim what you will do will accomplish what you want to happen even though it clearly won't.



Repeat ...
Your argument is with Rand Paul.
I'm not interested in your deranged spamming of the facts as reported.
Fauci obvioulsy is cocksure to the nth degree as far as Any Culpabilty
of anything said,pleaded-to or in the affirmative as to his person.
However even given that,he'll never be able survive the drastic and
Extreme horrorific news as to his being compliant in funding extreme
cruelty to Puppy beagles in the news.The details are virtually sickening.
Unbeliavable.Worse than the most hellbound of pathetic Horror schlock
If you don't believe Fauci then you're sort of stuck with having to believe Rand Paul's goofy story.
I'm good with that too! It has the potential of killing the China laboratory conspiracy theory!

This appears to be a different story from those threads already posted. Maybe a discussion will lead to some facts on what Rand Paul is trying to pull off this time??
That man needs to be indicted today

The misery that man caused this planet is more then Stalin and Hitler together

This appears to be a different story from those threads already posted. Maybe a discussion will lead to some facts on what Rand Paul is trying to pull off this time??
the puppy killer has no room to say anything,,,,he will b serving time soon
Weird reactions to this story!
Somebody has lit a fire under the Trumpers' asses!

Rand Paul is going to be faced with some desperate counter-spin work on this one!
Your argument is with Rand Paul.
I'm not interested in your deranged spamming of the facts as reported.

1: No, YOUR argument is with Rand Paul, God you're a stupid fuck

2: You don't know what "spam" means. Again, your stupidity flows like water.

Fauci lied his ass off and everyone knows it. He denied funding gain of function based on his own definition of gain of function and his own staff said he's a liar
If you don't believe Fauci then you're sort of stuck with having to believe Rand Paul's goofy story.
I'm good with that too! It has the potential of killing the China laboratory conspiracy theory!
Rand Paul is a doctor who has exposed Fauci for committing Perjury.
The NIH confessed to funding Gain of Function, supporting Paul by and proving Fauci committed Perjury.

Fauci has constantly flip-flopped, constantly lied, constantly been proven wrong, and has constantly ignored science when claiming to have followed the science all along.

People who still support / defend Fauci considering his record are idiots...IMHO.
Donald H What is disgraceful is how the media is portraying this as a spat between Rand Paul and the fraud Tony Fauci. The funding of 'Gain of Function' research WAS FUNDED by and NIH and WAS SIGNED OFF by Tony Fauci, the fraud and huckster. That has been proven in released NIH documents, anyone denying that is being willfully ignorant.
Rand Paul is trying to get Fauci to stop lying. It's a waste of time, lying is the entire logical basis of the Democrats party and leftists in general. Even you know yourself no one wants that unless you lie to them. So you just keep lying and lying and lying.

Leftist strategy.

Name something you want to happen.

Name something you want to do.

Claim what you will do will accomplish what you want to happen even though it clearly won't.



Repeat ...
I heard 3 decades of Border Security expert Tom Homan interviewed a day
ago about the actual number of Illegals that the Biden Administration has unleashed.
It's far greater than the 160,ooo the Corrupt News makers are reporting.
He explained it in detail.Adding that every day those in the Biden Adm. are
just lying atop more lies.He's never seen this type of behavior by Government
officials.In all his 30 + years as Immigration and Naturalization professional
since 1984.He was Director ,of ICE under Trump.
Given status under Obama in 2013 as Executive Associate Director of Immigration
and Customs Enforcement.Obama awarded him a Presidential Rank award
for being a distinguished Executive.
1: No, YOUR argument is with Rand Paul, God you're a stupid fuck

2: You don't know what "spam" means. Again, your stupidity flows like water.

Fauci lied his ass off and everyone knows it. He denied funding gain of function based on his own definition of gain of function and his own staff said he's a liar
So relax! Sign on to Rand's theory of Covid coming from US funded bat research. Or don't!

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