‘Fat Activist’ Speaks at Public Health School, Denounces ‘Thin Privilege’

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
So I guess being a fat unhealthy pig is the new victim group now. Apparently, I'm privileged because I have the motivation to get off my ass and exercise six days a week whether it be weight training, running, or martial arts, and have the will power not to eat like shit.

I don't expect everybody to have my lifestyle, but don't start screaming victim because of your own self inflicted laziness and gluttony.

‘Fat Activist’ Speaks at Public Health School, Denounces ‘Thin Privilege’
Parents need to be involved in their kids schools MORE THAN ever before. who allows someone to come and do this to OUR KIDS? Thank gawd my kids are done with these commie camps they now call, schools. This is child abuse
anyone notice people aren't referred to as individuals anymore? Everyone is an activist. So they think they have this RIGHT to go take their fat asses around berating and lecturing others.
So I guess being a fat unhealthy pig is the new victim group now. Apparently, I'm privileged because I have the motivation to get off my ass and exercise six days a week whether it be weight training, running, or martial arts, and have the will power not to eat like shit.

I don't expect everybody to have my lifestyle, but don't start screaming victim because of your own self inflicted laziness and gluttony.

‘Fat Activist’ Speaks at Public Health School, Denounces ‘Thin Privilege’

Shouldn't we just ban forks and make people eat with chopsticks? Outside of Sumo wrestlers, you just don't see many fat Asians.....
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So I guess being a fat unhealthy pig is the new victim group now. Apparently, I'm privileged because I have the motivation to get off my ass and exercise six days a week whether it be weight training, running, or martial arts, and have the will power not to eat like shit.

I don't expect everybody to have my lifestyle, but don't start screaming victim because of your own self inflicted laziness and gluttony.

‘Fat Activist’ Speaks at Public Health School, Denounces ‘Thin Privilege’

Shouldn't we just ban forks and make people eat with chopsticks? Outside of Sumo wrestlers, you just don't see many fat Asians.....

Maybe it's all the fish and rice we eat. :dunno:
So I guess being a fat unhealthy pig is the new victim group now. Apparently, I'm privileged because I have the motivation to get off my ass and exercise six days a week whether it be weight training, running, or martial arts, and have the will power not to eat like shit.

I don't expect everybody to have my lifestyle, but don't start screaming victim because of your own self inflicted laziness and gluttony.

‘Fat Activist’ Speaks at Public Health School, Denounces ‘Thin Privilege’
Thin Privilege.

Just another example of the monster the PC Police have created. Is anyone surprised?

So I guess being a fat unhealthy pig is the new victim group now. Apparently, I'm privileged because I have the motivation to get off my ass and exercise six days a week whether it be weight training, running, or martial arts, and have the will power not to eat like shit.

I don't expect everybody to have my lifestyle, but don't start screaming victim because of your own self inflicted laziness and gluttony.

‘Fat Activist’ Speaks at Public Health School, Denounces ‘Thin Privilege’

I remember when being thin was consider sickly... I was the smallest person in my family and the average weight in my family was 350 lbs. I had Aunts that needed to be weighed on a meat scale at the local market because the doctor office scale could not handle their weight. ( One aunt was over 700 lbs )

Now I bet you are saying to yourself then I must be or must have been fat too, but no. My weight going into Freshman year of High School was around 80 lbs and Freshman year of College I was around 120 lbs...

Now you will joke that I was skinny because everyone around me ate all the food, but again I was the biggest eater in the family and could finish entire pot of pasta all alone.

I was just sickly and it kept my weight down for years and also hyperactive to boot.

So as I read your thread it reminded me of the fact that it is true if you do not move your ass around and just stuff your face daily then you will suffer from Obesity, but being skinny does not always translate in being healthy either.

There is a difference being a healthy skinny and what I suffered when I was a child through my young adult life.

As for the fat person crying about how people look at them, well drop the damn twinkie and eat a damn carrot for once in their life. Also stop eating at McDonald's and actually cook a real meal that is rich with fish, and veggies.

I know for a fact the majority of the obesity this nations suffer from is self inflected and the result from a poor diet and lifestyle.

Turn off the TV.

Put down the joystick.

Turn off the computing device ( unless you are writing on the USMB, lol ).

Walk to the mailbox.

Walk to the local store if it is less than a mile.

Ride a bike.

Do Yoga and Tai Chi.

Drink less soda and eat less junk foods.

Actually learn to be healthy and not the slobs this nation has become!

Maybe even grow a damn garden and herb garden...
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The real shame here is that a valuable message could be had in telling people (especially teen girls) that they don't have to look exactly like an SI swimsuit model to be healthy.

.....But they shouldn't look like Mike Huckabee, either.

It is true that poor people in "food deserts" in the U.S. face a real problem associated with getting proper nutrition. Sure, we can preach "cook a good meal with rice and fish", but that's more expensive and time-consuming for, say, a single mother working two jobs who can instead quickly and cheaply make PBJs for her family. Good nutrition needs to be more emphasized in schools and we need more healthy foods available in poorer neighborhoods. And people who work full time shouldn't be so stressed and cash-strapped that they can't adequately care for themselves and their family.

And who can grow an herb garden when you live in a housing project??
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The real shame here is that a valuable message could be had in telling people (especially teen girls) that they don't have to look exactly like an SI swimsuit model to be healthy.

.....But they shouldn't look like Mike Huckabee, either.

It is true that poor people in "food deserts" in the U.S. face a real problem associated with getting proper nutrition. Sure, we can preach "cook a good meal with rice and fish", but that's more expensive and time-consuming for, say, a single mother working two jobs who can instead quickly and cheaply make PBJs for her family. Good nutrition needs to be more emphasized in schools and we need more healthy foods available in poorer neighborhoods. And people who work full time shouldn't be so stressed and cash-strapped that they can't adequately care for themselves and their family.

And who can grow an herb garden when you live in a housing project??
I'll bet a lot of those nutritionally deprived individuals have $200 sneakers, chrome rims, iPhones and large tvs. You have it backwards, if people bought healthy foods then the market will meet the demand and sell healthy foods. If Scooter Pies are the hot sellers, the stores will stock up on Scooter Pies.
The real shame here is that a valuable message could be had in telling people (especially teen girls) that they don't have to look exactly like an SI swimsuit model to be healthy.

.....But they shouldn't look like Mike Huckabee, either.

It is true that poor people in "food deserts" in the U.S. face a real problem associated with getting proper nutrition. Sure, we can preach "cook a good meal with rice and fish", but that's more expensive and time-consuming for, say, a single mother working two jobs who can instead quickly and cheaply make PBJs for her family. Good nutrition needs to be more emphasized in schools and we need more healthy foods available in poorer neighborhoods. And people who work full time shouldn't be so stressed and cash-strapped that they can't adequately care for themselves and their family.

And who can grow an herb garden when you live in a housing project??

"It is true that poor people in "food deserts" in the U.S. face a real problem associated with getting proper nutrition."

Do you ever post anything not directly from the DNC, NYTimes, MSNBC....????


Hand-Wringers, Wrong Again.

1."The food desert myth
It's an article of faith thatpoor people in the inner cities get fat because they lack fresh produce --and it's dead wrong

2. Almost nobody has a weight problem in West Harlem.

3. Or at least they’re not supposed to, because Fairway is smack in the heart of it, selling fresh produce at decent prices and even offering a free shuttle service for neighborhood residents. It’s been there for over 15 years — that is, a generation of people have grown up alongside it.

4. But obesity is much more prevalent in West Harlem than in Greenwich Village. This is a problem for the idea that “food deserts” make poor people disproportionately overweight.

5. The story goes that supermarkets with low-priced fresh vegetables and fruit moved out of poor neighborhoods amidst white flight. This, we are told, left residents with paltry and overpriced produce from bodegas. The result: salty, fattening fast food and junk food as the only viable alternatives.

a.The idea is now so entrenched that undergraduates often cite it earnestly. It’s on the tonguetips of people at any Blue America dinner party. It sticks easily in the memory and even feels good, because it entails that the obesity problem is due in part to racism. The institutional kind, mind you — maybe call it injustice.

b. Hence the food desert idea is now common wisdom. Yet it’s impossible to live in New York and not suspect that something doesn’t quite work about this thesis.

6. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food desert locator, for example — unveiled in 2011 — found almostno food deserts in New York Cityexcept in some of the wide-open spaces near Kennedy airport.

7. ...academic studies only had so much to tell us about whether there was a correlation between waistline size and how far away the supermarket is. But these days, the data is in....last year,a major study under the Nutrition Transition Program led by Dr. Barry Popkin showed that proximity of supermarkets has not affected people’s eating habits,...

a. ...the evidence is becoming crushing that the emperor has no clothes. Helen Lee’s study at the Public Policy Institute now confirms the impression that a walk around New York City suggests:Nationwide, the neighborhoods with lots of bodegas and fast food joints also tend to be the ones with the most supermarkets.

8. Roland Sturm at RAND studied 13,000 California children and then middle school students nationwide. He found, both times, that a supermarket close by doesn’t make a kid thin and living far from one doesn’t make him fat.Michelle Obama’s Healthy Food Initiativeis well intended. But her claim that “if people want to buy a head of lettuce” they have to “take two or three buses, maybe pay for a taxicab, in order to do it,” justdoesn’t jibe with the facts.

9. The key point is thatsupermarkets have never been inaccessible to poor peoplein the way that we have been told.... How you eat is due as much to cultural preferences as to how far away a supermarket is.

a.For black people... the problem is more a matter of history than where the Key Food is....Southern blacks brought their culinary tastes north. Zora Neale Hurston used to bless her friend Langston Hughes with fried chicken dinners.

b. It’s what soul food is, and it’s unclear to me that anyone would deny its centrality to black culture. If I am at an event where one of the main reception snacks is fried chicken drummies, it is almost certainly a black one. The person who makes collard greens with hamhocks is usually not white.

10. Another thing to target is what people consider a schlep to be. One typical “food desert” piece interviews a woman of 50 who considers 12 blocks a daunting distance to the supermarket. But I’m 46 and that’s how far the nearest supermarket is from me.Are we who work out and pride ourselves as walking New Yorkersdoing poor people a favor by calling it racism when the supermarket is a 15 minute walkdown the road?

11.... the studies are clearly showing that we have to put on a different pair of glasses for this issue. ...we must do this with the welfare of the people in mind, not as a way of making ourselves feel good about our own enlightenment.

Poor people do have access to healthy food: This is good news. If anyone finds it unwelcome, inconvenient or even just unengaging, we must question their motives."
So I guess being a fat unhealthy pig is the new victim group now. Apparently, I'm privileged because I have the motivation to get off my ass and exercise six days a week whether it be weight training, running, or martial arts, and have the will power not to eat like shit.

I don't expect everybody to have my lifestyle, but don't start screaming victim because of your own self inflicted laziness and gluttony.

‘Fat Activist’ Speaks at Public Health School, Denounces ‘Thin Privilege’

Its a bit more complicated than that. I have to work much harder than the average person to stay in shape because of my genes. But I put the time in, usually 10 to 12 hours a week, to stay in the shape I want.I wouldn't call someone with my body type 'lazy or gluttonous' if they only worked out 4 to 5 hours a week and ate moderately like I do.

Even though they'd certainly be heavier than I am.

There are fat, lazy people. There are also fat folks who eat reasonably, exercise moderately, and just have a metabolism that keeps the weight on. Fat doesn't necessarily equate to gluttonous or lazy. Though often the three go well together.
The real shame here is that a valuable message could be had in telling people (especially teen girls) that they don't have to look exactly like an SI swimsuit model to be healthy.

.....But they shouldn't look like Mike Huckabee, either.

It is true that poor people in "food deserts" in the U.S. face a real problem associated with getting proper nutrition. Sure, we can preach "cook a good meal with rice and fish", but that's more expensive and time-consuming for, say, a single mother working two jobs who can instead quickly and cheaply make PBJs for her family. Good nutrition needs to be more emphasized in schools and we need more healthy foods available in poorer neighborhoods. And people who work full time shouldn't be so stressed and cash-strapped that they can't adequately care for themselves and their family.

And who can grow an herb garden when you live in a housing project??
I'll bet a lot of those nutritionally deprived individuals have $200 sneakers, chrome rims, iPhones and large tvs. You have it backwards, if people bought healthy foods then the market will meet the demand and sell healthy foods. If Scooter Pies are the hot sellers, the stores will stock up on Scooter Pies.

And this....

  1. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels.
  2. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

You can always count on Liberals to spout the party line.
They're such good little apparatchiks.
Liberals are constantly looking for new ways to be assholes, and this is it right now, yelling at people for being "privileged" if they belong to any group that isn't "disadvantaged" in some way. Liberals are unhappy people, and they should all jump off a pier and drown themselves.

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