False, Bullshit Allegations That Israel Is An Apartheid State


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Here's some free education for Islamists and Hamas lovers that need to stick to subjects they know about.
Allegation: Israel is an apartheid state
The Campaign To Delegitimize Israel With The False Charge of Apartheid
These Jew-haters on the Left are about to be re-introduced to the old tenet of "the law of diminishing returns". They've attacked Israel for so long and so openly that the Israelis finally walked away after 10/7. The Left all over the world is being told to firk off and get the hell out of their way or get hurt.
Reporting the simple fact that Israel is an Apartheid State , and also one that practices Ethnic Cleansing, has nothing to do with anti semitism .

Try and absorb simple facts Trilly Raspberry .
If you want to be Nazi Trilly , you have to accept the consequences

A bit like being a Troll . You first need to graduate from being a Trill .
Here's some free education for Islamists and Hamas lovers that need to stick to subjects they know about.
Allegation: Israel is an apartheid state
The Campaign To Delegitimize Israel With The False Charge of Apartheid

We all know there were only about 30,000 Jews in Palestine around 1922 when the British conducted the census.
So the native population is about 95% Arab Muslim, with 13 million natives.
And almost all the 7 million Israelis are illegal European immigrants who took the land illegally, through murder and war crimes.

As far as apartheid, I have watched videos that showed natives are denied access to the same hospitals, schools, and even road as the Israelis Jews are allowed to use.
Everything Israel does is illegal.
They constantly confiscate the farms, pastures, water supplies, cisterns, that clearly belong to the natives.

Currently the native Arabs are illegally forced onto 15% of their own country, and prevented from being able to conduct any free trade they would need in order to survive.
Israel is by far the worst country in the world.
It treats the native worse than even China treats the Uyghur.
These Jew-haters on the Left are about to be re-introduced to the old tenet of "the law of diminishing returns". They've attacked Israel for so long and so openly that the Israelis finally walked away after 10/7. The Left all over the world is being told to firk off and get the hell out of their way or get hurt.

What you are forgetting is that all REAL Jews are still following what they were told to do after they were defeated by the Romans in 170 AD.
Which is to atone for the sins of arrogance and pride.
No real Jew would have ever considered going back to the Mideast until the coming of the Messiah.
To do so would be to desecrate all the centuries of atonement so far.

Looks like we are going to have to start all over again.
Israel has caused more centuries of atonement to be necessary.
Israel is much WORSE than mere "apartheid".
With apartheid you discriminate and separate, but you do not murder in order to steal homes and properties like Israel is doing.
We all know there were only about 30,000 Jews in Palestine around 1922 when the British conducted the census.
So the native population is about 95% Arab Muslim, with 13 million natives.
And almost all the 7 million Israelis are illegal European immigrants who took the land illegally, through murder and war crimes.

As far as apartheid, I have watched videos that showed natives are denied access to the same hospitals, schools, and even road as the Israelis Jews are allowed to use.
Everything Israel does is illegal.
They constantly confiscate the farms, pastures, water supplies, cisterns, that clearly belong to the natives.

Currently the native Arabs are illegally forced onto 15% of their own country, and prevented from being able to conduct any free trade they would need in order to survive.
Israel is by far the worst country in the world.
It treats the native worse than even China treats the Uyghur.
Arabs are not and have never been natives to the land of Israel. They are invaders and squatters. Israel has about 2 million Arab Muslims that have the same exact rights as the Jews, serving in the highest positions Israel. You can shove your bullshit up your Gaza.
Israel-haters have defaced posters of Israeli hostages of Hamas.

At Harvard University, no less.

Imagine staring at these faces: of babies, infants, young people and old people, and defacing them with such malice and glee.

There is no context for such actions outside of rank antisemitism, and the fact these haters invoked antisemitic conspiracy theories about 9-11 and mentioned Epstein just reaffirms this.

Thanks to Shabbos Kestenbaum, a religion and politics student at the Harvard Divinity School, for bringing this to our attention. He is actually one of a group of Jewish students who filed a lawsuit against the university earlier this month, arguing that Harvard has failed to effectively police and punish antisemitism on campus.


(1) Let's not use emotionally charged words like "apartheid."

(2) I have read that Israel is about 75% Jewish.

(3) I personally think that it should be 100% Jewish.

a. Of course, the Arab people living there now should be allowed to continue doing so.

(4) Israel is a tiny sliver of land in the huge Middle East. It should be an exclusive safe zone for the world's Jewish people.

(5) On a super sensitive topic: Some people from sub-Sahara Africa have sought refuge in Israel. I have read that the Israeli government has offered them generous financial incentives to leave. Israel has also offered to help them find welcoming countries in Europe.

Let's report the simple fact that Israel is an Apartheid State , and also one that practices Ethnic Cleansing, which has nothing to do with anti semitism .

Try and absorb simple facts Trilly Raspberry .
But , if you want to be Nazi Trilly , you have to accept the consequences

A bit like being a Troll . You first need to graduate from being a Trill .
Let's report the simple fact that Israel is an Apartheid State , and also one that practices Ethnic Cleansing, which has nothing to do with anti semitism .

Try and absorb simple facts Trilly Raspberry .

But , if you want to be Nazi Trilly , you have to accept the consequences

A bit like being a Troll . You first need to graduate from being a Trill .
Israel being an apartheid state has been debunked and refuted many times. But then again, you’re someone who calls Hamas subhumanoid animals “freedom fighters” and claims that Oct. 7 never happened, your Hamas angels just didn't do those things.

Maybe if you make your fonts even bigger and bray even louder, the asylum will let you out of the padded room you’re currently locked up in.
Here's some free education for Islamists and Hamas lovers that need to stick to subjects they know about.
Allegation: Israel is an apartheid state
The Campaign To Delegitimize Israel With The False Charge of Apartheid

Here's some free education for Islamists and Hamas lovers that need to stick to subjects they know about.
Allegation: Israel is an apartheid state
The Campaign To Delegitimize Israel With The False Charge of Apartheid

i agree …. Israel is NOT an apartheid state.

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