Failed Obama Pork bill to cost more or Officials Say Stimulus Bill To Cost $75B more


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009
People's Republic
Failed Obama Pork bill to cost even more or Officials Say Stimulus Bill To Cost $75B More

WASHINGTON -- Last year's $787 billion economic stimulus bill is going to be even more expensive -- $75 billion more.

The new Congressional Budget Office estimate, released Tuesday, provides more ammunition for Republicans who say the stimulus has been long on spending and short on creating promised jobs. The additional cost also eats into the savings forecast from the budget freeze President Barack Obama is expected to propose Wednesday night during his State of the Union address.

Almost half of the additional cost, $34 billion, is because the food stamp program won't be able to take advantage of lower-than-expected inflation rates and will instead have benefits set by the stimulus bill.

Higher unemployment insurance costs added $21 billion to the bill, and stimulus-subsidized bonds to pay for infrastructure projects have proven more popular than expected with state and local governments.
WASHINGTON -- Last year's $787 billion economic stimulus bill is going to be even more expensive -- $75 billion more.


The stimulus was too small in the first place. Putting more money into the economy is a good thing.

Of course, it does matter how you put the money in the economy
If his 787 billion failed do you really think 75 billion is going to make a difference?

If you believe that I have health care bill to sell you :lol:

You do know gov't can not create wealth- it can only move it around or steal it from future generations

Too bad for Papa Obama did his pork bill cost even more to fail
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It hasn't merely hasn't been enough.

We have given trillions to the banks and the rest of us are trying to cope with a pittance, much of which, incidently (about 1/3) was nothing more than tax breaks.

And yes a lot of it is porky.

For that I fault the DEMS
The pain hasn't even begun yet.
It's painfully obvious that these clowns are as daft as they come. How will they fix this fuckup? Well isn't it obvious that another stimulus in order?
So it will cost the equivalent of 6 months or so of the Iraq war?

Lets see stimulus to help America out of a recession vs finding WMD's in Iraq?
Tonight, the owner of a company that received 99 million in strimulus will be seated in the areas of Michelle Obama.
The Administration is using him as a poster child of the stimulus plan.
Becuase the 99 million he received resulted in CONCRETE proof that jobs were created...

Yes, he created jobs with the that is great.
No? created 50 jobs

Yep....99 million to creat 50 jobs...2 million a job.


Ill tell you what....give me 1/100 of that....1 million....and I will create 200 jobs.
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What a debacle. The only jobs that will be created by his "Stimulus" will be Government jobs. I have said that all along. These Government jobs will of course cost the American Tax Payer Billions in Tax Dollars. So those jobs will be a wash or even more likely a big loss for Americans. Unfortunately things are going to get a lot worse. How sad.

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