FAA Stop Fox Drone From Recording Thousands of Immigrants Under a Bridge?

Blatant censorship of the American media.

Yet another unconstitutional power grab by Pedo Joe.
It isn't an edict and the FAA creating a minimum altitude requirement over crowds is no different than their LSALT requirements for other aircraft that have been in place for eons that have the generic "undue hazard" catch all even beyond that statutory minimums.
Does this rule apply nationwide? Or is this yet another example of Pedo Joe placing illegals above Americans?

Does he not care about the safety of the rest of the country? Why is he just concerned about drone safety above his border clusterfuck?
Does this rule apply nationwide? Or is this yet another example of Pedo Joe placing illegals above Americans?

Does he not care about the safety of the rest of the country? Why is he just concerned about drone safety above his border clusterfuck?

It is a two week flight restriction to avoid traffic conflicts with law enforcement flights in the same area. They just have to get FAA permission to fly in the area for two weeks.
Of course…..Biden was part of the most transparent administration in history……OBAMA.

Especially the PRISM program…..VERY TRANSPARENT.

Xiden once again is restricting the press from covering his humanitarian crisis on the border

They even have a mute person for when he does live appearances. When he starts to look confused (like when doesn't he?) or starts saying something stupid, they cut him off so we don't see it.
You sheeples need to focus on important things like what color should you dye your hair rather than the crumbling nation.

What happened to the constitutional freedom of the Press? I guess none of the news companies will complain much at all about their being censured since they are on board with the Bidenista's subversion, infiltration and insurrection of our laws and country by an illegally installed faux "president": El Bidenita y Harris the Whore a la Soros.
This problem can be easily solved by evenly dividing the horde of illegal aliens and between Biden, Pelosi and Schumer and building housing for them next to their homes.
How very Nazi of Biden, no surprise there. The entire left is pretty much the newly formed Nazi party. Stalin would also be proud.
It's a totally political restriction. Watch it get extended.

Well be sure to let us know when it does. From what I have read, border patrol requested the FAA do it. Nothing prevents Fox News from getting FAA approval during those two weeks or filming under that bridge from the ground.
Every illegal woman will have 2 to 4 children, Bi-Dung will make them instant citizens at some point, Dimm's will roll back the voting age to 16 like they've already talked about, and voila, multi-millions of new Dimm voters will be added in no time!!
It is a two week flight restriction to avoid traffic conflicts with law enforcement flights in the same area. They just have to get FAA permission to fly in the area for two weeks.
So law enforcement doesn't use drones anywhere else in the US?
Well be sure to let us know when it does. From what I have read, border patrol requested the FAA do it. Nothing prevents Fox News from getting FAA approval during those two weeks or filming under that bridge from the ground.
From what I have read, border patrol requested the FAA do it.


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