Facebook... Should we say goodbye?

I stopped facebooking like 8 years ago or something
I realized all it was was narcissists fapping to their own selfies and drama
This is the closest to social media i get.

Couldn't happen to a creepier company.
I agree that FB has been taken over by attention seeking friends who need to share wise sayings, glam shots, or the cute-not so cute pics of their kids with smooge all over their faces. If not for wanting to keep in contact with out of state family and friends, I would close my FB account today.
This thread will more than likely confirm a observation I have made in the past... I know there are numerous members here at USMB that do facebook religiously... If it goes down the shitter you won't be able to find anyone who claims to be a member... Similar to the 2016 Presidential Election and all the progressives who said "I didn't vote for her"... No one wants to be on the wrong side of history...
I agree that FB has been taken over by attention seeking friends who need to share wise sayings, glam shots, or the cute-not so cute pics of their kids with smooge all over their faces. If not for wanting to keep in contact with out of state family and friends, I would close my FB account today.

There are other ways to stay in touch with family and friends that do not involve the Creepy Surveillance Media which turns one into a product.

Just sayin'.
I agree that FB has been taken over by attention seeking friends who need to share wise sayings, glam shots, or the cute-not so cute pics of their kids with smooge all over their faces. If not for wanting to keep in contact with out of state family and friends, I would close my FB account today.

MM I think that was what it was intended for... But it turned into a money hungry, power grabbing tool of the worse kind...
It seems like what Boedicca said that is a big problem for a lot of people lately. That and like TN who got sick of it once the novelty had worn off.
But I saw that on the news last night and it seems like pretty much ALL the tech stocks took quite a hit yesterday. What is going on?
There are other ways to stay in touch with family and friends that do not involve the Creepy Surveillance Media which turns one into a product

I wish I could take credit for these words of wisdom...

'If you are not paying for a product, you are the product'...
I agree that FB has been taken over by attention seeking friends who need to share wise sayings, glam shots, or the cute-not so cute pics of their kids with smooge all over their faces. If not for wanting to keep in contact with out of state family and friends, I would close my FB account today.

MM I think that was what it was intended for... But it turned into a money hungry, power grabbing tool of the worse kind...

Indeed. But Zuckerborg was never honest from the get go.
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It’s a company that makes money pretty much entirely on selling your data to third parties.

Recently many new laws have gone into effect that stop that.

It’s not a company that ever produced anything on its own. Worthless in my opinion.
It’s a company that makes money pretty much entirely on selling your data to third parties.

Recently many new laws have gone into effect that stop that.

It’s not a company that ever produced anything on its own. Worthless in my opinion.

Worse than worthless. It's TOXIC. Surveillance Media has done a lot of damage to our culture.
It's seems a great idea for sure, but the sad state of most people's mental conditions these days, probably ain't very compatible with that kind of freedom or platform to be offered them maybe. Not sure, so kick in to correct me please.

Funny how we know of a story read about in the Bible titled "The Tower of Babylon", and how we read what happened to those evil people for whom came together under one ideology or one goal to build a tower into the heavens. Now God saw the evilness in the hearts of those who had devised such a plan along with them putting that plan into action, and so he destroyed it along with the destruction of their communication skills in order to stop such a thing from possibly happening in that time period again.

Are the communications upon the platform becoming evil in the intent ?? One wonders with the way people are these days, otherwise if evilness is building and building there....... Should the nation take heed ??

Now is it the platforms fault or is it just a make up of the people who possibly dominate the platform these days ??

Is it the owners fault that it is failing because they were using the platform for nefarious reasons maybe ??? Was the temptation realized by these owners that they could lead change or use such a powerful tool or product to do bad things with it maybe ??

Should the government regulate such a thing, thus making it safer for it's users ?? Should laws be created for the Cyber world just like they exist in the real world, and then enforce such laws ??

Anyone heard of the app or program called "babbel", in which is a language program that helps people learn other nation's languages ?? Now why would that program be called that name ??

Are we becoming an evil people or are we already there ?? Does Facebook and the like plug into the nation's weak character, and it's tendencies to be evil in which brings out the worst in the citizens by providing the nation with such a platform these days ?? Then add in the alledged illicit activities of it's owners recently, and Bam it's on the minds of people that they may have made a mistake plugging into that platform or rather modernizing themselves in such a way when following the sheeple... Do they do it in regards to be cool or worse to become a Facebook, YouTube or other internet platform drama star ?? LOL.

Ok, on the flip side of this, are people not liking the platform because they think that it allows people to get together, and then to empower themselves in ways that say for instance other political or non-political groups don't like ??? What or who are the main groups enjoying the platform, and are using it to their benefit ?? Conservatives or liberals ???

This might answer who is wanting Facebook dead or not wanting it dead. Hmmm.
Fakebook makes history...the single largest drop by one company in history

100 billion dollars.....


and his stock really did DROP like BRICKS lol..

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