Face It: You Know Less Than Nothing…


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
….if you are a Biden supporter.

1.To put that a different way, it is good that you Biden voters chose a man with the same intellectual characteristics that you have.

2. There are only three things important to Democrats,.....Race, Class, and Gender.
Not liberty, not religious freedom, not prosperity, not individuality.
Race, Class, and Gender.
“Cultural Marxism, though it’s dismissed by critics as a “term invented by the Right”, “was an undeniable school of thought taking Marxist categories of oppressed and oppressor beyond the economic realm and applying to it other forms of oppression: gender, race, sexuality.” Caldron Pool

3. Today, let’s focus on economics….and race, just to keep you Democrats interested.

And the point will be that you know nothing about the intersection of economics and race, and that is one of the reasons you are wrong about everything.

An actual scholar on the subject….not one of your woke appointees, posted an intuitive and well researched vid on the subject. That will be the basis of this thread.

“Three Myths Concerning Poverty”

4. A serious mistake that the professor makes, is that a Democrat Administration has the best economic policies for the American people, at heart. But let us assume that, arguendo.
Addressing the Biden Administration, the professor states that public policy for eradicating poverty should be based on reality, and not on commonly held (Liberal) myths.

5. The first myth is that poverty is related to race: “Most blacks are poor, and most poor are blacks.”
In 1940, some 87% of black families lived in poverty.” But what must be known, is that family income varies by family size and composition: in 2019, the threshold was $13,000 if you were single and under 65.
If a family of four, with two children under 18, poverty begins under $25, 900.

How about ‘most blacks’? In 2019, it was 18.8% under the poverty line. That means that over 80% of African-Americans were not poor.
Blacks made up one quarter of all the poor in America.
QED, most poor are not black.

Today, Democrat public policy is based on pro-black and anti-white racism.
They've always been racist.
In the above we can see that anti-poverty should have nothing to do with melanin.
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Those that are white and in poverty receive the same level of welfare as the blacks or another minority in the US.
6. We are speaking of poverty in America, and with apologies to our professor, I say there really is none.

There is no doubt that Charles Dickens’s “Little Nell” would lack poignancy as a symbol of privation if she had cable television, air conditioning and a Jacuzzi. That is exactly the difficulty of Liberals to push for continued expansion of the welfare state when the American poor are so relatively affluent.

Writing in “The New Yorker,” John Cassidy [Relatively Deprived ] observes that while the poor have lots of stuff, they live in a world in which other people have even more stuff!

That is no way to define poverty.

Real poverty means no food, no heat, no home. Other than addicts and the mentally ill, you’d be hard pressed to find any such among Americans.

7. On the other hand, ‘poverty’ may simply be illusory. It exists in the context in which we discuss it, based on a dollar figure, …the government “developed poverty thresholds is based on the "thrifty food plan," which was the cheapest of four food plans developed by the Department of Agriculture. The food plan was "designed for temporary or emergency use when funds are low," according to the USDA. Based on the 1955 Household Food Consumption Survey from the USDA (the latest available survey at the time), Orshansky knew that families of three or more persons spent about one third of their after-tax income on food, then multiplied the cost of the USDA economy food plan by three to arrive at the minimal yearly income a family would need. Using 1963 as a base year, she calculated that a family of four, two adults and two children would spend $1,033 for food per year. Using her formula based on the 1955 survey, she arrived at $3,100 a year ($1,033 x3) as the poverty threshold for a family of four in 1963….Each year, the U.S. Census Bureau updates the poverty threshold to account for inflation.”

That means that the richer the nation as a whole becomes, the richer the ‘poor’ become.

Have you seen anyone starving???

Had to step over any bodies on your way to work?

But you still vote Democrat, even though they lie about everything????
The Dems seem to care a lot about religion, specifically Christianity and Judaism. Not so much about Islam though, the Muslims don't take shit from anybody.

When you say 'care about,' I assume you mean as a target, something to attack, marginalize, and erase from the public arena.

But they have a religion of their own, that the advance via government schooling....Militant Secularism.

Though liberalism rejects the idea of God and reviles people of faith, it bears all the attributes of a religion. In Godless, Coulter throws open the doors of the Church of Liberalism, showing us its sacraments (abortion), its holy writ (Roe v. Wade), its martyrs (from Soviet spy Alger Hiss to cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal), its clergy (public school teachers), its churches (government schools, where prayer is prohibited but condoms are free), its doctrine of infallibility (as manifest in the "absolute moral authority" of spokesmen from Cindy Sheehan to Max Cleland), and its cosmology (in which mankind is an inconsequential accident).

Then, of course, there's the liberal creation myth: Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

For liberals, evolution is the touchstone that separates the enlightened from the benighted.
And....Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "...the Socialist Savior of the Democratic Party."

the Catechism: you didn't build that.....any success is just dumb luck

Sen. Mazie Hirono (D., Hawaii) on Tuesday called for liberal activists to believe in climate change as if it were a "religion." Dem Senator Hirono: Believe in Climate Change Like a Religion

And the equally brilliant Ben Shapiro runs with "its sacraments (abortion)"....
"When Abortion Becomes a Sacrament"
8. The professor next attacks the myth that ‘if your parents were poor, you will be poor….and your children will be poor: poverty as a generational trap.’

If it were true, then we should be greatly concerned about income inequality. Otherwise….it is simply a Democrat talking point. Here is proof that poverty is not a permanent condition.

To examine this thesis, divide the entire population into five groups, quintiles. If we do that, the bottom 20% of Americans would be those with the lowest incomes. In 2019, the income for that quintile was an average of $15,300. The next group up, that 20% had an average income of $40,700. And for comparison, that of those in the top 20% averaged $254,000.

Now, let’s explode that myth of generational poverty: in just 3 years, 31% those who started in the lowest quintile moved into one of the higher one….even up to the top one!

And….if we take a ten-year read, 58% have move out of poverty!

And, statistics are that 84% of Americans of all categories have higher incomes than their parents did at a comparable age!
….if you are a Biden supporter.

1.To put that a different way, it is good that you Biden voters chose a man with the same intellectual characteristics that you have.

2. There are only three things important to Democrats,.....Race, Class, and Gender.
Not liberty, not religious freedom, not prosperity, not individuality.
Race, Class, and Gender.
“Cultural Marxism, though it’s dismissed by critics as a “term invented by the Right”, “was an undeniable school of thought taking Marxist categories of oppressed and oppressor beyond the economic realm and applying to it other forms of oppression: gender, race, sexuality.” Caldron Pool

3. Today, let’s focus on economics….and race, just to keep you Democrats interested.

And the point will be that you know nothing about the intersection of economics and race, and that is one of the reasons you are wrong about everything.

An actual scholar on the subject….not one of your woke appointees, posted an intuitive and well researched vid on the subject. That will be the basis of this thread.

“Three Myths Concerning Poverty”

4. A serious mistake that the professor makes, is that a Democrat Administration has the best economic policies for the American people, at heart. But let us assume that, arguendo.
Addressing the Biden Administration, the professor states that public policy for eradicating poverty should be based on reality, and not on commonly held (Liberal) myths.

5. The first myth is that poverty is related to race: “Most blacks are poor, and most poor are blacks.”
In 1940, some 87% of black families lived in poverty.” But what must be known, is that family income varies by family size and composition: in 2019, the threshold was $13,000 if you were single and under 65.
If a family of four, with two children under 18, poverty begins under $25, 900.

How about ‘most blacks’? In 2019, it was 18.8% under the poverty line. That means that over 80% of African-Americans were not poor.
Blacks made up one quarter of all the poor in America.
QED, most poor are not black.

Today, Democrat public policy is based on pro-black and anti-white racism.
They've always been racist.
In the above we can see that anti-poverty should have nothing to do with melanin.

9. Myth #3 is that the poor cannot do anything on their own that would enable them to escape poverty. This myth is exceptionally important to the health and welfare of the Democrat Party…..it is their selling point to the needy: “Without us you couldn’t survive!!!!”

More proof that they lie about everything.

Many economists, including those at the Leftwing Brookings Institution, have proven quite the opposite.

It has long been know that simple, traditional, rules would keep anyone....anyone....from ending up in poverty. They are no secret:

" The Brookings Institution has spent a great deal of effort studying this issue.
And presidential candidate Rick Santorum has been quoting their findings on the campaign trail.
Brookings whittled down a lot of analysis into three simple rules. You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job….even at minimum wage.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent .Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class, earning at least $55,000 a year.

Follow these three rules…..one chance in fifty that you will be poor.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups."
Three rules for staying out of poverty

Violate the rules and you have doomed yourself to a 76% change of being poor.

So, the choice boils down to believing the lies of rainbows and unicorns from the Democrat Party…..or personal responsibility.
10. Here is an up-dated version of the chart....

.....did you see the percentage of 'poor' who have three or more TVs?

Central air????

Understanding Poverty in the United States: Surprising Facts About America's Poor



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