Exercise/diet motivation...

How s everyone's workout's going?

I am doing really well, I have been looking around for new music and lately it has been disco and old skool rap :lol:

What kind of music do you use for exercise?

If I am working out, I am listening to Heavy Metal. I am LIFTING Heavy fucking Metal, right?

You're godamn right I am!! GURRRRRRRAHH!!!!!! Try doing this .....

....to disco?? God no!!


anyway...i am Still still doing "5x5" three times a week.

I am taking a break on the weighted vest for a few weeks to focus on squats and deadlift. But I am still going for walks almost every day! I have also been eating very clean. Almost no "white" carbs, plenty of protein, and good fats.

Life is good!!
How s everyone's workout's going?

I am doing really well, I have been looking around for new music and lately it has been disco and old skool rap :lol:

What kind of music do you use for exercise?

If I am working out, I am listening to Heavy Metal. I am LIFTING Heavy fucking Metal, right?

You're godamn right I am!! GURRRRRRRAHH!!!!!! Try doing this .....

....to disco?? God no!!


anyway...i am Still still doing "5x5" three times a week.

I am taking a break on the weighted vest for a few weeks to focus on squats and deadlift. But I am still going for walks almost every day! I have also been eating very clean. Almost no "white" carbs, plenty of protein, and good fats.

Life is good!!


I still like disco and old skool rap :)
I don't feel like doing shit.

Last week there was a lot of family problems and everyday I still worked out.

Today I am just sitting here thinking, I don't feel like it. Life is shit.

We all have those days. Hopefully better things are on the horizon, but you know that the endorphins from exercise will lift your spirits. On the other hand, sometimes we don't want our spirits lifted, but find some sort of contentment in accepting that life is not always joyful.

Hang tough, kid. Good thoughts sent your way. :eusa_clap:
I don't feel like doing shit.

Last week there was a lot of family problems and everyday I still worked out.

Today I am just sitting here thinking, I don't feel like it. Life is shit.

We all have those days. Hopefully better things are on the horizon, but you know that the endorphins from exercise will lift your spirits. On the other hand, sometimes we don't want our spirits lifted, but find some sort of contentment in accepting that life is not always joyful.

Hang tough, kid. Good thoughts sent your way. :eusa_clap:

I usually work through things. Once in a while a punch in the gut knocks me down.

I will probably go to the gym after my class is over. I hope.

Thanks Pennywise.
Doing well. Finished season one of Zombies, Run! and am too cheap to pay full price for the second season, so I'm on the treadmill less and doing Fitness Blender workouts more. Was finally at a place where I was able to do them anyway (it took me three months or so to get there). The workouts are exactly how and what I like in working out. Almost everything is body-weight routines, lots of HiiT stuff, nothing fancy just get in/get done/get on with it. Down 16lbs. so far. I'm off my butt waaaay more now, sitting on the computer doesn't happen much these days.
Doing well. Finished season one of Zombies, Run! and am too cheap to pay full price for the second season, so I'm on the treadmill less and doing Fitness Blender workouts more. Was finally at a place where I was able to do them anyway (it took me three months or so to get there). The workouts are exactly how and what I like in working out. Almost everything is body-weight routines, lots of HiiT stuff, nothing fancy just get in/get done/get on with it. Down 16lbs. so far. I'm off my butt waaaay more now, sitting on the computer doesn't happen much these days.

Went to the gym yesterday did weights. I've been doing both weights and cardio.

Last week someone I'm close to moved out and said really hurtful things to me.

Then a relative announced they are done grieving my sister's death but they also took her website down which I like to look at.

Today it just choked me up and I felt like I don't give a shit about myself, don't care if I look good or feel good.

I think we all have days like that eh?
Exercise should be a reflex. like a sneeze or yawn.

Feel like shit? Walk or run for 30 minutes.
Tired and worn out? Drop and bang out 20 push ups, 20 air squats, 20 lunges, and 20 jumping jacks for 20 circuits.
Feeling like a cold is coming on? take some zinc and head to the gym to do heavy squats, deadlifts, and pull ups.
Family or loved ones died? Grieve. Be sad. Then remind yourself that a life without health is worse than death, and go work out.

Stop talking.

Start doing.

Exercise should be a reflex. like a sneeze or yawn.

Feel like shit? Walk or run for 30 minutes.
Tired and worn out? Drop and bang out 20 push ups, 20 air squats, 20 lunges, and 20 jumping jacks for 20 circuits.
Feeling like a cold is coming on? take some zinc and head to the gym to do heavy squats, deadlifts, and pull ups.
Family or loved ones died? Grieve. Be sad. Then remind yourself that a life without health is worse than death, and go work out.

Stop talking.

Start doing.


I'm back on track.
For those of you "trying" to exercise please remember


There is no magic motivational pill, no bolt of lightning from the sky no amount of cajoling that will make you exercise.


or stop whining.
For those of you "trying" to exercise please remember


There is no magic motivational pill, no bolt of lightning from the sky no amount of cajoling that will make you exercise.


or stop whining.

I've been pretty good at it.

I think I just got caught off guard about my sister;s memorial site being taken down and about someone moving out last week. It felt like a punch in the gut.
Ways Your Workout Can Hurt

"If you want to spend the warm days of summer feeling just a little bit lighter, chances are, you'll turn to exercise.

"But certain moves performed at the gym won't do much for your beach body — and might even leave you injured.

"To find out what not to do, we turned to Brynn Jinnett, a Harvard-educated former New York City ballet dancer and founder of New York City fitness studio The Refine Method.

"First thing, she said, is to reign in those summer barbecue indulgences. "If you're doing crunches because you're really focused on making your abs flatter and tighter, instead, you should be looking at your diet," she said. "[Diet is what] will remove the fat that’s sitting over the top of your abdomen."

See which ones here: How Crunches Can Hurt: 9 Exercises to Never Do - weather.com
This is a thread for those who are trying to exercise and/or lose weight but cannot get motivated. We can use this thread to post what diet/exercise activities people are engaged in to help us keep fit and to support each other in our diet/exercise routine.

"...some of us who are really interested in making changes can post articles and ideas...and make support friends to PM privately when we need to have extra encouragement." (drifter)

I guess I'll start off the thread by posting this article which maybe helpful to some.

Get off your butt: 16 ways to get motivated when you're in a slump

Wish there'd been a support thread during my six week vegan diet way back. :) Without positive reinforcement and ''atta boy' it's hard enough to not do things nevermind do extra things like exercise. :)

Atta boy/girl!
(pats you on the backs)
I bought one of these last week.


It's called an XVEST. It's an 84 lb weighted vest. You can adjust the weight from 1lb all the way to 84lbs. It is made of super heavy duty ballistic nylon with the extra strong Velcro to adjust and fasten around the waist and shoulders. It positions the weight perfectly - seriously - you can run in these things - though they do recommend no more than 10% of body weight be added if running. It is real;y snug and tight around your chest and back - fully supporting your spine.

I loaded 20 lbs into the thing the day I bought it (on Craigslist for a huge discount!!) and went for a 3 mile walk around the neighborhood. 48 mins later - I felt like I ran a 10k! I was amazed at how tough it was!.

I have been walking with it for the same 3 mile track (which has a very nice hill!) everyday this week. I now feel very comfortable with the 20 lbs and am going to add another 10 lbs - bringing it up to aprrox. 15% of bodyweight. My goal is to eventually be able to walk 3-5 miles with the full 84lbs on!!

Stay motivated bitches!!! Stop making excuses and MOVE!!!

PS- one added benefit of this thing - my wife says I look like a Fire Fighter when I am wearing it......that damn redhead knows exactly how to play me! :lol:

I am now using 44lbs with the vest. I am doing Hindu Squats and Hindu push ups while wearing it.

I've worn the 44lb vest for about a month now- I walk a trail that has a steep hill that is about a mile long. The route is 3.17 miles and it takes me roughly 55 minutes.

I took the vest off the other day and walked the same route - it felt like I was flying! Walked it in under 15 min miles. - 47:33 for same 3.17 miles

The next day I upped the vest to 50lbs.....took me 59:10 for the same walk!


Still walking with the vest 2-3 time per week. I am now up to 62 lbs on the weighted vest walks- that is about 1/3 of my body weight.

I am still lifting heavy 3x per week too.

Life is good!

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