Fact Check: outcry claim that Trump did not denounce white supremacists


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
MSM is playing the race bait game again, so let's review their playbook;
Fact: he most certainly did denounce them;
quote:denounce "hatred and bigotry and the violence”.
If MSM and Dems think it's not talking about the supremacist then they are inadvertantly saying they are not hate mongers, bigoted, and violent which makes MSM and Dems the Racists.
So fake news rating=10
(because it's a total lie to claim he didn't denounce it because he didn't word his speach like you'd want him to, then play word games yourself in missinformation)
So propaganda rating=10
(because they used this twist for political race baiting to once again drum up fake news and narrative on Bannon, as another attempt to remove him as they go down the line picking off Trumps team and Fox news personnel and drain the swamp book writers.) Yeah did the DNC and MSM think we don't notice what's going on or that minorities are to stupid to notice being played?

Fact check: does this MSM race baiting use and abuse of Blacks and Hispanics trivialize racism in America?
So then the racists here are the MSM and Dems who insult or degrade the intelligence of minorities.
MSM admitted controlling how they thought or saw things and here we see them enslave and use as puppets minorities through race baiting the narratives.
The resist activists even went as far as baiting the protests and violence knowing they could use the violence to their political advantage, in the same way Hamas baits through protest and violence
knowing the result will always be a chance to play the media to their advantage.
The best way to combat radical groups is to not give them their power through showing care or concern for their nonsense as they only seek to get a rise out of you, and when you give it to them you give them their power over you.
When you protest and get violent along side with them, then you fall into their
trap and become helpers into their cause (remember action reaction, cause and affect I keep pointing out).
So the best thing would be nobody shows up to contest greet them, they have no audience, no press, just a bunch of people dressed like it's holloween feeling foolish and you would have taken all the power away from them.
Especially taking away their power to recruit, as nobody wants to be part of something senseless that's not taken serious.

But what did the Demwits decide to do?
They contested with activists like Resist radicals who many times are violent.
So the hate and violence "was on both sides" Political and racially motivated all sides=many forms which is an express way of being intellectually honest and REAL.
By acting like it's one group is denial and reverse racism, then stereotyping a party on top of that is just as bad as calling the party deplorables across the board again.
So basically the MSM and Dems have not learned from their campaign mistakes as they are pulling the same game plan all over again as the Russia conspiracy has lost flavor & died down.
You know what they say about people who repeat themselves. Especially repeating the same mistakes expecting a different
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Donald made a big stink about pols not saying "Islamic terrorism" . And now he refuses to condemn racist white supremacists. How can you not just dump on neonazis ?? How hard would it be to name names ?
The left has serious trouble denouncing criminals, riots etc.

And Trump is supposed to spend a lot of time on some legal gathering, which turned out wrong, as the far leftists wouldn't leave it be? The hypocrisy has reached the maximum, once again.
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there are too many factions of nuts in Virginia. Attempts to PARTICULARIZE------would end up
leaving a few out. The danger is that by leaving them out------poor Donald would
be in danger of being accused of ENDORSING them
Donald made a big stink about pols not saying "Islamic terrorism" . And now he refuses to condemn racist white supremacists. How can you not just dump on neonazis ?? How hard would it be to name names ?
Because you have many groups and individuals you'd be linking them & insulting them as one blanket term, which means
the MSM is falsely covering the event and being racist.
Then by blaming one side you are
justifying use of violence as a means to silence speach, yet police arrested people on both sides making it clear hate and
violence is wrong on both sides, and by claiming only one sides violence and hatred matters is the same mistake Black lives matters made, as all lives matter, so to should you denounce all hatreds and violence and bigotry. When you refuse to self reflect and you instead displace then you are just as bad as the racists.
Hence I believe Dems and the few Republicans and the MSM showed ignorance
and caused tensions that divide by not being intellectually honest when they made a fuss over language used when clearly it was across the board denouncing.
The left either lie about everything or hype everything in order to move along their agenda.

Most of the stooges don't even know they are pawns doing the will of their socialist masters divide and conquer political strategy.

They are perfect brainwashed, brain dead morons.

Like all of the reporters and anchor people on espn. It is obvious the talking personalities get their instructions from their producers working for ABC/disney.


Mike and Mike this morning harping about the white supremacists this morning.

Promoting that more pathetic BLM football players kneeling during the pledge for the "unfair treatment" of blacks.

On and on and on

Pathetic fucking losers
Donald Trump on Charlottesville: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."

Donald Trump on the German invasion of Poland and the allied response: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."
Donald made a big stink about pols not saying "Islamic terrorism" . And now he refuses to condemn racist white supremacists. How can you not just dump on neonazis ?? How hard would it be to name names ?

I'm sorry Tammy but President Trump condemned ALL sides in the conflict and that INCLUDED the white supremacists! It takes TWO to tango. Get over it.
MSM is playing the race bait game again, so let's review their playbook;
Fact: he most certainly did denounce them;
quote:denounce "hatred and bigotry and the violence”.
If MSM and Dems think it's not talking about the supremacist then they are inadvertantly saying they are not hate mongers, bigoted, and violent which makes MSM and Dems the Racists.
So fake news rating=10
(because it's a total lie to claim he didn't denounce it because he didn't word his speach like you'd want him to, then play word games yourself in missinformation)
So propaganda rating=10
(because they used this twist for political race baiting to once again drum up fake news and narrative on Bannon, as another attempt to remove him as they go down the line picking off Trumps team and Fox news personnel and drain the swamp book writers.) Yeah did the DNC and MSM think we don't notice what's going on or that minorities are to stupid to notice being played?

Fact check: does this MSM race baiting use and abuse of Blacks and Hispanics trivialize racism in America?
So then the racists here are the MSM and Dems who insult or degrade the intelligence of minorities.
MSM admitted controlling how they thought or saw things and here we see them enslave and use as puppets minorities through race baiting the narratives.
The resist activists even went as far as baiting the protests and violence knowing they could use the violence to their political advantage, in the same way Hamas baits through protest and violence
knowing the result will always be a chance to play the media to their advantage.
The best way to combat radical groups is to not give them their power through showing care or concern for their nonsense as they only seek to get a rise out of you, and when you give it to them you give them their power over you.
When you protest and get violent along side with them, then you fall into their
trap and become helpers into their cause (remember action reaction, cause and affect I keep pointing out).
So the best thing would be nobody shows up to contest greet them, they have no audience, no press, just a bunch of people dressed like it's holloween feeling foolish and you would have taken all the power away from them.
Especially taking away their power to recruit, as nobody wants to be part of something senseless that's not taken serious.

But what did the Demwits decide to do?
They contested with activists like Resist radicals who many times are violent.
So the hate and violence "was on both sides" Political and racially motivated all sides=many forms which is an express way of being intellectually honest and REAL.
By acting like it's one group is denial and reverse racism, then stereotyping a party on top of that is just as bad as calling the party deplorables across the board again.
So basically the MSM and Dems have not learned from their campaign mistakes as they are pulling the same game plan all over again as the Russia conspiracy has lost flavor & died down.
You know what they say about people who repeat themselves. Especially repeating the same mistakes expecting a different

An active listener who watched and listened carefully when Trump spoke on the issue of which most American felt was an act of domestic terrorism saw him reading a written statement, and then went off message, to include those who were there to protest the hate mongers ("on many sides, on many sides).

See LInk where he goes of the written message prepared by his handlers at 1:02

Leftie paid for bullshit. The President condemned BOTH sides. This is more obstructionism. No one is buying it. Put your little vagina hats on and go parade around like a whiny lib babies. No one cares.
This quote from Soros: "and if this president can't do what we need, it is time to start looking somewhere else." is the tell. He doesn't own Trump, so he looks to the Democrats to do what he needs.
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Donald Trump on Charlottesville: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."

Donald Trump on the German invasion of Poland and the allied response: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."
Bad Analogy, because the context was violence of both protesting sides and the anti fascists violence is ironic, because it's controlled manipulation by actual fascist and they are liken to the brown shirts.

And if you swore it was not that context then you have to explain your amnesia of the Killing sprees targeting whites, targeting white police officers and incidents like the torture murder of the white disabled person. You are saying that is not hatred and violence in the same manner you do not denounce illegal immigrants violent crimes.
All violent bahavior & crimes are bad and any selective recognition is dishonest and if you read my profile tagline & note the video link- all protests
are bad and counter productive.
We have this voice that's projected on this thing called the internet, have you heard of it? And done right can be heard by the same media and politicians without blocking others rights to get to work or to a bathroom or in some cases a hospital or accessible to an emergency vehicle.
Stay off and out of the damn streets, they are not for walking around and hanging on like some block party.
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Donald Trump on Charlottesville: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."

Donald Trump on the German invasion of Poland and the allied response: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."
Bad Analogy, because the context was violence of both protesting sides and the anti fascists violence is ironic, because it's controlled manipulation by actual fascist and they are liken to the brown shirts.

And if you swore it was not that context then you have to explain your amnesia of the Killing sprees targeting whites, targeting white police officers and incidents like the torture murder of the white disabled person. You are saying that is not hatred and violence in the same manner you do not denounce illegal immigrants violent crimes.
All violent bahavior & crimes are bad and any selective recognition is dishonest and if you read my profile tagline all protests
are bad and counter productive.
We have this voice that's projected on this thing called the internet, have you heard of it? And done right can be heard by the same media and politicians without blocking others rights to get to work or to a bathroom or in some cases a hospital or accessible to an emergency vehicle.
Stay off the damn streets, they are not for walking around and hanging on like some block party.
Ah, so every left winger is the same as the left wing extremists killing cops.

Then, by your own TardLogic™, it stands to reason every right winger is the same as the Charlottesville Nazis.
Donald Trump on Charlottesville: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."

Donald Trump on the German invasion of Poland and the allied response: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."
Bad Analogy, because the context was violence of both protesting sides and the anti fascists violence is ironic, because it's controlled manipulation by actual fascist and they are liken to the brown shirts.

And if you swore it was not that context then you have to explain your amnesia of the Killing sprees targeting whites, targeting white police officers and incidents like the torture murder of the white disabled person. You are saying that is not hatred and violence in the same manner you do not denounce illegal immigrants violent crimes.
All violent bahavior & crimes are bad and any selective recognition is dishonest and if you read my profile tagline all protests
are bad and counter productive.
We have this voice that's projected on this thing called the internet, have you heard of it? And done right can be heard by the same media and politicians without blocking others rights to get to work or to a bathroom or in some cases a hospital or accessible to an emergency vehicle.
Stay off the damn streets, they are not for walking around and hanging on like some block party.
Ah, so every left winger is the same as the left wing extremists killing cops.

Then, by your own TardLogic™, it stands to reason every right winger is the same as the Charlottesville Nazis.
You just proved all of my points.
THERE'S many people being grouped by a false narrative then a party lumped in for sake of deligitimizing the President and his council.
If you have skin heads far right and Farrakhan types far left then they are
If you have neo nazis far right
and anti fascists aggitators far left they are both sides violent (or have you forgotten[again amnesia] the Berkley smashed windows and old man beaten up?)

So if far left loons and far right loons are on the same boat, and if you put the linear string together in a circle the far left and right on one end of the circle and everyone close to the middle the farthest oppositet end from those radicals.
Normal people have opinions floating slightly right or left of center dependong on the issues, they call that being grounded.
When we set up parties and tow party lines we do not allow for that individual issue and risk across the line obstruction that is not based on what the people want, not even what all the party politicians want, and certainly not what's best for the country.
The system works for checks and balances, but as long as you have this immaturity, it fails to deliver getting things done for the country's interest not your partycs interest or survival of power. MY SYSTEM FIX is waiting for the swamp to be drained of these career crooks and kooks.

By the way your use of the word 'tard' is a revealing of your intolerance and hatred especially towards disabled people according to your party's attacks on Trumps hand gesture incident. Furthermore, the cast of Born this way probably would understand the message of my post better then you, so please refrain from such derogatory language, thanks.
Trump can point and say "radical islamic terrorists" in a heartbeat .. but he cant bring himself to point and say " white supremacist" for two reasons ..

1) He is a "white supremacist"

2) they voted for him and he cant afford to offend them

and there you have it ..
Trump can point and say "radical islamic terrorists" in a heartbeat .. but he cant bring himself to point and say " white supremacist" for two reasons ..

1) He is a "white supremacist"

2) they voted for him and he cant afford to offend them

and there you have it ..

Once again, you can't label all the
DIFFERENT individual people AND GROUPS
By one blanket term "white supremacist" without harming the image of a town and
it's people. Especially
How would you like being called
a white supremacist because you gathered at a Nascar track which had a high number of em or by just calling Obama a liar?

Besides you don't speak of a name you
don't want to legitimize or give respect to by mentioning, why do you think Christian preachers skip Dan 12:1 and skip right to
Dan 12:2 when reading the chapter to their congregation? ;-)
Trump can point and say "radical islamic terrorists" in a heartbeat .. but he cant bring himself to point and say " white supremacist" for two reasons ..

1) He is a "white supremacist"

2) they voted for him and he cant afford to offend them

and there you have it ..

Ok psycho. Sure thing. :cuckoo:
Ok so he used their preferred wording, so are they happy now? No.
The media said their own preferred wording wasn't good enough=busted and exposed as just harping and kvetching and using this for race baiting. I mean really the MSM even had panelist bring up the word anti semite without challenge, to a President who's daughter is Jewish and right hand man son in law is Jewish, who had a Rabbi at the Inauguration,
who's worn a Yarmulke and takes the side of Israel and is seeking peace in the region.
The fact they would bring up this is proof what the MSM is doing in forming and manipulating hate, in order to pander to the only groups left that supports their pathetic mess of a party.
THE TRUE RACISTS here are the race and hate baiters in the liberal party and their MSM outlets.
Too funny...Trump condemned the racists yet nothing is good enough for the snowflakes driven by hate...it never will be, so why try to appease the f*ers or pay attention to them. To do so is to legitimize them.

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