Fascism and Marxism


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
We have all been sold the notion that these two ideologies are on opposite sides of the political spectrum, being so different than the other. But like with most other things, we've been lied to, but why?

Fascism and Marxism are two sides of the same coin of totalitarianism. They are both a political, social, and cultural construct that tried to erase traditional ideas regarding the concepts of good and evil. Both believed in the destruction of the "old world", to build a new international order. Both deplored what they saw as the pathetic bourgeoisie existence and both had a dedication to converting others to their cause as the reason for living. And lastly, both used a strong centralized government to control all aspects of society, with minor differences as to the approach. In Nazi Germany, you had the concentration camps for enemies of the state, and for the former USSR you had the Gulags. The main rub in difference was the control of the means of production. Hitler once stated, "Why nationalize industry when you can nationalize the people?" Hitler understood that leaving industry to the experts in industry, which was hard enough to compete and win economically, was far superior than letting bureaucrats run it into the ground. The main objective was control, and to control industry Hitler merely had to threaten them or manipulate them to do his bidding, which they did. Conversely, Marxism was dedicated to the notion that only a few select bureaucrats had the wisdom, the righteousness, the utter intellect to be able to run all manner of function within society, divide it up, and share it equally. And without such mastermind intellect, we would always have social injustice. Such utopian thought is child like in it's naïveté, yet the world seems to be drunk on the ideology that has led to mass oppression, murder, and poverty over the last century as it was when it was embraced previously. It's almost as if history does not matter.

Historically, the US teamed up with Marxism to defeat Fascism, this despite both the Germans and Russians attacking Poland at the same time that started World War 2. The Allies declared war on Hitler, but not Stalin, even though both deserved the same fate. And so it goes, the victors write the history, and it is a history that demonizes fascism and goes light on Marxism, so much so today, that in our culture you can declare yourself a Marxist, like we see many doing today, and be OK on social media and academia. In fact, you almost become the cutting edge of social justice if you are a Marxist, this despite Marxism murdering hundreds of millions more last century than Nazism.

So as the world corporations team up behind self identified Marxist organizations like BLM, people need to understand where his is all headed. The money always wins. We are in for some very dark times indeed. As for governments around the world, they will simply do as the corporations tell them, unless government wishes to take them over. Either way, you wind up with the same result.
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We have all been sold the notion that these two ideologies are on opposite sides of the political spectrum, being so different than the other. But like with most other things, we've been lied to, but why?

Fascism and Marxism are two sides of the same coin of totalitarianism. They are both a political, social, and cultural construct that tried to erase traditional ideas regarding the concepts of good and evil. Both believed in the destruction of the "old world", to build a new international order. Both deplored what they saw as the pathetic bourgeoisie existence and both had a dedication to converting others to their cause as the reason for living. And lastly, both used a strong centralized government to control all aspects of society, with minor differences as to the approach. In Nazi Germany, you had the concentration camps for enemies of the state, and for the former USSR you had the Gulags. The main rub in difference was the control of the means of production. Hitler once stated, "Why nationalize industry when you can nationalize the people?" Hitler understood that leaving industry to the experts in industry, which was hard enough to compete and win economically, was far superior than letting bureaucrats run it into the ground. The main objective was control, and to control industry Hitler merely had to threaten them or manipulate them to do his bidding, which they did. Conversely, Marxism was dedicated to the notion that only a few select bureaucrats had the wisdom, the righteousness, the utter intellect to be able to run all manner of function within society, divide it up, and share it equally. And without such mastermind intellect, we would always have social injustice. Such utopian thought is child like in it's naïveté, yet the world seems to be drunk on the ideology that has led to mass oppression, murder, and poverty over the last century as it was when it was embraced previously. It's almost as if history does not matter.

Historically, the US teamed up with Marxism to defeat Fascism, this despite both the Germans and Russians attacking Poland at the same time that started World War 2. The Allies declared war on Hitler, but not Stalin, even though both deserved the same fate. And so it goes, the victors write the history, and it is a history that demonizes fascism and goes light on Marxism, so much so today, that in our culture you can declare yourself a Marxist, like we see many doing today, and be OK on social media and academia. In fact, you almost become the cutting edge of social justice if you are a Marxist, this despite Marxism murdering hundreds of millions more last century than Nazism.

So as the world corporations team up behind self identified Marxist organizations like BLM, people need to understand where his is all headed. The money always wins. We are in for some very dark times indeed. As for governments around the world, they will simply do as the corporations tell them, unless government wishes to take them over. Either way, you wind up with the same result.

Sometimes one must go by word of mouth and witness account to understand the full sensory horror of history's darker truths. He died in 2015 but before that my paternal grandfather, a veteran of many European Theater WW2 battles, recounted to us grim snippets of his memories of liberating an SS Nazi run concentration camp. By his words alone we know what really happened in those places; what the real Nazi fucks were up to there, and it wasn't much different at all to accounts of USSR Gulag life written down by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. In order to defeat a devil during WW2 we made a deal with an even more malevolent one. Suffice it to say, when in hushed tones discussing the evils of communism and fascism some midnight, neither "system" is one we want to experience firsthand and someday recount tales of to our grandchildren. Both are colossal monsters who eat their own people.

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