Fact about the whistleblower.......................

Translation: The IRS doesn't know how to spot tax fraud.
ranslation: The IRS doesn't know how to spot tax fraud.
The IRS doesn't have the time to routinely examine every "billionaire's) tax returns; however, congress does have the time to go through Trump's financials with a fine tooth comb; what are you afraid they will find?

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

The only thing I fear is that we're setting the Queen of Hearts precedent:

"Sentence first-verdict afterward".

Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them.
Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them
Perhaps we could do a better job of screening potential POTUS candidates especially with regard to their tax history:

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process. Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times."

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

That's weak. What it says it's that the IRS doesn't do AS MANY audits on the wealthy as they did just a few years ago, you know, during that time everyone is convinced Trump was cheating. It does NOT price in any way that Trump or his family escaped audit. And before that time, they audited the wealthy at a higher rate.

Please try again.
The only thing I fear is that we're setting the Queen of Hearts precedent:

"Sentence first-verdict afterward".

Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them.
Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them
Perhaps we could do a better job of screening potential POTUS candidates especially with regard to their tax history:

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process. Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times."

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?
Why should we have to be guessing over it...????

Because it's none of our business. There's no law that states Trump is under any obligation to reveal anything about his taxes.
The only thing I fear is that we're setting the Queen of Hearts precedent:

"Sentence first-verdict afterward".

Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them.
Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them
Perhaps we could do a better job of screening potential POTUS candidates especially with regard to their tax history:

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process. Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times."

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?

The IRS isn't looking for the same things on their audits, that Congressional oversight and the American voters should be looking for. The IRS is looking to see that all of the income received is reported, and that all deductions taken are legal. They aren't looking at who the President owes money to, what the sources of those revenues really are, and whether there is anything in the statements which would make the President vulnerable to blackmail, or coercion.

Minus credible evidence of an actual crime, digging through them is a fishing expedition.
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?....Is it really that you on the laugh have such low IQ'S OR is it that the FREE SHIT the ABNORMALS give out to buy their voters is just too much of a temptation for you people to care about the country as a whole?
I really do get tired of this subversive IRS bullshit.....the man KNOWS he is under the microscope and has an army of accountants to MAKE SURE EVERYTHING is on the up and up.....why do you not believe these things?.
Because Trump is a life-long moron whose many past transgressions are bursting into view

There's Another Whistleblower Complaint — This Time, Dealing With Trump's Taxes
Jesus you asshole Trump is STILL out of jail and his taxes, as I said were gone over by an ARMY OF ACCOUNTANTS to make sure every dot was dotted....did Christine Balsy-Ford make this second complaint?....Anyone with an IQ over 80 (this leaves Georgie out!) realizes all of this shit is strictly made up....next they will want his high school report card where a 98 year old teacher said he changed the grade!....

Keep repeating the Trump talking points, none of which are relevant. The SOURCES of the President's income don't matter to the IRS, but they do to the American people. Are most of his sales to Russian Oligarch. What about thousands of hotel rooms rented to the Saudi's. Who is financing his deals? The IRS doesn't care. Those who want full disclosure and ethics in the American President, need this information.

Should I sell my Russian stock holdings?

I don't know. I don't follow the stock market in criminal regime countries like Russia.

True you don't know, and you never will.
Perhaps we could do a better job of screening potential POTUS candidates especially with regard to their tax history:

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process. Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times."

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?

The IRS isn't looking for the same things on their audits, that Congressional oversight and the American voters should be looking for. The IRS is looking to see that all of the income received is reported, and that all deductions taken are legal. They aren't looking at who the President owes money to, what the sources of those revenues really are, and whether there is anything in the statements which would make the President vulnerable to blackmail, or coercion.

Minus credible evidence of an actual crime, digging through them is a fishing expedition.

Trump probably owns some of the same Russian stocks that I do...………………….

That is all they are looking for

Maxine Waters owns them too
It's V.P. Biden who lost American taxpayer money to the tune of 1.8 billion from the 3 billion sent as aid to the Ukraine.
Where did that money go Joe?
The IRS doesn't have the time to routinely examine every "billionaire's) tax returns; however, congress does have the time to go through Trump's financials with a fine tooth comb; what are you afraid they will find?

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

The only thing I fear is that we're setting the Queen of Hearts precedent:

"Sentence first-verdict afterward".

Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them.
Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them
Perhaps we could do a better job of screening potential POTUS candidates especially with regard to their tax history:

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process. Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times."

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

That's weak. What it says it's that the IRS doesn't do AS MANY audits on the wealthy as they did just a few years ago, you know, during that time everyone is convinced Trump was cheating. It does NOT price in any way that Trump or his family escaped audit. And before that time, they audited the wealthy at a higher rate.

Please try again.
That's weak. What it says it's that the IRS doesn't do AS MANY audits on the wealthy as they did just a few years ago, you know, during that time everyone is convinced Trump was cheating. It does NOT price in any way that Trump or his family escaped audit. And before that time, they audited the wealthy at a higher rate.
Wealthy parasites like Trump who were born rich bribe politicians for favorable tax rates and enforcement policies, and that's why they pass audits:

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"But The Times’s investigation, based on a vast trove of confidential tax returns and financial records, reveals that Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire, starting when he was a toddler and continuing to this day.

"Much of this money came to Mr. Trump because he helped his parents dodge taxes. He and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show.

"Records indicate that Mr. Trump helped his father take improper tax deductions worth millions more.

"He also helped formulate a strategy to undervalue his parents’ real estate holdings by hundreds of millions of dollars on tax returns, sharply reducing the tax bill when those properties were transferred to him and his siblings.

"These maneuvers met with little resistance from the Internal Revenue Service, The Times found.

"The president’s parents, Fred and Mary Trump, transferred well over $1 billion in wealth to their children, which could have produced a tax bill of at least $550 million under the 55 percent tax rate then imposed on gifts and inheritances.

"The Trumps paid a total of $52.2 million, or about 5 percent, tax records show."
The only thing I fear is that we're setting the Queen of Hearts precedent:

"Sentence first-verdict afterward".

Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them.
Every future president with a hostile Congress will have his life ripped apart in search of anything that can be used to drive him from office. And, just like everything the democrats do, it will be used against them
Perhaps we could do a better job of screening potential POTUS candidates especially with regard to their tax history:

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process. Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times."

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

That's weak. What it says it's that the IRS doesn't do AS MANY audits on the wealthy as they did just a few years ago, you know, during that time everyone is convinced Trump was cheating. It does NOT price in any way that Trump or his family escaped audit. And before that time, they audited the wealthy at a higher rate.

Please try again.
That's weak. What it says it's that the IRS doesn't do AS MANY audits on the wealthy as they did just a few years ago, you know, during that time everyone is convinced Trump was cheating. It does NOT price in any way that Trump or his family escaped audit. And before that time, they audited the wealthy at a higher rate.
Wealthy parasites like Trump who were born rich bribe politicians for favorable tax rates and enforcement policies, and that's why they pass audits:

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"But The Times’s investigation, based on a vast trove of confidential tax returns and financial records, reveals that Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire, starting when he was a toddler and continuing to this day.

"Much of this money came to Mr. Trump because he helped his parents dodge taxes. He and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show.

"Records indicate that Mr. Trump helped his father take improper tax deductions worth millions more.

"He also helped formulate a strategy to undervalue his parents’ real estate holdings by hundreds of millions of dollars on tax returns, sharply reducing the tax bill when those properties were transferred to him and his siblings.

"These maneuvers met with little resistance from the Internal Revenue Service, The Times found.

"The president’s parents, Fred and Mary Trump, transferred well over $1 billion in wealth to their children, which could have produced a tax bill of at least $550 million under the 55 percent tax rate then imposed on gifts and inheritances.

"The Trumps paid a total of $52.2 million, or about 5 percent, tax records show."
Interesting that the Times relied on "confidential tax returns and financial records". Who authorized them to see the records? Be sure to let us know when we move beyond "suspect" and "indicate" to "proven".
Trump's business "successes" have come from losing OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY, Loon!

Are you feeling lucky?

Donald Trump Business Failures: A Complete Guide
And that is how big business works out of 500 companies 10-15 fail....common business rates of failure but being you probably never had a successful busines . how would a retard know!....You think every business is a success?....I for one am thrilled we have a SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSMAN running our government instead of one who hires absolute cheating ingrates like GRUBER to build a business program depending on STUPID AMERICANS!....STUPID AMERICANS who let them RUIN HEALTHCARE with MANDATES AND HIGH COPAYS that they would go broke before the LIMITED MEDICSL INSURANCE would even kick in to pay some bills....Trump ended the mandate saving millions of people BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. But, of course the little Surrender Monkey could do no wrong in your demented mind...you are an ass!

It Costs $685 Billion a Year to Subsidize U.S. Health Insurance - Bloomberg
May 23, 2018 · It will cost the U.S. government almost $700 billion in subsidies this year help provide Americans under age 65 with health insurance through their jobs or in government-sponsored health programs, according to a report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office
Perhaps we could do a better job of screening potential POTUS candidates especially with regard to their tax history:

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process. Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times."

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

That's weak. What it says it's that the IRS doesn't do AS MANY audits on the wealthy as they did just a few years ago, you know, during that time everyone is convinced Trump was cheating. It does NOT price in any way that Trump or his family escaped audit. And before that time, they audited the wealthy at a higher rate.

Please try again.
That's weak. What it says it's that the IRS doesn't do AS MANY audits on the wealthy as they did just a few years ago, you know, during that time everyone is convinced Trump was cheating. It does NOT price in any way that Trump or his family escaped audit. And before that time, they audited the wealthy at a higher rate.
Wealthy parasites like Trump who were born rich bribe politicians for favorable tax rates and enforcement policies, and that's why they pass audits:

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"But The Times’s investigation, based on a vast trove of confidential tax returns and financial records, reveals that Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire, starting when he was a toddler and continuing to this day.

"Much of this money came to Mr. Trump because he helped his parents dodge taxes. He and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show.

"Records indicate that Mr. Trump helped his father take improper tax deductions worth millions more.

"He also helped formulate a strategy to undervalue his parents’ real estate holdings by hundreds of millions of dollars on tax returns, sharply reducing the tax bill when those properties were transferred to him and his siblings.

"These maneuvers met with little resistance from the Internal Revenue Service, The Times found.

"The president’s parents, Fred and Mary Trump, transferred well over $1 billion in wealth to their children, which could have produced a tax bill of at least $550 million under the 55 percent tax rate then imposed on gifts and inheritances.

"The Trumps paid a total of $52.2 million, or about 5 percent, tax records show."
Interesting that the Times relied on "confidential tax returns and financial records". Who authorized them to see the records? Be sure to let us know when we move beyond "suspect" and "indicate" to "proven".
nteresting that the Times relied on "confidential tax returns and financial records". Who authorized them to see the records? Be sure to let us know when we move beyond "suspect" and "indicate" to "proven".
Would you agree we would need to see Trump's tax returns and other financial documents in order to move from "suspect" to "proven"?

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"The investigation also draws on tens of thousands of pages of confidential records — bank statements, financial audits, accounting ledgers, cash disbursement reports, invoices and canceled checks.

"Most notably, the documents include more than 200 tax returns from Fred Trump, his companies and various Trump partnerships and trusts.

"While the records do not include the president’s personal tax returns and reveal little about his recent business dealings at home and abroad, dozens of corporate, partnership and trust tax returns offer the first public accounting of the income he received for decades from various family enterprises."
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

That's weak. What it says it's that the IRS doesn't do AS MANY audits on the wealthy as they did just a few years ago, you know, during that time everyone is convinced Trump was cheating. It does NOT price in any way that Trump or his family escaped audit. And before that time, they audited the wealthy at a higher rate.

Please try again.
That's weak. What it says it's that the IRS doesn't do AS MANY audits on the wealthy as they did just a few years ago, you know, during that time everyone is convinced Trump was cheating. It does NOT price in any way that Trump or his family escaped audit. And before that time, they audited the wealthy at a higher rate.
Wealthy parasites like Trump who were born rich bribe politicians for favorable tax rates and enforcement policies, and that's why they pass audits:

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"But The Times’s investigation, based on a vast trove of confidential tax returns and financial records, reveals that Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire, starting when he was a toddler and continuing to this day.

"Much of this money came to Mr. Trump because he helped his parents dodge taxes. He and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show.

"Records indicate that Mr. Trump helped his father take improper tax deductions worth millions more.

"He also helped formulate a strategy to undervalue his parents’ real estate holdings by hundreds of millions of dollars on tax returns, sharply reducing the tax bill when those properties were transferred to him and his siblings.

"These maneuvers met with little resistance from the Internal Revenue Service, The Times found.

"The president’s parents, Fred and Mary Trump, transferred well over $1 billion in wealth to their children, which could have produced a tax bill of at least $550 million under the 55 percent tax rate then imposed on gifts and inheritances.

"The Trumps paid a total of $52.2 million, or about 5 percent, tax records show."
Interesting that the Times relied on "confidential tax returns and financial records". Who authorized them to see the records? Be sure to let us know when we move beyond "suspect" and "indicate" to "proven".
nteresting that the Times relied on "confidential tax returns and financial records". Who authorized them to see the records? Be sure to let us know when we move beyond "suspect" and "indicate" to "proven".
Would you agree we would need to see Trump's tax returns and other financial documents in order to move from "suspect" to "proven"?

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"The investigation also draws on tens of thousands of pages of confidential records — bank statements, financial audits, accounting ledgers, cash disbursement reports, invoices and canceled checks.

"Most notably, the documents include more than 200 tax returns from Fred Trump, his companies and various Trump partnerships and trusts.

"While the records do not include the president’s personal tax returns and reveal little about his recent business dealings at home and abroad, dozens of corporate, partnership and trust tax returns offer the first public accounting of the income he received for decades from various family enterprises."

How did they get hold of "confidential" documents? And no, you can't just sit through someone's private papers because you're "sure" he broke the law.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

That's weak. What it says it's that the IRS doesn't do AS MANY audits on the wealthy as they did just a few years ago, you know, during that time everyone is convinced Trump was cheating. It does NOT price in any way that Trump or his family escaped audit. And before that time, they audited the wealthy at a higher rate.

Please try again.
That's weak. What it says it's that the IRS doesn't do AS MANY audits on the wealthy as they did just a few years ago, you know, during that time everyone is convinced Trump was cheating. It does NOT price in any way that Trump or his family escaped audit. And before that time, they audited the wealthy at a higher rate.
Wealthy parasites like Trump who were born rich bribe politicians for favorable tax rates and enforcement policies, and that's why they pass audits:

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"But The Times’s investigation, based on a vast trove of confidential tax returns and financial records, reveals that Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire, starting when he was a toddler and continuing to this day.

"Much of this money came to Mr. Trump because he helped his parents dodge taxes. He and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show.

"Records indicate that Mr. Trump helped his father take improper tax deductions worth millions more.

"He also helped formulate a strategy to undervalue his parents’ real estate holdings by hundreds of millions of dollars on tax returns, sharply reducing the tax bill when those properties were transferred to him and his siblings.

"These maneuvers met with little resistance from the Internal Revenue Service, The Times found.

"The president’s parents, Fred and Mary Trump, transferred well over $1 billion in wealth to their children, which could have produced a tax bill of at least $550 million under the 55 percent tax rate then imposed on gifts and inheritances.

"The Trumps paid a total of $52.2 million, or about 5 percent, tax records show."
Interesting that the Times relied on "confidential tax returns and financial records". Who authorized them to see the records? Be sure to let us know when we move beyond "suspect" and "indicate" to "proven".
nteresting that the Times relied on "confidential tax returns and financial records". Who authorized them to see the records? Be sure to let us know when we move beyond "suspect" and "indicate" to "proven".
Would you agree we would need to see Trump's tax returns and other financial documents in order to move from "suspect" to "proven"?

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"The investigation also draws on tens of thousands of pages of confidential records — bank statements, financial audits, accounting ledgers, cash disbursement reports, invoices and canceled checks.

"Most notably, the documents include more than 200 tax returns from Fred Trump, his companies and various Trump partnerships and trusts.

"While the records do not include the president’s personal tax returns and reveal little about his recent business dealings at home and abroad, dozens of corporate, partnership and trust tax returns offer the first public accounting of the income he received for decades from various family enterprises."

How did they get hold of "confidential" documents? And no, you can't just sit through someone's private papers because you're "sure" he broke the law.
How did they get hold of "confidential" documents? And no, you can't just sit through someone's private papers because you're "sure" he broke the law.
Do you think the Trump crime family would have sued the NYT if any laws were broken? Donald Trump is a con man who found enough low-information bigots to "win" the White House (with help from Russia)

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"The most overt fraud was All County Building Supply & Maintenance, a company formed by the Trump family in 1992. All County’s ostensible purpose was to be the purchasing agent for Fred Trump’s buildings, buying everything from boilers to cleaning supplies.

"It did no such thing, records and interviews show. Instead All County siphoned millions of dollars from Fred Trump’s empire by simply marking up purchases already made by his employees.

"Those millions, effectively untaxed gifts, then flowed to All County’s owners — Donald Trump, his siblings and a cousin. Fred Trump then used the padded All County receipts to justify bigger rent increases for thousands of tenants.

"After this article was published on Tuesday, a spokesman for the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance said the agency was 'reviewing the allegations' and 'vigorously pursuing all appropriate areas of investigation.'"

See -this is how they twist and manipulate things to make it sound like their theories and assumptions are right.

They are tying the two together.

The issues are separate yet they are trying to make her look like she is saying them together.
She's not.

They just did the same thing with the transcript with the Pres. of Ukraine.

They are trying to tie the2nd deal with the Ukraine president who asked for more javelin's with the 1st deal of military aid.
Perhaps we could do a better job of screening potential POTUS candidates especially with regard to their tax history:

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process. Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times."

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?
Why should we have to be guessing over it...????

Because it's none of our business. There's no law that states Trump is under any obligation to reveal anything about his taxes.
But there is a law that STATES the IRS/Treasury SHALL turn them over to the 3 congressional committee heads of congress, when requested....

but he has had his goons, defy the LAW.


Why did he LIE to us in his campaign when he SAID he would make them public once his audit was done and then not?

WHY are you not perturbed or disturbed about his direct lie?

Why do you think he is spending millions in lawyer fees for to sue everyone under the sun, to keep them from sun shine?

makes no sense, unless he knows he has done something MAJOR, that is crooked or criminal? even if there is nothing major, he is making it look like he is a crook.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
That's what the IRS is for and they are the best at it. Basically, you're fishing, wanting to dig through his records, hoping to find something incriminating. That's not the way this works.
Rich folks have bribed Republicans AND Democrats over the past decade to gut the IRS, so that it no longer has the resources to audit complex tax filings like Trump's.

"The IRS audits the working poor at about the same rate as the wealthiest 1%. Now, in response to questions from a U.S. senator, the IRS has acknowledged that’s true but professes it can’t change anything unless it is given more money.

"ProPublica reported the disproportionate audit focus on lower-income families in April. Lawmakers confronted IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig about the emphasis, citing our stories, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., asked Rettig for a plan to fix the imbalance. Rettig readily agreed.

"Last month, Rettig replied with a report, but it said the IRS has no plan and won’t have one until Congress agrees to restore the funding it slashed from the agency over the past nine years — something lawmakers have shown little inclination to do."

IRS: Sorry, but It’s Just Easier and Cheaper to Audit the Poor — ProPublica

And you think that proves the IRS has been letting perhaps the most visible, most high profile wealthy person in the country off the hook?
Why should we have to be guessing over it...????

Because it's none of our business. There's no law that states Trump is under any obligation to reveal anything about his taxes.
But there is a law that STATES the IRS/Treasury SHALL turn them over to the 3 congressional committee heads of congress, when requested....

but he has had his goons, defy the LAW.


Why did he LIE to us in his campaign when he SAID he would make them public once his audit was done and then not?

WHY are you not perturbed or disturbed about his direct lie?

Why do you think he is spending millions in lawyer fees for to sue everyone under the sun, to keep them from sun shine?

makes no sense, unless he knows he has done something MAJOR, that is crooked or criminal? even if there is nothing major, he is making it look like he is a crook.

You'll have to ask him. Unlike so many on this board, I don't pretend to know what a politician is thinking. It could just be that he views them as his personal business and will fight to keep them private.

It's easy to say from the safety of your pretense of anonymity that if there's nothing illegal he should be glad to open all the books, but not so easy when you know being a shadow of a doubt that no matter what, anything and everything you release will be discussed and criticized endlessly on opposition media.

I wouldn't want that. Heck, I can see why Obama refused to release everything he wrote in college, although it would have been instructive for the voters to see what he was thinking back then.
no Giuliani was not Trump's Lawyer for the Mueller investigation,

Sekulow was his personal lawyer, along with whitehouse lawyers for the President.

Giuliani was his publicist and fixer, like Michael Cohen before he went to jail.... trump picked up Giuliani to replace Michael Cohen, when Cohen decided to ''sing''.
Okay, if you say so. I personally, cannot suspend disbelief to that degree.
well let me finish up.... and welcome to the site!

Giuliani or anyone on the Trump campaign or just a supporter can do what they want as far as investigating I suppose... but it breaks campaign finance laws when you solicit or take anything of value from a foreign government or foreigner in campaign help....like getting the Ukraine gvt to open up an investigation on their opponent or opponent's son....during an election cycle, which we are in...

a value over $2000 is a misdemeanor, a value over $25k is a felony.

BUT what was worse and an abuse of his power, a ''high'' crime.was using his presidential position to pull the Ukraine president and staff in to this political game of his, for his own personal gain.

but he didntt ask them for his election benefit,,he asked them for the american people because biden admitted he possibly committed a crime and we want to know what happened,,,

not trumps or our fault biden was running for office at the time

Biden acted in an official administration capacity that was sanctioned and supported multinationally. He did not seek to act surripticiously. It was policy.
The State Dept Knows this, dope.

got a link??

Got google?

Get a clue, rube.

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