expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

The Chargers and Raiders are working together to develop a proposal for a privately financed Los Angeles-area venue and plan to immediately seek a ballot initiative to get the voter support needed for it to be built.

The $1.7 billion NFL stadium in Carson, Calif. would break ground on a 168-acre site near the intersection of the 405 Freeway and Del Amo Boulevard. Inside look at the proposed Chargers Raiders shared stadium


Dont get this think if I was a chargers fan I might be pissed

this is all clearly for leverage for new stadiums for the chargers and raiders.that will never fly with the NFL.we are talking about two teams not only in the same conference but same division.

you would have to completely rearrange the conferences and divisions if they did that and that's not going to happen,the NFL is not going to want to lose the long standing rivalry with these two teams and their traidtions.

Plus think about it for a minute.The chargers when they first came into the NFL in the AFL/NFL merger,their first year they were in LA.they left after their first season there because they could not compete with the Rams for attendance only averaging around 20,000 fans per game.

The Raiders were never embraced in LA.even the year they won the superbowl there,they averaged only 40,000 a game where the Rams averaged 65,000.Only the thugs embraced the Raiders in LA.

dan dierdorf recently said that when he would broadcast Monday night games on Monday night football,that the raiders never had a home game broadcast while they were in LA.that there Monday night games were on the road.

LA never supported the raiders or the chargers the entire time while they we in LA.spanos and davis both know that.so they are obviously doing this for legerage.this will never fly with the owners.

Yeah this is all just for leverage for the chargers and raiders obviously because for one,the chargers have NO FANBASE in LA.if they moved,they would have an empty stadium for all their games.Nobody would support them in LA and they would piss off all the fans that support them in san diego so they wouldn't come down there to see them.

and the raiders? as I said,when they were in LA,all their Monday night football games were always on the road because they could not sell out.nobody supported them.even the year they won the superbowl they did not have very good fan support.that was why Al Davis moved them back to Oakland.

LA is not like New York,they wont support two teams,they will support the Rams because of their long tradition there but not the raiders or chargers as history has proved.:biggrin:

Here is why that plan will never fly or take off.
This money economist agrees with me as well that its just being used as leverage by spanos and davis for a new stadium.

“The Raiders and Bolts are worth more as separate monopolies in separate markets than combined in L.A.” - John Vrooman, Economist, Vanderbilt University

It makes way more sense that this is a bluff,” he said.

Raising 1.7 billion for Carson stadium is no small task experts say - LA Times
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Well, it is after the 15th of February and the Rams didn't announce the move to Los Angeles.

What happened?

He also claimed March 15th as well.

you're in for a major surprise come march 15th.

What happened?

Maybe the reality that the Rams WILL NOT BE MOVING TO L.A. IN 2015 is finally hitting him. :lol:

Hey wildcard,what happened to you? I was wondering if you were ever going to have the courage to show your face around here when the announcement was made back in January that Kronke said he has plans to build an NFL stadium in Inglewood? you never came back.what happened? lol.

funny how you are NOW admitting that they will at least come back sometime soon.:lmao::lmao:

before all you were saying is that I was dreaming that they would come back.:lmao:

as usual,you havent been reading my previous posts because i have been saying recently we will find out february 15th if they are moving this year or NEXT saying it might not be till next year and that would be okay cause I have waited for 20 years so whats one more year?.:rolleyes-41:

that was obviously a typing error I made when I said that meaning to post February 15th instead of march.

even pooper who you are talking to, has said it would be 2016.:lmao::lmao::lmao:
which is really funny because i would like to hear what kiss my troll has to say because he has backtracked lately lying going from saying they would NEVER move,to NOW saying they would move in four years from now.:lmao::lmao:

Him and pooper cant even agree om the dates.:biggrin:

i notice how you dissapeared and never came back as well to eat shit after saying for so long they werent coming back after this announcemt came out in january.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Owner of St. Louis Rams plans to build NFL stadium in Inglewood - LA Times

now what were you saying before about them not coming back?


I been waiting for your return to ask you that question?:lmao:

when that announcement came out,agent kiss my troll backpeddled saying he never said the rams would never come back to LA to go from saying they would never come back to maybe coming back four years from now.lol

oh and are you going to do the kiss my thing as well and lie about saying something?

here you are making it clear you don't think they will return to LA "ANYIME" soon including 2016,with this statement maybe they will SOMEDAY.
Rams to return to LA in 2015? :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

But do keep hoping and praying 9/11 ISJ, maybe someday they will.

even pooper here has said they will come back in 2016.:biggrin:

:blahblah: :anj_stfu:

Hey dumbass, what happened to you? Still as delusional as ever I see. :cuckoo:

funny how you are NOW admitting that they will at least come back sometime soon.
Not only are you a delusional idiot, but you're a liar as well. :eusa_liar:

I've been saying the same thing as I did before, the Rams will not be moving to L.A. in 2015. That's what I believe, not that crap that you are trying hard to convince others and yourself of.

i notice how you dissapeared and never came back
That's because you were boring me with your ignorance. :cuckoo:


How is it that YOU are not a delusional idiot when you cant admit the Rams are coming back to LA and are too much of a chickenshit arrogant coward to address this link?:cuckoo::haha::haha:

Owner of St. Louis Rams plans to build NFL stadium in Inglewood - LA Times

Oh let me guess,he is building that stadium for the raiders and chargers right?

oh and why has Stan Kronek met with LA mayor James Butts over the last few months then smartass? you wont answer that question of course just like you wont address that link.

Naw you never came back because you are too arrogant to admit you are wrong and I was right.all you do is keep trolling like kissmy and rightwinger do.you should put those two are on your friendship list since you have became just like them. the way you refuse to address facts.:rolleyes-41:

I have already said I might have been wrong about the year.That it may not be till 2016.Its obvious with this link that the rams are coming back to LA.only maybe not this year.

oh and again,why is it that even pooper agrees with me they will be back by 2016 but you are too arrogant to admit that as well?:rolleyes-41:

I love how you call ME delusional when you wont even address that link.:cuckoo:

That's the behavior of idiot trolls rightwinger and kissmy but I thought YOU were bigger than that? Obviously I was wrong,you're no different than them.
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hey agent kissmy troll,kronke was never using that 60 acres of land purchase for LEVERAGE as you claimed back in august,dont know where you came up with that fantasy.:asshole: spanos and davis however ARE using LA for leverage,you were right about a team owner using LA for leverage,you just got it wrong when you said it was kronke,its davis and spanos using LA for leverage.:asshole:
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hey agent kissmy troll,kronke was never using that 60 acres of land purchase for LEVERAGE as you claimed back in august,dont know where you came up with that fantasy.:asshole: spanos and davis however ARE using LA for leverage,you were right about a team owner using LA for leverage,you just got it wrong when you said it was kronke,its davis and spanos using LA for leverage.:asshole:

You are to retarded to read your own links!

From your link, you idiot:

"Since the Raiders and Rams left after the 1994 season, the threat of moving to Los Angeles has been used as leverage by NFL teams looking to get stadium deals done in their current cities. In that sense, the region has been more valuable to the league without a team than with one."

"Kroenke is a former Wal-Mart board member and husband of Ann Walton Kroenke, daughter of Wal-Mart co-founder Bud Walton."

"Wal-Mart originally owned the 60 acres adjacent to the Forum but sold it to Kroenke after failing to get public approval for a superstore. Madison Square Garden Co., which owns the Forum, had planned to buy the lot in order to acquire more space for parking and possibly additional development, but Kroenke beat them to it."

Stan asked his wife to let him use that piece of property voters said Walmart could not tax exempt build on, as leverage to get a new stadium in St. Louis, before they sell the property on to "The Forum". Stan's plan has worked & St. Louis is putting together a tax payer subsidized offer he can't refuse. Entitled rich people like Walmart heirs won't reward voters for trashing their tax subsidized plans to build a Walmart, with a new tax subsidy free stadium.

The NFL owners don't want Stan to kill their LA "stalking horse" to get tax payers to build them stadiums. Entitled rich always want more power, tax dollars, union busting, low wages, high shareholder & executive pay. LA voters ain't giving in to their extortion attempts, so the rich will continue to use it as their LA power lever against the weak kneed idiots elsewhere.
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I see you came back to sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are kiss my.:biggrin:

you can lie all you want how you never said the rams were not coming back to LA,except you cant get around how I proved you wrong posting that quote from yours I posted where you said kronke was just using the 60 acres of land purchase for LEVERAGE.:asshole:

again,spanos and davis are using LA for leverage,but Kronke will have the Rams back in LA by 2016 at the latest.:asshole:
I see you came back to sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are kiss my.:biggrin:

you can lie all you want how you never said the rams were not coming back to LA,except you cant get around how I proved you wrong posting that quote from yours I posted where you said kronke was just using the 60 acres of land purchase for LEVERAGE.:asshole:

again,spanos and davis are using LA for leverage,but Kronke will have the Rams back in LA by 2016 at the latest.:asshole:

You said 2015, you guaranteed it. You lied!
someone farted in here.^ hey pooper,its funny how you and kiss my troll cant even get on the same page when the rams are coming back.FIRST kiss my says they are never coming back saying Kronke was merely using LA only for leverage,then LIES saying he never said that as I proved recently,NOW saying it will be up to four years before they come back.

you at least I give you credit,know they will be back by 2016.you might want to let kissmy know that plus wildcard since he STILL thinks they are NEVER coming back amazingly.:biggrin::haha::haha::haha:
hey wildcard,if you are reading this its funny that YOU would be so stupid not to think the Rams are coming back AFTER kronke made the announcement that he bought an additional 300 acres of land near Inglewood this past January AFTER the announcement from goddel came that no teams could file for relocation in the 2015 season.

so according to you,kronke bought all that land with all that money and is going to lose all those millions of dollars he purchased for the land because you CLAIM the rams are not coming back to LA.
you should start a comedy club.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh::laugh:

I expect that stupidity out of kiss my and rightwingers mouth but I figured YOU were not that stupid.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

see unlike you,i can admit it when I am wrong.I MIGHT have been wrong about the year,just off by one year,we wont know for sure till june when the NFL owners meet to vote on it and then Inglewood citizens vote on the new stadium.those were facts I wasn't aware of till recently.

so makes perfect sense that knonkew would wait till june to make the announcement especially since the raiders did not announce they were moving out of LA back to Oakland till june 23rd 1995.

that's too complicated for you to grasp obviously.lol.
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hey wildcard,if you are reading this its funny that YOU would be so stupid not to think the Rams are coming back AFTER kronke made the announcement that he bought an additional 300 acres of land near Inglewood this past January AFTER the announcement from goddel came that no teams could file for relocation in the 2015 season.

so according to you,kronke bought all that land with all that money and is going to lose all those millions of dollars he purchased for the land because you CLAIM the rams are not coming back to LA.
you should start a comedy club.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh::laugh:

I expect that stupidity out of kiss my and rightwingers mouth but I figured YOU were not that stupid.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

see unlike you,i can admit it when I am wrong.I MIGHT have been wrong about the year,just off by one year,we wont know for sure till june when the NFL owners meet to vote on it and then Inglewood citizens vote on the new stadium.those were facts I wasn't aware of till recently.

so makes perfect sense that knonkew would wait till june to make the announcement especially since the raiders did not announce they were moving out of LA back to Oakland till june 23rd 1995.

that's too complicated for you to grasp obviously.lol.

Hey :asshole:

The ONLY one around here who proves day in and day out that they're stupid is YOU. :cuckoo::lmao:

so according to you,kronke bought all that land with all that money and is going to lose all those millions of dollars he purchased for the land

And once again, you have proven yourself to be a liar, because I never made no such claim. :eusa_liar:

because you CLAIM the rams are not coming back to LA.
In 2015 they are not, and I kept saying that all along.

Try again. :asshole:
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hey wildcard,if you are reading this its funny that YOU would be so stupid not to think the Rams are coming back AFTER kronke made the announcement that he bought an additional 300 acres of land near Inglewood this past January AFTER the announcement from goddel came that no teams could file for relocation in the 2015 season.

so according to you,kronke bought all that land with all that money and is going to lose all those millions of dollars he purchased for the land because you CLAIM the rams are not coming back to LA.
you should start a comedy club.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh::laugh:

I expect that stupidity out of kiss my and rightwingers mouth but I figured YOU were not that stupid.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

see unlike you,i can admit it when I am wrong.I MIGHT have been wrong about the year,just off by one year,we wont know for sure till june when the NFL owners meet to vote on it and then Inglewood citizens vote on the new stadium.those were facts I wasn't aware of till recently.

so makes perfect sense that knonkew would wait till june to make the announcement especially since the raiders did not announce they were moving out of LA back to Oakland till june 23rd 1995.

that's too complicated for you to grasp obviously.lol.

Hey :asshole:

The ONLY one around here who proves day in and day out that they're stupid is YOU. :cuckoo::lmao:

so according to you,kronke bought all that land with all that money and is going to lose all those millions of dollars he purchased for the land

And once again, you have proven yourself to be a liar, because I never made no such claim. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

because you CLAIM the rams are not coming back to LA.
In 2015 they are not, and I kept saying that all along.

Try again. :asshole:

His misspellings, his lack of capital letters, his running sentences and his inability to put a complete thought in a sentence or paragraph, make him tough to read and understand. Then he throws the icons in and he is confusing as hell.

I agree, not 2015, possibly 2016. No matter who goes, the Chargers or the Rams, I think the Raiders follow.
hey wildcard,if you are reading this its funny that YOU would be so stupid not to think the Rams are coming back AFTER kronke made the announcement that he bought an additional 300 acres of land near Inglewood this past January AFTER the announcement from goddel came that no teams could file for relocation in the 2015 season.

so according to you,kronke bought all that land with all that money and is going to lose all those millions of dollars he purchased for the land because you CLAIM the rams are not coming back to LA.
you should start a comedy club.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh::laugh:

I expect that stupidity out of kiss my and rightwingers mouth but I figured YOU were not that stupid.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

see unlike you,i can admit it when I am wrong.I MIGHT have been wrong about the year,just off by one year,we wont know for sure till june when the NFL owners meet to vote on it and then Inglewood citizens vote on the new stadium.those were facts I wasn't aware of till recently.

so makes perfect sense that knonkew would wait till june to make the announcement especially since the raiders did not announce they were moving out of LA back to Oakland till june 23rd 1995.

that's too complicated for you to grasp obviously.lol.

Hey :asshole:

The ONLY one around here who proves day in and day out that they're stupid is YOU. :cuckoo::lmao:

so according to you,kronke bought all that land with all that money and is going to lose all those millions of dollars he purchased for the land

And once again, you have proven yourself to be a liar, because I never made no such claim. :eusa_liar:

because you CLAIM the rams are not coming back to LA.
In 2015 they are not, and I kept saying that all along.

Try again. :asshole:
How is that lying?
you said I can keep "DREAMING" they will come back SOMEDAY.you going to deny that after i reposted that post of yours?

SOMEDAY clearly means sometime YEARS down the road way off in the future.dreaming clearly is telling me its not going to happen anytime soon in the next year or two.:rolleyes-41:

you cant get around that one.To deny that reality is what is being stupid.:cuckoo:

you never came back when it was announced in january by Kronke that he plans to build an NFL stadium in LA,AFTER goddel said no teams could file for relocation for LA for the 2015 season.

If you would have actually taken he time to read through the previous posts of mine,you would have noticed that since the beginning of this month i have conceded it MIGHT not be this year,that it might be one more year,2016. that is hardly SOMEDAY in the way off future years down the road from now as you were saying back then,:biggrin::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

even the poster that replied after you who i have on ignore,even HE agrees with me it will be by 2016.:lmao: that is hardly SOMEDAY way off years from now in the future.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

ALSO you wont even answer ONE SIMPLE QUESTION which is why does a st louis sportswriter himself, after goodel made that announcement, why does even HE not believe they will be in st louis this year? fair question.:rolleyes-41:

I posted what he said but you just ignored it back then so no sense in bringing his quote up again just to watch you ignore it.
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hey wildcard,if you are reading this its funny that YOU would be so stupid not to think the Rams are coming back AFTER kronke made the announcement that he bought an additional 300 acres of land near Inglewood this past January AFTER the announcement from goddel came that no teams could file for relocation in the 2015 season.

so according to you,kronke bought all that land with all that money and is going to lose all those millions of dollars he purchased for the land because you CLAIM the rams are not coming back to LA.
you should start a comedy club.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh::laugh:

I expect that stupidity out of kiss my and rightwingers mouth but I figured YOU were not that stupid.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

see unlike you,i can admit it when I am wrong.I MIGHT have been wrong about the year,just off by one year,we wont know for sure till june when the NFL owners meet to vote on it and then Inglewood citizens vote on the new stadium.those were facts I wasn't aware of till recently.

so makes perfect sense that knonkew would wait till june to make the announcement especially since the raiders did not announce they were moving out of LA back to Oakland till june 23rd 1995.

that's too complicated for you to grasp obviously.lol.

Hey :asshole:

The ONLY one around here who proves day in and day out that they're stupid is YOU. :cuckoo::lmao:

so according to you,kronke bought all that land with all that money and is going to lose all those millions of dollars he purchased for the land

And once again, you have proven yourself to be a liar, because I never made no such claim. :eusa_liar:

because you CLAIM the rams are not coming back to LA.
In 2015 they are not, and I kept saying that all along.

Try again. :asshole:
How is that lying?
you said I can keep dreaming they will come back SOMEDAY.you going to deny that after i reposted that post of yours?

SOMEDAY clearly means sometime YEARS down the road way off in the future.dreaming clearly is telling me its never going to happen anytime soon in the next year or two.:rolleyes-41:

you cant get around that one.To deny that reality is what is being stupid.:cuckoo:

you never came back when it was announced in january by Kronke that he plans to build an NFL stadium in LA,AFTER goddel said no teams could file for relocation for LA for the 2015 season.

If you would actually taken he time to read through the previous posts of mine,you would have noticed that since the beginning of this month i have conceded it MIGHT not be this year,that it might be one more year,2016. that is hardly SOMEDAY in the way off future as you were saying back then,:biggrin::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

even the poster that replied after you who i have on ignore,even HE agrees with me it will be by 2016.:lmao: that is hardly SOMEDAY way off years from now in the future.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Dumb fuck, if I'm on ignore how do you know what I posted?

some VERY interesting news to report.

a coworker of mine told me this morning at work that before he left for work that he heard on the news this morning,that the inglewood city council is in negotiations talking about the new stadium they have plans to build in LA.

like i said,VERY,VERY interesting.the plot thickens.:up::D

This was news that even I wasnt aware of that was going to take place even from all my talks with all my LA contacts,they never alerted me to this.

Looking forward to seeing more of this on ESPN and the other news outlets when i get home tonight.I mean this is some major news the fact they are even reporting that HERE in the midwest where "I" live.

as i said,the plot thickens.:)

Kronke may be in LA THIS year after all.the shit is REALLY starting to hit the fan now.:D:up::up:
some VERY interesting news to report.

a coworker of mine told me this morning at work that before he left for work that he heard on the news this morning,that the inglewood city council is in negotiations talking about the new stadium they have plans to build in LA.

like i said,VERY,VERY interesting.the plot thickens.:up::D

This was news that even I wasnt aware of that was going to take place even from all my talks with all my LA contacts,they never alerted me to this.

Looking forward to seeing more of this on ESPN and the other news outlets when i get home tonight.I mean this is some major news the fact they are even reporting that HERE in the midwest where "I" live.

as i said,the plot thickens.:)

Kronke may be in LA THIS year after all.the shit is REALLY starting to hit the fan now.:D:up::up:

How can Inglewood make plans to build in Los Angeles?
they should move and foot the bill themselves for the stadium past costs onto the fans that plan to attend
they should move and foot the bill themselves for the stadium past costs onto the fans that plan to attend
That's why I still think its going to happen this year especially after what my worker told me this morning.See the chargers have already committed themselves to san diego this year as has the raiders have with oakland.the rams have not though so it makes no sense why Kronke would go back to st Louis for one more year and have a lame duck season because of stadium that's going to be mostly empty knowing he will be gone after this year IF he stays. He is going to make sure he gets to LA ahead of spanos and the chargers.

see that's why the Rams will be in LA soon where the chargers and raiders wont contrary to the ramblings of one troll around here because Kronke has the deep pockets to make the move.Davis and Spanos do not.

The NFL owners want an owner with deep pockets.Kronke fits the bill.He has been seen in LA having talks with LA mayor James Butts many times in the last few months which is why I have to believe the move is going to be this year sometime soon especially now with the news my coworker told me recently this morning.

btw,did you notice pooper farted before your posts? lol
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recently put out by the LA times.This LA times article hit the nail on the head.the chargers and raiders are clearly using carson as leverage.

LATimesFarmer: "In the end, the decision on L.A. could drive wedges into a historically cohesive group whose 32-team enterprise generates almost $10 billion in annual revenue. It's extremely unlikely that two stadiums will be built."
Here is what I was talking about earlier how the value of the Rams skyrockets when Stan moves the team to LA.

The St. Louis Rams Would Be Worth 2.5-3.5 Billion The Moment They Moved To Los Angeles - Business Insider

so as this article points out so well,stan doesn't lose money at all by building his own stadium.He in fact profits from the move.He gains NOTHING if he stays in st Louis.the longer he stays,the more money he loses.

This is why I don't see him staying there one more year risking a lame duck season with an empty stadium,that benefits nobody.Not him or any of the other NFL owners,matter of fact,ALL the NFL owners make more money out of the deal with the move so he will have no problem at all getting the votes from the owners in the NFL owners meeting in june when they vote on it.

some people don't get it that goddel is powerless to stop kronke,that it doesn't matter what goddel says,its what the OWNERS say.they all want the move except idiot spanos of course.:rolleyes-41: and maybe davis.

as I said before,the raiders did not move back to Oakland till june 23rd 1995.a fact I did not know till about a week ago.if THEY relocated that late,then it makes perfect sense that kronke would late till june AFTER the vote as well.think people,you can do it.:asshole:

as the chart shows,like I said before,they are ranked dead last in value.the only thing I posted earlier I made a mistake on was that the value of the team triples.

I thought I remembered that article saying it tripled but that was my bad,it does double at LEAST for kronke so why would he not move this year especially when he has the law on his side and he can legally do so? lol

can you really see him playing in st Louis for one more year risking a lame duck season? I cant.
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