Fact Check : "Trump DID WIN the popular vote

Now, on a serious note, read the article. It lays out how it is preposterous to think no illegals voted with states having very lax laws and given there are 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 illegals here.
Why would illegals risk deportation to vote?????

There is nothing more preposterous than the very assumption that people in hiding will risk detection both when they try to register and again when they try to vote!!! :cuckoo:

Geeezzzzz, this proven lie again! When will you stupid SUCKERS find some new lies to mindlessly parrot?????

What are you saying, that that's not really Obama, or that he didn't really say that? Talk about denial.
Fact-checking the integrity of the vote in 2016

Pants on Fire claim. The Secretaries of State in every one of the 50 states has denied this, having full awareness of how voting proceeded in their states. Investigations have been done and no evidence of this has ever been found.

Your President is lying again, folks. Just accept it but don't be fooled by it.
How do we know that credible investigations have been done? I would like to see every state investigated ( call it audited if you like) to determine if only those eligible to vote are voting. The owner of a bar can easily claim that there are no underage drinkers if he never checks ID. Safe guards need to be in place to prevent ineligible votes from voters from voting.
I read up on this stuff a few months ago now, so I can't cough up a link for you, but I remember that two of the investigations were by pols who were questioning why they lost--one I remember was in Florida. In that case, he dropped it part way through because they just were not finding illegal votes. The other was also dropped for lack of finding any illegal votes (or maybe four or five out of tens of thousands). These are very expensive investigations in man hours. If you want to start a gofundme page to look into that, fine, but I sure don't want to pay for it.
I don't have an issue with providing proof of citizenship in order to vote, though.
Was California investigated? You know, the state with all the sanctuary cities that shields illegal immigrants from being deported? Many people in that state don't give a rat's ass about citizenship and believe that "undocumented immigrants" should have the exact rights and privileges as citizens including the right to vote.
Here it is again, for the conservatives here -- literally the dumbest people on the fucking planet.

To register online you will need

  • Your California driver license or California identification card number,
  • The last four digits of your social security number and
  • Your date of birth.
Your information will be provided to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to retrieve a copy of your DMV signature.

Online Voter Registration | California Secretary of State
SYTE, I don't believe Trump's bullshit, BUT you don't need citizenship to obtain a drivers license, or a social security number (you get one with a green card), and obviously your dob doesn't say anything. So none of those things actually prove you're a citizen.
Now, on a serious note, read the article. It lays out how it is preposterous to think no illegals voted with states having very lax laws and given there are 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 illegals here.
Why would illegals risk deportation to vote?????

There is nothing more preposterous than the very assumption that people in hiding will risk detection both when they try to register and again when they try to vote!!! :cuckoo:

Geeezzzzz, this proven lie again! When will you stupid SUCKERS find some new lies to mindlessly parrot?????

Even if you take the side that Obama in that video intended to say that only US citizen's can vote, he also said that the voter rolls would not be turned over to an agency for investigation. In other words, if a noncitizen is able to register, there is little danger of being caught.
I'm a big proponent of the electoral college system.

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin won the election, piss drinkers. Be happy!
Now, on a serious note, read the article. It lays out how it is preposterous to think no illegals voted with states having very lax laws and given there are 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 illegals here.
Why would illegals risk deportation to vote?????

There is nothing more preposterous than the very assumption that people in hiding will risk detection both when they try to register and again when they try to vote!!! :cuckoo:

Geeezzzzz, this proven lie again! When will you stupid SUCKERS find some new lies to mindlessly parrot?????

What are you saying, that that's not really Obama, or that he didn't really say that? Talk about denial.

She, A CITIZEN, asked if SHE voted would they investigate HER family. Obama said no, he did not say illegals could vote and not be investigates. Learn the English language before you try to lie.
Now, on a serious note, read the article. It lays out how it is preposterous to think no illegals voted with states having very lax laws and given there are 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 illegals here.
Why would illegals risk deportation to vote?????

There is nothing more preposterous than the very assumption that people in hiding will risk detection both when they try to register and again when they try to vote!!! :cuckoo:

Geeezzzzz, this proven lie again! When will you stupid SUCKERS find some new lies to mindlessly parrot?????

What are you saying, that that's not really Obama, or that he didn't really say that? Talk about denial.

She, A CITIZEN, asked if SHE voted would they investigate HER family. Obama said no, he did not say illegals could vote and not be investigates. Learn the English language before you try to lie.

So you're going with "he didn't really say that". Got it.
Now, on a serious note, read the article. It lays out how it is preposterous to think no illegals voted with states having very lax laws and given there are 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 illegals here.
Why would illegals risk deportation to vote?????

There is nothing more preposterous than the very assumption that people in hiding will risk detection both when they try to register and again when they try to vote!!! :cuckoo:

Geeezzzzz, this proven lie again! When will you stupid SUCKERS find some new lies to mindlessly parrot?????

What are you saying, that that's not really Obama, or that he didn't really say that? Talk about denial.

If you listen to only what Obama said, and not the question asked of him, Obama did not come out and say it's okay for non-citizens to vote. However, given the context of the question he was answering and how it was set up, Obama did not definitively put away the notion that non citizens should not vote and that they should be prosecuted if they do so. He let them know that non citizens are safe if they do so.
Now, on a serious note, read the article. It lays out how it is preposterous to think no illegals voted with states having very lax laws and given there are 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 illegals here.
Why would illegals risk deportation to vote?????

There is nothing more preposterous than the very assumption that people in hiding will risk detection both when they try to register and again when they try to vote!!! :cuckoo:

Geeezzzzz, this proven lie again! When will you stupid SUCKERS find some new lies to mindlessly parrot?????

Even if you take the side that Obama in that video intended to say that only US citizen's can vote, he also said that the voter rolls would not be turned over to an agency for investigation. In other words, if a noncitizen is able to register, there is little danger of being caught.

No, he said the she, AS A US CITIZEN, had the privacy of her vote protected and HER family will not be harassed by the CON$ervoFascists.
Now, on a serious note, read the article. It lays out how it is preposterous to think no illegals voted with states having very lax laws and given there are 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 illegals here.
Why would illegals risk deportation to vote?????

There is nothing more preposterous than the very assumption that people in hiding will risk detection both when they try to register and again when they try to vote!!! :cuckoo:

Geeezzzzz, this proven lie again! When will you stupid SUCKERS find some new lies to mindlessly parrot?????

What are you saying, that that's not really Obama, or that he didn't really say that? Talk about denial.

She, A CITIZEN, asked if SHE voted would they investigate HER family. Obama said no, he did not say illegals could vote and not be investigates. Learn the English language before you try to lie.

Obama always avoided mentioning the past participles.
It matters not if he won the popular vote...he won the vote that counted

I agree.

What I can't understand is why Trump keeps the popular vote issue alive.

This claiming that he really 'won' the popular vote just is a reminder that
a) no he didn't and
b) Trump spouts 'alternate facts'

He is president- he doesn't need to convince anyone that he won.
Why would illegals risk deportation to vote?????

There is nothing more preposterous than the very assumption that people in hiding will risk detection both when they try to register and again when they try to vote!!! :cuckoo:

Geeezzzzz, this proven lie again! When will you stupid SUCKERS find some new lies to mindlessly parrot?????

What are you saying, that that's not really Obama, or that he didn't really say that? Talk about denial.

She, A CITIZEN, asked if SHE voted would they investigate HER family. Obama said no, he did not say illegals could vote and not be investigates. Learn the English language before you try to lie.

So you're going with "he didn't really say that". Got it.

I'm going with the English version of what he said, that Latino CITIZENS can vote without fear of their families being harassed.

RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, etc. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.
Lets keep this short, Trump Won! OH SNAP!!
Remind HIM of that--this is only in the news again because he brought it up when he visited Congress. Stick to the point, Mr. Trump! Get off your ratings and your popularity and earn it!

Trump won the biggest election on earth. He mopped the floor with Hillary, charged into the blue states and took those too, won 33 states, over 300 electors, held the House, held the Senate which is more than Obama did, he has 33 GOP governorships and 69 of 99 state legislatures in his pocket plus 2-4 SCOTUS nominations. He obliterated the Democrats. Any other questions? No I didn't think so. :eusa_hand:
It is funny that the progressives say there is not even the least bit of voter fraud during the presidential election.
Now, on a serious note, read the article. It lays out how it is preposterous to think no illegals voted with states having very lax laws and given there are 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 illegals here.
Why would illegals risk deportation to vote?????

There is nothing more preposterous than the very assumption that people in hiding will risk detection both when they try to register and again when they try to vote!!! :cuckoo:

Geeezzzzz, this proven lie again! When will you stupid SUCKERS find some new lies to mindlessly parrot?????

Even if you take the side that Obama in that video intended to say that only US citizen's can vote, he also said that the voter rolls would not be turned over to an agency for investigation. In other words, if a noncitizen is able to register, there is little danger of being caught.

No, he said the she, AS A US CITIZEN, had the privacy of her vote protected and HER family will not be harassed by the CON$ervoFascists.

She said she calls illegals "citizens". Obama said "If you vote, you're a citizen". Clearly, they both see illegals as citizens.

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