Fasting for Bloodwork


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
When going to the doctor for blood work they ask you to fast for 12 hours. This is simple enough. I always do it. The problem is that I am caring for my dad. We get along all the time but I had a 12 hour war with him to get him to fast for blood work. He won the war and ended up eating about an hour and a half befor the doctor opened. Should I have just taken him anyway? I didn’t and plan to attempt this again. How big a deal is this? Am I just being a drama queen? To my knowledge my dad has weaseled out of this process for over 2 years. Should I put my foot down or should I just laugh at my dad for being a cute old man that doesn’t listen to anybody?
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When going to the doctor for blood work they ask you to fast for 12 hours. This is simple enough. I always do it. The problem is that I am caring for my dad. We get along all the time but I had a 12 hour war with him to get him to fast for blood work. He won the war and ended up eating about an hour and a half befor the doctor opened. Should I have just taken him anyway? I didn’t and plan to attempt this again. How big a deal is this? Am I just being a drama queen? To my knowledge my dad has weaseled out of this process for over 2 years. Should I put my foot down or should I just laugh at my dad for being a cute old man that doesn’t listen to anybody?
Fasting is not as critical as it once was... just inform his doctor that he didn't fast and the doctor will take it into account when looking at his blood work....
When going to the doctor for blood work they ask you to fast for 12 hours. This is simple enough. I always do it. The problem is that I am caring for my dad. We get along all the time but I had a 12 hour war with him to get him to fast for blood work. He won the war and ended up eating about an hour and a half befor the doctor opened. Should I have just taken him anyway? I didn’t and plan to attempt this again. How big a deal is this? Am I just being a drama queen? To my knowledge my dad has weaseled out of this process for over 2 years. Should I put my foot down or should I just laugh at my dad for being a cute old man that doesn’t listen to anybody?
He is an adult. Inform the medical office workers that your Dad won't fast for blood work. Let them make the call.
If you didn't fast , as suggested, for bloodwork- make sure you let the doc know that you didn't so he can either interpret the results with this information or reschedule the test.

The only thing you don't want to do is to tell them you fasted when you didn't.
Yeah I figured I was little biased. My dad hasn’t done anything for my mom when she was dying over the last 3 years. He hasn’t done anything for me or any of my siblings in the last 3 years. He doesn’t do bad things. He’s just a selfish jerk and expects everybody to cater to him. So I guess when he defied me when I asked him to do one reasonable thing it gave me a license to tell him no for all of eternity. The power dynamic totally shifted that night. I have told him no dozens of times just within the last few days. It is awesome. I guess I won’t worry about the blood work. He’s a grown man. If he doesn’t want to do it and the doctors just keep letting him by with it then why should I care?
Yeah I figured I was little biased. My dad hasn’t done anything for my mom when she was dying over the last 3 years. He hasn’t done anything for me or any of my siblings in the last 3 years. He doesn’t do bad things. He’s just a selfish jerk and expects everybody to cater to him. So I guess when he defied me when I asked him to do one reasonable thing it gave me a license to tell him no for all of eternity. The power dynamic totally shifted that night. I have told him no dozens of times just within the last few days. It is awesome. I guess I won’t worry about the blood work. He’s a grown man. If he doesn’t want to do it and the doctors just keep letting him by with it then why should I care?
I understand completely....
To my knowledge my dad has weaseled out of this process for over 2 years. Should I put my foot down or should I just laugh at my dad for being a cute old man that doesn’t listen to anybody?
having avoided the medical community since Reagan was in office recently resulted in yours truly occupying an ER bed

being held captive by predatory HC resulting in them testing every 'effin' cell in my body

along with some punk-a** Doc 1/3 my age claiming 'we tested your liver'.....

'eff 'em all!

having avoided the medical community since Reagan was in office recently resulted in yours truly occupying an ER bed

being held captive by predatory HC resulting in them testing every 'effin' cell in my body

along with some punk-a** Doc 1/3 my age claiming 'we tested your liver'.....

'eff 'em all!


Do you put your adult children in a situation where they have to live with you?

If not then just refuse medical care. If you do that is pure evil to make your kids look like a heartless bastard that refused medical care on your behalf.
I have lost $6,000 and counting to be here with my dad. If he wants to be a jerk that doesn’t have to listen to anybody then I should follow his example and be a jerk that doesn’t have to listen to him. I’ll be richer. That’s for sure. He may die a painful and lonely death but hey. At least I got to do what I wanted to, right? Just like my dad. This selfish mentality did not develop in his old age. He was always this way. Only now is the problem big enough to piss me off. If he lives much longer he will ruin my life.
i hate fasting for medical tests...normally i get the early morning appts. to lessen the fasting...just explain to the doctors, i assure you they have ran across this before..basically diabetics get the early morning appts unless there are kids involved then they go first.

Am I the only one that doesn’t think 12 hours without eating once every six months or once every three months isn’t a big deal at all?
I have lost $6,000 and counting to be here with my dad. If he wants to be a jerk that doesn’t have to listen to anybody then I should follow his example and be a jerk that doesn’t have to listen to him. I’ll be richer. That’s for sure. He may die a painful and lonely death but hey. At least I got to do what I wanted to, right? Just like my dad. This selfish mentality did not develop in his old age. He was always this way. Only now is the problem big enough to piss me off. If he lives much longer he will ruin my life.
Obviously you're his keeper


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