Fatima visions, miracles and supernatural: 100th annniversary: what will happen


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Since Fatima's 50th anniversary, 1967: Year after year attendance at masses (or rather messes) in catholic churches reach new lows, while on May 13 and October 13, Fatima's first and last days ...

Fatima: worldwide the largest pilgrimage to a christian sanctuary during the last generation
Illuminati media, 2 days before the 100th anniversary
Fatima mystery blends visions, miracles and supernatural

Apr 29, 2017:
FATIMA: the 3 BASIC facts plus what will happen in 2 weeks
By the only one worldwide who, the day of 2008 when Hitlery "Clinton gave up the race" predicted that "Obama" (and now also "Trump") would be stripped of their presidential title, let alone the FULL BIG BANG script.
A script that includes having Hitler's oldest daughter (also Angela Merkel's half sister, both Illuminati Grand Master's cousins once removed) be crowned Miss Universe, "first woman ever US president, the real 44th POTUS" just before the global kill shot, alias mandatory "vaccination".

FATIMA: the 3 BASIC facts
1. An impostor plays the role of "Sister Lucy" or Lucia since 1959, when she was ritually murdered, May 13.
2. May 13, 1959: months after the illuminati took control of the Vatican; months before the date announced by Lucia and confirmed the last real pope, Pius XII, as the last deadline for the revelation of the message.
3. Fatima 1917, the vision that Lucia claimed, was a God sent message. It includes what would happen:
- immediately after, when for the first time ever the Ordo Illuminatus took control of ALL of Europe and the USA, after agent Lenin took control of the russian empire.
- shortly before 1960 (in 1958): after 760 years illuminati finally take control of the Vatican.

FATIMA: what will happen in 2 weeks
Illuminati mock Fatima's 100th anniversary with "miracles".
These include the portuguese football league, where the script is:
- May 13: in case of a victory of Benfica (the most popular portuguese team) it will for the first time in its 100+ years History win the title four times in a row (tetra champion);
- Benfica coached by Vitoria (Victory) while the coaches of the two other main teams (Sporting and Porto) are Jesus and Holy Spirit.

1867: Marxism the weapon to finally start the break-up of Russia and take control of the Vatican
Russia prevented several times the illuminati from achieving the One World Government, alias Global Slavery.
No wonder that the break-up of Russia was at the top of the illuminati agenda.
It wasn't until 1867 that the illuminati invented the decisive weapon to finally successfully start implementing the goal.
"Coincidentally"´the very same weapon to finally achieve the goal behind the creation of the Ordo Teutonicus in 1198: to take control of the Vatican.
Illuminati Milestones: 1867: Marxism the weapon to finally break-up Russia and take control of the Vatican

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Fatima and the Third Secret: Fatima 100th annniversary what will happen
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Since Fatima's 50th anniversary, 1967: Year after year attendance at messes in catholic churches reach new lows, while on May 13 and October 13, Fatima's first and last days ...

Fatima: worldwide the largest pilgrimage to a christian sanctuary during the last generation
Illuminati media, 2 days before the 100th anniversary
Fatima mystery blends visions, miracles and supernatural
Fatima mystery blends visions, miracles and supernatural

Apr 29, 2017:
FATIMA: the 3 BASIC facts plus what will happen in 2 weeks
By the only one worldwide who, the day of 2008 when Hitlery "Clinton gave up the race" predicted that "Obama" (and now also "Trump") would be stripped of their presidential title, let alone the FULL BIG BANG script.
A script that includes having Hitler's oldest daughter (also Angela Merkel's half sister and the Illuminati Grand Master's first cousin once removed) be crowned Miss Universe, "first woman ever US president, the real 44th POTUS".

FATIMA: the 3 BASIC facts
1. An impostor plays the role of Lucia since 1959, when she was ritually murdered, May 13.
2. May 13, 1959: months after the illuminati took control of the Vatican; months before the date announced by Lucia and confirmed the last real pope, Pius XII, as the last deadline for the revelation of the message.
3. Fatima 1917, the vision that Lucia claimed, was a God sent message. It includes:
- what would happen immediately after, when for the first time ever the Ordo Illuminatus took control of ALL of Europe and the USA, after agent Lenin took control of the russian empire.
- what would happen shortly before 1960 (in 1958): after 760 years illuminati finally take control of the Vatican.

FATIMA: what will happen in 2 weeks
Illuminati mock Fatima's 100th anniversary with "miracles".
These include the portuguese football league, where the script has the most popular portuguese team (Benfica) coached by Vitoria (Victory) while the coaches of the two other main teams (Benfica and Porto) are Jesus and Holy Spirit.

1867: Marxism the weapon to finally start the break-up of Russia and take control of the Vatican
Russia prevented several times the illuminati from achieving the One World Government, alias Global Slavery.
No wonder that the break-up of Russia was at the top of the illuminati agenda.
It wasn't until 1867 that the illuminati invented the decisive weapon to finally successfully start implementing the goal.
"Coincidentally"´the very same weapon to finally achieve the goal behind the creation of the Ordo Teutonicus in 1198: to take control of the Vatican.
Illuminati Milestones: 1867: Marxism the weapon to finally break-up Russia and take control of the Vatican

All in Blog
Fatima and the Third Secret: Fatima 100th annniversary what will happen
You can save yourself a lot of trouble on this by making your own open face cheese sandwiches and looking for the image of The Virgin Mary in it.

Beats the heck out of Fatima.
- May 13: in case of a victory of Benfica (the most popular portuguese team) it will for the first time in its 100+ years History win the title four times in a row (tetra champion);

More detailed and yet another miracle part of both these scripts: "Football miracles for Fatima's 100th anniversary"; "pope Francis, crazy for football".

May 13, hours after the end of the "Pope"'s tetra in Portugal (Francis No Number is the FOURTH "pope" to visit Fatima, after "popes" Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI):
- in case of a victory of Benfica (the most popular portuguese team) it will for the first time in its 100+ years History win the title FOUR times in a row (tetra champion),
- this as Benfica is coached by Victory (Rui Vitoria) while the coaches of the two other main teams (Sporting and Porto) are Jesus (Jorge Jesus) and Holy Spirit (Nuno Espirito Santo).
Note this previous act: two years earlier Benfica got its 33th title (the second as part of the eventual first tetra ever) while coached by Jesus.

Added May 12:
More football miracles, this time as close to Fatima as it gets, albeit designed for sceptics:
One day after the Fatima's 100th anniversary if the Fatima football team achieves what seems an impossible result (to beat team Louletano by more than FOUR goals difference) it will be promoted from the third into the second league.
Yet in case this miracle takes place there's yet another line in script to foment skepticism about Fatima's miracles: the arab Abdoulmouti Akaai owns both teams.

May 10 - Real (the team that will move from third to second league unless Fatima football team performs a miracle) alerts about arab possibly rigging Fatima-Louletano
Real lança alerta sobre o Fátima-Louletano
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A candidate for a "miracle": Eurovision song "contest", set for May 13.
Portugal does not normally even qualify for the final and never won it. The script:
This year's portuguese song: only one not in english with a deliberately grotesque twist; performed by former street artist Saviour (Salvador Barreto), casted to suggest Jesus, same mockery as the 2014 winner, "Conchita".
Context notes:
- same as any other votes counted by the illuminati, "results" are always scripted.
- in this case human cattle actually voluntarily pays (60 cts for each phone call) to "vote", what perfectly fulfills the illuminati religion commandment of endless deception.

Eurovision 2014: Conchita is a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman.
Illuminati mock Jesus with a come back as transvestite to take it all at the end of the show: from Oscar for actor in a supporting role to Eurovision Song contest.
ALL and I really mean ALL, explained in advance.
Simulated reality terminated NOW: Conchita Wurst Transvestite Jesus will win the very last Eurovision song contest and he's from Austria.

Elections by Voting machines are always rigged, the sky is the limit.
Now "elections" where people still count paper ballots are ALSO rigged.
The basic trick is as simple as: conceal results for each ballot box and publish only aggregate results.
It works because the leaders of the parties belong ALL to one and the same secret society.
For illuminati eyes only: How paper ballot elections are rigged, from Portugal to Bulgaria as well as in Germany
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