Face on mars , got it now?


Jul 14, 2009

Look what happened to the Sphinx at Giza after only 2,500 years of neglect.

What do you suppose it would look like after 2.5 million or 25 million years of neglect?

Look what happened to the Sphinx at Giza after only 2,500 years of neglect.

What do you suppose it would look like after 2.5 million or 25 million years of neglect?


it wouldn't be there , just like it never was.
Any impression that it was is due to photographic limits of the time.
The Face isn't the only anomalous feature in the area; there are several other interesting geometric formations nearby in the Cydonia region including the D&M Pyramid
Ok Frank You believe the Moon is a machine and there is stuff on Mars.
911 an inside job?

There is real scientific evidence that the Moon may be hollow. That being the case, it's simply too large to be both natural and hollow so it must have artificial reinforcement and therefore be a constructed object. It's not a big deal. Don't you ever wonder why its the same apparent size as the Sun?

Mars could have been inhabited 300 million years again. Again, what difference would that make in your life?

911 still hurts too much.
Ok so on mars these "interesting geometric formations" how are they still able to be discerned when the message that was carved out of a mountain cannot be seen? Are they bigger and more durable than a mountain?
I can think of two former "faces" found in nature.

1 The "indian head" in the Jersey side of the Delaware Water gap...now gone; and

2. The "old man of the moutain" formerly in New Hamspire...also now gone.

Both of them used to be so convincing that they looked as though they'd been carved by an intelligent designer.

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