Experts agree Federal judge almost certain to block obama amnesty of 5 million illegals


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Still waiting for someone to explain how "prosecutorial discretion" - meaning look the other way - can in any way justify handing out work permits.

Activists prepare for the worst in lawsuit to block immigration actions MSNBC

feb 5 2015
Prominent immigration advocates have all but conceded that federal judge Andrew Hanen – a staunch critic of the Obama administration’s immigration policies – will block the president’s executive actions just weeks before the measures are slated to kick in.

Advocacy groups are bracing for Hanen, a U.S. district court judge, to decide this week on a lawsuit that could unravel the president’s unilateral measures to shield as many as 5 million undocumented immigrants from deportation. Texas is leading the charge against the looming immigration actions, bringing together 25 other states in a lawsuit arguing that the president’s actions place a heavy burden on local governments. While scores of experts have said that the states’ legal arguments don’t hold water, it’s the conservative, Bush-appointed judge that has advocates nervous.
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“This is a classic case of judge shopping,” Fitz said. “That’s unfortunate – that’s not the way that it should be. It will be the height of judicial activism.”

Activism?? For a judge to say the president must enforce the law like the constitution says he must?? HAHAHA. Libs are so desperate.
We have to remember that everything Obama does is for political effect. He would like nothing more than to have his Executive Order nullified so that he can continue with his "Republicans are racists" mantra.
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We have to remember that everything Obama does is for political effect. He would like nothing more than to have his Executive Order nullified so that he can continue with his "Republicans are racists" mantra.

That's nonsense. Obama wants more and more illegals here cause he knows they'll vote for his party - the welfare party
The anti-immigrants are on the wrong side of this issue. 80 percent of Americans want illegals to be given legal status and/or a path to citizenship.

Even a majority of Republicans want this.

So you can blow smoke all the live long day about "Obama wants more and more illegals here cause he knows they'll vote for his party", but that is all it is. Just so much smoke that denies reality.

A vast super-majority of Americans, right and left, want to let these people stay and work and live here and for them to become Americans.


Sorry, bro!
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The anti-immigrants are on the wrong side of this issue. 80 percent of Americans want illegals to be given legal status and/or a path to citizenship.

HAHAHA 80%??? You're a very poor liar. EVeryone knows it's more like 20%. Even liberals are sick of seeing their schools and hospitals destroyed by these disease-ridden illiterates.

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