Fact or Fake news?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
"They thoroughly dominate the news and entertainment media in almost every civilized nation; they control the international markets and stock exchanges; and no government can resist doing their bidding on any issue of importance. They can coalesce against any state that resists their power, whether it [sic] economic extortion of a billion dollars from Switzerland or the violent carpet bombing of Iraq. The cohesion of the Jewish people is indeed the context of the New World Order, and with it they propose to extend their totalitarian denial of free speech from Europe and Canada to the nation that was once the most free in the world: the United States." My Awakening, p. 463 (1998) - David Duke
"They thoroughly dominate the news and entertainment media in almost every civilized nation; they control the international markets and stock exchanges; and no government can resist doing their bidding on any issue of importance. They can coalesce against any state that resists their power, whether it [sic] economic extortion of a billion dollars from Switzerland or the violent carpet bombing of Iraq. The cohesion of the Jewish people is indeed the context of the New World Order, and with it they propose to extend their totalitarian denial of free speech from Europe and Canada to the nation that was once the most free in the world: the United States." My Awakening, p. 463 (1998) - David Duke

David Duke is a fucking moron who thinks Hitler was a great dude.

Why are you spouting his crap on here?
I've told him to stay the hell off of Stormfront, or Dailystormer, or whereever the hell he is getting all the obsession with the race divisive crap.

Mind poison.

I sometimes wonder if this is the best place for me. . . because of the types that hang out here. . . but then I remember why I am here, freedom of thought, and expression.

Because Mort read another poster thread and thought it would be wise to post David Duke nonsense…

First Louis Farrakhan and now David Duke…

Next up is Stalin…
Did you see this one? I posted it in Quasars Anti-Semite thread. It's a viral video with over 2 million views shot in France. Cracks me up. Type of influence that would turn Mort into who he is. . .


"They thoroughly dominate the news and entertainment media in almost every civilized nation; they control the international markets and stock exchanges; and no government can resist doing their bidding on any issue of importance. They can coalesce against any state that resists their power, whether it [sic] economic extortion of a billion dollars from Switzerland or the violent carpet bombing of Iraq. The cohesion of the Jewish people is indeed the context of the New World Order, and with it they propose to extend their totalitarian denial of free speech from Europe and Canada to the nation that was once the most free in the world: the United States." My Awakening, p. 463 (1998) - David Duke
What a bunch of crap.

Iraq was never "carpet bombed".

There rest is Anti Semitic bullshit from an avowed supporter of Nazism and Adolph Hitler.

This may be your most idiotic thread yet.
Notice that the left loves anti-Semites and it is the right who reject people like this idiot.
Notice that the left loves anti-Semites and it is the right who reject people like this idiot.

Because Anti-Semites are the underdogs, the little man, the powerless, and the left often supports the underdog, the powerless, the socially disadvantaged, the right is often pro rich, pro elite, elitist, and for the privileged. Jews are very privileged and are white, they are in controll of everything, they just make you believe they are victims or little people who are innocent. That does not apply to all jews, i would never attack the average jew in synagogue like some idiots, because those are usually the good jews.

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