Family Of Victim Killed By Police; Awarded $15 Million Settlement -- Who Should Pay??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The Denver suburb of Aurora has agreed to pay $15 million to settle a lawsuit brought by the parents of Elijah McClain, a Black man who died after suburban Denver police stopped him on the street and put him in a neckhold two years ago, the city and a family attorney have announced. The lawsuit alleged the police’s violent treatment of McClain amounted to torture and was part of a pattern of racially biased policing that has involved aggression and violence against Black people.

The local prosecutor declined to file charges against the three officers who confronted McClain, However, a grand jury indicted the officers and two paramedics in September following an investigation by Attorney General Phil Weiser. An outside investigation commissioned by the city faulted the police for not pressing for answers about how officers treated him. It found there was no evidence justifying officers’ decision to stop McClain."

15 million dollars?? Who is going to pay for it?? The taxpayers?? The police unions? An insurance company?? Now to recap what happened.......this man was stopped by police with no probable cause. The man did not cooperate with the police; nor did he have an obligation to -- he was later put into a chokehold and shot with horse tranquilizer...and died...maybe it was self-defense?? --- However, to remove all benefits of a doubt a reasonable person would have given these officers -- we find out that one of the arresting officers; along with 2 other officers were fired for taking a photo re-enacting the chokehold on Elijah, at his some sort of goofy gag for laughs...because you know, that's professional...

With some bad news like this dropping on a day that one of the best verdicts in US history came down; it's obvious the timing of this decision was orchestrated by the left to try to throw shade on a glorious day for America....

"The Denver suburb of Aurora has agreed to pay $15 million to settle a lawsuit brought by the parents of Elijah McClain, a Black man who died after suburban Denver police stopped him on the street and put him in a neckhold two years ago, the city and a family attorney have announced. The lawsuit alleged the police’s violent treatment of McClain amounted to torture and was part of a pattern of racially biased policing that has involved aggression and violence against Black people.

The local prosecutor declined to file charges against the three officers who confronted McClain, However, a grand jury indicted the officers and two paramedics in September following an investigation by Attorney General Phil Weiser. An outside investigation commissioned by the city faulted the police for not pressing for answers about how officers treated him. It found there was no evidence justifying officers’ decision to stop McClain."

15 million dollars?? Who is going to pay for it?? The taxpayers?? The police unions? An insurance company?? Now to recap what happened.......this man was stopped by police with no probable cause. The man did not cooperate with the police; nor did he have an obligation to -- he was later put into a chokehold and shot with horse tranquilizer...and died...maybe it was self-defense?? --- However, to remove all benefits of a doubt a reasonable person would have given these officers -- we find out that one of the arresting officers; along with 2 other officers were fired for taking a photo re-enacting the chokehold on Elijah, at his some sort of goofy gag for laughs...because you know, that's professional...

With some bad news like this dropping on a day that one of the best verdicts in US history came down; it's obvious the timing of this decision was orchestrated by the left to try to throw shade on a glorious day for America....
Excellent question but I'm sure I don't have a good answer. If current police procedure was followed then the city is liable. If the cops went rogue then it is on them.
$15 million. That's a pretty big one. We know who pays it. The issue is why we still have this broken justice system. The officers murdered him and the prosecutor refused to prosecute because they are all buddies.

How is it that the prosecutor still is employed?

No amount of money will suffice for what they did. They accosted an innocent man minding his own business walking home from the store, jumped him and killed him.
$15 million. That's a pretty big one. We know who pays it. The issue is why we still have this broken justice system. The officers murdered him and the prosecutor refused to prosecute because they are all buddies.

How is it that the prosecutor still is employed?

No amount of money will suffice for what they did. They accosted an innocent man minding his own business walking home from the store, jumped him and killed him.
I assume there will be more demand to remove the prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial than there is to remove any prosecutor that refuses to charge officers guilty of killing an unarmed man....especially a black one....
The man did not cooperate with the police; nor did he have an obligation to
Where the fuck did you come up with that?! The moment a cop decides to detain you, you are obligated to follow his every instruction. Whether or not the cop was right to stop you is irrelevant at that point. How can you people not understand this simple rule?

Seriously, whats your IQ?
I assume there will be more demand to remove the prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial than there is to remove any prosecutor that refuses to charge officers guilty of killing an unarmed man....especially a black one....
He struggled with the police with his crazy retard strength. He got what he deserved. If you struggle for even a second, the cops should blow your fucking head off. You should at least get your teeth smashed in with his nightstick.
Where the fuck did you come up with that?! The moment a cop decides to detain you, you are obligated to follow his every instruction. Whether or not the cop was right to stop you is irrelevant at that point. How can you people not understand this simple rule?

Seriously, whats your IQ?

Yep, comply or die...that is the motto of the far right in America today.
Where the fuck did you come up with that?! The moment a cop decides to detain you, you are obligated to follow his every instruction. Whether or not the cop was right to stop you is irrelevant at that point. How can you people not understand this simple rule?

Seriously, whats your IQ?

The outcome of this is the finding that the police had absolutely no right to stop him and the officers are facing felony charges.

Two, you are not obligated to do squat you are not legally required to do so and we are finally starting to get to the place where police officers are being charged for ignoring the rights of the people.
Liberal voters in liberal areas will pay the liberal settlements through their liberal taxes.
Yay liberalism.
The outcome of this is the finding that the police had absolutely no right to stop him and the officers are facing felony charges.

Two, you are not obligated to do squat you are not legally required to do so and we are finally starting to get to the place where police officers are being charged for ignoring the rights of the people.

Cops are gods in their world, and one never questions a god.
The outcome of this is the finding that the police had absolutely no right to stop him and the officers are facing felony charges.

Two, you are not obligated to do squat you are not legally required to do so and we are finally starting to get to the place where police officers are being charged for ignoring the rights of the people.
If a cop detains you, you follow his every command or you are breaking the law. You low IQ people need to get that through your thick skulls.
If a cop detains you, you follow his every command or you are breaking the law. You low IQ people need to get that through your thick skulls.

You clearly are not an American. Maybe that is the way it is in your home country of Russia. But here in the US the police are not gods and we do not have to follow unlawful commands from them.
You clearly are not an American. Maybe that is the way it is in your home country of Russia. But here in the US the police are not gods and we do not have to follow unlawful commands from them.
Hey dumbass, its literally the law of the land. You want to change that law? Talk to your democrat politicians. Maybe Biden is senile enough to try to change this law.
Settlements are voluntary payments, no one can "make" you agree to or pay a settlement.

Its usually politicians or insurance companies that agree to settlements, they are the ones who pay them.

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