Facebook Appoints Horrible Trump-Basher Pamela Karlan to Fact-Checker Role — Same Woman Who Attacked 13-Year-Old Barron Trump at Impeachment Hearing


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Many of you may remember Pamela Karlan from the Trump Impeachment hearings in December. Democrats called in Karlan as a witness not because she knew anything about the Ukraine case but for legal expertise and absolute hatred of President Donald Trump. Pamela Karlan is an angry Hillary Clinton donor who was on Crooked’s list for a potential Supreme Court nomination. During the hearings Karlan took a cheap shot at 13-year-old (at the time) Barron Trump

And this is on of Facebook's new 'independent, objective' Oversight Board Members who will decide what it true and untrue, what will be allowed on Facebook...



Many of you may remember Pamela Karlan from the Trump Impeachment hearings in December. Democrats called in Karlan as a witness not because she knew anything about the Ukraine case but for legal expertise and absolute hatred of President Donald Trump. Pamela Karlan is an angry Hillary Clinton donor who was on Crooked’s list for a potential Supreme Court nomination. During the hearings Karlan took a cheap shot at 13-year-old (at the time) Barron Trump

And this is on of Facebook's new 'independent, objective' Oversight Board Members who will decide what it true and untrue, what will be allowed on Facebook...


Didn't take a shot at him. Never mentioned him by name. Made a reference to a baron in comparing Trump to.
But feel free to get your panties in a bunch. But I will say it's time to start going after the fake news and constant conspiracy theories the right wingers constantly spew out.
Find another platform if you don't like it.
People still have Facebook accounts? How quaint.
I personally haven't used one in years....my wife still uses it to share photos of special events / grandkids....
Didn't take a shot at him. Never mentioned him by name. Made a reference to a baron in comparing Trump to.

'President Trump can name his son Baron but he can not make him one.'

While I agree with you in part, technically she did mention him by name. The 'shot' she took was more an irrational statement inferring President Trump considers himself to be a king, which has never been the case or an accusation made by anyone except a TDS-suffering, Trump-hating troll, like this woman.

Many of you may remember Pamela Karlan from the Trump Impeachment hearings in December. Democrats called in Karlan as a witness not because she knew anything about the Ukraine case but for legal expertise and absolute hatred of President Donald Trump. Pamela Karlan is an angry Hillary Clinton donor who was on Crooked’s list for a potential Supreme Court nomination. During the hearings Karlan took a cheap shot at 13-year-old (at the time) Barron Trump

And this is on of Facebook's new 'independent, objective' Oversight Board Members who will decide what it true and untrue, what will be allowed on Facebook...


"Attacked" huh?


OK I guess that's harsh considering you actually think Jim the Fuck Hoft, the Stupidest Man on the Internets, and his Hateway Plunder site is a "link". But let's see it. Actual real evidence.

Pogo Predicts: OP will have no clue in the world what it means when he realizes he can't find one. Then he'll go on reading Jim The Fuck Hoft expecting different results. Bet the house on it.

Many of you may remember Pamela Karlan from the Trump Impeachment hearings in December. Democrats called in Karlan as a witness not because she knew anything about the Ukraine case but for legal expertise and absolute hatred of President Donald Trump. Pamela Karlan is an angry Hillary Clinton donor who was on Crooked’s list for a potential Supreme Court nomination. During the hearings Karlan took a cheap shot at 13-year-old (at the time) Barron Trump

And this is on of Facebook's new 'independent, objective' Oversight Board Members who will decide what it true and untrue, what will be allowed on Facebook...


Didn't take a shot at him. Never mentioned him by name. Made a reference to a baron in comparing Trump to.
But feel free to get your panties in a bunch. But I will say it's time to start going after the fake news and constant conspiracy theories the right wingers constantly spew out.
Find another platform if you don't like it.

She used a pun, Stupidest Man on the Internet Jim the Fuck Hoft turns it into an irrational hate flame, and his even stupider reader can't figure out how they're being played. UNbelievable.
Say OP, how do you think this fake point affects "John Baron"?

You know who he is, right?

So in effect Rump already named HIMSELF a "baron". Or as the Brits would call it, a "Lord".

It's hard to believe you were willing to put your name next to a fake story this degree of clueless, just for the chance to play Fluff Girl.
"Attacked" huh? Linky-poo?


:p Bwuhahahahaha

Pogo Predicts: OP will have no clue in the world what it means when he realizes he can't find one.

Pogo prediction proven to be worth shit...

Now, after proven to have been wrong, he will attempt to attack the source since he can not / could not debunk what was reported.

Enjoy the video...
"Attacked" huh? Linky-poo?


:p Bwuhahahahaha

Pogo Predicts: OP will have no clue in the world what it means when he realizes he can't find one.

Pogo prediction proven to be worth shit...

Now, after proven to have been wrong, he will attempt to attack the source since he can not / could not debunk what was reported.

Enjoy the video...

As predicted. Goes right back to Jim the Fuck Hoft, Stupidest Man on the Internet.
Pogo nails it again.

Ignorance is bliss.
She used a pun, Stupidest Man on the Internet Jim the Fuck Hoft turns it into an irrational hate flame, and his even stupider reader can't figure out how they're being played. UNbelievable.

Pogo says it did not happen, says there is no link to it, then attacks the GOP rep when it is proven the Trump-hating troll took a cheap shot at the president using his son to do so, none of which had any factual / evidentiary significance / relevance to the case / investigation she was there to 'testify' for. This woman insulted the President ... and offered nothing else. She was part of the 'Schiff-Show' that produced ZERO crime', 'ZERO evidence', and 'ZERO witnesses'.


Bottom-line is Facebook just appointed a TDS-suffering Trump-hating Troll to their 'GOP/Conservative Content Censure Board'.
As predicted. Goes right back to Jim the Fuck Hoft, Stupidest Man on the Internet.
Pogo nails it again.

Nails WHAT? You just proved you have no credibility. You demanded a link, said one did not exist - you got one. Now you want to claim you were 'right' because the link you say did not exist has a politician you don't like on it?!

Why don't you just have the integrity to admit you were wrong? You said no link existed - it does.


FAIL, snowflake.
Hey OP. Which do you think is the case?

A - Jim the Fuck Hoft, Stupidest Man on the internets, actually doesn't know what the grammatical Third Person is and can't figure out that the child is the figure referred to (talked ABOUT)? Or
B- Jim the Fuck Hoft DOES know what Third Person means but he's counting on ignorant illiterates to swallow his ignorance-bait hook line and sinker because his audience is even stupider than he is?

Either way, clearly you have no clue what third person means, do you. It means he who is put IN third person CANNOT BE AN ACTOR.

HOW can the quip in question POSSIBLY be a swipe at Barron? Do you actually think Barron named himself at birth? Are you actually THAT stupid? What, did he come out the chute with a name tag on? Of course Rump was busy serving mushroom soup to Stormy Daniels at the time so we have to rely on the word of "Melanie" -- you know, his wife whose name he can't remember -- and hope she wasn't just quoting Michelle O'bama.

Do you actually think O'bama remembers his own birth TOO? Have you ever heard of "linear time"??

No Dippy, RUMP named Barron, which is exactly what's in the statement, and there's nothing you can do about it, and nobody buys your "duh, I'm too stoopid to understand" little child game. Nobody but Rump takes any kind of action in the statement. NOBODY. Take Jim the Fuck Hoft and get the FUCK outta here.
Hey OP. Which do you think is the case?

A - Jim the Fuck Hoft, Stupidest Man on the internets, actually doesn't know what the grammatical Third Person is and can't figure out that the child is the figure referred to (talked ABOUT)? Or
B- Jim the Fuck Hoft DOES know what Third Person means but he's counting on ignorant illiterates to swallow his ignorance-bait hook line and sinker because his audience is even stupider than he is?

Either way, clearly you have no clue what third person means, do you. It means he who is put IN third person CANNOT BE AN ACTOR.

HOW can the quip in question POSSIBLY be a swipe at Barron? Do you actually think Barron named himself at birth? Are you actually THAT stupid? What, did he come out the chute with a name tag on? Of course Rump was busy serving mushroom soup to Stormy Daniels at the time so we have to rely on the word of "Melanie" -- you know, his wife whose name he can't remember -- and hope she wasn't just quoting Michelle O'bama.

Do you actually think O'bama remembers his own birth TOO? Have you ever heard of "linear time"??

No Dippy, RUMP named Barron, which is exactly what's in the statement, and there's nothing you can do about it, and nobody buys your "duh, I'm too stoopid to understand" little child game. Nobody but Rump takes any kind of action in the statement. NOBODY. Take Jim the Fuck Hoft and get the FUCK outta here.

Very entertaining TDS-suffering hate-driven rant in an attempt to distract from the fact that you declared there was / is no link and that you were proven wrong...and you now refuse to exercise any integrity you might have by admitting you were / are wrong.

Congrats, you join the ranks of those like Dragonlady who joined Adam Schiff in claiming a link / law exists affording Whistle Blowers 'ANONMITY'....and when the exact verbiage of the law and the link were posted proving her wrong she still refused to admit she was wrong and refused to post any link she falsely claim existed.

She's Canadian, so I can understand her doing so, but YOU?!

Barron never realized he was not a real Baron?

Many of you may remember Pamela Karlan from the Trump Impeachment hearings in December. Democrats called in Karlan as a witness not because she knew anything about the Ukraine case but for legal expertise and absolute hatred of President Donald Trump. Pamela Karlan is an angry Hillary Clinton donor who was on Crooked’s list for a potential Supreme Court nomination. During the hearings Karlan took a cheap shot at 13-year-old (at the time) Barron Trump

And this is on of Facebook's new 'independent, objective' Oversight Board Members who will decide what it true and untrue, what will be allowed on Facebook...


What she said wasn't a cheap shot.

I just watched that part of her testimony.

All she said was the constitution says no one can have any titles of nobility. Then to explain it she said while trump can name his son baron he can't actually make him a baron.

That's not a cheap shot.

The following is a cheap shot:

Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
Because her father is Janet Reno."

Spoken by jonn mccain.

I applaud facebook for their choice and am sure she will do a good job.

Full disclosure, I don't have a facebook account. I never have had one and I never will.

I'm going to take the attitude you far right wing radical extremists take.

I'm happy it's ticked you off and hope they continue to tick you off. It's a private company and you have absolutely no say in how they do business or who they hire.
Hey OP. Which do you think is the case?

A - Jim the Fuck Hoft, Stupidest Man on the internets, actually doesn't know what the grammatical Third Person is and can't figure out that the child is the figure referred to (talked ABOUT)? Or
B- Jim the Fuck Hoft DOES know what Third Person means but he's counting on ignorant illiterates to swallow his ignorance-bait hook line and sinker because his audience is even stupider than he is?

Either way, clearly you have no clue what third person means, do you. It means he who is put IN third person CANNOT BE AN ACTOR.

HOW can the quip in question POSSIBLY be a swipe at Barron? Do you actually think Barron named himself at birth? Are you actually THAT stupid? What, did he come out the chute with a name tag on? Of course Rump was busy serving mushroom soup to Stormy Daniels at the time so we have to rely on the word of "Melanie" -- you know, his wife whose name he can't remember -- and hope she wasn't just quoting Michelle O'bama.

Do you actually think O'bama remembers his own birth TOO? Have you ever heard of "linear time"??

No Dippy, RUMP named Barron, which is exactly what's in the statement, and there's nothing you can do about it, and nobody buys your "duh, I'm too stoopid to understand" little child game. Nobody but Rump takes any kind of action in the statement. NOBODY. Take Jim the Fuck Hoft and get the FUCK outta here.

Very entertaining TDS-suffering hate-driven rant in an attempt to distract from the fact that you declared there was / is no link and that you were proven wrong...and you now refuse to exercise any integrity you might have by admitting you were / are wrong.

Congrats, you join the ranks of those like Dragonlady who joined Adam Schiff in claiming a link / law exists affording Whistle Blowers 'ANONMITY'....and when the exact verbiage of the law and the link were posted proving her wrong she still refused to admit she was wrong and refused to post any link she falsely claim existed.

She's Canadian, so I can understand her doing so, but YOU?!


You need to sniff fewer glues. *NOTHING* in that post was about "links" , "Adam Freaking Schiff", Freaking "Whistle Blowers" OR "ANONMITY" which doesn't even exist in English.

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