Tumblin Tumbleweed

Platinum Member
Mar 16, 2015
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Just Expertly Laid a Trap to Get Donald Trump’s Tax Returns

Right from the headline, please note this is a heavily left-leaning article. The source can be considered the same, yet they advertise as 'Independent Journalism'. "Expertly Laid a Trap?" Can the media at least try to keep a semblance of objectivity? Is that too much to ask in 2019? The sub headline is even worse:

Her line of questioning during Michael Cohen’s hearing was praised for its clarity and deftness.

Was 'praised for its clarity and deftness'? By whom, The Pope? Debbie Whatshername Shultz? Nope. By a few fellow journalists via Twatter. Brilliant. Hey Media! The fact that you need to utilize a cesspool like Twatter as a source? It illustrates to the American public that our media is in deep shit and no longer values objectivity. None of this is journalism. Most 'News' sources are disseminating editorial drivel these days, NOT journalism. Wingers should also take note, but only if they can pull their heads from their asses long enough to notice.

This glowing piece (of shit) highlighting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez boils down to a laudatory article about her fulfilling her role in the ethics committee and basically doing the job she was elected to do. What a fucking revelation!

The 'fake news' mantra of the Orange Virus and Cult45 has a valid gripe with the fact that it simply spotlights the clear bias of today's bullshit fringe media sources parading around as objective, legitimate news. This isn't just a 1st amendment issue, it is a perversion of journalistic integrity. Articles like this one are responsible for fueling fires of ignorance and division in this country. And it seems to be all for the dallaz$...

SO MEDIA: Please fucking stop creating division with the bullshit Yellow Journalism! This can only lead to your own quick demise. Marginalize/squeeze or regulate your fringe 'independent' journos, or Go fuck yourselves.

Thoughts? :04:
Yes, the media is in love with Ocasio-Cortez. She's an inexperienced freshman.

They all know that it's only a matter of time until the Dems get Trump's tax returns...they just want to credit Ocasio-Cortez when it happens.
Yes, the media is in love with Ocasio-Cortez. She's an inexperienced freshman.

They all know that it's only a matter of time until the Dems get Trump's tax returns...they just want to credit Ocasio-Cortez when it happens.

Of course they do. It's a bold move. I just hope it doesn't turn to shit for them.

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