Facebook and Twitter no longer needed as Gettr and Parler are growing rapidly YouTube and Google not so much


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Facebook and Twitter are quickly sliding in to obsolescence with their censorship approach and their application the focused tolerations/ intolerations. The new social media sites are quickly gaining membership and popularity even as they gain functionality. That of course means that you must tolerate the opposing viewpoints which abound on both of them. Frankly it's the only way to have a free speech forum.

Rumble has not come anywhere near replacing YouTube however. And I don't think it will. Google remains most likely the single most valuable internet asset world is ever seen and will ever see. Besides powerful search technology Google offers a plethora of benefits to those who belong to it including the world's largest free technical library.

Google may have some bad points but the good points far outweigh the bad.

It remains to be seen what will happen with rumble.... YouTube also owned by Google.. is an amazing resource for almost any type of instruction you can think of.

Nothing will ever replace twitter unfortunately. I've never even heard of Gettr, and I've only heard of passing references to parlor.
I can't say for sure I never did like Twitter never used it very much.

I always found it to be cumbersome and clumsy navigationally.

G e t t r provides decent alternative to it where there is censorship.
Give it a try I think you'll like it.
I can't say for sure I never did like Twitter never used it very much.

I always found it to be cumbersome and clumsy navigationally.

G e t t r provides decent alternative to it where there is censorship.
Give it a try I think you'll like it.
I have no desire to dabble anymore in social media. The problem comes to being realistic about the problem. The only people who are tired of twitter are those who are getting censored, i.e conservatives. If they move to a different platform, you will get two echo chambers of thought, twitter on one hand, and the alternative on the other. Either way it is not good for thought because each side is preaching to its own choir on either platform.
I have no desire to dabble anymore in social media. The problem comes to being realistic about the problem. The only people who are tired of twitter are those who are getting censored, i.e conservatives. If they move to a different platform, you will get two echo chambers of thought, twitter on one hand, and the alternative on the other. Either way it is not good for thought because each side is preaching to its own choir on either platform.
Fair assessment..... Yeah I don't usually engage I usually use it to monitor various inputs. I don't find it either intelligent or heroic that the owners try to filter that Content. It's counterproductive and just plain stupid.


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