
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
This is some extremely important stuff here. For those left-wing hatriots that want to attempt to pass it off as "conspiracy theory" - all of what is discussed here is well documented among the media from the parents and other sources. The facts discussed here are indisputable. What is up in the air is what exactly transpired and why it transpired.

Although I'd say there is a less than 1% chance of this actually happening - if anyone in the history of the Oval Office would have the backbone to do it, it would be Donald Trump. And "it" is the arrest and prosecution of Barack Obama. At the very least, the policies Obama set that prevented the Apache's from firing on the Taliban is unforgivable and inexsusable. It violates the most basic tenets of military doctrine and it led to the deaths of a LOT of people. At worst, Barack Obama made a deal to have these Navy Seals murdered in exchange for Osama Bin Laden's head (I am not saying that is what happened - I am saying that in the worst case scenario, that would be what occurred).

In any case - this needs have a through investigation under the Trump Administration since the Obama Administration was so corrupt. If it finds nothing more than Obama was an idiotic, idealist community organizer who caused the deaths of these hero's because of his immature policies, so be it. Prosecute him for that and move on. Those who study history and learn from it will know not to elect an amateur to the White House in the future. If however, it finds something more sinister, then that needs to be uncovered and examined to help prevent it from happening again in the future.

The Obama administration was totally against American troops defending themselves. They knew it was Taliban and were told they could not fire on them. Incredible! Very reminiscent of Benghazi when people were told to stand down. There have been numerous reports of our people saying they do not have permission to take out ISIS targets when they see them.

Obama had all their hands tied and refused to give permission for our people to take out terrorists or to help our people when they were in trouble.

This is unheard of as far as policy. It's downright treasonous to put our people in harm's way and then order them to do nothing when an attack is imminent or in progress. Why the hell would Obama do that?

It's sending people to slaughter when you take away their ability to defend themselves. Of course, it's the same thing they want to do to us civilians.

I am glad someone opted to hand the family members those discs containing the facts on the investigation. If not for that, there wouldn't be proof that documents were changed later. This is serious stuff and I hope it's not swept under the rug like so many other things.
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I am glad someone opted to hand the family members those discs containing the facts on the investigation. If not for that, there wouldn't be proof that documents were changed later.
Not only that - but also thank God for the Delta Force Sgt. Mjr. who went to Billy Vaughn's house with General McCraven and admitted to the parents that failure to properly document the Afghani's onboard in the manifest is a major violation of military protocol. That confirmed a further cover up in the final report since that was omitted.
This is serious stuff and I hope it's not swept under the rug like so many other things.
I couldn't agree more. I'd like to see the American people rally around these parents and push the Trump Administration hard for a full investigation. The Obama Administration was so corrupt - we need a real investigation and we need to hold the guilty parties accountable.
Considering the evidence, I don't see how it can be ignored. Of course, that didn't matter to the Obama administration but I hope things change now.
This is some extremely important stuff here. For those left-wing hatriots that want to attempt to pass it off as "conspiracy theory" - all of what is discussed here is well documented among the media from the parents and other sources. The facts discussed here are indisputable. What is up in the air is what exactly transpired and why it transpired.

Although I'd say there is a less than 1% chance of this actually happening - if anyone in the history of the Oval Office would have the backbone to do it, it would be Donald Trump. And "it" is the arrest and prosecution of Barack Obama. At the very least, the policies Obama set that prevented the Apache's from firing on the Taliban is unforgivable and inexsusable. It violates the most basic tenets of military doctrine and it led to the deaths of a LOT of people. At worst, Barack Obama made a deal to have these Navy Seals murdered in exchange for Osama Bin Laden's head (I am not saying that is what happened - I am saying that in the worst case scenario, that would be what occurred).

In any case - this needs have a through investigation under the Trump Administration since the Obama Administration was so corrupt. If it finds nothing more than Obama was an idiotic, idealist community organizer who caused the deaths of these hero's because of his immature policies, so be it. Prosecute him for that and move on. Those who study history and learn from it will know not to elect an amateur to the White House in the future. If however, it finds something more sinister, then that needs to be uncovered and examined to help prevent it from happening again in the future.

If it wasn't deliberate it was from negligence.
Obama's mentality and approach works for mediation but not for strong armed tactics in defense such as Allen West specializes in.

We need to reserve our military and defense leaders for that function of federal and executive authority.

What Obama should have focused on was developing these "social programs" through the education and community volunteer and nonprofit business/church sectors.

We might benefit by separating these functions of govt and have the federal govt focus on security and defense, and keep the social programs under a separate administration instead of these posing conflicts or distractions where neither is developed effectively.

If the social programs were reallocated back to states, the people per state could still choose to pool their collective resources together on state or national levels, but not rely on federal govt. Just set up their own nonprofit business administration, and even vote on reps and policies democratically.

The board and membership of Pacifica Radio operates democratically on both local levels and nationally. Why can't that model be used for health care and social welfare benefits.

So Obama's focus on these areas could have been managed outside federal govt by private means where people can guarantee their own interests and beliefs are represented by setting it up directly themselves.
Then the federal govt, executive and military can focus on foreign relations and issues of global security and economy that require full time attention.

I have proposed that we split the Presidential position into two partner positions of external and internal. If we need to use the given structures, maybe the VP position could be used for internal, and use the Senate connection to collaborate with reps per State to shift social programs back locally instead of backlogging federal govt with that burden that is different for each State's diverse populations they are better managing locally.

by going through States, to manage health care and social benefits, perhaps the Party structure per State could serve to represent people by party, so each group can manage their own benefits, tax policies and terms, and not interfere with each other. There doesn't have to be the same plan, as long as the major groups agree to manage for their own members.

So that's what I think would help the federal govt, executive and military focus full time on security, where we elect and appoint people who SPECIALIZE in these areas of defense and strategies.

For the social programs and helping the people with education and health care, I'd create separate roles where leaders like Obama with skills in developing these areas can focus there, and not detract from national security and military defense that are not his area of specialty.
We might benefit by separating these functions of govt and have the federal govt focus on security and defense, and keep the social programs under a separate administration instead of these posing conflicts or distractions where neither is developed effectively.
In other words - restore constitutional government! Defense provided by the federal government, social programs (which are unconstitutional) provided by the state and local government.
This is some extremely important stuff here. For those left-wing hatriots that want to attempt to pass it off as "conspiracy theory" - all of what is discussed here is well documented among the media from the parents and other sources. The facts discussed here are indisputable. What is up in the air is what exactly transpired and why it transpired.

Although I'd say there is a less than 1% chance of this actually happening - if anyone in the history of the Oval Office would have the backbone to do it, it would be Donald Trump. And "it" is the arrest and prosecution of Barack Obama. At the very least, the policies Obama set that prevented the Apache's from firing on the Taliban is unforgivable and inexsusable. It violates the most basic tenets of military doctrine and it led to the deaths of a LOT of people. At worst, Barack Obama made a deal to have these Navy Seals murdered in exchange for Osama Bin Laden's head (I am not saying that is what happened - I am saying that in the worst case scenario, that would be what occurred).

In any case - this needs have a through investigation under the Trump Administration since the Obama Administration was so corrupt. If it finds nothing more than Obama was an idiotic, idealist community organizer who caused the deaths of these hero's because of his immature policies, so be it. Prosecute him for that and move on. Those who study history and learn from it will know not to elect an amateur to the White House in the future. If however, it finds something more sinister, then that needs to be uncovered and examined to help prevent it from happening again in the future.

and Poodle has gone full on Crazy. Guy, put down the InfoWars and the other nutiness.
In other words - restore constitutional government! Defense provided by the federal government, social programs (which are unconstitutional) provided by the state and local government.

awesome idea. I Think your Fuhrer should walk out tomorrow and announce he is cutting all social security and medicare payments because they are "unconstitutional"...

See how long he stays in power after that.

Should be fun.
What ever may be the case, Obama did nothing to help the country everything to disenfranchise people the opposed his opinion.
Boots on the ground is a terrible idea in today's world. I will never support it with today's techno!ogy and all the monbey spent on it. Deport meifyou don't lime this american born citizen you are scared.
Boots on the ground is a terrible idea in today's world. I will never support it with today's techno!ogy and all the monbey spent on it. Deport meifyou don't lime this american born citizen you are scared.
The only thing that scares me is your spelling....
I pledge allegiance to my savior Christ Jesus. Not to a country. My brother died for this country. Buy me a traitor t shirt. I will wear it. And if you saw me on the street with it, you could do NOTHING. Other than cower like you do.
I pledge allegiance to my savior Christ Jesus. Not to a country. My brother died for this country. Buy me a traitor t shirt. I will wear it. And if you saw me on the street with it, you could do NOTHING. Other than cower like you do.
A. What are you talking about? :uhh:

B. Who are you talking to? :uhh:
I pledge allegiance to my savior Christ Jesus. Not to a country. My brother died for this country. Buy me a traitor t shirt. I will wear it. And if you saw me on the street with it, you could do NOTHING. Other than cower like you do.
Are you an illegal alien by chance? You seem both nervous and defensive. Are you concerned about being deported or something?
I don't know man

This looks to be as credible as the idea that Trump is at fault in the death of Navy SEAL Owen on the surface

I hate Obama as much as anyone, believe me...

But stories like this tend to diminish our credibility

Just sayin
Having said that, I DO agree and acknowledge that Obama absolutely handcuffed our military and federal law enforcement agencies

But to say he is responsible for the deaths of military personnel, especially intentionally, requires a high level of proof
I don't know man

This looks to be as credible as the idea that Trump is at fault in the death of Navy SEAL Owen on the surface

I hate Obama as much as anyone, believe me...

But stories like this tend to diminish our credibility

Just sayin
Well this is no "story". The video presents nothing but facts. All I said is that this warrants an investigation.
Having said that, I DO agree and acknowledge that Obama absolutely handcuffed our military and federal law enforcement agencies

But to say he is responsible for the deaths of military personnel, especially intentionally, requires a high level of proof
And if you note - I said above "I am not saying....". I made no accusation. I did say that there is a possibility there was something more sinister.

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