explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

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Got about three more pages of this for 2017. Since I know they won't read the link someone provided.

Surprisingly most are in muslim coutries and they still don't want to do anything about it? KuKoo KuKoo.

Iraq, Syria and Libya are in the midst of civil wars, and are or close to being failed states. Afghanistan is also in a war.

Now...what is your point with this? They don't "want" to do anything about this?

H.L. Mencken: For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.

I think Iraq is dealing with the situation as best it can and soon ISIL will be defeated in Mosul and from there to the border. I think the situation has just had a dramatic change; the US will participate with others in the stabilization of the region. The Arab League will I think become the main vehicle for that. I am in fact quite optimistic. I look forward to the trials of those who have done the atrocities and their Meeting with Justice. The US has asked for Australia's assistance in Afghanistan. I expect that we will oblige and contribute in our small way. We are already in Iraq and I think we will be part of the Syrian stabilisation agenda; not sure exactly how. But make no mistake; the main movers will be OTHER MOSLEMS including the Kurds. (Their women are fighting where Obama feared to tread.) Says a lot about Obama's failed policies quite frankly but they are GONE now.


Egypt is coming down hard on terrorist camps in Libya after their attacks on the Copts. The US is a large part of the destabilization there - invading Iraq and "Nation Building" - I think any lasting solution (as in not something seen as yet more foreign intervention) is going to have to come from the Arab states, Iran, Turkey etc.
There was quite a gathering at the Saudi meeting. The solutions are in their midst...with President Trump assisting where appropriate.

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Got about three more pages of this for 2017. Since I know they won't read the link someone provided.

Surprisingly most are in muslim coutries and they still don't want to do anything about it? KuKoo KuKoo.

Iraq, Syria and Libya are in the midst of civil wars, and are or close to being failed states. Afghanistan is also in a war.

Now...what is your point with this? They don't "want" to do anything about this?

H.L. Mencken: For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.

I think Iraq is dealing with the situation as best it can and soon ISIL will be defeated in Mosul and from there to the border. I think the situation has just had a dramatic change; the US will participate with others in the stabilization of the region. The Arab League will I think become the main vehicle for that. I am in fact quite optimistic. I look forward to the trials of those who have done the atrocities and their Meeting with Justice. The US has asked for Australia's assistance in Afghanistan. I expect that we will oblige and contribute in our small way. We are already in Iraq and I think we will be part of the Syrian stabilisation agenda; not sure exactly how. But make no mistake; the main movers will be OTHER MOSLEMS including the Kurds. (Their women are fighting where Obama feared to tread.) Says a lot about Obama's failed policies quite frankly but they are GONE now.


Egypt is coming down hard on terrorist camps in Libya after their attacks on the Copts. The US is a large part of the destabilization there - invading Iraq and "Nation Building" - I think any lasting solution (as in not something seen as yet more foreign intervention) is going to have to come from the Arab states, Iran, Turkey etc.
Egypt also blew up the supply tunnels going to Gaza and they outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood. They have been on the right side of the equation in this fight.
I would love to see the same passion towards mass shootings and gun violence that kills thousands each year. But everytime a white supremacist commits a mass murder, he's mentally ill....when a terrorist does it you accuse the while 1.5 billion Muslims all over the world.

Iraq, Syria and Libya are in the midst of civil wars, and are or close to being failed states. Afghanistan is also in a war.

Now...what is your point with this? They don't "want" to do anything about this?

H.L. Mencken: For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.

My point is: Let the muslims clean up muslim problems. They cause all the problems, fix it. Fix it in you own lands. Do not bring that crap out to other lands. Nice spin job about civil war. lol.
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Keep spinning. Here is 59 countries (last year) for you to SPIN on.

Not a spin job. Reality.

In the meantime, it's not the problem of America's Muslims. So don't lay that crap on them.

oh really? You must of missed: Fort Hood? Georgia? ARK? KY? SanBerDoo? FLA? And about 1000 others.
Put you blinders back on. stay ignorant of actual happenings.

Good point. But, not good enough. Work on the BIG problem first. islamic violence is 100s' per day. A shooting here and there does not compare? We can't work on little stuff while the big stuff occupies all resources. Another reason to rid islamist cancer. We have given it 50-60-70 years and it is worse than ever.

In the US? You might want to check statistics.
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Got about three more pages of this for 2017. Since I know they won't read the link someone provided.

Surprisingly most are in muslim coutries and they still don't want to do anything about it? KuKoo KuKoo.

Iraq, Syria and Libya are in the midst of civil wars, and are or close to being failed states. Afghanistan is also in a war.

Now...what is your point with this? They don't "want" to do anything about this?

H.L. Mencken: For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.

I think Iraq is dealing with the situation as best it can and soon ISIL will be defeated in Mosul and from there to the border. I think the situation has just had a dramatic change; the US will participate with others in the stabilization of the region. The Arab League will I think become the main vehicle for that. I am in fact quite optimistic. I look forward to the trials of those who have done the atrocities and their Meeting with Justice. The US has asked for Australia's assistance in Afghanistan. I expect that we will oblige and contribute in our small way. We are already in Iraq and I think we will be part of the Syrian stabilisation agenda; not sure exactly how. But make no mistake; the main movers will be OTHER MOSLEMS including the Kurds. (Their women are fighting where Obama feared to tread.) Says a lot about Obama's failed policies quite frankly but they are GONE now.


Egypt is coming down hard on terrorist camps in Libya after their attacks on the Copts. The US is a large part of the destabilization there - invading Iraq and "Nation Building" - I think any lasting solution (as in not something seen as yet more foreign intervention) is going to have to come from the Arab states, Iran, Turkey etc.
There was quite a gathering at the Saudi meeting. The solutions are in their midst...with President Trump assisting where appropriate.


It's always been - and that's exactly what Obama was doing - supporting local players, not sending in troops. Solution has to come from within.
It's an answer, isn't it?
So before you put all of us Muslims in one basket....sit with yourself, and ask what did we do collectively wrong? If I'm here in Cali minding my own business...why me and my religion gets blamed?
I gave you an example of what France did to Muslims, so you can draw a conclusion that you just can't generalise.
And wether you like it or not the fact that this terrorist managed to go to Lybia, get trained come back....and before in ghadafi''s rule he wouldn't be able to enter Lybia train with a terrorist group. But France and the coalition created that void in Lybia for the terrorists to fill in.
I know it's a too big of a picture for your small mind to comprehend and absorb.
Can you tell us a little how many people your country France killed in Africa?? We already know 1.5 million algerians.
And recently Lybia and how you guys helped remove Ghadaif after he paid billions to sarkozy? Did Isis exist in Lybia during Gaddafi or not?
Enlighten us please about how wonderful you are.
Can you tell us something about the Manchester bombing ?

I can.

It was the first terrorist bombing there since the last one --- by the IRA.
Very Small answer ...
Atrocities happened on both sides of that equation. Neither side is innocent. One side says 1.5 million died........the other 400,000 in a period of 8 years.

They like to include the number of deaths during the Clinton Enforced sanctions. And MOST were killed by other Moslems.

Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen - Wikipedia

Fighter jets and ground forces from Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Academi mercenaries also took part in the operation. Djibouti, Eritrea and Somalia made their airspace, territorial waters and military bases available to the coalition.[20] The United States provided intelligence and logistical support, including aerial refueling and search-and-rescue for downed coalition pilots.[6][124] It also accelerated the sale of weapons to coalition states.[125] US and Britain have deployed their military personnel in the command and control centre responsible for Saudi-led air strikes on Yemen, having access to lists of targets.[126][127][

This fight still goes on. These Nations are fighting more than just Syria.
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Got about three more pages of this for 2017. Since I know they won't read the link someone provided.

Surprisingly most are in muslim coutries and they still don't want to do anything about it? KuKoo KuKoo.

Iraq, Syria and Libya are in the midst of civil wars, and are or close to being failed states. Afghanistan is also in a war.

Now...what is your point with this? They don't "want" to do anything about this?

H.L. Mencken: For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.

I think Iraq is dealing with the situation as best it can and soon ISIL will be defeated in Mosul and from there to the border. I think the situation has just had a dramatic change; the US will participate with others in the stabilization of the region. The Arab League will I think become the main vehicle for that. I am in fact quite optimistic. I look forward to the trials of those who have done the atrocities and their Meeting with Justice. The US has asked for Australia's assistance in Afghanistan. I expect that we will oblige and contribute in our small way. We are already in Iraq and I think we will be part of the Syrian stabilisation agenda; not sure exactly how. But make no mistake; the main movers will be OTHER MOSLEMS including the Kurds. (Their women are fighting where Obama feared to tread.) Says a lot about Obama's failed policies quite frankly but they are GONE now.


Egypt is coming down hard on terrorist camps in Libya after their attacks on the Copts. The US is a large part of the destabilization there - invading Iraq and "Nation Building" - I think any lasting solution (as in not something seen as yet more foreign intervention) is going to have to come from the Arab states, Iran, Turkey etc.
There was quite a gathering at the Saudi meeting. The solutions are in their midst...with President Trump assisting where appropriate.


It's always been - and that's exactly what Obama was doing - supporting local players, not sending in troops. Solution has to come from within.

The population is relatively helpless against a Totalitarian Military/ Terror State. Iraq showed that the population could not do it on their own. In the end the State just slaughters its opponents.

With all those leaders now on the same page I would suggest that the end is nigh...sorta thingy. How that will affect the Useful Idiots doing home bombings? Time will tell.

All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t

• Who started the First World War, which killed 37 million and injured 22, 379, 053 that includes 7 million civilians? Muslims?
• Who started the Second World War, which killed over 60 million, which was over 2.5% of the world population? Muslims?
• Who killed about 20 million of Aborigines in Australia? Muslims?
• Who drop the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which killed 166,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki? Muslims?
• Who killed more than 100 million Red Indians in North America? Muslims?
• Who killed more than 50 million Indian in South America? Muslims?
• Who took about 180 million African people as slaves and when 88% of them died, threw them into the Atlantic Ocean? Muslims?
They weren’t Muslims! First of all, you have to define terrorism properly…. If a non-Muslim does something bad… it is crime. But if a Muslim commits the same, he is a terrorist. So first remove the double standard… then come to the point.

Who killed those people in Manchester...100% Useful Idiot Pommy Muslim.

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View attachment 129083

Got about three more pages of this for 2017. Since I know they won't read the link someone provided.

Surprisingly most are in muslim coutries and they still don't want to do anything about it? KuKoo KuKoo.

Iraq, Syria and Libya are in the midst of civil wars, and are or close to being failed states. Afghanistan is also in a war.

Now...what is your point with this? They don't "want" to do anything about this?

H.L. Mencken: For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.

I think Iraq is dealing with the situation as best it can and soon ISIL will be defeated in Mosul and from there to the border. I think the situation has just had a dramatic change; the US will participate with others in the stabilization of the region. The Arab League will I think become the main vehicle for that. I am in fact quite optimistic. I look forward to the trials of those who have done the atrocities and their Meeting with Justice. The US has asked for Australia's assistance in Afghanistan. I expect that we will oblige and contribute in our small way. We are already in Iraq and I think we will be part of the Syrian stabilisation agenda; not sure exactly how. But make no mistake; the main movers will be OTHER MOSLEMS including the Kurds. (Their women are fighting where Obama feared to tread.) Says a lot about Obama's failed policies quite frankly but they are GONE now.


Egypt is coming down hard on terrorist camps in Libya after their attacks on the Copts. The US is a large part of the destabilization there - invading Iraq and "Nation Building" - I think any lasting solution (as in not something seen as yet more foreign intervention) is going to have to come from the Arab states, Iran, Turkey etc.
Egypt also blew up the supply tunnels going to Gaza and they outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood. They have been on the right side of the equation in this fight.

Sort of. Here's the problem with the region. You don't have any real white hats.

Egypt overthrew Mubarrek, with surprisingly little bloodshed. They held legitimate elections. The main reason I read for MB's success was they were the only political group that was well organized - Egypt isn't like the US with established parties. So the MB won the election. They aren't ISIS, but people act like they are - they've inflated the MB into some sort of bogeyman inflitrating western institutions - it's kind of crazy. However, they are certainly a conservative Islamist party, Morsi managed to grant himself almost unlimited powers, issued various decrees, shut down the more liberal reformers and jailed journalists. The Egyptian economy continued to tank, the authorities did little to provide security to Egypt's minorities, such as the Copts, or even to the Israeli embassy, which they allowed thugs to attack and people were demanding his resignation which he wouldn't and then there was a coup. But here's the thing - it was a coup of a democratically elected government. And Al-Sisi is just as brutal. Egypt is among the top jailers of journalists in the world, thousands of political opponents have been arrested for their opposition to the al-Sisi government, and lets not forget Egyptian security forces killed over 800 people in one day in August 2013. So people crowing about it ought to keep in mind that his regime IS brutal to it's own people.
Pogo now accuses me of Bigotry..........because I dare to point out issues both over there and here.
Then gives an example of Blow Back by crazies of another group...........

Riddle me this..................

Westboro Baptist Church are quite frankly scum. They aren't Muslims but to me they are scum. Am I now a Bigot against the Baptist as well.................................

I point out those that are obviously radical........like those who march with signs saying Islam will Dominate and Freedom Go to Hell, but I can't identify a possible threat when seeing a freaking Nutcase................


According to the left, defending Westboro is bad and anti-American, but defending terrorists and terrorist sympathizers is pro-American.

Hating terrorists is now bigotry. We need to love and understand why they kill innocent people.

Once AGAIN you lying bucket of colostomy bag emptying, NOBODY "DEFENDED" ANY TERRORISTS. That's entirely *YOUR* lie that you pulled out of *YOUR* ass, which I've challenged you repeatedly to back up with any quote from anywhere, and you can't do it because you're a fucking lying wimp.
Pogo now accuses me of Bigotry..........because I dare to point out issues both over there and here.
Then gives an example of Blow Back by crazies of another group...........

What in the wide world of fuck are you even babbling about?

Got a link? Or are you just pulling it out of your ass too?

Have any idea how the "quote" function works?
Muslim Brotherhood review: main findings - GOV.UK
From the U.K. Government in 2015
The Muslim Brotherhood, violence and terrorism

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Got about three more pages of this for 2017. Since I know they won't read the link someone provided.

Surprisingly most are in muslim coutries and they still don't want to do anything about it? KuKoo KuKoo.

Iraq, Syria and Libya are in the midst of civil wars, and are or close to being failed states. Afghanistan is also in a war.

Now...what is your point with this? They don't "want" to do anything about this?

H.L. Mencken: For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.

I think Iraq is dealing with the situation as best it can and soon ISIL will be defeated in Mosul and from there to the border. I think the situation has just had a dramatic change; the US will participate with others in the stabilization of the region. The Arab League will I think become the main vehicle for that. I am in fact quite optimistic. I look forward to the trials of those who have done the atrocities and their Meeting with Justice. The US has asked for Australia's assistance in Afghanistan. I expect that we will oblige and contribute in our small way. We are already in Iraq and I think we will be part of the Syrian stabilisation agenda; not sure exactly how. But make no mistake; the main movers will be OTHER MOSLEMS including the Kurds. (Their women are fighting where Obama feared to tread.) Says a lot about Obama's failed policies quite frankly but they are GONE now.


Egypt is coming down hard on terrorist camps in Libya after their attacks on the Copts. The US is a large part of the destabilization there - invading Iraq and "Nation Building" - I think any lasting solution (as in not something seen as yet more foreign intervention) is going to have to come from the Arab states, Iran, Turkey etc.
Egypt also blew up the supply tunnels going to Gaza and they outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood. They have been on the right side of the equation in this fight.

Sort of. Here's the problem with the region. You don't have any real white hats.

Egypt overthrew Mubarrek, with surprisingly little bloodshed. They held legitimate elections. The main reason I read for MB's success was they were the only political group that was well organized - Egypt isn't like the US with established parties. So the MB won the election. They aren't ISIS, but people act like they are - they've inflated the MB into some sort of bogeyman inflitrating western institutions - it's kind of crazy. However, they are certainly a conservative Islamist party, Morsi managed to grant himself almost unlimited powers, issued various decrees, shut down the more liberal reformers and jailed journalists. The Egyptian economy continued to tank, the authorities did little to provide security to Egypt's minorities, such as the Copts, or even to the Israeli embassy, which they allowed thugs to attack and people were demanding his resignation which he wouldn't and then there was a coup. But here's the thing - it was a coup of a democratically elected government. And Al-Sisi is just as brutal. Egypt is among the top jailers of journalists in the world, thousands of political opponents have been arrested for their opposition to the al-Sisi government, and lets not forget Egyptian security forces killed over 800 people in one day in August 2013. So people crowing about it ought to keep in mind that his regime IS brutal to it's own people.
At 6:25 of the video.......you see the explanation.......quickly of the split of Islam into different groups.......Brought about by the Mongol Invasions and control of the region.............So roughly in 1600, the culmination of the civil Wars between rival groups within Islam occurred.......................And that INTERNAL struggle is the basis of the fighting between Sunni and Shia today..................Both believing they are the true path of Islam..........Why......because the leaders before went into a power struggle for control of the empire and set each other to War with each other.

The video shows..........that Caliphate after Caliphate occurred throughout Islamic History.........Well before we ever even existed as a Nation...........It shows how that they conquered Spain and nearly took France.........except for this guy..............


Who saved Europe from the Peaceful Muslim Invaders of his time...............Today the next caption would fit........


Then the Crusades to drive back the invasion of Muslim Forces.......and eventually the removal of all Muslims from Spain.......

Then further on........The Ottoman Empire expelled in WWI......The Ottoman Empire was another Caliphate to rule the region by the Sword and later the gun......

Expelled by the West and controlled primarily by England and France as the Turks sided with Germany and just committed Genocide in the Armenia.


This is what the Ottomans did during this Genocide............hanging on to their Empire by slaughtering the infidels of their time.


You do realize the Crusaders were hardly nice guys don't you? That violence and the sword was the way of things then? Christian nations conquered lands by the sword, forced their religion on natives, engaged genocide.

That was history...if you are going to be accurate.
Did you catch the title of the book he was talking about?
Listening to him and knowing he has to hide to keep from getting killed preaching that Islam needs to reform to be peaceful and isn't, and others like him also receiving death threats rather confirms what we have being saying.
Muslim schools ‘a problem’ and should be shut down, community leader says
It perfectly highlights the problem.
Watch this... very interesting @ 5 min mark.

Imam Tawhidi speaks the truth. How many are like him?

For all the bigots here.
Yesterday a white Christian supremacist killed two heroes who were defending Muslim women.
You see where your hatred heads to?
So we should cry that all you white's are racists?

Keep up your fucking hate and bigotry, because I can assure you... it doesn't help no one.

And this administration and its media went over like is no biggy.

If that was a middle easter man who did.....ohhhhhh boy!!! You see how hypocrite racists and bigots you are and those who you voted for?
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For all the bigots here.
Yesterday a white Christian supremacist killed two heroes who were defending Muslim women.
You see where your hatred heads to?
So we should cry that all you white's are racists?

Keep up your fucking hate and bigotry, because I can assure it doesn't help no one.

Your name calling and accusations don't help either.

The Manchester bombing was a calculated and organised plot. Coldly and methodically carried out.

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