'Extremely Unfair': Bernie Sanders Denies His Form of Socialism Is the Same as Venezuela's or Cuba's


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
That's because Bernie's form of socialism is purely imaginary. In his mind, it actually works. However, Venezuela and Cuba have the real thing on display:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a Democratic presidential candidate, argued that his support for "democratic socialism" is not the same as the form of socialism that the government has imposed in countries such as Venezuela and Cuba.

Sanders made his comments during the presidential debate on Thursday evening. The senator was asked why he hasn't called Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro a dictator and if his socialist policy proposals are different from the socialist policies in Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua.

"Anybody who does what Maduro does is a vicious tyrant. What we need now is international and regional cooperation for free elections in Venezuela so that the people of that country can make -- can create their own future. In terms of democratic socialism, to equate what goes on in Venezuela with what I believe is extremely unfair. I'll tell you what I believe in terms of democratic socialism," Sanders said.

"I agree with what goes on in Canada and in Scandinavia, guaranteeing health care to all people as a human right. I believe that the United States should not be the only major country on earth not to provide paid family and medical leave. I believe that every worker in this country deserves a living wage and that we expand the trade union movement," he added.
That's because Bernie's form of socialism is purely imaginary. In his mind, it actually works. However, Venezuela and Cuba have the real thing on display:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a Democratic presidential candidate, argued that his support for "democratic socialism" is not the same as the form of socialism that the government has imposed in countries such as Venezuela and Cuba.

Sanders made his comments during the presidential debate on Thursday evening. The senator was asked why he hasn't called Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro a dictator and if his socialist policy proposals are different from the socialist policies in Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua.

"Anybody who does what Maduro does is a vicious tyrant. What we need now is international and regional cooperation for free elections in Venezuela so that the people of that country can make -- can create their own future. In terms of democratic socialism, to equate what goes on in Venezuela with what I believe is extremely unfair. I'll tell you what I believe in terms of democratic socialism," Sanders said.

"I agree with what goes on in Canada and in Scandinavia, guaranteeing health care to all people as a human right. I believe that the United States should not be the only major country on earth not to provide paid family and medical leave. I believe that every worker in this country deserves a living wage and that we expand the trade union movement," he added.
In Bernie's form of Socialism, unicorn farts soak excess CO2 from the atmosphere, ending man-made global climate warming change
Of course it isn't. They're looking at Canada, Australia, Germany, Norway.

Talk radio has its minions terrified about Venezuela, but that's all just for fun. And ratings.

They look at that as the first step, i.e. Welfare States.

People like Bernie are actual Socialists, putting "Democratic" in front of it is just window dressing. They believe they should manage the means of production, they just don't have the balls to take over by force.
Has Bernie introduced a new constitution or something that would change us from a Democratic Republic to a Social state?

Are you worried he do it with an EO?
Of course it isn't. They're looking at Canada, Australia, Germany, Norway.

Talk radio has its minions terrified about Venezuela, but that's all just for fun. And ratings.

They look at that as the first step, i.e. Welfare States.

People like Bernie are actual Socialists, putting "Democratic" in front of it is just window dressing. They believe they should manage the means of production, they just don't have the balls to take over by force.
It's as though he can say "chocolate covered" before "dog turd" and that transforms a chunk of shit into a Snicker's bar.
Has Bernie introduced a new constitution or something that would change us from a Democratic Republic to a Social state?

Are you worried he do it with an EO?

Obama tried a Coup, and I can't find that in the Constitution
That's because Bernie's form of socialism is purely imaginary. In his mind, it actually works. However, Venezuela and Cuba have the real thing on display:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a Democratic presidential candidate, argued that his support for "democratic socialism" is not the same as the form of socialism that the government has imposed in countries such as Venezuela and Cuba.

Sanders made his comments during the presidential debate on Thursday evening. The senator was asked why he hasn't called Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro a dictator and if his socialist policy proposals are different from the socialist policies in Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua.

"Anybody who does what Maduro does is a vicious tyrant. What we need now is international and regional cooperation for free elections in Venezuela so that the people of that country can make -- can create their own future. In terms of democratic socialism, to equate what goes on in Venezuela with what I believe is extremely unfair. I'll tell you what I believe in terms of democratic socialism," Sanders said.

"I agree with what goes on in Canada and in Scandinavia, guaranteeing health care to all people as a human right. I believe that the United States should not be the only major country on earth not to provide paid family and medical leave. I believe that every worker in this country deserves a living wage and that we expand the trade union movement," he added.
Bernie is like a drowning man whose life preserver is too small.
That's because Bernie's form of socialism is purely imaginary. In his mind, it actually works. However, Venezuela and Cuba have the real thing on display:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a Democratic presidential candidate, argued that his support for "democratic socialism" is not the same as the form of socialism that the government has imposed in countries such as Venezuela and Cuba.

Sanders made his comments during the presidential debate on Thursday evening. The senator was asked why he hasn't called Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro a dictator and if his socialist policy proposals are different from the socialist policies in Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua.

"Anybody who does what Maduro does is a vicious tyrant. What we need now is international and regional cooperation for free elections in Venezuela so that the people of that country can make -- can create their own future. In terms of democratic socialism, to equate what goes on in Venezuela with what I believe is extremely unfair. I'll tell you what I believe in terms of democratic socialism," Sanders said.

"I agree with what goes on in Canada and in Scandinavia, guaranteeing health care to all people as a human right. I believe that the United States should not be the only major country on earth not to provide paid family and medical leave. I believe that every worker in this country deserves a living wage and that we expand the trade union movement," he added.
It just shows he doesn’t get it still. One can’t fix/ solve that kind of stupid
Of course it isn't. They're looking at Canada, Australia, Germany, Norway. Talk radio has its minions terrified about Venezuela, but that's all just for fun. And ratings.
In none of those countries does The State run all industry, Captain Strawman.
Um, yes. That's my point, Captain Paranoid.
Of course it isn't. They're looking at Canada, Australia, Germany, Norway.

Talk radio has its minions terrified about Venezuela, but that's all just for fun. And ratings.
Venzarai started out as democratic socialism Hugo Chavez was duly elected by the people with 56% of the vote and it took two decades but from that election we ended up with the tyrannical socialist regime we have today
when you allow a government gain that much power which socialism requires that power will corrupt
power corrupts that's a given and the only way one can stop corruption is not to allow an entity like a government to hold the kind of power a socialist government is required to have
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Of course it isn't. They're looking at Canada, Australia, Germany, Norway.

Talk radio has its minions terrified about Venezuela, but that's all just for fun. And ratings.
Venzarai started out as democratic socialism Hugo Chavez was duly elected by the people with 56% of the vote and it took twp decades but from that election we ended up with the tyrannical socialist regime we have today
when you allow a government gain that much power wich socialism requires that power will corrupt
power corrupts that's a given and the only way one can stop corruption is not to allow an entity like a government to hold the kind of power socialism is required to have
Yes, that's what happened there.

And how about the countries I listed? Not so much.
Has Bernie introduced a new constitution or something that would change us from a Democratic Republic to a Social state?

Are you worried he do it with an EO?

Obama tried a Coup, and I can't find that in the Constitution

That's funny. Obama was president for 8 years. Never realizing he should be much more worried about the GOP Coup until it was way too late.
Of course it isn't. They're looking at Canada, Australia, Germany, Norway. Talk radio has its minions terrified about Venezuela, but that's all just for fun. And ratings.
In none of those countries does The State run all industry, Captain Strawman.
Um, yes. That's my point, Captain Paranoid.
And goofballs like Batshit Bernie say they're "democratic socialist" countries, when they're not socialist.....Merely having a massive welfare state that burdens the hell out of their market economies doesn't mean they they're socialist.
there's only 1 form of socialism. trying to believe your reasons for it are better than anyone before you - well that's how countries get ruined.
Has Bernie introduced a new constitution or something that would change us from a Democratic Republic to a Social state?

Are you worried he do it with an EO?
They all are saying doctorish stupid. I’ll take your gun, yeah how? Unless with an EO, has to be the implied right? Healthcare same thing, again, all of it and all of them. Bernie is just stupid

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