Failure As An Economic Policy


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
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Brooklyn, NY
...Or.....what Democrats are best at.

  1. John Maynard Keynes, economist, could be considered as FDR’s exponent, and he believed that savings was akin to hoarding, and to greed, and that balancing budgets by paying down debt was unnecessary and counterproductive. He mocked the ‘cult of saving.’
    1. Keynes flatly rejected America’s tradition of saving and frugality: “the sole…objective of all economic activity” was consumption; lots and lots of spending. John Maynard Keynes, “The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money,” p. 104.
    2. Economist Henry Hazlitt characterizes Keynesian economics: “the more you eat your cake, the more cake [to eat].” Hunter Lewis, op. cit. p. 134.
  2. If one attempts to see economists as scientists, consider this quote by Keynes for its philosophical, or political nature: “The decadent international but individualistic capitalism in the hands of which we found ourselves after the War, is not a success. It is not intelligent, it is not beautiful, it is not just, it is not virtuous- and it doesn’t deliver the goods. In short, we dislike it, and we are beginning to despise it…” Edward J. Nell, “Growth, Profits, and Property: Essays in the Revival of Political Economy,” p. 191.
    1. Keynes argues that economics is different for individuals, and for nations: “If the national debt is all internal, as ours is, the nation can hardly go bankrupt. The American people are on both sides of the balance sheet.” Hunter Lewis, op. cit, p. 314.
    2. Note how the above gives leave to politicians to spend freely.
    3. Capitalism is discredited.
  3. With this view of capitalism, based on Keynesian economics, FDR blamed economic collapse on capitalism, and disparaged an economy made up of small entrepreneurs and businesses. The American Constitution held out the hope that ordinary people were capable of deciding their own fates, and this position is very different than the view that drove FDR. Barrus, Eastby, Lane, Jr., Marion, and Pontuso, “The Deconstitutionalization of America: The Forgotten Frailties of Democratic Rule,” p. 70
    1. FDR, therefore, in trying to apply the equality voiced by the Constitution to economics, had to modify the free-market system: capitalism, with its focus on individual wealth, not equal wealth.
    2. The two views: the rights of man vs. the rights of men. FDR fought for the latter.

  1. "Joe Biden’s tax-and-spend economic agenda is the most radical plan ever pro- posed by a Democratic president. It is much bigger, costlier, and riskier than any economic plan proposed by Franklin Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, or Hillary Clinton. Biden began by shoving a gigantic $1.9 trillion stimulus package through Congress and then immediately followed up with an even bigger “infrastructure” package, accompanied by steep tax hikes on individuals and businesses.
  2. President Biden is misreading economic history. Wasn’t he paying attention when President Trump cut taxes, slashed regulations, and unleashed the American economy? Joe Biden is stubbornly committed to the failed Keynesian notion that if you just print up a bunch of money and spread it around like confetti, good things magically happen.
  3. That notion fails every time it’s tried. In all of history, no one has ever made a multitrillion-dollar wager before. The Biden-Harris administration has bet the entire U.S. economy, and perhaps the world economy, on the proposition that we can keep printing fiat money and piling up trillions of dollars of debt—and the future’s going to be rosy." Spicer, "Radical Nation"

The inflation rate under Trump.....1.4%
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...Or.....what Democrats are best at.

  1. John Maynard Keynes, economist, could be considered as FDR’s exponent, and he believed that savings was akin to hoarding, and to greed, and that balancing budgets by paying down debt was unnecessary and counterproductive. He mocked the ‘cult of saving.’
    1. Keynes flatly rejected America’s tradition of saving and frugality: “the sole…objective of all economic activity” was consumption; lots and lots of spending. John Maynard Keynes, “The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money,” p. 104.
    2. Economist Henry Hazlitt characterizes Keynesian economics: “the more you eat your cake, the more cake [to eat].” Hunter Lewis, op. cit. p. 134.
  2. If one attempts to see economists as scientists, consider this quote by Keynes for its philosophical, or political nature: “The decadent international but individualistic capitalism in the hands of which we found ourselves after the War, is not a success. It is not intelligent, it is not beautiful, it is not just, it is not virtuous- and it doesn’t deliver the goods. In short, we dislike it, and we are beginning to despise it…” Edward J. Nell, “Growth, Profits, and Property: Essays in the Revival of Political Economy,” p. 191.
    1. Keynes argues that economics is different for individuals, and for nations: “If the national debt is all internal, as ours is, the nation can hardly go bankrupt. The American people are on both sides of the balance sheet.” Hunter Lewis, op. cit, p. 314.
    2. Note how the above gives leave to politicians to spend freely.
    3. Capitalism is discredited.
  3. With this view of capitalism, based on Keynesian economics, FDR blamed economic collapse on capitalism, and disparaged an economy made up of small entrepreneurs and businesses. The American Constitution held out the hope that ordinary people were capable of deciding their own fates, and this position is very different than the view that drove FDR. Barrus, Eastby, Lane, Jr., Marion, and Pontuso, “The Deconstitutionalization of America: The Forgotten Frailties of Democratic Rule,” p. 70
    1. FDR, therefore, in trying to apply the equality voiced by the Constitution to economics, had to modify the free-market system: capitalism, with its focus on individual wealth, not equal wealth.
    2. The two views: the rights of man vs. the rights of men. FDR fought for the latter.

  1. "Joe Biden’s tax-and-spend economic agenda is the most radical plan ever pro- posed by a Democratic president. It is much bigger, costlier, and riskier than any economic plan proposed by Franklin Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, or Hillary Clinton. Biden began by shoving a gigantic $1.9 trillion stimulus package through Congress and then immediately followed up with an even bigger “infrastructure” package, accompanied by steep tax hikes on individuals and businesses.
  2. President Biden is misreading economic history. Wasn’t he paying attention when President Trump cut taxes, slashed regulations, and unleashed the American economy? Joe Biden is stubbornly committed to the failed Keynesian notion that if you just print up a bunch of money and spread it around like confetti, good things magically happen.
  3. That notion fails every time it’s tried. In all of history, no one has ever made a multitrillion-dollar wager before. The Biden-Harris administration has bet the entire U.S. economy, and perhaps the world economy, on the proposition that we can keep printing fiat money and piling up trillions of dollars of debt—and the future’s going to be rosy.

The inflation rate under Trump.....1.4%
The only failure here is the belief system of conservatism and in particular, the steadfast belief in trickle down economics.
It doesn't work. Tax cuts create revenue shortfalls...period. The effect does not trickle down.

The only failure here is the belief system of conservatism and in particular, the steadfast belief in trickle down economics.
It doesn't work. Tax cuts create revenue shortfalls...period. The effect does not trickle down.

Reading your posts, one can never be certain whether you are more a dunce or more a liar. clarify who each of us is:

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
“free markets, free voices, free people”

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.
Reading your posts, one can never be certain whether you are more a dunce or more a liar. clarify who each of us is:

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
“free markets, free voices, free people”

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.
Refute my point. Show me that trickle down economics works.

Oh yeah, and the founders?..were about as liberal and progressive as you can get.
If they were conservative, they would have stayed in Europe and pledged loyalty to their kings. :)
The only failure here is the belief system of conservatism and in particular, the steadfast belief in trickle down economics.
It doesn't work. Tax cuts create revenue shortfalls...period. The effect does not trickle down.

shhhhh....don't tell PC that both parties are wed to Keynesian economics.
Refute my point. Show me that trickle down economics works.

Oh yeah, and the founders?..were about as liberal and progressive as you can get.
If they were conservative, they would have stayed in Europe and pledged loyalty to their kings. :)

A Tale of Two Economies

Trump’s policies are helping workers more than Obama’s did.

Time to wake up from the Barack Obama economy, folks, and admit how many more Americans are prospering from the faster economic growth and tighter labor market after the policy changes of 2017. Opinion | A Tale of Two Economies

“Writing in the Wall Street Journal, former CEO Andy Puzder claims that Trump easily wins over Obama when you look at the numbers:

For eight years under President Obama, the growing burden of government suppressed the economic recovery that should have followed the recession of 2008-09. Mr. Obama nonetheless has claimed responsibility for today’s boom, asking Americans in September to “remember when this recovery started.” Yet it wasn’t until President Trump took office that the economy surged. …The result is a rising tide that is lifting boats across every class and region of the country. …Today unemployment rests at 3.7%, near a 50-year low. Since the government began reporting the data, unemployment has never been as low as it is today for African-Americans, Latinos, Asians and people with only a high-school education.

It’s certainly good news that unemployment rates have dropped. But labor-force participation numbers still haven’t fully recovered—or even come close to fully recovering—so the data on jobs is not quite as impressive as it sounds.

That being said, Puzder has a compelling indictment of Obama’s performance:

During a typical recovery, the economy grows at a rate between 3% and 4%, and the Obama administration predicted such a surge in its 2010 midsession review. It never came. The “recovery” of those years often felt much like a recession.

Amen. This echoes my criticism of Obamanomics. He made the US a bit more like Europe, so it’s no surprise that growth was weak.

Let’s now look at Puzder’s evidence that Trump has done a better job. He compares the end of the Obama economy with the beginning of the Trump economy:

GDP growth staggered along at 1.5% in Mr. Obama’s final six full quarters in office. …growth doubled to 3% during Mr. Trump’s first six full quarters. …the increase in job openings over Mr. Trump’s first 21 months has averaged an impressive 75,000 a month. Over Mr. Obama’s last 21 months in office, the number of job openings increased an average of 900 a month. …During Mr. Obama’s last 21 months, the number of employed Americans increased an average of 157,000 a month. Under Mr. Trump, the increase has accelerated to 214,000 a month, a 36% improvement. …In Mr. Obama’s final 21 months, weekly earnings rose an average of $1.31 a month. Under Mr. Trump, weekly earnings have increased an average of $1.84 cents a month: a 40% improvement that’s come mostly since tax reform took effect in January. Over that period, weekly earnings have grown an average of $2.31 a month, a 76% increase over Mr. Obama’s last 21 months. …The unemployment rate declined 13% during Mr. Obama’s last 21 months, but from there it has dropped another 23% during Mr. Trump’s tenure.” The Obama Economy vs. the Trump Economy | Daniel J. Mitchell
Refute my point. Show me that trickle down economics works.

Oh yeah, and the founders?..were about as liberal and progressive as you can get.
If they were conservative, they would have stayed in Europe and pledged loyalty to their kings. :)

“Trump's Economy Keeps Humming: Manufacturing Adding More Jobs Than Government, Reversing Obama Trend

Overall, comparing President Trump’s first 27 months of key employment data to the last 27 months under President Obama shows a continuation of employment growth, the kind often seen in the mature stages of a business cycle, with 5,860,000 nonfarm jobs added during Obama’s last 27 months compared to 5,373,000 under Trump’s first 27 months.

Private sector employment also compares similarly over the same period, with 5,453,000 jobs added to private sector payrolls in Obama’s last 27 months in office compared to 5,158,000 during a comparable period under Trump.

However, a substantial difference can be seen in the job gains in the manufacturing sector compared to the government employment sector (federal, state and local) under the two administrations, with government at all levels adding 407,000 jobs in Obama’s last 27 months compared to 215,000 jobs since Trump took office. Manufacturing employment was in stark contrast, with manufacturers adding only 129,000 jobs during Obama’s last 27 months compared to 466,000 jobs since Trump took office, implementing a series of deregulatory measures and tax cuts that have encouraged industrial production and investment.

Comparatively, during Trump’s watch, the economy has added two manufacturing jobs for each job added in government while under Obama’s last 27 months, about three government jobs were added for each manufacturing job.” Trump's Economy Keeps Humming: Manufacturing Adding More Jobs Than Government, Reversing Obama Trend
Sorry Obama, But It's Trump's Economic Boom, Not Yours

Barack Obama is on the road attempting to claim credit for the booming economy under President Trump. But the only thing Obama deserves credit for is making it easy for Trump to undo Obama's anti-growth policies.

For eight years, President Obama presided over the worst economic recovery in modern times. For six years, he blamed Republicans in Congress for thwarting his spending agenda and hampering growth. In his last two years in office, he claimed that 2% growth was the best we could hope for. And in his last year in office, while the economy was again stalling out, Obama claimed that Trump's tax cuts and deregulation would only make things worse.

But now that we're in the midst of a booming economy — which kicked in after Trump reversed almost all Obama's economic policies — we're supposed to believe that it's Obama who deserves all the credit.

There's more. The rate of GDP growth was decelerating in Obama's last year. It went from 2.3% in Q2, to 1.9% in Q3 to 1.8% in Q4 of 2016. Under Trump, GDP growth has averaged 2.9%. It was 4.2% last quarter and might be higher in the current one.

The stock market also was stuck in neutral the year before the November 2016 elections. The Dow is up by some 45% since then.

Real median family income didn't budge from August 2015 to November 2016, according to Sentier Research. It's up more than 4% since Trump came into office. Wages are on the upswing.

In Obama's last year, unemployment rate remained basically unchanged — it was 4.9% in Jan 2016, and 4.8% when Trump took office in Jan. 2017. Now it's down to 3.9%

Refute my point. Show me that trickle down economics works.

Oh yeah, and the founders?..were about as liberal and progressive as you can get.
If they were conservative, they would have stayed in Europe and pledged loyalty to their kings. :)

The New York Times itself described Obama's economy this way in August 2016: "For three quarters in a row, the growth rate of the economy has hovered around a mere 1%. In the last quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, the economy expanded at feeble annual rates of 0.9% and 0.8%, respectively. The initial reading for the second quarter of this year, released on Friday, was a disappointing 1.2%."

And on January 27, 2017, after the government reported that GDP growth for all 2016 was a mere 1.6% — the weakest in five years — the Times announced that "President Trump's target for economic growth just got a little more distant."

That same month, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office forecast growth this year would be just 1.9%.

There were other signs of stagnation as well. Stocks had flatlined in 2016, with major indexes down slightly. Real median household income dropped that year, according to Sentier Research.

Growth had been so worrisomely slow throughout Obama's two terms in office that journalists started warning about "secular stagnation." They said the country was in a period of long, sustained, slow growth resulting from slow population and productivity growth.

In August 2016, the Times declared that "the underlying reality of low growth will haunt whoever wins the White House."

The next month, CBS News reported that "with U.S. economic growth stuck in low gear for several years, it's leading many economists to worry that the country has entered a prolonged period where any expansion will be weaker than it has been in the past."

In short, there was no upward trajectory to the economy on anyone's radar when Trump took office.

Now that the economy is outperforming everyone's expectations, Trump's critics want to pretend that the current boom was already baked in the cake.” Economic Boom: Media Rewrite History To Credit Obama Instead Of Trump
Refute my point. Show me that trickle down economics works.

Oh yeah, and the founders?..were about as liberal and progressive as you can get.
If they were conservative, they would have stayed in Europe and pledged loyalty to their kings. :)

Over 8 years President Obama’s economy produced $6.4 trillion less GDP than was projected when he took office in January 2009. That initial projection already incorporated the recession that began in 2007.

Since President Trump took office in January 2017, CBO has raised its projection of the cumulative 2017-2024 GDP by $3.3 trillion.

Trump rescued America from the economic oblivion under Obama

Even in the midst of the economic boom America is enjoying under the stewardship of Donald Trump, Democratic candidates are suggesting we return to the failed policies of Barack Obama. Since President Trump took office two years ago, the national economic engine has been roaring, generating widespread prosperity across every corner of the country.

In 2016, the final year under President Obama, real gross domestic product grew by just 1.6 percent, which was also the average growth rate during all of his eight years in office. Under President Trump, growth increased to 2.2 percent in 2017, jumped again to 2.9 percent in 2018, and rose to an incredible 3.2 percent earlier this year.

By adopting policies that put our nation first, such as cutting taxes to make businesses more competitive and allow workers to keep more of their paychecks, eliminating wasteful regulations, and protecting our workers from unfair foreign competition by renegotiating outdated trade deals, President Trump has been the polar opposite of his predecessor. President Obama heavily regulated the financial industry in an attempt to reduce economic risk, but this strategy of punishing bankers only ended up dragging down growth. He also championed poorly negotiated trade deals that put our workers at a disadvantage, such as the Trans Pacific Partnership that President Trump wisely scrapped after taking office.

The results of these wildly different approaches speak for themselves.

…the free market policies of President Trump are what rescued us from the economic calamity brought on by the big government liberalism that the Democrats are still pushing to this day. Trump rescued America from the economic oblivion under Obama
Refute my point. Show me that trickle down economics works.

Oh yeah, and the founders?..were about as liberal and progressive as you can get.
If they were conservative, they would have stayed in Europe and pledged loyalty to their kings. :)

“Trump's Economy Keeps Humming: Manufacturing Adding More Jobs Than Government, Reversing Obama Trend

Overall, comparing President Trump’s first 27 months of key employment data to the last 27 months under President Obama shows a continuation of employment growth, the kind often seen in the mature stages of a business cycle, with 5,860,000 nonfarm jobs added during Obama’s last 27 months compared to 5,373,000 under Trump’s first 27 months.

Private sector employment also compares similarly over the same period, with 5,453,000 jobs added to private sector payrolls in Obama’s last 27 months in office compared to 5,158,000 during a comparable period under Trump.

However, a substantial difference can be seen in the job gains in the manufacturing sector compared to the government employment sector (federal, state and local) under the two administrations, with government at all levels adding 407,000 jobs in Obama’s last 27 months compared to 215,000 jobs since Trump took office. Manufacturing employment was in stark contrast, with manufacturers adding only 129,000 jobs during Obama’s last 27 months compared to 466,000 jobs since Trump took office, implementing a series of deregulatory measures and tax cuts that have encouraged industrial production and investment.

Comparatively, during Trump’s watch, the economy has added two manufacturing jobs for each job added in government while under Obama’s last 27 months, about three government jobs were added for each manufacturing job.” Trump's Economy Keeps Humming: Manufacturing Adding More Jobs Than Government, Reversing Obama Trend
Sorry Obama, But It's Trump's Economic Boom, Not Yours
Refute my point. Show me that trickle down economics works.

Oh yeah, and the founders?..were about as liberal and progressive as you can get.
If they were conservative, they would have stayed in Europe and pledged loyalty to their kings. :)

This is a bot, it is useless to argue with. Never any original content, just copy and pasting out of context.

A few of us have tried to get the Bot programmer to deal with the extra spaces that are always there, but to no avail.
Refute my point. Show me that trickle down economics works.

Oh yeah, and the founders?..were about as liberal and progressive as you can get.
If they were conservative, they would have stayed in Europe and pledged loyalty to their kings. :)

Barack Obama is on the road attempting to claim credit for the booming economy under President Trump. But the only thing Obama deserves credit for is making it easy for Trump to undo Obama's anti-growth policies.

For eight years, President Obama presided over the worst economic recovery in modern times. For six years, he blamed Republicans in Congress for thwarting his spending agenda and hampering growth. In his last two years in office, he claimed that 2% growth was the best we could hope for. And in his last year in office, while the economy was again stalling out, Obama claimed that Trump's tax cuts and deregulation would only make things worse.

But now that we're in the midst of a booming economy — which kicked in after Trump reversed almost all Obama's economic policies — we're supposed to believe that it's Obama who deserves all the credit.

There's more. The rate of GDP growth was decelerating in Obama's last year. It went from 2.3% in Q2, to 1.9% in Q3 to 1.8% in Q4 of 2016. Under Trump, GDP growth has averaged 2.9%. It was 4.2% last quarter and might be higher in the current one.

The stock market also was stuck in neutral the year before the November 2016 elections. The Dow is up by some 45% since then.

Real median family income didn't budge from August 2015 to November 2016, according to Sentier Research. It's up more than 4% since Trump came into office. Wages are on the upswing.

In Obama's last year, unemployment rate remained basically unchanged — it was 4.9% in Jan 2016, and 4.8% when Trump took office in Jan. 2017. Now it's down to 3.9%

The New York Times itself described Obama's economy this way in August 2016: "For three quarters in a row, the growth rate of the economy has hovered around a mere 1%. In the last quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, the economy expanded at feeble annual rates of 0.9% and 0.8%, respectively. The initial reading for the second quarter of this year, released on Friday, was a disappointing 1.2%."

And on January 27, 2017, after the government reported that GDP growth for all 2016 was a mere 1.6% — the weakest in five years — the Times announced that "President Trump's target for economic growth just got a little more distant."

That same month, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office forecast growth this year would be just 1.9%.

There were other signs of stagnation as well. Stocks had flatlined in 2016, with major indexes down slightly. Real median household income dropped that year, according to Sentier Research.

Growth had been so worrisomely slow throughout Obama's two terms in office that journalists started warning about "secular stagnation." They said the country was in a period of long, sustained, slow growth resulting from slow population and productivity growth.

In August 2016, the Times declared that "the underlying reality of low growth will haunt whoever wins the White House."

The next month, CBS News reported that "with U.S. economic growth stuck in low gear for several years, it's leading many economists to worry that the country has entered a prolonged period where any expansion will be weaker than it has been in the past."

In short, there was no upward trajectory to the economy on anyone's radar when Trump took office.

Now that the economy is outperforming everyone's expectations, Trump's critics want to pretend that the current boom was already baked in the cake.” Economic Boom: Media Rewrite History To Credit Obama Instead Of Trump
Over 8 years President Obama’s economy produced $6.4 trillion less GDP than was projected when he took office in January 2009. That initial projection already incorporated the recession that began in 2007.

Since President Trump took office in January 2017, CBO has raised its projection of the cumulative 2017-2024 GDP by $3.3 trillion.

Trump rescued America from the economic oblivion under Obama

Even in the midst of the economic boom America is enjoying under the stewardship of Donald Trump, Democratic candidates are suggesting we return to the failed policies of Barack Obama. Since President Trump took office two years ago, the national economic engine has been roaring, generating widespread prosperity across every corner of the country.

In 2016, the final year under President Obama, real gross domestic product grew by just 1.6 percent, which was also the average growth rate during all of his eight years in office. Under President Trump, growth increased to 2.2 percent in 2017, jumped again to 2.9 percent in 2018, and rose to an incredible 3.2 percent earlier this year.

By adopting policies that put our nation first, such as cutting taxes to make businesses more competitive and allow workers to keep more of their paychecks, eliminating wasteful regulations, and protecting our workers from unfair foreign competition by renegotiating outdated trade deals, President Trump has been the polar opposite of his predecessor. President Obama heavily regulated the financial industry in an attempt to reduce economic risk, but this strategy of punishing bankers only ended up dragging down growth. He also championed poorly negotiated trade deals that put our workers at a disadvantage, such as the Trans Pacific Partnership that President Trump wisely scrapped after taking office.

The results of these wildly different approaches speak for themselves.

…the free market policies of President Trump are what rescued us from the economic calamity brought on by the big government liberalism that the Democrats are still pushing to this day. Trump rescued America from the economic oblivion under Obama
shhhhh....don't tell PC that both parties are wed to Keynesian economics.

And now to eviscerate the Gutless Gator....

Those of us with integrity can actually defend what we say. Others, like you, Gutless, simply blow hot air and run away.

Here’s another chance: you are too gutless to pick one of the only two parties that count.

Golfing Gator said:

They are basically the same. Not on the ground level, but once they get into national power they are basically the same outside of a few social wedge issues they use to keep us divided

Shinzo Abe Shot During Speech and Rushed to Hospital post 121

I'm so glad you put your foot in your I'll wipe up the floor with you....again:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Let's see a comparable indictment for the other side, you dolt.
The only failure here is the belief system of conservatism and in particular, the steadfast belief in trickle down economics.
It doesn't work. Tax cuts create revenue shortfalls...period. The effect does not trickle down.

Wrong again. Revenue shortfalls are created by excessive and wasteful spending..... period.
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